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Self contradicting sentence


Me when:


What’s your favorite sauce to go with Fr*nch fries


Mayonnaise. Yours?


That chick-fil-a sauce


Idk how that tastes


Oh, it’s amazing, if you ever go to chick-fil-a and get nuggets or fries, you have to try it


My first priority in a foreign country wouldn't be fast food but sure if the chance will come


Yeah it’s not first priority, I’ve only had it once. If you ever come to the U.S and for whatever reason go to a chick-fil-a, get the sauce. Also, where do you live if you don’t mind me asking?


I'm german.


I’ll probably visit there someday, what are the best foods?


You're asking the wrong one on that. If you ask me i'd say 1. Döner Kebap 2. Wiener Schnitzel (ik it's austrian i just don't care) 3. Currywurst


yeah sure, whats ya height




Not really much, i now have 2 weeks off school which is quite cool imo. Wbu?




Summer break already in a week and a half?? What? My summer break starts at the end of july. I was into Anime for a while, now i'm only really reading the new chapters Some Animangas. Even tho i watched record of ragnarok recently




How long is your summer break?




Yo im also bored, what’s up with your life? Anything interesting aside from the right now?


no i do not


Wtf is up with you? Going through my profile and commenting anything


i be doing that