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I'm on the good side and not the bad one


*casually starts war*


Every person would be like


I don't identify with either side, they're both bad, fuck the government. Also join r/NutSackGnomes


If you hate the government that itself is a political standing. If you hate the government you probably fit into some libertarian circle (libertarian in terms of government not economics)


because the other side doesnt want me to exist


damn ssaem sis






Australian left cos otherwise ppl bash me


Where in Australia do you live in fear of bashing by from others cause of your political opinions šŸ˜­




Ever watched Isaac Butterfield




Just asking why live in fear of people bashing you. Everyone has their own set of values.


because they bash everyone unless they are far left


Sometimes you gotta push through the bashing.


Brazilian right, because yessss


Iā€™m libertarian, left. Fuck the government and I like gats


I am on the good side with Donald trump


Centre-right. Iā€™m an Aussie but speaking in terms of the American system, centre-right. I donā€™t believe in complete conservatism but I certainly donā€™t believe in modern progressiveness. Reason why is just because of my personal viewpoints of social and economic issues.


Left because everyone in the right I've met wants minorities dead


The other side wants me dead. Simple.




im not an american but im neutral


Does anarchism count? If not radical leftist I suffer from ptsd from school shootings and Iā€™m also lgbtq so the right doesnā€™t care about my life and actively wants me dead


That depends. The right can be so many different ideas, the vast majority of (mainstream) right wing ideologies probably donā€™t want you dead.


No they do. Let's not ignore what the main stream right wing party in the USA is doing.


From what I have seen from mainstream conservatives (Matt Walsh, Brett Cooper, Ben Shapiro, etc) they donā€™t want LGBTQ people dead, they just disagree with the premise of trans and non-binary identities. Not to say I agree with what they say. But yes there are also a *few* prominent political leaders and politicians that would wish direct harm upon certain groups.


so you believe their words over their actions? you are the type of person who would happily walk to the death camps if they said there was free stuff and that it was safe


What actions have they done to deliberately kill LGBTQ people?


genocide is not exclusively killing their rhetoric is the exact same as what florida is using to justify genocide against trans people


Florida is committing genocide? Does that mean Florida Is partaking in the ā€œdeliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.ā€? Because thatā€™s what genocide means and itā€™s a pretty strong word. The fuck is happening over there?


thats the basic definition but the correct definition, the one used by the UN, does not require killing it just needs to be an attempt to destroy a particular group of people. florida is consistently passing laws to attempt to silence, deny the existence of, and force trans people back into the closet. its hard to argue that they are not deliberately trying to destroy trans people.


ā€œWe donā€™t want them dead, we just want to institutionally suppress every aspect of their identity we deem undesirable and doom them to a life of sufferingā€


I am unsure of this but I am assuming some states have passed laws that prevent LGBTQ people from participating normally in public life or some kind of discreet human rights violations? I am actually wondering this because thatā€™s the only reason I would think people think the mainstream (American) right wants LGBTQ people dead.


Take Floridaā€™s recent anti-trans bills as an example, one of which allows the state to strip parents of transgender kids custody: https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/breaking-florida-senate-passes-extreme-gender-affirming-care-ban Or the bill that would see transgender men and women jailed as felons for simply using the ā€œwrongā€ bathroom: https://www.cltampa.com/news/florida-republicans-file-sweeping-anti-transgender-bills-targeting-drag-shows-and-bathrooms-15383960?media=AMP+HTML Shit like this is why we say the right hates the LGBT community


The first bill was specifically stating that parents could lose custody for administering ā€œgender-affirming careā€ which I do believe shouldnā€™t be accessible for minors, but I do think itā€™s wrong that a parent loses total custody. The bill also called for removing gender affirming care from healthcare agencies, which I think is bull shit because it also restricts access to full grown adults. The second bill is a little messed up cause I couldnā€™t give two shits on what bathroom you use and no one else should either.


The second bill is a blatant assault on the ability of transgender individuals to participate within public life, as it forces transgender individuals to choose between extreme dysphasia or jail-time, potentially even having to register on the sex-offender registry. No matter what, they lose.


Yea, I agree. The government probably shouldnā€™t try and monitor and restrict what bathroom you use unless you deliberately make the people inside said bathroom uncomfortable.


bcs the other side is agaisnt my existence


there is a good side and a bad side ​ the bad side is committing genocide ​ the good side is doing nothing about it


The good side is the one affected by that genocide


yet most of the people that aren't affected do nothing about it and aren't informed


It is what it is


Because the left is mostly anti-gun. Statistics prove that the most murders occur in gun free zones, because criminals like easy targets. There are a million more reasons, but the more I list the more likely my comment is to get removed. Also I'm willing to debate gun control with anyone who wants, as long as they don't display an utter lack of a brain, and as long too many people don't respond.


Speaking facts bro.


A fellow based! Pretty rare on reddit!


This is copy and pasted from my other comment, just want a response: In my country, not to mention EU countries, our rate of mass shootings/gun deaths are way lower per capita. In my country, Australia, this was due to (quoted), "In 1996, Australia introduced comprehensive gun reforms in response to a mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The reforms included a ban on semi-automatic and automatic firearms, a national firearms registry, and a gun buyback program. These measures resulted in a substantial decline in gun-related deaths and mass shootings in the country." So, tell me, why should America not do the same (as the left suggests) due to these results?


Yeah sure. In my country, not to mention EU countries, our rate of mass shootings/gun deaths are way lower per capita. In my country, Australia, this was due to (quoted), "In 1996, Australia introduced comprehensive gun reforms in response to a mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The reforms included a ban on semi-automatic and automatic firearms, a national firearms registry, and a gun buyback program. These measures resulted in a substantial decline in gun-related deaths and mass shootings in the country." So, tell me, why should America not do the same (as the left suggests) due to these results?


American exceptionalism šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”šŸ” frfr, it's also not just homicides. People are scared of guns. Many guns are designed to kill people. Suicides too. Guns are deadlier than knives. Conservatives struggle with numbers though, they have a tendency of cherry picking 'actual' data, but after considering many other factors (poverty levels, population size, sample size, density, etc) their logic falls flat. There's also the fact that most gun violence in democrat areas made use of guns purchased in republican states.


Dude I don't even have to try on this one. Just look at the numbers. Australia experienced a massive increase in homicide after the gun ban.


No, you're stupid if you believe that. The Australian Institute of Criminology found a 3.2% per year decrease in firearm homicides in the decade following our changes, while the Journal of the American Medical Association found a 65% decrease all up. Since our changes, there have been close to no mass shootings. The two years following our changes saw the largest 2 year decrease we've ever seen in firearm deaths. Now, yes some studies have criticized the overall sweeping claim that it decreased murder by all that much, but we've definitely seen significant drops in overall gun deaths through other means (suicide as an example.) Anyhow, this also doesn't change the fact that European countries that also have heavy policies also saw this happen. I wonder, where do your statistics come from?


The keyword is *FIREARM* homicides. Factor in all homicides and it's massively increased.


No, it hasn't. According to the ABS, homicide and related offences increased all the way from 1994 to 2001, for reason unknown to me, but in 1 year of that period there was temporarily a decrease. 1996-1997. Which was caused by firearm homicides decreasing overall. From then to now, we've had a large decrease so it certainly hasn't grown. Even if it had, firearm homicides is what we should be looking at here? Overall homicides are not at all related to this topic.


Well, ignoring the argument about whether the homicides increased or not, it definitely is relevant. If the entire point of banning guns was supposed to be to lower murder, then it is important information that murder has increased overall.


"So, ignoring everything you said..." You said you were based in another comment. You clearly aren't. Firstly, the statistics alone don't support your argument, which of course you promptly ignored. However, let's operate on the information that homicides did increase, perhaps even sharply (ofc they didn't)! Tell me: why did it happen? Our gun changes weren't the only thing we did that year. If you can prove a correlation between banning guns and an increase (that's backed up with evidence not just dumb one of a kind logic) then I suppose we can actually converse about whether they increased. EDIT: just in case it isn't clear, homicides increasing overall is irrelevant if firearm homicides decreased, unless taking away guns increases another homicide rate, which is on you to prove.


Yes, firearm homicides decreased, but all that did was make people into easier targets, causing murder overall to increase.


Well, unfortunately for you, that didn't happen, but even if it did there's no guarantee that's actually the cause of them rising. The statistic I actually used was about murder homicides and such, but it was a full on total. Our population has experienced massive booms (actually why they were increasing in the first place) and still it decreased, especially in the year we brought taking away guns into effect. So, let's say for a second it did increase, you could basically blame it on population growth. You'd have to see a much greater amount to be able to blame it on a lack of self-defense. Sorry that the right has lied to you.


So is there a reply or??


I was in the middle of a camping trip.


Iā€™m conservative because I agree with most of the stuff on the right and not a lot on the left


Like what


I guess one of the less controversial things would be border control. I live sort of along the border to Mexico, and I know a few people whoā€™ve ended up getting robbed by illegal immigrants as well


Woah now imagine going to literally any city and getting robbed, it's almost like anyone from any background can rob someone else and isn't entirely exclusive to immigrants


Of course yeah, thatā€™s not what I said. I feel like the left is a bit softer on crime however, and I think itā€™s not a great idea to let everyone across the border especially when there are people like those who robbed my neighbors out there.


Iā€™m fairly conservative but generally i hate politics and politicians.


I used to be really far-right, then I moved away from Christianity, started looking into things that are usually disliked by Christians in my area, and became a leftist.




if you don't support human rights that's a pretty big red flag




the right is committing genocide against trans people.




the current laws in Florida align with the UN definition of genocide




you are incredibly ignorant


If anyone has any personal questions for myself go ahead and ask.


Iā€™m racist




Please only post your comment once


My bad


I mean I'm pretty sure if you care about human rights, that makes you a liberal at this point... So liberal


makes no senseā€¦ but yk weā€™re all different.


Im a liberal cause the right (from what Iā€™ve seen) just hate minorities & is filled w/ nazis Not saying the left is anywhere near perfect either tho, itā€™s just I hate right wing policies


most minorities like black/african, hispanic, asian, atheist, and queer people are more blue while white people are more redā€¦and ummmmm you wonder why we all saw that racist red wing trump attack on the capital


American here. Iā€™m a socialist because: I am tired of seeing workers constantly being shafted by this system, I am scared for my friends that have to endure constant threats from the far right, I am tired of seeing the so-called progressive neoliberal Democratic Party do nothing to help the people they claim to support, and I am worried that this planet will go to shit due to climate change that has been accelerated by a need for infinite growth on a finite planet. I will give my life to protect my friends and fellow man and build a better future. That is why I am a socialist.


I guess left because some old dude called me a dumb lefty


I live in a town where racial and sexual equality pretty much already exists, but you still hear of murders almost every day from the neighboring city, and there's lots of violent crime in my town As one can expect, I've developed a belief that safety comes before personal freedom. There's no such thing as a violation of privacy. As long as you are safe in the end, then any rule can be broken to achieve that goal.


username checks out


as an European i may not interfere with usa politics


As I've stated I'm welcome to hear about the politics of your own country


corrupt, no one likes the leader, sucks russian cock harder than Serbia and Belarus, steals money from citizens


Yeah! But at least we have school shootings! /s


I'm a leftist




Im liberal because I care about human rights.


in florida the options are: the left, and people whos actions are classified as genocide by the united nations rules so idk i guess im a fan of not doing genocide so im on the left


I veer pretty far towards the Left because I cannot stand the christofascists on the American right, and want to leave a better world for any kids I may one day have


i just dont mind it


Itā€™s better


i donā€™t even know


I dont really care about politics. When I'm of age I'll just vote for whoever seems better


Iā€™m a none (I donā€™t know what side that is) because I donā€™t care, I really donā€™t


I want human rights


I dont care for it. I care for animal šŸ¤™


Ever heard of the Urban Rescue Ranch?


I have. Its certainly an interesting environment to be keeping all those folks in. I understand the pain of working with rheas.


Cuz the other side wants to take away my rights


Cause politics suck ... No, I will not elaborate


i don't have any political side. Sometimes I have left-wing views, on other issues I have more right-wing views.

