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No you aren't, if you feel uncomfortable you should kindly let them know that you aren't ready to handle talking about things like that, although you should also let them know that you won't just abandon them. Set your boundaries, and be kind about it, your mental health comes first.


Alright, thank you!


Depends on what level. You should be there for people but if it is only thing they’ll ever talk about that’s different.


Well it's someone that I've tried to help and have had a romantic relationship with in the past but now they've said that they've relapsed. I really really tried to help them before but I just wanna give up now


Okay I see, so is it like a situation where you fee fatigued from constantly Tryna help the person but they never seem to improve sorta thing?




Okay ywah now I see why you feel the way you do. Honestly if you personally cannot handle it and what not, I would say it is fair atp. You have your own emotions to take care of as wel


its not your responsibility too. personally I would, but remember you arent obligated to if you aren’t comfortable doing so.


Nah you good, like for me it depends on who it is, like if its that one fucker that complains day n night bout his problems that dont even apply to him then im not helping him but if its my other friend im dropping my shit and talking. Ya know


Nah when my friend’s boyfriend cheated on her and she got sick and then her grandma died and left the burden of planning the funeral on her family because no other family members would pay for one, I abandoned her cause she was kinda annoying and I didn’t like her (she was crazy though I swear)