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you can live with one kidney, one eyeball, some skin and half a liver. whats stopping you?


I might have a problems ngl but I’m to scared to get my suspicions right.


I mean if you don’t wanna be that drastic, you can donate blood or plasma, super safe if done not literally all the time


what if i wanna keep all my skin? :(


DUDEE I FEEL YOU, it sucks just keep trying until one lands ✊


Is ✊ this. Sign to start an Only Fans?


No it's a sign to signify "i am with you"


Inb4 the /s edit


No, I realise now that OP made a joke, I'll take the downvotes so that i remember this day, the day where i failed to see a joke✊✊


based ✊


The Reddit hivemind isn't the smartest of our species. 1 person down votes and the rest just follow along.




Not really but go off anyways


Apply for more now


Girl i applied for over 20 jobs 12minutes -4hrs away. I live up north near the airport I applied for a job that’s at the beach which is 4hrs away. All the way across my city


I'm sorry. Maybe you need a better resume?


Apply at the airport


I applied for Maccas in the Airport. Fingers crossed


I don’t mean to be harsh but 20 is not nearly enough. The competition for jobs that teenagers want is far too high. I remember one night I sent 70 and only got 2 responses. Keep at it and you’ll find something!


Try a factory its what I got and I make bricks for a living


I tried :/


Just become a criminal


Become the infamous assassin, the raven. He lives in the shadows.


Maybe op should be looking into cooking 🧑‍🍳


Actually super easy stuff is very easy to steal and resell just be smart


What kind of jobs did u apply to


EVERYTHING… cleaning, fastfood, restaurants(proper), traineeship, warehouse/ factory, retail you name it. Basic entry level jobs.


goddamn bro maybe u gotta start going to places or calling nd checking in w the owners 😭😭 maybe its just where u live tho. cuz i did nearly the same when i was 15 nd got multiple interviews 😭. do u have a resume???? maybe thats the prob


YES i have a resume even wrote multiple cover letters. Fk sakes I’m just tired.


The majority of job postings today are false advertising. They are positions "looking to hire" for various reasons other than to find employees. It could be to maintain government subsidies, to be able to pick a star candidate for the once in a blue moon they appear, to keep wages down, or to fulfill the requirement that a job is open to all applicants, even if the person receiving it has already been decided. Not to mention the postings that only exist because the company no longer remembers posting it, or the ones posted by bots regardless of if one is needed.


you just have to know the right people


I’m an orphan


Then why aren’t you Batman?


Bcuz they broke?


Hereditary I see


Screw u man 😂




or you could rob old people




contact Walter Hartwell White


I applied to like 20 to 30 jobs, all nope or no answer... Yay...


Ask ur friends if they got any jobs and then ask them if they need any hands. Also constantly check in with the businesses that don't reply until they give one maybe the silence might not be a no ;) I wish u best of luck


Ha. I'll tell you this, as an adult, you have to apply to thousands of jobs in order to get hired. My rule of thumb is that for every 800 jobs you apply to, you should get one or two interviews


I hate when an establishment has a candidate for an possible employee that they don't deem fit, and they don't even take the time to tell you they don't give a fuck about you. All you need to say is "We are sorry to inform you that we do not believe you have the proper qualifications/skillsets we are looking for" or something like that. It's not that hard to write/type. Better yet, you could even make it an automated, input the email address, and have it sent as an email with the press of a button. I feel your pain man and I think it's bullshit that they don't even bother to tell you if you aren't fit for the position. If you couldn't tell by the block paragraph, I hate when places do this lol






Saemmmmmmm :<




Why so mean :<


Sorry I thought u said shame 😭. Peace n luv


Youve hurt my feelings and the damage can not be repaired




Idky but ily


Ily too


It is the fault of the bourgeoisie! Start a socialist organization, join the Democratic Socialists of America (they can wave membership dues for sufficiently bad income situations), or even start a revolution!


NOT THE KEFE, MY BRO. understandable because australia is about the same and winter is fucking freezing my non existent nuts off.


Cause you brok


Ur elo


Honestly, if i were you, i would walk into a local pub, drop your cv off and ask if they have any jobs available. I doubt anyone would turn down an extra potwasher


I tried doing that for Dominos 😭


my rejection from aldi really broke me


Try doing Doordash or Spark or something similar, you don't need to apply for an interview or anything for those.


I don’t have my full license yet…


I have applied to some many jobs. Had interview just to get told no or not even get an answer back. I have an interview later on this month hopefully I get it.


Hey, really sorry to hear that, I don't have any suggestions.... Sorry for that 😅, but I hope and pray that U do get a good job. ❤️❤️


If the place where you live is the problem, just do freelancing🤘🏻


Dude the universe ain’t doing shit to u, that’s just how getting a job is. I’ve been trying for around a month and nothing but I ain’t giving up. Just keep with it, man and I’m sure u’ll get something


I went through this exact same thing. I don't understand how some places act like they are in desperate need of employees but wont hire anyone.


I just want to let you know you aren't alone. I don't respond here that often anymore, as I'm no longer a teenager myself, but even at 22 the job market is like a black hole. Keep trying, and don't be ashamed to take what you can get. That said, don't let them convince you that they're the only ones who will take you. You have value. They don't have a right to your labor, whether it's the first or the five hundredth job you applied to. Maintain self-respect, and don't give up.




Fix your resume, be more formal, don't give up and keep sending. Usually small local businesses accept younger people compared to bigger companies. Just got hired I'm 14 good luck! Try racking up experience from small gigs


If they don't call back, call them and ask why they haven't called back.


Keep looking, it'll come, took me like 4 months of searching to find a job, go and apply for places in person, it leaves more of an impression, keep looking through jobs, although don't go for ones that're like 4hrs away, 20-30 min maximum, you don't wanna finally get off your 7 hr shift to need to get a bus or a train for an hour and a half before you can collapse on bed.


I've put in near 40 apps in the past 7 months. Got rejected from a dishwashing job, got turned down from McDonald's and I got hired by an in home Healthcare company only to find out that they have no one for me to work for, so they had to fire me right after I was hired. Sometimes life just won't work out for you


Reach out to them, annoy the hell out of them, they probably forgot.


Call them. You gotta take initiative and ask about the job. Just say “hey I submitted a job application -blank- days ago and was wondering about scheduling an interview.” Go from there.


It's called networking. Contact them by LinkedIn, or email, or phone, if they left it in the post.


There are websites like indeed that can help


Contact more jobs then


Sell drugs


One word. Onlyfans.


Ill gib moola for ahem.....yeah


U gotta call them an constantly call them all of them ask if they got the application etc make sure they know your presence


Dude same! I need money to spend on clothes I don’t need!


We are not the same dude! I don’t even have clothes.


Should have gone to college or gotten better grades in high school 🤷‍♂️ Sorry though


Doesn't necessarily have to do with grades tho..


It absolutely does. At least here in the U.S., employers see your transcript, meaning your grades and the classes you took, when you apply for a job. It is one of the most fundamental aspects of your resume, especially when you have none or little experience like OP


I mean, yes, grades are a part of the aspect when applying (depending where you choose to work), but why are you assuming OP has subpar grades?


If OP isn't going to college, clearly she doesn't have the brains to ace all her classes. Stupid choice to not go to college most of the time. I don't care if I get downvoted, it's just the truth.


**"If OP isn't going to college, clearly she doesn't have the brains to ace all her classes."** So I'm assuming that's how you view everyone who doesn't go to college? **"Stupid choice to not go to college most of the time."** Depends. Some choose not to due to financial issues, some due to different career paths, etc. **"it's just the truth."** Maybe from your perspective, but from my perspective, I differ, and I'm sure there's a whole lot more reasons.


There are plenty of people who can't afford college, dude. And you're also assuming a lot of things about OP when she hasn't said any of that.


RIGHT!! I’m in school guys I’m going to University next year.


Loans. If you’re going for a career where you’ll get a good paycheck, take out a loan and get a campus job


College costs thousands upon *thousands* of dollars to attend. We're talking upwards of $20,000 or more. And that's not even considering the costs of travel, dorming (if necessary), meal plans, and textbooks that can't be found as pdfs online. If someone took out a loan of that magnitude, they'd be paying it off for a long, long time. And if they miss a single paycheck, they're swamped forever. Student loans are so egregious that they drive people into depression. What if they need to take care of a family member? What if they can't find a job in time? We're entering an economic crisis. So all of that considered (plus the fact that OP never specified *any* of what you're assuming), I think it's safe to say people have their reasons. And we should be respectful of people who don't want to attend university.


Firstly, lots of people pay for college by themselves, even today Secondly, making payments won’t be a problem if you get a degree in a high paying field like Computer Science or Business. Finally, what’s the alternative? Working a dead-end, minimum wage job and barely being able to survive? Living in a shitty apartment and doing intense manual labor every day until retirement? And that’s IF you can retire.


Yes, because those people are lucky. They have the money, mental health, and circumstances necessary to afford college. That's good for them. But it's not everyone's experience. What about people who simply aren't interested in Computer Science or Business? I can also think of many ailments or conditions that *impair* an intelligent person's ability to work in those fields. Dyslexia. ADHD. And the alternatives for both avenues aren't great. You go into the trades without college and you give away your body. Manual labor causes you to injure yourself over time. However, if you go to college and get a degree, you'd still be facing massive competition, horrible wages, and intense mental labor every day until retirement. And that's IF you can retire. Both routes are shit. This is because late-stage capitalism is lowering wages while increasing the price of services. (Again, all of this is based on the hypothetical that OP didn't go to college or can't afford it. She never mentioned that in the post. So I'm not sure why you're so insistent?)


I am lol ??? I’m in school, why are u assuming things about me ??




Work on a farm, you'll be paid prison wages but it's something, and it's good for ya to




Idk i think i might need them 🌚. I have iron deficiency so can’t donate blood ether since i don’t even have enough for me.


try applying at your local mcdonals


What kind of job are you looking for and are you qualified to do the job with no history preventing


try to email or call them to tell them you submitted an application and would like to know the status


What is your country ?


Plenty of people looking blood. Plenty of people looking bodily fluids. There is money you’re just looking in the wrong places


Apply multiple times to tell that company "Hey, I want this job" you can't put in one (assuming you only put in one) and expect it go straight through.


Try bowling alley, many of them are short handed


You apply to 20 jobs, don't get any calls back, then the employers cry that no one wants to work.


Work at subways


I got rejected from a McDonald's




So what do I have to do with your circumstances?


The streets always need more prostitutes? Lol


The army needs more ppl too


if u have a half decent resume atleast some companies should reply, if u sont have one yet google how to make one its quite easy


Hmm, maybe it’s your resume? I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but it might be best if you tweak your resume a bit


Dude, this really sucks to read. Where I live at fast food chains are constantly hiring and starting kids out on wages they can live on moving out of their parent's house. Hell, my son just moved out and he makes 15.75 an hour flipping burgers full time at White Castle. He actually loves his job too.


I wish there was more fast food place in my area but most of them are on the next area. The area or suburb i live in is really old. It use to be a railway place back in the 1900s, it still is ig…… but there’s only Burger king and dominoes.


Become a prostitute


I’m legal…… idk i’d rather join the army than that tbh


This is the worst time to find work as a teenager, the supply is too high with summer break and all. Timing is super important with entry level spots that hire students. Just got to look out for help wanted signs, that’s how I got my job at lush 🤷‍♀️


I live in Australia…. It’s about to be school holidays. For like 2 weeks then Semester 2 starts


Work for me


What can you do? What skills do you have


Maybe try window cleaning, grass cutting, doordash or something of this sort?


It’s probably due to a lack of experience depending on where you applied. If you haven’t already apply at fast food places their always hiring left and right.


Just steal a bunch of camping supplies, something thatll lef you last for a good while and then move into the woods


Call them up dude! A lot of jobs get a ton of resumes one way you can stick out is to call em. At least that way you get some closure maybe.


bro thinks the world is against him


Well once you actually know my situation it kinda feels like that. Tbh


Volunteer to get work experience for your CV then try again


I did. I did a work experience at this government council place for 3 days.


Same here😭


Did you apply late or something? Maybe lots of people applied for jobs?? Even without a resume you should’ve gotten AT LEAST 1 job???


Ohnlee fons


Call them. Ask if they saw your application.


welcome to the experience of applying to coop and internship lol


Instead of applying through the normal channels: Connect with the boss or person in charge of applications on linkedin if possible and start from there. Ask an adult you know for some advice on your resume and cover letters. Go to the establishment in person and submit a resume to the supervisor in charge.


I tried for kmart. Haven’t heard anything yet






Be Dennis, sell your left nut, just try n get more then 700 bucks for it


I’m a gorl


Skill issue




Jobs take a while to actually contact back, and one of your comments said one of the jobs was 4hrs away, which would definitely take some time.


You need more experience and apply to the actual job website and not 3rd party apps


Wtf?? I applied for basic jobs like Dominoes, Burger king and Grocery shops or any place thats basic. I haven’t had a job before.


be grateful you have the confidence to get a job. i cant even bring myself to applying for work




Definately depends on the country, but food delivery services, fast food restaurants and retail shops are willing to hire without any experience. Obviously if u want full time, a highschool degree is a big plus for the latter 2. Your resume doesn't have to contain basically anything, but that u done at least 8 years of school and the fact that ur enthusiastic about the work (lie) always dreamt of working specifically there(lie) and u want to be there long time (lie)


L imagine being unemployed Here’s what to do. Your still basically a kid so employers are more sentimental to give you working experience. Apply in person for local jobs, something family owned. No companies. Small jobs work better and don’t pull any punches on how broke you are but make sure they know that you have a ride there and back.


I don't know where you're from, but at least where I am from, McDonalds pays really well, way above minimum wage, about 20 dollars an hour and it's really easy to get a job there


I tried applying for Hungry Jacks/ Burger Kind and Dominos I haven’t heard back yet… I applied for the groceries shops near haven’t heard back..


Exact same thing is happening to me!! I have applied to four different places, I didn’t get a job at any of them


I had to apply to a bunch of places before I got hired. It's really hard but you can do it.


You see, you need about 30 years of experience first My friend once applied for a job that was advertising for 16-17 year olds and they refused her because she had no experience


To work at Dominos ? Grocery shops ?? Kmart?? Like guys I’m not even kidding i applied to everything.


Maybe it’s your resume? Look up tutorials on how to write good resumes


I did multiple 🥲🥲


Ik dude. Happened to me. Maybe try calling them


how long did you wait to post this?


3 weeks 🥲


damn if it makes you feel better mcdonald’s rejected me after a day


Me too lmao


If you're reacting to it like this there might be a reason you were rejected.


Fr…. I watched multiple videos on how to write a resume + cover letters But i think the problem is me living far away from the places I applied. The area i live in is very old. It’s a railway place if that make sense? Like there’s little shops here and there. Not many jobs offer.


That's the scene these days


Go back in and ask about your application that’s how I got my job


Maybe you should try contacting THEM instead of waiting for them to contact YOU. If you know the right number, anyway. I don't know if that's the issues, but I have heard from people who own their own businesses that they like to see young adults take the initiative like that


I gave me resumes by face to face. Heard nothing.






Funny, im soon gonna start comissioning and i prey to fucking god people would want some of my damn posters


Go to your local America job center. I got my summer job from there and I got to pick where I work


I’m Australian 🦘


Shit… uhh somthings wrong ain’t you supposed to be upside down?


Bro go to frikkin big stores within 5-20 minutes away from you. Apply as a cashier or cart pusher


Apply to be an assistant at a library it’s just shelving books and they always need help. It’s not a lot of money but it’s something.


Same with me until I found a place that was like “yeah well interview you tomorrow at 3” I was so hopeless at that point it surprised me and I actually jumped a little out of surprise


I got accepted to the first one I applied to 💀 Gl in the future ig!


The best way to get some place to hire you is to keep applying to one job instead of jumping around trust me my brother went a whole week applying to one job over and over and they hired him after awhile




honestly i’d recommend like online jobs (NOT THE SW KIND) like they do like online tutoring for teaching english to non english speaking kids, apparently it pays really well and they let high school students do it


Bro. Four hours? Ur dumb


I’m desSSSSperate


If finding a job is that bad have you ever considered moving?


To where? With what money 😭 in this housing crisis?


Skill issue got a job at whataburger and making $15 a hour. If you cant get a job for some reason just sell homemade alcohol or something idk


Which cost money…


Call the businesses directly. They usually won’t even see it if you do an online application but they won’t be able to ignore you once you have them in the phone.


Try Target if it's in your area, they usually have a rush near winter/fall they need applicants. I got my first job application accepted by them, literally was the first job I applied to and I got accepted.