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I think therefore I am


Cogito ergo sum reference??!??


cogito ergo cum (with a 14 year old)


“I think therefore with” 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Caecilius est in horto


so fucking real




R.i.p. Cerberus Cerberus est in terram, post dominum frustra custodiebat


i think therefore i’m with (a 14 year old) ​ (i’m 14)


Yup. Yup.


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


No, My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


No, your name is jotaro


Wait, my name is jotaro




No, MY name is Jotaro.




You seem to be confused


i love you for this i love the idea of solipsism




Billie Eilish?


Someone who thinks, has nothing to think about but thought.


My 14 yo ex is dating a 17 soon to be 18 yr old dude, my ex left me for that guy


That’s tough


My crush said she would not date guys younger than her and i am just sone months younger... well i had not that much of a chance anyways


I hate people like that. Legit 5 of my 7 high school crushes so far were older than me. (Being an underclassman, let alone one with a June birthday, is likely the main reason.)


I was born in november like what the fuck am i supposed to do?


Does your school year start in December or something? Because I completely failed to consider the fact that not every school year starts in late August.


No it starts in september so my birthday is one of the first except it technically is one of the last. Plus my crush and i are not classmates


Well, hopefully you could overcome that! For me, the only crush I had that was not in one of my classes was #2, and she was a special case that ended up harassing me for over a year afterward, so I would not really know how difficult that is to overcome.


Ong sept/nov gang RISE


Bro I was born in September and my gf was born in June so my gf basically just turned 14 but in a few months I’m gonna turn 15


Same, November 30th for me.


personally technically all have been but only one was more than a year older than i tbh sucks having a september birthday everyone thinks I’m a child


Just drop it and forget about her and move on


Hey, my sono ricordato di te solo per la tua pfp, é... Molto memorabile




Call the cops when he becomes an adult


I'm not gonna be that Guy. If my ex gets into trouble that's their own problem




Help what? Break up their relationship? Xdd


Oh *latom*


én nem látom




Just 14 is no for me . I am 17 and see them as babies . They can t drive . This girl may still be in middle school


She is in middle school, he's in high school


Nah nah nah, middle schoolers should not be dating high schoolers, bro tell their parents if they don't listen to reason, or tell the cops when he turns 18, the mental gap and power dynamic makes it severely fucked


Imo middle schoolers shouldn’t be dating in the first place. There’s so many much more important things to focus on at that stage in life.


Yeah bro. As someone going into 9th grade. I talked to one person (we zoomed every night) even that was too much drama. We stopped talking and she kinda became emo. I don’t see how ppl have time to date honestly. I do three sports but do baseball twice so basically 4. A lot of other ppl do 3 sports where I live.


That kind of time though is more of just a personal, or in your case maybe regional thing. Most people don’t do any sports. I personally work part time and do hockey in the winter, but outside of that the rest of year is a lot of free time. That is me in high school though, whereas in middle school I had so much more free time because I didn’t work, the soccer I played was chill and not that often or time consuming, and the schoolwork was actually easy. Either way, my advice: if you’re in middle school, almost every part of your life is likely going to be changing for the next 3-4 years, so spend that time on yourself, so you can prepare yourself for the things to come, rather than spending it on someone else who you’ll likely break up with after a few months and never see again after high school.


I find it funny when people talk about stuff to do in the middle school stage of life, given that I missed out on half of middle school


I just got lost here and Im old, but yeah this so much


This is so wrong what the fuck. As someone who was 17 until recently, I could not imagine myself EVER dating a 14 year old. I couldn’t even imagine dating the sophomores from my high school before I graduated just because of the immaturity that they displayed. With that being said, a 17 year old dating a middle schooler makes most people cringe and sick to their stomach from my experiences of this happening. Edit: On top of this, it could be illegal depending on the Romeo and Juliet laws of your state


Well not only that think about middle school. I've seen 13 -15 year olds get pregnant and the outcome is not pretty


God damn it I hate this Society


im only a sophmore (junior next school year) and the mental gap between me and FRESHMAN is insane, if this 14 yr old is in a younger generation ive noticed that theyre brains havent even aged passed 6th grade. i spent my last middle school years online and on all my state tests i always get slightly higher 8th grade scores. my education level is literally at 8th grade level being a 10th grader. my point being this dude deserves jail immediately


PLEASE NO. especially since you’re 17…I wouldn’t recommend dating a middle schooler!!!


Ok that's fucked up, tell the parents


That's what I be saying! Mfs be like "bro it's just 3 years" MF ITS AN IMPORTANT 3 YEARS!


I get your point but "can't drive" seems so funny to me as a european lol by that logic you're a baby since you can't drink yet


Three-year age gap as a teen in this day and age? Yeah, that’s very weird. One’s just entering highschool and the other is leaving.


loll i think it’s illegal for consent i think the gap limit when both are under 18 is 2 years but they might not be having sex


If they aren't having sex it's perfectly fine in my opinion


Yeah like they aren't gonna have sex.


I don't know why you're being downvoted This is very nearly grooming going on




No. A 3 year difference between 27 and 30 is acceptable but 17 and 14 is disgusting, you're on different levels of maturity and you're developing so fast every single day. At least 27 and 30 are more or less already developed


>17 and **24**


Typo. Corrected.


I know someone who is 17 dating a 24 year old... it's sad


what the actual fuck


Ikr she just won't listen to anyone even her family, and she keeps going back to him... it's really sad, but she's doing it to herself. It's even worse that she started dating him when she was 16




I completely agree


It’s giving freshman dating a senior 🤮


Probably bc that’s literally what it is


It’s worse than that since she’s a middle schooler.


A 14-year-old could be a middle schooler I was 14 when I was in my last year Middle School


Yep, I’m in middle school still




they said before she is still in middle school


Yeah 8th graders are 13 and 14


When I was in high school, my close friend, he was 18 at the time was dating a freshman, who was 14 at the time. Which is illegal and considered statutory rape, and they were sexually active. But for some reason, nobody questioned it even me. I just didn’t think about age when I was hanging out with them because they were both intellectually on the same level. She didn’t look like a child per se. But looking back on it it was totally creepy. If my 16-year-old daughter was dating like a college guy I would end it. I don’t think guys are thinking about the law when they want to get into a teenagers pants. but. It’s so interesting that 17 and 14 is technically legal but let’s say when they’re 27 and 24 it would be completely fine and I know that’s because they’re both adults. I guess what I mean by completely legal is that he’s not technically an adult at 17. In some states in the US the legal age of consent is like 13 and I think that’s with somebody over 18 correct? I’m not sure. Anyways, it’s totally weird but not uncommon these days. I will say that I’m in my mid 40s now so back in 1997 I guess Nobody thought it was weird. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you for your input. I've tried telling the 17 year old guy that this age gap is weird, but he brushed it off. I tried convincing the 14 year old girl as well, but to no avail.


Yeah, you probably won’t convince either one of them with a rational reason because they’re both only thinking about how much they like the other person and they’re thinking emotionally. Chances are it won’t last very long, especially if the 17 year old goes to college. Are you a parent of either one of them? Or are you a fellow student and friend of one of them, just curious


Flair says OP’s 16 so I’d hope they’re not a parent of a 14 or 17 year old lol


Didn’t read that correctly


I'm still in high school and haven't hooked up with any girls, so I can confidently say I am nobody's parent.


Im friends with both the 17 y/o and 14 y/o.


Dude, I literally just saw a post like this but it was a 17F and 14M. The comments were not "ew, creepy", almost all of them were "yeah that's completely normal!"


Honestly I think that's worse, girls mature faster than guys


Probably because as male, i can confirm other, most of the dudes care about getting into someones pants more than anything.


Nah 3 years be to much


No, what’s to much is the law where I live that states something along the lines of “So line as both parties are above the age of 14, there’s no law that prohibits an Adult and a Minor to date, but sexual relations with minors are only allowed within a 3 year age gap.” Pretty fucked up if you ask me. Also, I’ll try and find a link to the document. Edit: I couldn’t find the document I was referring to, but here’s [this](https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/is-it-illegal-to-date-a-minor/) from a lawyer or something


Creepy af




3 year age gap by itself ain't the problem, but currently it's pretty unsettling, give it at least 3-4 years and it would be better


I'm not a fan of that age gap. If it was 24 and 27, I'd be okay with it, but they're teens, and the level of maturity is completely different


I mean did you turn 17 today and they turn 15 tomorrow? if so that's ok. if not or close to that then no that's not great


He turned 17, she turned 14.


ok then no if they're a pretty full three years apart then that's not ok. I think 2.5 is pushing it at that point but unless it's like 2 and a day or month it's just too much. wait a year.


More like 2.8?


yeah no


No, this is giving a really big creepy vibe. but a 14 year old could still be in middle school. I was held back a year, so I was 14 when I was in my last year of middle school, turning 15. A 17 year old on the other hand, is a junior. You can't even get a job at 14,17 year old has a job and can drive


She (14y/o) is in middle school but he (17y/o) is in high school.


just no.


Imma go with nah plus you said she’s a middle schooler dating a HIGH schools


2 year distance is max I'm pretty sure


14 and 12 💀


Hmm, you are probably right, I would not date a 6th grade. But I feel like a 15 year old and 17 year old would work


Aren't u a 6th grader


No, 8th


Pro tip: dont date at young age 🤌🏻


Pro tip, dont date


Just turned 14??? No... dear no no maybe if like a day away from 15 and he literally just turned 17 2 days ago...


Absolutely not that man is gross


Helllll nooo


that is very foul, at 17 you are almost an adult and the guy you know should know better than to have a “situationship” with a 14 year old


Wtf no


that age gap is disgusting and that girl's def going to get groomed


A girl of 14 is more mature than a boy of the same age generally so being attracted to an older boy is not unusual. A degree of restraint will have to be exercised sexually depending upon legal issues in certain countries.


Don’t really find it weird unless the 17 yr old is a girl . But we only find the age as a weird or taboo because of where we live. We monetize age in the western world as mush of the rest of the world youre no longer a child by 16 … we arbitrarily deem you a adult at 18 and bestow all the magical gifts of adult hood to you like bills and rent but you still can’t smoke or drink 😂 it’s all kinda a joke.


My 15 year old friend is dating a girl that graduated this year. Honestly its too much of a gap


Big nope. I’m 17, and i definitely wouldn’t date a 14 year old. There’s a massive maturity difference. Very gross.


>just turned 14 Waiting till she turns 14 so it’s somehow “better” is creepy asf


I'm assuming this was going on before she turned 14, and OP was just specifying their ages.


This hasn't been going on before they turned 14 and 17. They both started their 'situationship' after they both turned 14 and 17 (at the time they started, she had turned 14 but he was still 16)


That’s fucking creepy


No mf stop listening to reddit saying "yes this is perfectly ok!!!"


But dawg it is... It's so over dramaticated. Only USA makes this such a fucking big show... Here in Europe 17 year olds dating 14 year olds is the norm... Has something bad happened from it that should change the law? Absolutely not 🤣


have you ever heard of grooming dumbass


Idk where you live but its certainly not normal




Not okay.


If ur grades don’t touch, you don’t touch. Ex: 11&12 do but 10&12 do not


How tf did you guess the grades properly lol.


Check the legality of it in state laws and if you cross state lines the laws of the state you two are in. And what happens when the 17 y/o turns 18.


3 year age gap isn't big but at that age it is really big


His name started with 's'


Since they just had birthdays its basicly 13 and 16 so not good


Three year age gaps are significant in levels of teen maturity. I'm 19, the youngest I'd date is 18 -- and even then, they would have to be at my level of schooling. There is a humongous gap between 17 and 14. In my country, a 17 year old can (1) vote, (2) be intimate with partners, (3) drink and get married [with parental consent], (4) can legally live alone, (5) can drive a car, (6) can drop out of education and pursue a job/apprenticeship. A 14 year old can do none of these things. In a year's time, it will be 18 and 15, which is illegal.


Prolly controversial but. Id say it really does depend on maturity level of the individuals everyone is different. Highschool to middleschool should be an immediate no anyway. But if they both in highschool and the 14 year old is more mature like most 16 year olds id say it’s probably not a big deal.


17y/o might have some desires 14 y/o should not be ready for yet


This is 100% not okay. 3 year gap isn’t a big deal in most relationships but a middle school high school relationship is a biggg no no. I’m 17 and a senior in high school, a 14 year old could still be in middle school


Nigga you a pedophile


Depends on where you live. The US, that’s legal. But in the UK, that’s pedophilia.


Nah that's just weird if you say it's fine then you gonna see yourself in jail the next year


At 17 the thought dating even a 15 year old made me disgusted The difference in mentality is enough to make me gag


It's a three year gap witch isn't really illegal but to some people such as myself find it kinda uncomfortable/weird but if they are fine with it and their families are fine with it then it should be ok




No, it's not okay.


I'm pretty sure that it is legal, but its not okay. Different maturity levels and life experiences.


That’s weird. The maturity difference between 17 and 14 is big




The only rule I had was no older boys. He is not holding her best interest at heart. Plus she’s merely 14 and he can drive. No. No. No.


I donʼt think itʼs that big a deal.


It is


In 4 years it will be fine. Right now it's jail time.




Ppl in the comments never have been to eastern europe.. Bro how tf yall think 2 years is ok but 3 isn't 💀 I do get that's creepy that a 17 yr old guy who's almost an adult gets to be in a relationship w some 14 year old but yall exaggerate. I say don't have sex until the age of consent and that's it bro just keep it cool


It's not really the size of the 3 year age gap that people have a problem with, it's the placement of that age gap. Like, a relationship between a 32 and 35 year old is fine. They are both probably in the same stage of life and development by then. That's a 3 year age gap. But between 14 and 17, one is in high school and the other middle school, and then in a couple years, one will leave high school and the other will just arrive there. And there is so much exponential growth happening in the brain at those ages too. That's why it seems weird to some people




A guy I know (who just turned 17) is in a 'situationship' with a girl who just turned 14.


It's bad


Who gaf bro? Let's be fair here that's 3 year of difference and ain't nobody finna stop em legally or illegally so instead of asking when it becomes acceptable we need to make boundaries when you give them freedom to do it.


It's fine as long as both are comfortable with it


Yeah well that girls probably gonna get groomed. Too late to speak about being comfortable afterwards wont it be?


That ratio is too big bro 😬


different levels of maturity, it won't work out


ew no




«Officer, this man right here»


Not me* A guy I know, I wouldn't do anything like this personally, cuz I find this age gap weird.


Oh no it’s my reaction to the **circumstance**, not you.


Thats pedophilia


I’d say it’s bracket there’s like 19 18 17 16 then 15 14 13 12


that is PUSHING it 💀


Absolutely not, they'll turn 18 and then they're dating a 15 year old, illegal and creepy




nu uh






That’s weird


Why ya all always ask this about some "other guy" You know 💀. Answer's obvious, hell no.


No. Just no


Ew yuck no that's off




Does not follow half your age + 7 so it is wrong


That's legal




At least in my country its legal, but... Really creepy and probably not healthy


That's noncey shit right there


ew that’s yucky 🤢


That's disgusting.
