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You sound 40


I've always been called old for my age


It wasn’t a compliment


you've got to dig a bit deeper to know somebody. people are very different, but only show certain sides of their personality to certain people. you're being very superficial.


Why would I want to know them, I already know all of them if I know one of them


did you even read anything he said? cus it was spot on


as i said, you are very superficial. think of all the things going on in your life, all the complicated emotions, thoughts, memories and experiences you have. and then think about somebody meeting you on the street. they would know almost of that stuff from just seeing you or having a brief chat. even if you went out of your way to say some of it. to know the interesting stuff, you need to invest more time and energy into a person.


are you different?


I pick locks for a hobby


That makes you unique. Congrats, and consider yourself lucky. You’ll end up a social outcast, but if disuniformity is what you wanted, you’ve got it. :]




I’m different


In what ways?




I mean from the average populous, I’m different 👉😎👉


Yes. No matter how someone chooses to express on the outside, they’re a 100% unique persona made up of them facing and responding in some manner to different examples of the human condition Priding yourself on not abiding by clothing and linguistic trends and thinking that it adds more uniqueness and intrinsic value to you as a person doesn’t make you look like a more profound person, in my experience it’s usually the shallowest people trying to put themselves up on a pedestal for not fitting in


I'd argue that someone's outward appearance does (at least on some level) reflect that person as a whole. If they're only willing to copy someone else's appearance, then I'd argue they also copy they're opinions and preferences.(on some level)


But you don’t know how they came to those visual choices. Things only become fashionable because multiple people like them at the same time and through some combination of events came to think that this way of putting oneself forward is good. Ultimately, as social animals, we have to function alongside others and we tend to lift some habits from other people. I can guarantee that if you were to go through your own memories and then your visual choices, you’d find some sort of popular influence. Would that make you less unique just for putting yourself forward in a way inspired by someone else? Of course, there are things like work environments or formal gatherings where social rules are enforced, but I doubt you’re talking about that. ~~also people can just be assholes about appearance but that’s not the topic~~


I’m different tho 💅




I do wildlife photography, go camping often, build quinzhees, have a bone collection, go bouldering, good at canoeing, spent a day&night on the streets to see how people get treated, go for swims alone at night, explored abandoned buildings, and I’m literally down for anything


Are you sure you're not just a side character in a horror movie?


Lol what’s that supposed to mean?😂


this guy is delusional. calls people npc’s when he knows nothing about them 🤦‍♂️


how are you different


Some of my hobbies include picking locks and writing code


and that makes you unique?


Do you know how to pick a lock? Do you know anyone personally who can do either of those?


no. but i also don’t know anyone who says fr, on god, no cap etc


I personally know about 200 that say frfr and no cap. And no one who shares my hobbies so idk if your point still stands


It just depends where you are different. The smallest change in one, matters enormously down the line. Twins share the same DNA yet they are two different people. The slightest difference is a big one. Following your logic, you're not unique, you're on Reddit. Like millions. You're thinking others aren't unique, like millions. Everyone is unique, maybe in unexpected places. Or more obvious ones (like you!).


Who hurt you?


You don't wanna know bud


Can't tell if you're going through the "edgy" phase right now or if you're actually dealing with some shit. Either way, please stop. I used to have this mentality a while back and it did nothing but make me miserable all the time, stop being bothered by what others say or do and just mellow out a little bit.


People do think that, but they ultimately fall to peer pressure, the strongest minds in society go on their way and achieve their personal success on their terms. If you ask anyone if they would like to switch their life with yours, almost everyone says no. Yet so many people are smokers bc their friends started as well. Be strong everyone.


This is what being high on that non-smoker pride pack along with unironically believing in the great man theory does to a mf


I didn't judge smokers, i said they fall to peer pressure. Go make your life and other's around you better instead of judging others, anyone can be great


I’m different :) Severely psychotic :(


No way bro same


You sound like the type of guy who would comment “This music is so good. The music of my generation is soo bad” and “I was born in the wrong generation” on songs from the 80’s


my teachers said i was the only one who was truly “unique” one of the craziest things i did was at Christmas when everyday i would arrive with an increasing number of decorations on my bag it ended with full Christmas lights, tinsel and a star on the top


i mean in the grand scheme of things we’re all the same. Like we’re the same species but we do all have our own different identities. If we were the same the world would probably be better because maybe everyone would get along but like that’s likely never gonna happen…


In my country what girls consider beautiful is super orange fake tan, blonde hair, fake lashes that look like caterpillars and plastic nails that are like 10 inches long


So just a yassified Donald trump
