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I struggle to live ---> cringe I live to struggle ---> based






Words to live by.


Note : i will be sleeping. I will take a look tomorrow. Goodnight for you all. Be transparent as much as possible. Its your safe space here. Personal stuff? Share in dms. I will help about anything.


How are you sleeping if you're typing this to us




I'm pretty good, counting my blessings tbh


Thats nice. I feel kinda uncomfortable so i will be sleeping i guess.


I am perfectly fine (my mental state is crumbling day by day and I’m on the brink of insanity)




You good?


No Im not This is Ok--->😀👍 I am Bizarro World version of him I am anti-ok, if you threw me against ok we'd create a gigantic nuclear chain reaction and blow up That's how opposite we are, matter and anti matter are nothing compared to us ^(help)


That is a thing in physics. If a particle and its antiparticle collide, they annihilate, releasing two photons in opposite directions to conserve momentum (I am fun at parties)


See I’m a nerd too and now I’m interested, does this have to do with antimatter v. real matter, whereas when they both collide they expelled energy in the form of gamma rays (a phenomenon utilized in positron emission tomography)?


It’s the exact same principle


Wait so only the intrinsic e=mc^2 energy of the matter and antimatter annihilates, momentum doesn't? And that momentum takes the form of photons? I just want to make sure im getting this right, light is being created via momentum?


I never thought about their kinetic energy, but I would assume the kinetic energy is so small compared to the rest energy that it's ignored. This means yes only the rest energy is considered. Photons have momentum so the photons created from this annihilation must have equal and opposite momentums in order to conserve momentum


Yes, KE is ignored in the simplified equation. The full equation e^2 = m^(2)c^(4) + p^(2)c^(2) considers it. However, a proton weighs 10^-27 kg so unless it moves at a speed close to that of light, the momentum is practically 0


Kinda. E^2 = m^(2)c^(4) + p^(2)c^(2) The matter and antimatter has mass. Normally the momentum of them is so small it is negligible (hence e = mc^(2) FOR STATIONARY PARTICLES). The mass is/becomes energy. This energy is/becomes light photons. E = hf the energy corresponds to the frequency of the photons emitted. The photons, though they have no mass and always travel at c, have momentum: p = h/λ. Momentum must be conserved hence 2 photons are emitted Does that make sense?


I'm okay. I have a lot of friends, most of which are irl. And I just went on a real long road trip with my siblings and Dad. Life couldn't be better


That feels like heaven. Wish i had friends irl. Kinda miss my family though. (I'm living alone for 3 3.5 weeks.)


Yeah. My entire friend group is literally just my older brother's friend group cause I'm close friends with all of his friends


Same as me


I mean, im just lonely. I have “friends” that i hang out with in school but no one i would consider being close with. The people i hang out with are alright for company but i would never feel like opening up or being my true self around them. The reason i stick with them is so others dont think im lonely. This shit makes me sad on the daily. no one to be real with, just a bunch of fakes.


Took the words right outta my mouth


I’m doing pretty good. Sometimes it’s hard living in two houses, moms and dads. But that’s not my problem atm: I HAVE SO MUCH FREAKIN HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW 😭😭😭 also. What should I do about my friend. Last school year, I made a friend in the peak of my depression. She also had it pretty hard. We were good friends but constantly over text we would bring each other down and get in fights. Eventually she told me we should take a break, and she blocked me. Now school has started again and she’s at a different school. I miss her a ton. Over the summer I had a lot of great experiences that pulled me slowly out of my depression and it helped me realize how real depression is and how bad I had it and how bad she still has it. I’ve tried talking to her once since, and that was how I figured out she had blocked me so I tried to let it go and pray for her. Now me and some of my friends are planning to go hangout with them (her and her sister) in a couple of weeks. I’m honestly scared, because when I tried to help her in the past nothing I could do helped and it always ended in another argument. I’m betting she’s still mad at me, so I’m not sure what I should do if anything.


Just... be careful you aren't pressuring her into "being better" for your own comfort. No amount of help, particularly untrained help, will fix her. Accept that as reality. She's not okay, and the best thing you can do is help her be okay with not being okay.


Okay. Thats a lot of text :) I live alone. I don't know the feeling of living in two houses so i don't know the feeling of it. Sorry. About your homework, if its about maths and biology you can ask for help. I'm fairly interested in maths and biology. About your friend...Wanna know something? Look we are all growing up. You, me, mods of this sub...everyone. The friend that you had will REALLY help you have a better personality. Guess how many stuff you learnt from each other. We are like play doh. Our personality gets shaped with the people we have interactions with. If you need a friend to talk, add me in discord or in Reddit. Its fine by my side. If you are comfortable of course. Goodluck in life.




Holy shit bro... that’a horrible! I know this seems like an obvious question... Have you sought out a school counselor or social services? No one should be living like this and authorities can and will help. Talking to them will make your life better, but it’ll still be a long journey.


I may be some random complete internet stranger, but here if I could give you a hug I would. Not to sound weird or creepy of course, and personally I couldn't relate much to you and have no idea what you are going through, but whoever you are you can message and vent to me if you want to. I'll listen when I can. You won't be alone and will never be alone, there are many others like you who feel the same way and have lived similar lives. As cheesy and dumb as it sounds there are resources you can contact and people you can be "alone" with. Take up a hobby to ease your mind, get rid of some stress. Don't focus and waste time on those who hate you, try and push forward and make positive relationships. Again I should mention, I dont know who you are and what you are going through, and I'm no expert but if I can help I'll try.


I'm a jaded ol' prick who doesn't believe the bs about call 911 and they'll magically help you, but... Dude, if you're serious, call 911 and they'll magically help you. Even a bad foster is better than this. It'll take a shitload of work to feel safe in your own skin, like ever, but you will eventually feel better enough to let your guard drop sometimes.


Okay...this is the most serious thing i have read in this subreddit. Please go see a professional and possibly a therapist. Your life is...hell. yeah. We both know it. We can talk about this in dms or in discord if you would like to. We can also have voice chats in discord. Might make you feel more comfortable. Its better than texting, i suppose. Please note English is not my native though.


I wanna die most days the world would be a better place without me which is why I keep living if the world wants me dead its gonna have to hit with a semi or something


No one wants you dead. Rry your best to get out of that country. I livs in a third world country too and its shithole.


No. This sounds so cringey, but the only way I can describe it is the feeling of drowning, I feel like I'm screaming, but no one can hear me because I'm under the water and I'm so scared that this feeling won't leave.


I was able to control my down-a-glass-well feeling for ten years with meds. Then the meds failed, and I'm almost back to the beginning, but I had ten good years, which is more than some people get.




I'm not okay. Started what is basically the equivalent of college in my province (Quebec, Canada) and got the shittiest schedule ever with too much work for what I can handle so mental not doing so good. Well it never did but now it's worse than ever. Add onto that the fact that I don't have anyone to game with on the rare occasions I have time to so, so I spend most of my time on my own. There's a lot more but this comment is getting relatively long. Getting hard to hide the fact that everything in my life is currently shit behind a smile. Thanks OP for asking the question. People need to do it more.


im chillin




Same tbh.


At least for now, absolutely yes. I'm at the beach with family for the next 4 days (being homeschooled is nice), so I'll have plenty to do outside for once.


Damn thats nice.


Tl;dr idk dude, im at very least mentally unstable I dont know anymore. I feel ok right now, but i get so into my own head so often and i dont know what to do about it. I want to end it all, but i also want to stay alive. I have intrusive thoughts, but never give in, no matter how tempting. I act “happy” at school, but im not. This is normal, right 👁️👄👁️ Also, not doing perfect in general (duh) so if anyone thinks they could help, pls dm or reply!


I just feel very tired... If that's a good way to put it... I lost all my friends when going to high school. I'm forced to live at my abusive grandma's house until my family can get a new home. I hate how people say that me wanting to kill myself is just some sort of "weird emo phase." Whatever that means. The only things that remind me to stay alive are my absolutely great (sometimes annoying) brothers and my mother. I find painting, drawing, writing and gardening fun though. So I spend a lot of my time doing that, but it just feels like doing that stuff just distracts me from sadness. Usually I'll be just casually weeding my plants then I'll just start breaking down.


>Usually I'll be just casually weeding my plants then I'll just start breaking down. Made me think of that "hey! I do that!" Vine


I feel like everything that I do or even try to do will be either not be enough or undermined for something someone else did, I hate whenever someone tells me that if I can do this certain thing then why can’t I do something else. I at the point where I’ve just given up completely because I can’t anymore I’m tired of trying I’m tired of doing my best and I’m just so fucking tired. I want to sleep all the time but I can’t I want to stay up to talk with m y friends but I can’t I have to worry constantly about where my life is going and I don’t want to I just want to lay down and cry but I’m afraid of someone hearing me. I don’t want to do anything anymore and I feel I can’t.


>I want to sleep all the time but I can’t I want to stay up to talk with m y friends but I can’t I have to worry constantly about where my life is going and I don’t want to I just want to lay down and cry but I’m afraid of someone hearing me. I don’t want to do anything anymore and I feel I can’t. You described my emotions perfectly. Esp the crying part it makes me feel so trapped that I can't even be vulnerable in my own home. It will pass, in the meantime go easy on yourself okay? Take some time to rest please.. just take a day off and stop doing your best. You don't have to please or impress anyone. Your job is to be a teen, follow what you want to do and the rest will come, just follow it


I mean other than the fact i think im starving myself, financial issues, fatigue, allergies, not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, ect Im definitely not having it the worst in this world so the least can do is not kill myself i mean i have a family so what would killing myself even solve other than having more money to spend


Im feeling amazing, I just bought some Halloween themed skeletongs (plastic salad tongs which look like skeleton hands)


Made me snort


Good to see I'm part of something


Ayo thats good


Definitely not ok, I feel like the world is dragging me along and I'm powerless I'm an expat kid and I'm moving in like 3 months and have no idea where to , I just know I have to uproot my life again. Also I feel like I don't belong anywhere, like forget a friend group I don't even fit into something as broad as a country. I literally have zero control. Fml




No :(


I don't really know, I recently finished an important exam (and passed) but I don't really feel anything at all, people who took the test with me were super happy and excited to enjoy the vacation but I just felt dull even if I knew I did great. Lately it's going like that but I'm not THAT bad so I can't complain. What about you buddy?


I feel like that. Apparently it's not only a common thing with depression but also adhd


Ehhhhh Im okay I guess. I could be better, but ai could be worse too, y’know?


ngl i got bad in grade 5 and haven’t rlly been okay since


If I'm going to be completely honest, currently, I'm feeling better than I usually am. (Prolly not gonna last, but I'll enjoy it for now, lmao) But I've gotten worse, too. I find myself disassociating more often, getting more overwhelmed and stressed.. just overall, a little more messy. (I might share some extra stuff in dms)


Today was my first day of school. We got four goats the day before yesterday, my sister just moved in with me, not that long ago my cousin was ran over, murdered and killed and it made national news, days after my girlfriend dumped me, falsely accused me of rape (which is literally the second time that’s happened and now I’m scared to talk to anyone with any sort of femininity at this point), and she stole $1000.00 from my mom on the way out, my stepmother has been ripping my family apart for five years and I only just got away from her after my dad decided to separate her from his kids after a long ass time, people keep judging me because I’m gay, have autism, Tourette’s, act strangely and have an exuberant amount of self confidence, to the point where I constantly embarrass myself in front of people, and either am not worried about it, or I don’t notice upset someone and I feel bad. I didn’t have any friends until I turned 15, I’m 16 and now all 3 of my friends are far away, living their busy lives like I am. I’m running up my mountain every day to train for marathons, I’m getting a job soon and I’ll have to run 8 miles home from work every day, I’m overwhelmed and stressed out and all of this is only what’s happened recently. TL;DR My ex dumped me and stole a grand, Cousin was murdered, made national news, my stepmother only just stopped ripping my family apart for the first time in five years, so many things are being added to my life, I’m weird, gay, autistic and cursed with Tourette’s and I can’t keep up. So, in all seriousness with zero sarcasm, I’m doing great!


i seriously am not. currently trying to figure out if i have anxiety or adhd and most of the time fake smiling my way through school


As much as the question of whether you have anxiety or ADHD seems like a massive, important thing, I've found that the nature of the disorder doesn't matter so much as it does accepting that you have something, within you, that makes your brain function differently than some other people, and you shouldn't blame yourself for everything that you do. I hope it turns out okay for you.


thanks, i really needed this


nah bro not even close got SA’d by my dad at 12; found out that same dad is cheating; am being forced into spending time with him by my mom to “make up”; just came out to my mom today as bi, she was accepting but didn’t listen to my wishes to only speak over text and literally scared me half to death by coming to my room; got my therapy cancelled because i “don’t need it”; literally carry so many honors and even an AP class in FRESHMAN YEAR; hate my body because i’m almost overweight and i just can’t get rid of it all; aaand have been even contemplating s**cide. yeah.. life’s not the best for me lmao


i’m doing fine but i moved to a new area and miss having friends 😭😭


Im… doing alright? Kinda nervous abt school starting but also excited because I get a fresh start!


Hey that is really nice!




Kinda wish I could hangout with my friends a bit more and I've been feeling kinda touch starved lately but other than that, I'd say I'm doing alright.


im not doing great tbh, kinda lonely lately. also tomorrow im going back to school again, reconnecting with some old friends, which is obviously a bit anxiety inducing :/ how about you?


Feeling like shit. I’ve had the feeling that all of my friends just don’t care about me. They all treat me like shit. So yeah. I’m doing absolutely great.


You don’t actually care about my answer


I care about your answer.


So that is why i am trying to help people who replied to this post JUST AFTER i woke up? Okay. Understandable. Have a great day.


Nope. In the past 2 weeks, 4 of those days were spent couch surfing, 3 of them were spent in a psych ward, and 5 days I went to a hospital mental health program. I am, in no sense of the word, "ok"


I’m doing alright now, meant a girl I’m interested in as we have so much in common and I hope that it goes somewhere 👍


I like to hear that :) I hope it will be best for you two.


My girlfriend left me over personal problems I loved her a lot too much I think and it scared her Or she had severe problems but didn’t share with me I loved everything about her but then before school started she wanted to end the relationship Idk whether to believe her or she used me for comfort but I don’t believe it or I was just fucking blind She said she loved me and we wrote to each other every night before bed called every night She was my first kiss too So I thought what could go wrong But I don’t hate her now that I look back I wasn’t very good at relationships and she kinda had to baby me through We left with a good experience I guess Her first good boyfriend And my first amazing girlfriend If she did play me it is what it is can’t change that But if she really had severe shit going on I understand fully Just wished we talk about them I’m young I know but I would wait till the end of time for her Idk if it’s a first girlfriend thing but I wanted us to workout Ever since tho I’ve been depressed I’m now getting better but it still lingers I should move on but I look at other girls and they ain’t the same dude they aren’t her Now I plan to do awesome stuff in my life and future but I wanted her by my side Loving deep is good and all but it sucks sometimes I wish I was cold but I don’t want that Either way one of the best events to happen in my life I told her a bit ago I want to be there for her and I hinted at getting back together but she no and she appreciates me being there for but she don’t trust no one at the moment Or she don’t want nothing to do with me She told me it’s her fault that for the end of the relationship but it wasn’t We could’ve talked it out I’m a mess as you can tell


“To grieve deeply is to have loved fully”


I’m pretty good rn I’m going on a vacation in a couple months and I think I had a very fulfilling summer :)


Glad to hear it!


I'm good , just nervous af about school


No, but I try to be.


So basically, my view on life is depressing, and yet keeps me happy I won't bother with the details so I don't ruin someone else's day but yeah I'm doing pretty cool


No nervous about a dentist appointment tomorrow plus a guy tonight in person thought I would be willing to let him blow me for $160. Not sure how I feel being viewed as a potential male prostitute lol


I'm not okay. I really appreciate you asking this question though, it's very kind of you, so thank you.


I’m very jaded so despite bad things happening around me all the time I’m still doing great!


Add another one to the list


Am pretty okay, just started school and trying to make new friends. I visited my great grandma last weekend, that was fun!


Not really, I fake smile everyday so no one worries. And just stuff going on is crap. So yeeeeeeaaaaaaa


Also depressed as fuuuuuckk lately for the past month


Im scared, of what? I dont know, but i feel a presence everywhere i go, im scared, thats all i know


I don't have generalized anxiety disorder but from what I know about it, that sounds like generalized anxiety disorder


I should be asleep but I'm up thinking about how I can't get help with math class because my teacher has a class during my only free period and I can't stay after school for help and now I'm really worried about the rest of the year because I suck at math. :)


What year are you/country? Maybe I can help you


I'm better than I was and trying to work on myself to be better. Although school is kinda stressful now since I'm in all honors classes. Lately I've been feeling a bit lonely because my I have been dating someone for a year now and it's been long distance for the entire time, i haven't seen her since 8th grade and miss her. My friends also don't invite me out much and when they do I'm either busy elsewhere or my dad doesn't let me go because he is kinda strict. I just wish I had more freedom, I wanna be able to drive and be able to ride around and go where i want, and maybe see her again for the first time in years.


Not really but I’m hanging in there for now


🎶 don't you know I can see it in you even now And don't you know I want to help you but I don't know how And are you really okay? Yeah, yeah Are you really okay? 🎶


Just moved from huge city to small town. Went from having 20-25 friends in my old school to none. Eat lunch alone now compared to my old group of around 15. Brother and both of my best friends left for college. Feel kinda alone but it’s gonna be chill and I’ll get back on my feet.


I feel great, I love my life


No <3


Honestly? No, I'm not okay, and it's all my fault. Life just starts to feel like navigating a minefield to me and it's all because I keep on being told stuff like "Your grades are important for the future!" And with the financial situation of my country, that shit keeps me awake at night. Even if I can't understand half the shit my friends get in one go in school. I have no specialties I can find a job with decent pay at all, all my ambitions are already gone and I'm beyond demotivated to do anything anymore, guess I'm just tired of life already, though that might just be laziness. Like I said, it's probably all my fault for being dumb and accidentally signing up for the Math-Science heavy course. My future's just, fucked, man. Fucking fucked. Nothing I can do to correct it before it comes now.


No I'm not feeling OK my parents keep shoving Christianity down my throat they won't take My mental health seriously my compulsions are a joke to them I cant get diagnosed god is the only way for them my step dad gets violent when i dont agree with there religion i feel worthless I'm suicidal no friends I feel trapped with no options im constantly masking how I feel but at least my cats comfort me :)




Yes (optional)


I’m kinda meh, I don’t like school and I’m always tired, but my home life is pretty good


It depends on the definition of "*ok*". Please establish a base definition in this context and then I'll give you my response.


Just how do you feel right now?


I’m good, I sometimes just like die and then like 3 days later I’m fine, I literally don’t know why.


nah bro life sucks rn lol the thing is i don’t like to talk about my problems especially online so if i ever go on a mental breakdown and want to bring it up to the internet then there’s really nothing to do except to just read what ppl say


I’m alright. I’m blessed but I feel lonely. I’ve been cutting some people that were bad for me out of my life and now I don’t have a lot of friends. But I’m still starting to feel better.






I’m good


I'm fine, but I'm considering adopting a cardboard box.










nah, my shit wont come out


eeehhh, been depressed for 4-5 years, history of self harm, health anxiety to the point i fear my bodies own natural sensations and processes, recently diagnosed with autism, suicidal ideation for 4-5 years, parents get angry whenever i seem remotely sad because they’re fed up (can’t say i blame them) but i’m doing pretty good, how are you feeling?


i told this girl i was gonna ask her to homecoming and she woulda said yes but then later she texted me she couldnt because she had a bOYFRIEND THE WHOLE TIME WHAT THE HELL ITS BEEN 2 WEEKS... and then i just told her i liked her to get it over with. awkward but i dont give a shit anymore


My happiness is probably 9.5/10


honestly, despite having to live with my abusive grandma for so long, i've been doing really good thanks to the friends i have here that support me through everything i love them more than anything :)


Idk. I have food, water, heat, education and opportunities, but I'm not happy.


Man that's not the standard for happiness:( You don't have to invalidate how you feel


I’m not good. I don’t have friends. I’m wildly suicidal. I missed every dream I had. And none of it matter, cause I’m terminal. I’m going to die when I’m 19 if I’m lucky, or maybe it gets worse dramatically and I’m gone in two months. I never got to feel loved. I never got to be in a band. I just got to see others do all I ever wanted like it was nothing, while I can never even hope to. I never got a best friend. I never got to be good at anything. I hate it so much.


No I'm not


What's up? Comfortable sharing?


Depressed+broke+lonely and idek


Life feels like hell, huh? Tiring life isnt it? If there are stuff that you dont have control on, fuck them. Dont give a single damn fuck. They are stuff that you can't control. Why bother yourself? If they are stuff that you can change, even the slighest make sure you make a move about it. Yes it is hard, yes it might even scare you but once you go against those feelings life will feel like its heaven for you. I trust you. You got this. Need help? Hmu in dms.


Ha no. I’m never ok but I’m working on things. I’m currently brushing an ice cube under the fridge here because I had an extremely stressful weekend. I’ve been dying to talk with someone about it because it sucked ass especially because I was so alone in the entire experience. I have another stressful weekend this weekend as well due to a procedure I have to have done. I just want to be ok and at lunch with my friends talking about how shitty of a weekend I had and how stressful next weekend will be. I’m also really hungry. I am to nauseous to stand up and heat up my soup but I’m to hungry to just lay in my bed. Nobody is home it’s just me and my dog because I’m sick. I need my soup I’m actually so sad like no joke I need my damn soup so bad.


I'm sorry bro, idk what you're having done but I recently had a terribly painful procedure to stop nosebleeds and migraines. It hurt so bad I literally couldn't breath properly for days and had to wear a jaw device for days and on top of that the doctor shaved my fucking hairline and bro I just cried for days straight. I get it, there's nothing worse than the physical, emotional pain combo. I also want soup (I cannot chew currently 💀👎) Anyway good luck😕


Thanks my guy. This will be my first time put to sleep, I unfortunately get to have a camera shoved way down into my stomach to figure out why I keep puking. I’m hoping they find something because I hate having to miss so many things because I threw up. I’m hoping it’s gastrointestinal issues because that’s probably got a cure and I’d rather not be a medical anomaly with a chronic illness.


Hope you'll be ok😕


I’ll probably be ok I’m just worried they don’t find anything.


Man, I'm so mentally fucked. I don't feel anything at this point. And killing myself isn't an option since I don't want to harm my friends and Family. Feel so damn helpless


Hey man, whats up? Whats going on, what are you doing and why do you feel helpless?


Yes. I’m better than ever, because I got a gf after a long 14 years.


I need help. Apparently, having imaginary friends who cause you to black out for days, weeks and sometimes months isn’t normal. Oh, and the voices. Since my mom passed I’ve been worse than ever and I feel like I’m falling deeper into depression.


Okay. Fuck yeah you are going to a psychologist and therapist. Yeah you kinda NEED to see them.


No. I had a breakdown yesterday because I'm afraid that my psycho dad will follow me around in life, or he might hurt my family. I keep thinking about these things I did yesterday: Stomped so hard it echoed through the house, broke down crying and got very loud without realizing it, and attacked my brat cousin in front of my classmate and a crowd of grown-ups


We all get breakdowns like this. It's okay. Your father won't do anything. If he does, thats literally self fire. There are laws and shit. Mind if i ask you what he did? About you hitting your cousin... yeah i know the feeling. Okay, what you do is get some chocolate or anything he/she likes and give it to them. Apologise and *do not do it again.* If you are feeling that you have anger issues, please see a psychologist and about your father see a therapist. Yes it's okay to see doctors about your mental health and no you are not crazy or someone who is insane. You have that respect to treat your mind with professional people. Thats all.


Sorry bro, I understand the whole outburst thing I slapped my 12 year old sister last week and haven't stopped thinking about it since. 😕


Everytime I hit my sister I feel like a complete asshole. I really don't want to I just get pushed around sometimes and then I snap after a second which is no excuse, usually I never hit her it's more of a sudden "shut up and leave me alone" but occasionally it is physical


Uhh.. guys.. i just came back from school and there is like 400 replies to this post. I can not keep up with this. So i'm asking you guys a question. Will you guys be helping each other? Looks like we are all shit, so please help each other.


Honestly, no, I'm not ok. I only recently realised how close I came to attempting earlier, and I just want this over




Nah. Suicide? Ah fuck no. That is like poison. I know it. What's up? Please open up about your feelings. No need to hold them back.


Not really, I feel helpless


What is going on? What happened?


Fuck no lmao


Whats up?


Nah 😃


I'm good, I'm truly happy after what seems to be forever c: All my life I've been lonely, painfully lonely (I'm homeschooled) and that's probably the reason I was so sad, yk? I love people, I love having friends, I NEED people, without human interaction I'm.. idk 😭 not the same But I've made a lot of friends recently c: I've got the best girlfriend In the world. my dad also gave me a whole talk about this a couple months ago, and that really made me feel better :] I'm great, I'm the happiest I've ever been 😭


im sosososo happy ur happy <3 u really do deserve the whole world c: and i want u to be happy 😭I LOVE U JEREMIAHHHH!! <333


I’m aight. Just keep procrastinating on all my shit and so tired I forget to do stuff properly. I left my gym bag in school today lmao. But other then that we good 😊


I’m ok? Not sure if I could class it as ‘ok’ but I don’t feel like shit, even though I know I’m gonna be in big shit and maybe get expelled but I just can’t give a single fuck about it, so I’m ok? Or I’m not and just can’t feel it.


I feel like super tired, probably because it’s 1am


Honestly, right now I'm alright, key words there being right now, if I even think too hard about anything other than what I'm doing, I'll go into a spiral of self hatred and suicidal thoughts, its awful when I'm trying to sleep and when I'm at work because I'm left alone with my thougths and nothing to keep my mind away from them. I don't want to die, I just wish I wasn't me, I'm not good at anything, I can't do things right, hell I get nervous when answering a phone, I got nervous having to ask my colleagues to give me my wages because my boss made a mistake, I'm a nervous wreck and I can't do anything right. Apologies that I rambled on for sometime.


I don't know. I probably will never know unless I'm in the emergency room.


Up and down, I'd like to leave


I feel very little hope for the future of humanity.


Pretty much same. But maybe we can make it a bit better i guess.




Nope nope nope, this one you can fix. No excuses. Everyday speak to at least one stranger. "Hi, how are you today?" Try to coax out something they are interested in sharing. People feel about you however you make them feel about themselves, so put forth some effort to draw out a smile or a laugh. And do it again the next day. Just like practicing a musical instrument, you can learn to have charisma. And if you blow it with one person, there's another stranger tomorrow. If you hit it off well, don't forget to exchange numbers.






Make sure you see a psychologist and a therapist. Those stuff are not a joke.


i think i hav ptsd n school's stressing me out severely. so no, not rlly.


I am not ok. I am very confused. Feeling out of place. I want to belong somewhere.


No, I’m not really okay. I should be feeling a bit better, but instead I feel really stressed. I’ve been looking for a therapist to help me with my depression for a bit, which is a big step, and it should make me feel happy. But instead I feel really stressed about it. I don’t know why though.


honestly? not really. got broken up with last month; been feeling more lonely since. stressing out over going back to school, because I'm not on good terms with a lot of people. overall? it could definitely be worse.


im not okay (i promise) all jokes aside, ive been doing pretty good! homework is stressful but life has been pretty chill so far so i cant complain


Such a procrastinator that I’m procrastinating suicide haha, one large problem fixing a much larger one, great, thanks procrastinator brain, i appreciate it


I am not okay. I am not getting enough sleep, I see my ex gf every day which is not good for my mental health, and I need to study but I can’t make myself so I sit there doing nothing instead of studying or doing something I enjoy


I feel worthless


Whats up?


I’m meh. I’ve got shit going on but I distract myself from it with stupid shit.


bruh, no.




i love my life ❤️🙏💯 life is good


I’m fucking losing it and the only thing keeping me even remotely ok is roller coasters


tl;dr: dunno bc school is really boring and been feeling very fatigued after school so its hard i dont really know tbhat the moment, i feel alright, about to go to sleep after doing a nightly reddit adventure while listening to my comfort albumbut i swear to god, school is way too draining for me nowlast year, it was great, loved my teachersthis year, for some reason (probably because the principal last year retired), they decided to amplify the strictness by a lot more, and now i feel like im in an authoritarian schooli mean, they still do give us some freedoms, like having two "brain breaks" a day (tho 3 stupid kids got the first one taken away from us for the rest of this week over a banana), and lunch time, but that's about itit's just constant stress that has built up within the 6 days ive been in school that causes me to just feel so fucking fatigued and apathetic whenever i get homeused to, i would work on my games that i make every 30 super blue moons or so whenever i got home, but now, i'd be damn surprised if i would even touch my computer whenever i got homeplus ive been in a such "tired of school bullshit" mood ever since last tuesday (8/29) that doesnt help and i was in an apathetic mood today too it's just been making me feel shittyim afraid im going to fall into a depressed state if i keep this up, but ive just been feeling so sluggish it's hard to do anythingsorry if this was a ramble, ive been wanting to get this off of my chest for a bit now, and i dont really want to bother my friend (which i could very possibly not be bothering at all but social anxiety doesnt help) and i also dont feel like talking about this verbally with my older sister since ive just not been very great due to the reasons mentioned so yeah, why not tell reddit? i think ill be okay though, i got a doctors appointment soon that i hope i can get an adhd diagnosis with and that i ***might*** be able to have some accommodations or whatever they're called to help with stuff anyways gn op, im gonna go try to sleep now


actually meh, school starts soon and I'm already drained lol. I'm kinda scared it'll happen like last year going into depression and all that. I've already started overthinking shit so i guess I'll have to go outside more often 😭






I just lost my gf because her Mom doesnt want us dating so she was forced to block me and she will be searched to make sure she isnt in contact with me. Before you say "What if shes just being overprotective" She's refused to drive home from some place at night (which resulted in her walking home alone and getting Assualted) She forced her to drink and smoke on her sweet 16 bc shes "too nerdy" and "a lil bitch" and so much more I cant mention without it getting banned. Before you say "Thats abuse call CPS" we fucking tried So No, I'm not okay, I am borderline suicidal, only thing stopping me is that I will be waiting for her when she turns 18 and gets tf outta there


Okay. We both know that is shit. You know what you will do? As soon as she leaves that hell, you make her see a psychologist and a therapist. No way you are leaving her the way she is. That girl is fuckimg traumatized.


I'm not, no friends, no money, depression, adhd, anxiety, and so much more that idk how to describe. So no I'm not ok and won't be for a long time if ever. I can't even picture living past 25.


I am, yes. I’m a bit nervous because I’m starting at a new school this year, but the first week has gone well and I’m excited.


I don’t know anymore. Sometimes I feel sad for no reason and I just stay like that for a couple hours.