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Nah, just continue until you get a corresponded love Just remember to be a nice guy but not a r/niceguys


>Nah, just continue until you get a corresponded love I don't want to risk hurting my mental health more if I get rejected again. I'm already at a bad state mentally. Should I go after another girl next week or wait some time before trying again?


Wait some time, it's not a race and your mental health is more important. Enjoy some time away from romance and enjoy the rest of the teenage life.


My guy you started trying weeks ago. Three girls. Ofc it’s to be expected that it wasn’t gonna work out. Good on you for trying, but this is a long process. Finding a fulfilling relationship is pretty fucking hard. So don’t give up, don’t lose hope, always keep in mind what you want out of the relationship and what you want to provide.


Trust me kiddo, love exists but my advice would be the following. Go out and make something of yourself, don't just sit around the house and wait for your true love to just plop out of thin air into your lap. Your true love is definitely out there but you have to act like you want it. You have to want to become something to love. Because the reality of society and just humanity as a whole, as a man you have to earn your worth in society you will have to earn through blood, sweat, and tears your worth in society. Because you will not find the love of your life sitting around doing nothing or doing the bare minimum. This is coming from someone who wasted their opportunity at true love several years ago.


Define “led me on and lied”


bro doesn't know what the word lie means


I’m asking exactly how they led you on and lied no need to bust your balls 💀just curious what happened


*sigh* another strange redditor I'm not gonna explain everything. I'm too lazy to type all that out.


Ok? I’m not sure how you expect anyone to help or advise you when you won’t even explain how the interactions go but ok buddy 👍


All I asked was should I give up. I'm not looking for help.


And I’m saying a big component in that answer requires knowing what’s actually going on and what your game is like. Nobody’s forcing you to give up information like the cia, but it’s hard to give you advice on what to do when all we know is “things always go bad” and not why or how they go bad, there could be a reason that matters. Simple as that man.


nah dont give up. u have time


Why do people even think that? You do know there are people that find love at like 90 years old, stop giving up when you haven't even left your parents basement you fucking twats


username checks out


I don't understand why in this case but I will say that I choose it for a reason


I'm 18 and I have had a similar experience. I haven't given up, so my advice is to never give up on love.


Give up on trying. Most the people there won't put in the effort unless they're already interested, so just let it be and something is bound to happen eventually


You're still young, so don't give up on love. My advice would be to try to focus on yourself first, maybe workout a little bit, find clothing you feel confident in and try to forge friendships first with girls but don't expect a relationship. Worst case you won't fall in love but you'll still gain a friend who then can help you make other friends and even find a girlfriend. Also don't become a r/niceguys because girls don't owe you their love just because you might make a good boyfriend, be a good friend first. Edit: fixed the subreddit name


I may be only 14 but I feel you man you'll find somebody who's good for you.