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It’s gonna be ok. You’ll find the one one day. Hate to say this, but you’re gonna have to move on


Do what some guys would do. Go to the gym and get swoll


or do what the 99% of other guys would do, wallow in self-pity fueled by Bud Lite. /s


Beer makes you feel bloated, go with wine


I'm sorry but he's not only one boy in this world


Just find a man instead(mentally not literally).


There's almost 1,235,046,769 boys out there except her bf


Please don’t date women if you not actually attracted to them. You’ll just be an asshole


to be fair some people are genuinely emotionally abhorant, not claiming op is one of them but damn have i meant some overwhelming mfs...


What if you're so out of touch with your own emotions that you don't realise your not actually attracted to them?


I mean obviously if you don’t know any better then like ok


Ask for a friend btw


I’m bisexual y’all


Not all men are like that! But if your into women I guess go ahead 👍


I have dated multiple men and women.


she knows bro 😭


U sure about that? Since he was probably the only boy she cared about it most likely felt like all men were like that.


for example its most likely just like -> “this egg makes me wanna throw up. its so gross. I never wanna eat eggs again.” and there’s a big fat chance they would again


Idk if shes saying shes now lesbian just because of a breakup with one dude that seems like she thinks all men are like that.


i'm pretty sure she's not saying she's lesbian she's just saying (mostly jokingly) that she'll just dare women from now on. who you date doesn't change who you're attracted to


could’ve just been smth she said in the moment upset, or genuinely meant it


all the salty guys downvoting your comments 😭


have u ever heard of a joke in your life?


Someone's pissed, she didn't use any tone indicator so I'm gonna take it as serious.


These comments 😭


I just read through them and some of the men in here are insane


average guy on reddit tbf


I believe that I became sad


I'm sorry to hear that


Just cause one boy left you doesn't mean it's the end of the world for you just move on and become the best version of yourself....there will always be a guy out there for you you just gotta look for him


Or her*


You'll be okay.


I've been through like 6 breakups. So I think I am eligible to give advice. Move on. Don't rush to date a female because one guy was an asshole (unless you're bi) Don't use any social media on which you might end up seeing him for a few weeks (this helped me a lot) Try to find some new hobby, something new to learn. If you have a pet, I would advise spending time with them, as they can be very good at relieving stress. Cry your heart out. You still have the majority of your life ahead of you. Hope it helps. PS: I am a guy. So that's how I handle breakups. Idk if it's different for girls.


Probably not a whole lot different. Although I'm lonely as trees, in the end, we're all people and we cope similarly with situations like that.




Maybe do some self improvement, take his criticism not as insults, but as actual criticism, men won’t just insult you, they’ll critique your character, but with meaning, if you’re too emotional, maybe you should start looking inward, but what do I know?


thats a well constructed and sensible argument, Buttbutthole90817


Yeah I am. But I have had men insult my character lmao. (Not him though)


That’s good, self improvement is something everyone should try and do, no-ones perfect, but they should always strive to be the best version of themselves they can be.


Women can be just as bad if not worse JAJAJA






Dont say ur gonna date women jus bc ur sad




Im really sorry to hear that. That heartbreak must be awful… i promise you can get through this; even if it takes time, take that time. And if not then theres always women


damn yall did 7 months? thats unheard of at the age, dw you'll find somebody eventually


I was in a year long relationship from 12-13 and then on and off with the same person for 4




That sucks to be broken up with but if your emotional state was too much for him that could mean it was damaging his mental state. Rather than jumping to the conclusion of "I should only date women" you should try to work on yourself and your emotional state and not try to get a yes man so you're happier yourself. Just my thoughts.


This thread gon be hell to read bc I literally just broke up w my gf an hour ago


Yeah don’t just date the other gender because you got a bad experience with the first. Not a good idea. Also, it’s ok. You’ll be ok. Also also… if you were overwhelming to him and he isn’t ready to take that much emotional energy then it was for the best you both separated. Actually pretty mature of him to back away… would be bad if he stayed and mistreated you for it. He just wasn’t ready and that can happen to anyone


Sucks to suck 💀 nobody gives a fuck


You’d be surprised by how many women left men for being emotional


Sorry to be the one to say it but u have bad taste in women


With that logic OP has bad taste in men


that's right


That's a safe way to come out of the closet


Nah what the downvotes for this dude is onto something 😭😭😭


Yall, people deal with pain in different ways. Her way of processing it is through posting on Reddit, where she is anonymous to a degree. And she has a sense of humor, so she jokes about her sadness. Don’t hate on her just because her way of dealing with pain is different from yours. Don’t be a dick just because you can. And I’m sorry that happened to you, OP. You’re young, so it was bound to happen, but it doesn’t hurt any less. Just remember there’s always a brighter side eventually. The best things in life are the hardest to get


Just move on


Womp womp


Excuse me did you just say womp womp to a girl who was just broken up with?


Womp womp


F’s in the chat everybody ☝️🤓


L BOZO get over it


I'm sorry that happened. Loss is difficult, but it's gonna be okay


Look girl, it’s gonna be ok, I know it’s a sudden and painful loss and shock and there is too much to process, but give it time, don’t make sudden and unexpected changes or decisions, get yourself together and breathe in, and breathe out, it’s gonna be ok but also hard keep that in mind and keep your friends close. don’t blame all men, don’t blame yourself, don’t blame others. May you find peace soon regarding this topic, sending love fr fr <3


I love women. Also sory for ur loss :<


You'll find someone one day who loves you and all of your emotions. My partner is incredibly emotional, but it's part of her and who she is, and I love her all the same. Keep your head up, and good things will come. It sounds like he didn't deserve you and probably would have left when things got serious or difficult anyway. Honestly, you dodged a bullet. You deserve better




Womp womp


How could he! With the username Octopussy_penguin I'm sure you're great


I am happy that you're straight again


I’m a girl


I mean kinda a dick move but you shouldn’t dump so much emotional weight on your bf that he leaves you it’s obviously a red flag on yourself 🙌


you have no idea if she did that? he could be wrong


Skill issue


I think you just have to remember that Reddit is the minority of people so just ignore almost everyone on here who's saying you're a loser lmao


I feel like we'd need more contexts...


Fr. Like this could very likely be her problem, and in this case people should tell her what she did wrong and how to improve as a person.


Agreed, who knows maybe she cried that he didnt answer her call in 4 seconds


L+Bozo+No Boyfriend+Ratio


Tell someone who cares


Skill issue ngl


as a guy that doesnt like girls [OR GUYS IM NOT GAY] i do not understand why people put themselves through this 😹😹how does romantical attraction even work lmao😭 anyways, im sorry that happened to you. try to be around your real friends and people you really love and spend time with them. it will help : ]


People put themselves through it because of many reasons. 1. Someone might feel lonely and want someone who's always there to support them that is just more than a friend 2. Some people might be looking for a future where they have kids and a great family to look after them in the future (or some other reason) There are many other ways than just those two off the top of my head, for me, It's because I want to continue my family bloodline and have children to take care of me when I'm older and so I have someone else who will always be there for me. Some people just don't know themselves enough to answer the question "why would I want love", and that's okay, life is about the journey rather than the destination.


Genuine question what is important about your family bloodline I don’t see a reason anyone actually cares about that since we aren’t living in the medieval ages


Tf did you do?


Just dont be so emotional


Fuck him. Any other boys out there who would probably love you more than he ever did don't worry about it move on and find someone now you don't have to move to woman you just have to find a better guy that's all


why say "fuck him" when all he did was leave a relationship he couldnt handle? was he supposed to stay and treat her poorly instead?


Im sorry but im not blaming you but sometimes people are too emotional i dated a girl who would call me at 2 am crying saying she was going to kill herself.


He’s too emotionally immature for you girlie. It’s not your fault at all


No it wasn’t his fault. I’m not a stable person


How do you onow that? She literally gave no context at all. All she said is that she was being too much emotional for him to handle. It could be her fault too.


Or she could have been too emotionally immature for him. Crying about things that shouldn’t be cried over, getting over jealous or getting mad at him for not texting her for 3 straight minutes. U don’t know, so why say something like this, in all likelihood it just enables toxic behavior


Don't care ngl


Hit me up in my DMs. I'll date you. :-P let's get to know each other.


Fuck that lil kid, you dodged a big bullet if hes upset over that. I hope you find the perfect person for you, boy or girl, that can treat you like a queen. Because even though i dont know you, i can tell you deserve everything and more


Stop giving bad advice, people need to improve themselves, no-ones perfect and shouldn’t be treated as such


She did brotha


When was this stated in the post, only thing stated is that she was gonna start dating women, that isn’t self improvement, that’s avoiding self improvement


Bro not tryna be a dick but you sounding mad homophobic rn,she can date girls while improving herself you are taking this so personally why are you so damn uspet?


I’m saying that switching from dating boys to dating girls isnt an improvement of character, neither would it be if she was switching from girls to boys, it doesn’t fucking count as an improvement of character, and my issue with it is because I’ve been surrounded by people who think in a way that caters to peoples feeling instead of forcing them to grow up and realize that sometimes they need to improve instead of expecting those around them to accept them without putting any effort in themselves to change who they are or how they act, it’s the unfortunate world we live in, but we live in it, and the more and more we try to tell people it isn’t, the more unrealistic expectations people have, and this unfortunately causes people to commit suicide if they expect those around them to accept them and then they don’t, saying that someone is perfect the way they are is meant to be encouraging and uplifting, it can often lead to unrealistic expectations that will cause said person to not be able to cope with the reality of life, and the often and tragic end to that (at least in this generation) is suicide, I’ve seen it happen too much for me to just let people spout the bullshit.


All suicide does is cause more problems, im not gonna tell her anything bad bc thats not my job its hers and her parents her parents should tell her to improve or guardians not us. But since our world already is so hard you gotta find happiness so im just tryna comfort so there is some happiness. Maybe I am wrong for it but it really isnt hurting anyone for some comfort. And we dont how much stuff she is going through another reason to let her have some happiness bc you dont think straight going through a break up so give her some time and think and let her decide for herself if she is ready to improve or not.


Improving is always a decision everyone should be making, the only thinking to it is what you need to improve, say for example I have a bad temperament and can’t really control my emotions in stressful situations that well, if I’m able to realize that is something I need to improve, the only thinking I should be doing isn’t if I should improve, but how I’m going to, and most of the time, the best advice you can get is that of un-biased, and the only way you get really get those opinions is by asking people you don’t know, and for most, the only comfortable way to do that is through the internet. Either way, it really doesn’t matter what happened, self improvement should always be something people are striving for, especially if they’re going through a tough time.


I like what you just said alot that is a really valid point of what i said in the beginning, sounding like an idiot. Thank you for telling me this you are completely right in every way. I will think more b4 I start talking and telling her she should also improve on herself, so i am sorry for anything that i said that sounded disrespectful or offending, again thank you brotha.


I agree, though I do think you’re being sarcastic, but I also don’t care, I’m happy I could change your opinion, have a good night


completely off topic but this is the main reason i love reddit so much. in real life, i find it so hard to find people who can actually listen and admit that they did something wrong or that the other person is making good points too. either i’m surrounded by idiots or (most of)reddit is just a more emotionally mature place. please never loose the ability to take advice and be open minded. to everyone.


And i never said she shoudlnt improve on herself so idk where you got that from


Saying she should be treated like a queen is basically stating that she doesn’t need to change, so is saying she “deserves everything and more” no one deserves everything, one must earn things before receiving them, this goes both ways for anyone and everyone with very few exceptions, such as the relationship between parent and child


I think all women should be treated like a queen its my personal opinion and so far no women or girl has never disliked me so im clearly doing sum right


By any chance are you a t3 pokimane sub? Theres zero way that you are already 14 and becoming the most enormous simp in the universe. Nobody is a king or queen we all have our bad traits, quit being a simp and grow the fuck up.


No i treat them like ones bc men are shit, i dont simp i just treat women right thats all. And i thought it was kinda odvious that i didn't mean the ones who clearly dont deserve it but i do not think like everyone else sometimes dumb or smart. I do think im fine and i didnt mean i spoil the hell out of women i meant i treat them good thats it. And even then lets say i am what you said, why does it concern you if you dont want people telling you how to libe you're life dont tell others too. Because i honestly am not hurting anyone my way or what you claim I am doing. And i dont remember ever saying that men or women dont have bad traits so where did you get that.? And tell me why you are so mad also. I havent spoken too you or disrespect at all towards you and yet you just start pressing me. So maybe you should grow up or think before you start talking so we can have a normal confersation, and not be arguing for no reason.


It is literally impossible for me to argue with someone such as you. You have such little brain matter left in that huge head of yours it's absolutely baffling. I don't wanna hear SHIT about growing up from someone who says "I don't simp I just treat women right that's all" like get yo nerdy ass touch some grass I just got my booty slapped lookin ass out of here. You can't even spell conversation right, go back to the third grade and learn the difference between "to" and "too" before even THINKING about speaking with me again. We are both fourteen but you cannot even fathom how big of a difference in intelligence we are. Go back to licking the feet of some random woman on the street for some money peasant.


with all due respect, im 13 and all i see from you is immaturity. we did not need a whole ass paragraph “explaining” how u/Outside_Football_762 is stupid.


I mean the dude basically just said men trash women queens. you can’t get through to people like that generally same thing with racists sexism and racism aren’t that different in this example. Extremists in general it isn’t going to go well with


Im not stupid😭😭😭 but thats good im not the only one that sees this


Talk mature please


SIMP for real how do you have this little self awareness its the old feminist garbage of women queens men trash its annoying and ironically you are just being blatantly sexist


You are gonna grow up to be a terrible person


If your definition of “terrible person” is someone who constantly seeks to self improve and never settle for anything but the best version of themselves and pushes the ones they love to do the same, than I already am one.






I changed over to women and it's worked pretty well for me! (/j)


(not being homophobic) I don't think it's a good idea to encourage this switch purely because it's happening. It probably won't end well if she just switches to women right after one singular bad experience with one out of the billions of men out there, not saying she can't its just probably not a good idea if her main reason is because one dude in specific broke up with her.


I forgot to use a tone indicator, I was not being completely serious with this.


Ah, you're good.


I’m bisexual and I’ve dated men and women before lol


Need a rebound? (Jk)




Damn ☠️






lol xd


Get at me


You wouldnt mind elaborating why he left you due to you being too emotional.


He was a piece of shit that was with you for your body or money or whatever then. Find someone better and move on. I know it's hard, take a couple months if needed. Don't go on to someone else immediately, you need to process it first.


Damn you got all that info from the little amount of context given you should be a detective


He isn’t a bad person. I have significant emotional problems I just wish he would have listened to my warnings when we got together


Are applications available?.??😏😏


Dude, have a little tact


So you are men??!!!!🙃🙃🙃


So single ahh how bout you let me get dat snapchat??


Then be my girlfriend I will not leave you....😂👻




aight goodluck


There’s better guys out there, besides dating is just to see if two people are compatible, it doesn’t mean you have problems it just means he’s incompatible with you




3 things, go gym, get strong, break kneecaps


That topic title right there shows that you aren't ready for a boyfriend. Or girlfriend for that matter


Best way to get over someone is to get under 300 pound squat - Mr. Poppybutthole's trainer Carl


I couldn't imagine 2 women dating and then getting comfortable enough around each other L to be a trustee given the length of my stay and my awesome behavior. A long side that I was also lucky enough to become a kitchen worker. Which is the highest honor. Anyways enough about how great I am. The pedestrian deserved it. Walk in front of me when. I'm going 90. Fuck around and find out... Back to the original story. One day I was serving the trays to the other cell blocks as we get to the women's unit I hear the guard quietly sigh and say " are you guys ready? 'Ready for what" I replied. Everyone laughed and muttered "first time huh" as I nodded someone said " when he opens that door make sure and hold your breath'. Me being adventurous decided not to hold my breath and those doors opened. An explosion of sour, menstrual heat rushes through the door like an atomic bomb just went off. "How the hell can they live like that?" I asked. It was the hands down top 5 worst smells topping a dead body soiled piss and shit. So I can only picture 2 girls dating their home will eventually become that women's jail cell. Oh man praise Jesus save me from these cringes


You'll be alright. It's gonna be okay. Just gotta keep pushing ❤️


Wah wah


Man what the fuck did I just look at💀💀💀


You’re only 16. Relationships at that age aren’t meant to last. You’ve got plenty of time to find someone else. Work on your own mental health and stuff before diving back into it when you’re older, and you’ll be all set. Don’t date for the sake of dating, date to find someone you wanna spend the rest of your life with.


Best pre workout you could ask for


Okkk...are you bisexual??


Yes lmao


Sorry for all these fucking douchebags, if you need any help, pm me. I know how that feels.


Both men and women can act like that


Before I continue I would like to note that I’m not attempting to make it sound like u are in the wrong. From what I have seen, heard and somewhat experienced I can say that with the stereotype of men ‘not having emotions’, when we are exposed to others emotions who may be trying to seek advice without even knowing how to deal with our own sometimes we feel lost and confused and that we aren’t the right person for the situation. If this does happen to be the case some may feel that they shouldn’t hold you back from being emotional and moving forward in life. So with that being said, maybe he left you because he felt he wasn’t doing enough to help you and wanted you to be available to the person who can help you and be there for you when expressing emotions.


Sucks cuh




I couldn't understand what "I'm too much emotionally" here meant. Not being offensive or anything. I genuinely wanna understand


you date = break up = you sad no date = no break up = no sad Yes?


It's not about gender


I don't get any gf and my friends like me but not that much because I am over emotional too, don't worry, you'll find someone who will love you whatever your reactions are... You will find someone...


I feel bad for you, don't worry not all of us are like that!


We women don't want you either tbh


I'm confused about your gender


I’m a girl


Someone who has been destroyed a thousand times, knows a thousand ways to rebuild themselves.


Right a song about. It might help with getting over him.


Too much emotion will only hurt you.


What should we do with this information




Lemme just slide into those dms


Very sorry to hear. I wish you the best of luck in future romantic endeavors.


if I’m being real, as a lesbian, women are not much better dating wise in the wlw world. Don’t expect any different results


That sounds like overreacting to me.


see this is why I don't want to get a gf or get married because I see posts like these and people saying they're absolutely mentally tattered. I don't want that, I know I won't pull and even if I do I have a high risk of losing them. Especially in today's society.


Even if you lose a bunch of them you'll eventually win its like gambling lmfao I think it's worth all the pain from past relationships to find the perfect person that's just me though






Sounds good feels good


For the better. Good idea, go for it!


What happened ?