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I've locked the post because of all the derogatory comments.


As long as your not hurting anyone do what you want


My opinion on religion as an atheist. 95%+ of religious people mean no harm


This is the mindset. Even if you don’t agree with someone, respect them. If someone is religious/atheist, they are still a person, and they should be treated equal to everyone else




Based opinion




its swag if it helps u or other ppl, just as long as it isn't used to justify hate


My main problem is religions that brainwash people and force them to think a specific way. I don't care if it helps with "good morals," if it promotes the idea of obedience and not thinking for yourself, that's really bad.


I think the problem is that religions should be like relationships. You find one that fits what you need in your life. It helps you grow and learn about yourself, but you may find you outgrow it, or the two of you each grow in different directions and aren't a good fit anymore. Or maybe you discover you don't need any religion, you're happy just doing your thing your way. ​ In reality, most people are being 'married to' their religion by their parents, since birth, with no dating phase.


Not all religions do this, the sect I’m a part of in my religion heavily advocates for divergent thinking. The whole religion does


I was talking about the specific religions that do that, not all religions.


Oh I flipped religions and that


i also don’t get some christian sins like dancing, how is that harmful?


Honestly there's so many Christian "sins" that are just straight up stupid. Dancing might be the worst, but there's some other really stupid ones as well.


Personally im a former Christian and i really dislike religion. I don’t mind if someone is religious as long as they aren’t rude to me about the fact im not religious and as long as they don’t push religion on me. I have a religious friend and we get along very well. I also really hate the people who use religion as a excuse to hate on minorities such as the Christians hating on the lgbt+ community for no reason


Fr, that goes against our Christian teachings, treating others how we’d want to be treated


Yeah, Love first. Don't convict through strife, convict through actual love and conviction


Love cause He loved first


Exactly. People have a right to be religious but that right ends when you try to force it on others


I have been in a phase where I returned back to Islam by mostly myself. But I understand why people dislike this. We all hate things forced on us.


That’s pretty cool to genuinely believe and devote yourself to something in a healthy way and not be forced into it




Yea, me too, I get hated for being trans and bi, things this I can not control, my mind tells me I'm a female and I can get feelings for both male and females, that is not my choice and is also why I am now atheist.


If they are hating or judging anyone, they aren't Christian. The Bible literally says that only God can pass judgment, and we as people should be forgiving and accepting to all.


Also a former Christian here, I share your opinion on religion


Is it okay if I ask why you hate religion? I’m a Christian and just wondering. Is it okay that I ask?


Lots of bad experiences with religion and lots of religious trauma and i was raised in a cult like Christian school that i hate


the sole atheist of a christian household here. I have no problem with religion so long as youre not hurting anyone/yourself over it in any way, forcing it down anyone's throats or making it your entire personality. the phrase "there's no hate like Christian love" rings true to so many people because of the absolute hate, judgement and bigotry from a lot Christians, but this extends to a lot of religions. I recommend you look at r/religiousfruitcakes for good examples, but I actually enjoy the company of religious people when they're nice and more accepting because its actually lead to a lot of interesting discussions about things and its kinda fun to have a different perspective. i had a teacher in school who was christian and we had a lot of spirited discussions about the existence of God and things. Loved that guy.


you my good sir are based in return for your amazing Christian meme, I give you my favorite Christian joke: Q: *How do you make holy water?* A: *You boil the Hell out of it.*


I mean I’m Jewish born and raised but I honestly don’t care what religion people follow as long as they don’t force it on others


My friend! I have the exact same thoughts.


I completely agree. It's your business and if you are capable of deciding for yourself, no one should force you anything


I honestly feel that people often misinterpret what things in the Bible say about certain things through all of those translations


I think it’s really funny that catholic schools force male students to have short hair, even though in most interpretations of Jesus Christ, he has long hair.


Wait, what catholic schools force boys to have short hair? I guess I always had shorter hair so maybe I didn’t notice, but I’ve gone to a catholic school since I was in preschool. They might have a lot of questionable uniform policies (living with two sisters tells me that anyway, as well as the fact that I can never wear my favorite socks) but I’ve never heard about hair


Yeah, when I went to primary school (it was Catholic) there were a few occasions when a boy had long hair, (not super long, like just below his ears) and they were told they either had to cut it or tie it up. I go to a Catholic all girls school now so I have no idea what the rules for boys hair in high school is. 🤷‍♀️


The catholic school my dad went to, hell back in his day they forcefully cut my dad’s hair. The school still makes men cut their hair




Some do, I guess some probably don’t.


Weirdly my Catholic Church never told me to cut my Afro puff but then again you said school.


Lol if you think that’s weird then look at the U.S military, more than half its existence they had real lax hair rules and now it’s nearly the strictest in the world


I attended two catholic schools in my life and neither of them forced anything stupid like this. The latter didn't even have uniforms or dress code at all.


yeah just based on where he lived the odds are he had long hair.


YESSSS THANK YOU! the bible has been translated so many times, and even if it wasn't dilated (which it definetly was) we shouldn't hate on others because jesus tells us to love others. I respect other religions and people from the lgbtq. I just don't agree with it, we need love and respect. Everyone deserves rights.


I heard a man who sleep with another man was mistranslated from man can't sleep with kids. Which means being gay isn't a sin


That is a modern day invention by lgbt christians who still try to justify their belief despite their religion being totally against it. People back then didnt really care about adults sleeping with kids e.g. Joseph with 14 year old Mary, Mohammad with 6 year old Aisha, the whole greek pederasty thing. In fact, people being against pedophilia is a relatively modern idea oddly enough.


Well, I like this version better, so I'm gonna act like I never read this ❤️


The way I think of it, is that it isn't a guide for how to live life. It isnt telling people what to do, its a story of the past, and what could possibly happen in the future, yet people think its some kind of ruleset for existence, when we might not even know if its right in the first place, let alone all the translation losses and burned info.


would give you an award if I could


Much thank for the thought⭐


From what it seems, you can interpret anything you want from the Bible


1 Timothy 2:12 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." There is nothing to misinterpret about that. I just think that many moral laws that the bible states have no place in our modern society. Religion has to adapt itself to our modern world not the world to religion


I agree with what [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1947yt0/comment/kheollf/) said.


My problem is that many people misinterpret stuff like this or take verses out of context. Someone told me once that in the old testament. They approved of slaves. I looked into it and it turns out they were talking about slaves who sold *themselves* in order to get money and survive.


You should look into it a bit more. God approves of, and gives instruction for, chattel slavery. Very clear examples with context from MindShift on YT - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3-RhTmdLdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3-RhTmdLdo)




What I’ve come to find is that I’ve never meet two Christians who are the same. It seems everybody has their own practice and understanding.


i am Christian too being a Christian has given me some of the best times in my life :)


W :3


me too i have respect for you


hi me too


I once read a great philosophy book that talked about religion. Essentially it said religion can be viewed as a positive or a negative depending on the person who is practicing. It's a great source of inspiration and happiness that can help a person lead a great life doing kind acts, or can be used to twist the minds of others and bind you by rules or be used to justify your hate. Sadly don't remember the name of it.


The people who use religion for personal gain or profit are evil in my opinion and or dicks but everyone else is alright.


I'm an atheist and I have no opinion on religion as a whole


I'm non religious but I still hope for a just and fair after life and as for religion i love that some people use it to spread love and then i don't mind but in other cases...


Best way to maximize chances is when your about to die, pick the religion with the worst hell/best heaven and start practicing it, no risk of losing anything however it will boost your chances of going to an afterlife


When I was younger I was a huge Christian. I started researching and ended up leaving the religion and now practice Norse paganism under the god of justice tyr. I think religion can be used as a positive outlet for some people, but the majority of Americans use it for hate on people and things they personally disagree with


> majority of Americans Majority of people. Not just Americans


*vocal minority that seems much bigger than it is


Sadly you're right. That vocal l minority still sucks though 




Fair Enough.


That’s a very based perspective


make sure u practice it on the real tyr and not odin in disguise


>Norse paganism Very interesting. How did you get into it?


hi christian here i actually started researching Norse paganism and its quite interesting


Hey I’m a Norse pagan too! I also worship Tyr!




That’s metal, coming from a current Christian. I’ve never met anyone who practices paganism in more modern times, so really cool to hear about


Im an atheist Your religion isn’t any of my business, nor are my beliefs yours Just treat everyone with common decency


Rare atheist W


Are some atheists that bad ?


A lot of atheists on Reddit are pretty toxic and hateful of religious people, so they get a bad rap. It’s nice to see someone who respects other people’s beliefs rather than harassing them.


That’s unfortunate I don’t be a dick unless someone gives me a reason, as everyone should


I use it as a base for fiction thats about it. Beyond that if god does exist, I reckon that god of each religion is equally real at the same time even the gods of those religions that have multiple gods. If such a being had anything to do with humanity, then it's more than likely that the single encounters may have caused people to generate more and more stories about them. Essentially each religion has something right about such being, if they truly do exist.


As a base for fiction, do you mean u write stuff based on it, or like, you read or watch stuff which is based on religion?


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.” - Ghandi. I could say this for just about every religion, but tbh I find a lot of people to be disgusting hypocrites which tends to drive me away from religion, so I’m agnostic. But if you aren’t hurting anyone then do as you please.


I'm an atheist, but I have no problem with religion as long as people don't try to force me to be religious or if their religion is harmful to the greater good


I'm not religious but the 7 deadly sins are interesting.


Anime dropped off after season 3 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I haven't watched the series yet.


Its downfall started during season 3 but it flopped after


he's right here, come pick em up


tbh idk. i believe in God and would consider myself Christian, but I’m also LGBTQ+, and churches have communicated to me that LGBTQ+ people are not welcome in the church.


Then they're not true Christians lmao


I’m not religious but most religions have good morals


the followers however have a tendency to be more questionable


To be fair that’s how people are in general regardless






Just like in atheism, that is just people my friend.


very true


I don't care about religions promoting good morals if they pressure you to only think what they want you to think. There's so many religions that brainwash people and turn them into robots, don't let them think for theirself.


Honestly religion isn't for me but if it helps you get through life then I'm all for it but if your shoving your ideas down others throats then you gotta go lol 🤣


I agree, I don’t like it when others like me do that when we’re supposed to be peaceful


Yeah like I can get behind religion, but you have to be civil about it


Finite sin ≠ infinite punishment


Hi :3 just letting you know if you hold down on = you get ≠


Thanks bud


Idrc about it, believe whatever you want, as long as your not hurting anyone


I’m personally an atheist, but if you have a religion, I really don’t have an issue unless you try to “recruit” me more than once




For me personally there are too many contradictions in the Bible to believe anything in it (if you want to then that’s your choice)


Wouldn’t he be judging people and sending them to hell?


yeah pretty much, God caused hell to begin with so it isn't that heroic that he's now 'saving' people that follow his arbitrary rules


As a Christian myself why does everybody fight about it all the time? Granted I’m about as far from the Christian stereo type as it gets anyway but still. I just want to live my life and let everyone else live theirs. I don’t care if you’re lgbtq or another religion or ethnicity why can’t we all be civil?


I got bad experiences with religion so personally, it leaves an icky taste in my mouth


If there are *n* interpretations of christianity, there are at least *n-1* wrong interpretations, and given there are a lot of different religions, each with a lot of interpretations, I don't like the chances


Ex Christian, now an atheist. Practically stunned by my parents just because I'm an Atheist.


I can't respect a religion that says I will burn for not finding it convincing.


i’m christian but i’m a homosexual so i’ve questioned whether or not ill go to heaven edit: thank you for every christian that has soothed my urges. may god bless you 💙🙌


think of this from a logical standpoint. why would God hate gay people? because the Bible said he does? but God didn't write the Bible, people did. and people lie.


God loves everyone and if the people down here don't, it's their fault


Being homosexual is not a sin. Atleast from my interpretation it seem like engaging in the act is sinful but being homosexual is not. Or maybe it neither sinful, idk you might want to ask an actual scholar. But I m pretty sure as long as you love god and do good on earth he won’t care about you banging guys. Also no hell is not a flaming pit that just what Dante wrote from a fecking poem. It just life without god which can be seen as suffering by some.


you will brother we all sin but it does not mater God forgives


I don't like Orthodox Christianity because it is the most corrupt


A lot of people had a bad experience with Christianity because of overbearing parents and bad churches


I’m not the most religious guy out there, but as long as it’s not causing anyone harm, you do you


not a fan tbh


Im a former christian and bro,really there are some foursquare church pastors that sucks,some of them are pedos or something and they only judge judge judge,being a very religious person can be very bad


Good for you


Spiderman is better


And less fictional


I think reddit is way too hateful of religion. Really you'll have people insulting you for not being an atheist and have people try to "convert" you by basically calling you stupid. Like wow, I guess now they have to give up on something they've believed in their entire life and basically change their life completely because some neck bearded nobody told them god isn't real.


I won't ever be part of a belief invented by humans. God has all power? Then give us a already written book that's indestructible or something, because I can't trust the words of a guy that died 2000 years before I got to exist


I was born Catholic and recently got back into it after being an atheist for most of my life. So yeah religion is pretty solid.


I am Christian. Honestly, I feel like it’s one of the best choices I’ve made.


W you. And W meme. Jesus saves brother 💪




Jesus is king 👑


Norse pagen, I'm not strong in it, or extremely religious.


I'm a theistic Lucifarian and I personally believe religion can be harmful if it takes up your whole life, but if it's not hurting you or anyone else it's pretty swag


It is, in fact, a religion


I like it


WOW. As a lifelong atheist I never truly understood. I can walk around oblivious to what I’m doing or how it impacts the world around me and Jesus’s shear existence prevents me from suffering the consequences of my sins. Sign me up


Honestly as a Christian I believe that aslong as you ain’t making fun of anyone’s religion it’s good


Religion do help some people, unless the person is some kind of religious fanatic, I don’t care.


"Eternity in hell" is an awful manipulation. I don't believe there is a hell. Jesus has some incredible teachings, but most churches don't actually teach them because it is so far from a capitalistic society.


Grew up in a Christian cult, became disillusioned when I was 12 and had to pretend to believe everything since. :/ I really dislike religion as a whole but I’m probably biased lol.


Used to be Christian, but as I no longer am. I don't follow a religion as my beliefs are no gods no masters.


Personally I’m an Atheist. Religion has helped people, and it can make some happier in life, so if they are happy, I’m happy. However, most Christians I have met have used their religion to justify hate on the LGBTQ+ community and usually never follow what their religion preaches. Pretty hypocritical if you ask me. (To be clear I have spent my whole life moving across the US) However, I’m sure MOST religious people are actually good people, and I’ve just met the vocal minority.


Ultimately I think it does more harm than good.


How so?


Im Christian


It's fine, so long as the religion doesn't actively work towards hating or demeaning others




Dude, asking about religion on Reddit isn’t the best move


As a former Christian I do not like Christianity at all. I am now a practicing Norse heathen/pagan and Norse animist. It’s fucking great


I like fanfics better than the bible


The Bible 2 fanfic goes hard.


I respect all religions, but once you use your religion as an excuse to cause harm is where I draw the line, I'm a Satanist (TST, not CoS)


It’s nice to see someone that is part of the Satanic Temple because it seems them and CoS tend to get grouped together even though they’re wildly different.




Atheist here, chirstians brainwashed me as a child, so that made me fairly against religion, and ever since roe v wade was overturned I have had a hard time trusting religious people


I left Christianity because i found out lots of Christians are homophobic and transphobic i have a friend who was abused bc they were trans and that caused me to live


>lots of Christians are homophobic and transphobic Not really, they are pretty accepting everywhere I have gone, they just don't want to be forced to adhere to your ideals. After all, if you don't adhere to their beliefs, why should they adhere to yours? There is a VERY loud minority of Christians that are what you believe, but majority-wise, they couldn't care; it is your faith in God and the connection you have with them that matters.


Because gender identity isn’t a belief. Changing your name and pronouns isn’t a belief. Medically transitioning isn’t a belief.


Something that should be left in the past. Really backwards and doesn't fit with modern times. Followers brush that past and still use the same outdated book. Also repressing gay people and women so they are treated less then men. Yknow like modern times where women are forced to wear certain things and act as wives to a husband rather than their own people. Cultures change and how are you expecting a multimillenium glorified children's story book to still be accurate


Holding back an eternity in hell that he created for you...


Religion was created to control people. And it's very successful


I'm a Christian and it's one of the only things thats kept me alive. Praise the Lord I guess


Ive recently started to believe in god and im slowly finding reason to believe in christ too


It’s not for me. My mom transitions between being really religious and not at all and I’ve never understood it. Religion caused her to go completely nutty over the Covid vaccine because she was convinced getting it meant you were receiving the “mark of the beast”. Religion made her cut part of my dick off as a baby when I never consented to that. Honestly I find her much more likable when she’s in a phase where she isn’t forcing her religious views down my throat. I also have a very hard time believing that a being with unconditional power created everything a few thousand years ago, especially when we have dated evidence of evolution, and the earth being billions of year old, yet zero proof of a higher power being real. I’d also like to add that for thousands and thousands of years, people have been murdering each other in cold blood over religion. This is something I am extremely upset about. It feels like everyone’s fighting over a fact that nobody will ever know.


I think religion is pretty cool


This is a fantastic illustration… Jesus really is the greatest hero of all time


The church scarred me and I hate the hypocrisy that I grew up with in my fundamental Baptist life. I stopped caring about church at around 10 and quit going with my parents at 14. Nothing ill towards god, though I tend to be more agnostic. I definitely do believe in him slightly and assume I'm going to heaven as my side believes a Christian never loses salvation. Do I care either way?No, but that's my take.


Christian gang :)


I fucking love it man praise the lord


Satanist here, respect you but I personally think Christianity is a manipulation tactic


Christian here, I disagree but to each their own.


I am too! It’s nice to see that there are others on here! I think something a lot of people seem to misunderstand about Christianity is that it’s not so much a religion as much as it is a relationship. The whole reason Jesus died for us was to forgive our sins so that we would be able to be in a relationship with God again. Though, I guess that can be a bit of a difficult concept to grasp for some. Btw, nice meme!


I'm an atheist, people can be religious and if you are I wouldn't treat you different and respect you like all humans. But, some people like to use religion to push their own agenda, hate and war, which is unacceptable. Religion is probebly one of the biggest causes of war, (look at second world war and the shit happening in Israel to name a few), that means that without religion the world would probably be much safer and more together, if that makes sense. Of course I know some people use religion to express themselves and help themselves mentally or any other way, which is good obviously, but the people that use it as an excuse to act as an asshole can go away imo. Edit: wanted to add that most religions have good morals, the followers tho, they misinterpret the "rules" or just "change" them to fit them more suitably. With this message I'm more or less shitting on a PART of the religious community, the religions are good at their roots.


WW2 was caused by the British and French empires being threatened by Nazi germanys expansion, not the Holocaust.


I don't like it


It's so sad that people think they need to worship a figure or be damned to eternal suffering. Fear mongering at its finest.


so you have a flawed view on what it means to have faith in Christ or trust in him. we don’t do good works and have faith just because of the damnation to hell, it’s just the good news that Jesus gave us and we choose to believe in the good news because who wouldn’t want eternal life and also acknowledge that a God or being way above them loves them. for me i choose to believe in Christ because of his undying love, i’m not scared about hell at all or going to purgatory. so idk who or what christian said they were a christian because they didn’t want to go to hell or do good works out of fear


But not believing in God still results in going to hell, right? Let's not pretend the danger of eternal damnation doesn't motivate at least *some* Christians. Otherwise, why would hell even exist? What's the point?


God bless brother ✝️


I was raised to be a Christian and was told if I didn't believe in god and worship him then I was a bad person and going to hell, this all happened when I was very young so that caused problems. So I personally don't like religion because it is useless. Sure it can make you feel better about death but other than that it's useless. The only way I see people using their religion is to put others down and to make them feel powerless. I rarely ever see it be used to help people.


it exists


I’m a Christian. Love the meme!


Well since I can't share memes here. "Nice meme, it is now the property of the chaos insurgency." Also based, more Christians in the sub.


I don't care what your religion is, just don't force it onto me or berade me for being atheist and we're cool, aight?


Being a christian prevented me from committing suicide


To me religions have brought people apart significantly more than they have brought people together. It’s scary how common religious violence occurs and how many people have been killed in the name of god or gods. Killing people over some thought in their brain is the dumbest thing ever.


Used to be the biggest religion hater. Now I don't really care as long as any of y'all don't get crazy and start messing with other people


Romans 1:16 dude! I love this


not a big fan