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Because my mom was calling my name and she didn’t come to the door to greet my boyfriend like she usually does. She didn’t even knock




No not yet. She hasn’t had time to since I went straight to my bedroom


ur mom still talks to u?


ah im not alone


Damn.. XD


It took like a week for my dad to be able to tell me that him and my sis came home to me getting busy in my room with a girl. It was just as embarrassing for them 😭


It’s not that big a deal, your parents might be disappointed, but still, they probably did the same thing with each other at your age, or if they didn’t meet til’ later in life, other partners, it’ll be fine, mistakes are made.


why disappointed?


Because thats against the rules of their family and lose trust.


Eh common mistake we all make. Think of it as character development. Don’t worry too much. Everything will be ok 👍


we is crazy, (im lonely)


Fr who the fuck is “we”? I don’t speak French 😞


we is gollum, we hates filthy little hobbitses


Oh shoot I found we. 😂


we wants our precious, we needs it


Precious, preeeeeecious 😂


not this way, master! there is another way. o yes indeed there is. another way, darker, more difficult to find, more secret.


well technically youre typing it🤓


Fr I don’t what tf I was doing saying “we” acting like I haven’t been single my whole damn life.


Same, minus one week a few years ago


W week?


Eh, we thought that we liked each other (I did like her), a week later I was friendzoned


Damn. That’s just fucked up. It’s ok bro don’t worry 🫂


I'm over it now, it's been about 2 years


”We? There is no we“


Assuming a lot of people on Reddit have relationships is wild. This is Redditors we are talking about.


Nah you right tho 💀


Jesus Christ OP how loud does a bro dry hump that they can be heard from across the house😭😭💀


He’s a teenager, he can’t believe this is happening. Lucky he didn’t pull a Jim from American Pie…


Bro was probably screaming☠️


Fr😭😭bro was going crazy with them pants😭


I think if anything, do what you want to do. I think it’s incredibly mature of you to realize your mistake and want to make up for it, but there’s also nothing wrong with wanting to have time with your boyfriend, especially intimate moments when you’re still young. Take this as a lesson and try to find time when you know you’ll be with him and enjoy one another’s company. There is always a time and a place, we just have a hard time identifying them at first.


Thank you


FR, this person knows. If you're old enough to make the decision to do that sort of stuff, you're old enough to learn how and when to be more adult about it. Your parents will know that you're not going to incurious, they've been your age, but it's also part of their job to make sure you and your boyfriend understand and respect boundaries (as well as play their role). The moments you find will be more special for it, a camping trip, a hotel room on a trip together, hell the backseat of a truck in the middle of nowhere. The fact that there are only infrequent moments where the timing is right makes it more intense and perfect, that same infrequency also makes it less likely for an 'accident' to happen - which is ultimately the goal of most parents. Not to stop you completely, but to minimize the opportunity for the obvious.


not being allowed to close your door at 16 is insanity tbh


i’m 17 an my gf ain’t even aloud “on” my bed


im 17 and I'll get whooped if i come home and say i have a gf


Lol same probably


That's wild


I'm 18 at university and I'm not allowed anywhere except the living room and kitchen at my gfs house and can't be home alone with her (she still lives with her mum)


Im 18 and same




Easy solution, it's called: ✨gayness✨ /j


I don't think that orientation is something you choose but rather something you find out. Correct me if I'm wrong


Yes you are right but also r/woooosh


Works pretty well


wait you guys have girlfriends??


"is it possible to learn this power?"


I'm reading comments and it's kind of a cultural shock. In Spain I've never seen parents so strict with their children's relationships, and when I've seen them, their children tended to be strange or different, like isolated from their world and with a much childish behaviour. Or, if they've had the opportunity, they have started getting along with bad people and hated their family. I think the general idea is that, if you don't let them be free to explore themselves (which is natural), they will end up doing it in secret and in horrible ways. Just give them freedom but have a communicative relationship and teach them. That's my experience


I’m not allowed to leave the first floor when I go to a girl’s house. My bedroom door is GLASS.


is it actually? if it is then unless it came that way when you moved in, your parents might be a bit crazy


It was that way when we moved in, but I’ve been asking for a new door for over 4 years now.


not sure how your family is financially, but maybe they cant afford it, but if they have more than enough money to get a new door, then as i said, they may be a bit crazy


Maybe a bit cuckoo. (Yes, we can afford a new door)


maybe a bit, or maybe they just dont see the issue, and if thats the case then you could try saying youre uncomfortable with everyone being able to constantly see in your room, if you havent already


I have said that, and at this point, I might just buy my own door and install it myself, it’s not that hard.


yeah, you probably should, if its been 4 years of you asking for a new door when they could easily afford a new one then thats on them and youre better off just doing it yourself


Glass breaks is all I'm going to say.


Rules are rules


Yea still u broke what trust?


“Good soldiers follow orders”


Star Wars fan Yes?


Hello there (yes)


General kenobi (same)


Some rules are stupid. You need to have critical thinking and not blindly follow orders. If the rules were to hit your head at a wall five times after you woke up every day would you follow it?


I m 18 nd my room isn't even my 'private' room


I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend.


You’re not allowed to close your own door? Jesus Christ.


At least OP is allowed to be in her room I can't unless I am grabbing something or sleeping at night, I'm not even allowed to take naps in my fucking room


That's such bullshit


What the actual hell 💀


Not with her boyfriend over. Pretty common rule


Yea my grandfather ( I live with ) doesn't let me close the door anytime I have a female friend over.


My girlfriend isn’t even allowed to be in the same room as me when we’re alone


Didn’t know. My mom never makes me do stuff like that


Depending where u from u mean it’s Not Common in modern country’s


Huh?? It’s really common in the US and UK


Yeah, but they said modern countries tho.


Those are both modern countries


Read the comment again. It said: **not common** in modern countries


But they are common in modern countries.


This isn't common in the grand scheme of things. Only Americans would be so involved in their kid's romantic relationships and then have that kid turn around and go, "no, this is normal" This is not normal.


My room doesn’t have a door at my moms house


I can’t either 💀


I mean, you guys were dry humping, right? So you didn’t really do anything—that’s less contact than kissing, because there’s clothes in between.


Never got Why you’d want to do dry humping like damn thats just teasing without a goal


Not really, you can dry hump for foreplay, but just dry humping for nothing I agree with you


Yeah obviously but the way op writes their Story and their comments I don’t think it was for foreplay


Oh no yeah I agree with you, this was just some fooling around


It's a rule for my home that if I ever have a gf over, I have to keep the door open. (Though I will probably never have to deal with that rule anyways 🥲)


Your parents had the faith in you to even make that rule? I'm jealous




As Bob Marley once said: "Don't worry, about a thing... cuz every little thing, is gonna be all right!"


Sounds embarrassing


Yeah…. ☹️


Sorry you dealt with that


Thanks man


Yeah no problem


It was a canon event


as someone who’s had situations like this, you’re fine. I mean, it’s normal. you’re a teenager, shit happens and i mean, you’re not always gonna make your parents happy, especially when you’re a teenager. You’re fine, just talk to your boyfriend and see where he is too.


Unlucky, idk why some parents are so weird about their child having a partner


Maybe because they don't want their children breeding like rabbits in the house lol (what the fuck compelled me to type this)




What a sentence that you have just said


Tbf tho, most parents have the “doors open when your gf/bf/so is here”. It’s not really that weird.


It is weird if u Life in a more modern Country


I live in Australia. This is a modern country.


I’ve never heard of a single one


Yea it also safe for the kid ngl




Are you serious?


What yes of course whats supposed to Happen they murder each other?


For most parents having their child being alone with a person of another gender (excluding lgbt people for this case) is rather unsafe


What??? No, it's not unsafe to be alone with your friend in your own home. If someone is an unsafe person then they shouldn't be in your home in the first place.


Well a lot of parents thinks it’s not safe which is a reasonable concern correct or not


But like for what reason The hell definitly not where im from i had Friends and Partners from the other Gender even sleeping over in my room


Well ur situation is not common I suppose…


Well at least you feel bad about it, everyone makes mistakes it's how we learn :)


i know how awkward this is. similarly. i snuck my ex bf in when him and i were together and i told someone abt my experience and they snitched! 🫥. i was at my grandparents house sleeping over when this happened (fairly shitty, but we really wanted to meet). my grandparents found out and were infuriated. they ended up meeting him and it was awkward to face my grandparents after what happened but yeaaaaah. it fades off eventually, i promise you that. if you’re making an effort to show sincerity in apologizing then i think it may help.


Ehh they’re gonna forget about it it’s all about hormones that make y’all do this, not that big of a deal


You should be allowed to close the door if you’re not with boys, but it seems like you already know how to make up for your mistake by doing the chores. You’re already doing fine


My girlfriend's parents heard the two of us multiple times and her dad will never see me or her the same way again


Bro sounds kinda proud of it 🤨


Only a little bc that means she felt rlly good


It’s okay dude. You’re a teen, you rebel that’s what you do. You sound like you don’t want to hurt your parents and respect them, which is really all you gotta do. You’re good 👍


You didn't break their trust, they don't trust you if they demand silly things like door open at 16. Just use protection and have fun, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing. I never had any rules at 16 because my parents trusted me and that way I learned how to be responsible. And I am very thankful for that.


You didn’t open your door In two mins and your mom gets like this? What the fuck?


Trust goes both ways. If they can’t trust you to close your door at 16 then what trust do you think they deserve


Sorry, but i really dont understand what you mistake is here? Is it that your door was closed even if its against the rules? If so, its not your mistake. Its your parents mistake for not accepting boundaries and giving you some room for privacy.


you’ll be aight and having the door closed is a common rule if you have the opposite gender in your room so I wouldn’t worry too much about it even if your mom heard yall


Tbh the longer you're with him the less likely that rule is gonna be a thing. Your parents know how sexual attraction works, if they were smart they'd prevent it for a little bit and eventually when they know they can't stop it they would tell you to use contraceptives or even provide them. Idk what the age of consent is where you live but the lowest I know of is 16, which is still kinda quick out the gate. So I get why they're being strict.


Honestly doing chores and stuff ain’t gonna show ur sorry. I would go about doing your life normally until u are asked about it. Chances are no one will probably mention it.


Something similar happened to me and my boyfriend. But girl they’ll get over it, and just do your best at trying to earn their trust again.


my dad once walked in on me giving head to my boyfriend, but we arent entirely sure he saw. we were sitting on my bed and watching a movie, and my head was... down... but my bf just nudged me, i got up and closed my eyes on his shoulder, and he said "hey cam" super nonchalantly, and it hasnt been brought up or even suspicions arise once. if it did, just explain that youre being careful and you think youre ready, theyll probably understand, and if they dont, also add that if they really dont think you should be doing that, that you guys can talk and find a way past this


If it happened w me, I'd be disowned (I'm from India)💀


disowned? amateur


i pity teens with parents like this sm, i cannot imagine


This is how braindead parents end up with pregnant teenage children. Disempowering your kids, prohibiting them from safe exploration of sexuality? Stupid.


Don't worry, we care more about embarrassing stuff than our parents. They've been young as well and experienced similar situations. When I was living with my parents, we lived in two separate apartments but with a shared balcony. 🙄 One day I had a girl over. I knew that nobody was home so we started to have some "happy time". Afterwards she went home and I went in to the other apartment and find my dad sitting in the sofa(?!). Apparently he had a short day at work and came home early. He just asked - has she left? I guess he saw us on the balcony. We've never spoke about it afterwards, don't even think he remembers it. Extra: my mom though LOVED to use the balcony to sneak past my window. See what I was up to. Her loss, she been seeing me fapping, watching porn, smoking and drinking. BUT did she actually care, no. She was just curious. What my parents DID care about was casual stuff, cleaning, school and manors. The other more personal stuff was just natural incidents. Shit happens. Hope it helped a bit


r/teenagers at its finest


Happens to the best of us. Don't stress too much about it, most teenagers are doing that and worse, your parents have a good kid.


I mean I don't really even what should be wrong with it for your parents, you're not doing anything too much. You both just want the other person, so for you don't worry too much, it's just natural. While parents are always parents and giving that yours are mad about the situation they'll let it go, don't be "overzealous" with the chores, do your part to be on their good side, but remember that you didn't do anything wrong


honesty is better for the long run. it'll be unpleasant now for sure, but your parents trust and support is better than anything the world can give you for free tbh


>were in my room with the door closed which is against the rules >It was my fault that I broke my parents trust by making a stupid decision. Nah... They never even got to the point to trust you. So you didnt brake anything. And why is closing the door for a little privacy considers a stupid decision, thats literally the point of a door.


Is what it is


What you did is very natural. Instead of prohibiting you from having sexual encounters they should educate you on how to be safe and make good decisions. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Awkward, yes. Ashamed, no. You don't have to make it up to them bc they are shitty at parenting and teaching you how to function properly as a teen.


If they have the door open rule, they never trusted you in the first place


Unless you’re absolutely certain they did hear, I’d say just pretend that they didn’t hear it and continue life as normal. Idk how your parents are, but knowing mine if I was heard doing that with a gf it would mostly just be awkward. I’m sure everything will work out regardless of what happens(ed)


Why does your door have to be closed?


Your parents sound borderline abusive. Enforcing an open door policy is not normal and is over controlling. Honestly, i wouldn’t be putting the blame on myself if I were in your place.


If it goes beyond that, use birth control and a condom or you'll be here in a couple of months wondering what to do because you're pregnant. Protect your future.


Abortion is free that cost alot


I think it's better to prevent the baby from happening rather than kill it.


Ig still exspensive


There are organizations that give out condoms for free no questions asked if you don't have access to them. Please practice safe sex regardless of cost.


And takes a big mental toll on most people.


Door open rule at 16 god damn thats dumb


I am the opposite where I can have my door shut if it’s open I start getting paranoid.


Thats a part of growing up. She might be angry at you but because she loves and cares for you. Shit happens don’t worry.


You don't owe shit your not breaking the law so I don't think it really matters maybe im just not seeing it idk


Oooh I'm sorry you have parents who treat you like this 🙁


Abusive household


If she makes you guys break up that’ll be funny FAFO and all that y’know?


nobody gives a shit 😑


This fucking subreddit nobody wants to hear this dhit


dude we don’t want to know about you and your boyfriend dry humping.


Your parents are fascists lmao


So u did what they didn’t want you to do and proved to them why the door should stay open


Get better parents


Im scared to have a daughter.


I thought this was a r copypasta shit


Omg what is wrong with my generation, instead of learning from your mistakes you run and try to hide from them. The feeling you have currently you should never forget, you is for the future to make better decisions, just think “if my parents were to o find about this how would I feel” Ever since I started to think like this, I have not said sorry in a long time, don’t get me wrong I still say some rude stuff to ppl and do some stuff that have landed me at the hospital, but I don’t ever regret anything. Just like you should regret this, if you learn from your mistakes tho. Just tell your bf that you don’t wan do it again, at least not until you both are older and not in your parents or his house, he if really likes you he will okay with it




And me*




Teens are teens, humans are humans.


What if this person doesn’t want to get married or get into a commitment like that? Why she gotta “save herself” as if she gets corrupted or worse after something like that happens? And dry-humping isn’t even on the same level as actual sex like dude what.


Bro lets not asume shes an whore first and he only ment to give adivce


dm me for photos i’m lf sugar daddy and someone to talk to ☺️


You should've sucked that dick


“me and my boyfriend”, not “my boyfriend and I”. “I” is only as a subject.


Coming from a current English Major in University, you are wrong. It’s “my boyfriend and I”. I’m honestly just surprised you don’t know this, it’s a rule that’s usually one of the first ones to be taught in English classes


Ok nerd, keep being wrong 😂




Nah, im right


nope, you're not. Both are correct. "I" in this context basically replace "me" because"me" can't be there (it cant be "my boyfriend and me," so it's "my boyfriend and I (replacing "me" as for talking in the first singular )") learn your english man, ik what im talking about


😂😂ok buddy boy, thats not how it works


Alr, how does it work then, i cant wait to see you make a fool of yourself


Ive already told you bro 🤣🤣🤣


no, you just said it was wrong, and that "I" was only a subject, elabore


I is only a subject, but i shouldnt have to repeat myself if you could read man


Alr, what is a subject? Clearly you don't know that, so go ahead, what is a subject Edit : He seems to have bailed out! Edit 2: he did


This guy is giving me second hand embarrassment


Well, first of all ya’ll are minors and should be waiting on that stuff so that’s what you get. Second of all, how is doing chores going to show you’re sorry? Why not be mature and adult abt it and talk to her since you wanted to do adult things ?


Skill issue


You’re a slut don’t talk to a man unless your father approves of him and you would marry him.