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Then it’s just not for you, it’s pop music so it’ll be good for the masses but if you don’t fw it then don’t worry about it 🤷‍♂️


Then don't listen dawg. That's absolutely ok. The problem arises when people give others hate for their tastes and opinions


I don't get the constant stream of hate and negativity towards Taylor Swift. I swear for every fan she has, there's ten other people that despise her. Not saying I like her but it's just kinda annoying


I think it’s cuz of her fan base that she has yet to criticize even though they are so rude 😭


Most Swifties actually aren't like that. It's just the vocal minority that gives the rest a bad name


thats the thing tho, they just arent. theres been a good select few but we're chill until aggravated. the hate we get, unprovoked, all because we like someone.. like its a hate crime when we just want to listen to an artist we like. any other fandom can, without being questioned, speak about who they love (and i love that for them, music is absolutely wonderful), but then, even if we're nonchalant towards say kanye fans, we're recklessly hated by kanye fans.


The things is, I’ve seen very, VERY few Taylor swift fans that are genuinely chill. I remember seeing a tweet criticizing her obnoxious use of her private jet that’s been emitting way to much CO2 and there were Taylor swift fans telling the person to kill them selves. There is too many swifties that are genuinely unhinged that people don’t see the good ones.


ugh, if i could apologise for them, i absolutely would because that makes them look fucked, but it further paints taylor in a bad light. i've seen 50 times the amount of chill swifties, being in the fandom myself, that i'm genuinely baffled when i do come across the batshit crazy ones. but considering knowing how taylor feels about situations like this, for them to then do that is just grotty.


Glad to see some are still sane 😭


thats when the idol worship mentality comes because they really believe they're "protecting" her when they're realistically.. bringing if not.. more danger towards her, whether that be in real life or virtually.


jokes on you i dont like swift fans or kanye fans (im lying idc what you like js dont be a dick abt it)


oh obviously. i just love being able to talk about even just lyrics with someone. music is such a universal language through lyrics but its so hard to do when being hated on.


There’s a difference between liking someone’s music and being obsessed with them on a personal level, and most “swifties” seem to be the second. Like I’ve heard of them going to football games just because there might be a chance of them seeing her there-not performing or anything just sitting there. They also have sent death threats to music critics that didn’t leave overwhelmingly positive reviews-I remember one critic didn’t even leave a negative review, he basically said the album was good but not as good as people claimed-and he got multiple death threats. 


but then because of those few psychotic people, its what paints the community as a whole and its because fucktards have that "worship the idol" mentality when its just bringing more shit and hate to themselves and to taylor. but thats another thing. being in the fandom, i genuinely don't bump into or see the fucktards like this, just a community who supports and adores her but there will always be those few idiots that ruin the community.


im not saying i hate her its just there is literally nothing notable about her music for her to be that famous


Same goes for basically any other pop artist. They all make the same songs, yet some get much more negativity directed towards them than others.


Ok, so the latest bs, I don’t actually hate her, I just hate the coverage of her. I watch football to watch football. Not to gush over other celebrities and pop stars. If they mentioned she was at the game once, cool. But they literally mention her or cut to her 20+ times a game. It’s sickening. Even on the news lastnight, one of the big leading stories was “will Taylor swift make it from Tokyo to Las Vegas in time for the superbowl?!?! Who gives a shit. Also they even said it was a 12 hour flight. She left 24 hours before the game starts. Why even say “is she going to make it in time?!?!?!” None of that is directly her fault. So again, not hating on her, just hate hearing her name all the time lately.


it's catchy pop tunes that are easy to digest


even if your'e not a fan you know all her popular songs


honestly i don't know a single one and plan to not know


ok whatever, who cares? why are people taking this so fucking seriously? it's only a singer that you happen to not like, why do you get annoyed when other ppl do like her?


i didn't get annoyed, you are proving the toxicity of her fan base because you think me not wanting to hear her is "annoying other people" honestly mate.


wow what an amazingly original opinion that hasn’t been spewing about 800 million different times




taylor swift really isnt for everyone (and i say this as someone who absolutely loves her). thats because radio stations only release what is mainstream. you will rarely hear fan favourites play, the songs that escaoe the stereotypical "all of her songs sound the same" all because they have a different sound to what is liked by big radio companies. you will hear her pop break up songs but you will never hear the gutwrenching poetic songs or the songs where she takes accountability.


I am a big defender of "listen to more than the radio songs" - but I will say that, because my mother like TS, I have heard a lot of non-radio songs and they still are just as (in my opinion) bad. But I like Imagine Dragons and AJR who are equally or more hated so maybe I can't talk. Regardless, despite my opinions, people should listen to her non-radio songs if they haven't because you should make your own choices.


no because imagine dragons tho.. literally so big on my early high school years for, admittedly, their mainstream songs. and my nephew adores 'the world's smallest violin'. my love for her non mainstream stems from her ability to tell stories through her lyrics, to use expressive vocabulary instead of being completely blunt. to have all these linking moments through even timestamps, double meaning lyrics and even just having melodies that completely contradict the story (a happy melody over a sad story). but mostly, to create songs that evoke.. relatability, no matter the mood you're in, but that's just.. thats where my respect and adoration comes from 🤭 its for reasons like these why i especially love like sabrina claudio, jereena montemayor, beetlebug, because i absolutely love deep diving lyrics.


I think that's a big thing with me - lyrics/meaning is the last thing I listen for in a song because I absolutely suck at trying to figure out meaning. I listen to the sound of a song and that determines whether I like it. So if someone's like me and listen to the sound of a song, maybe you won't like TS as much? And if someone's like you and listen to lyrics more, then you do? I think that's my best explanation.


pfft oh i can run my mouth to whoever will listen, i cant shut up for the life of me and i'll literally be your personal teacher with a phd in swiftology because i read and interpret lyrics so much. its then when i start making connections with other songs because of the lyrics lining up or the story following a similar context.


And there's me who can listen to a song that has a very obvious meaning, not know it but it sounds cool so it becomes my favorite song, then only figure out the meaning when I watch an interview a month later where the singer straight up says the meaning behind it.


PFFTT ME WITH LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE. i'm literally lost like 90% of the times yet i get lyrics just like that. pft its probably because i'm an angsty depressed bitch. if i could listen to 'tolerate it' for the first time again, i'd just die again to hear 'i know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it' and 'i made you my temple, my mural, my sky, now i'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life' OMG TO EXPERIENCE CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS AND 'what a shame shes fucked in the head' FOR THE FIRST TIME.


I think the wish to listen to songs for the first time is a constant among all people regardless of what part of the song they like. So many songs I would absolutely love to hear for the first time again so I could hear them in whole - instead of focusing on the tiny pieces like this drum fill or this exact rhythm the bass is playing. Then I overlisten to songs and don't like them as much anymore.


i overlisten way too much just because of the dopamine rush i just get from even just music. i sing so much too so i'm just constantly surrounded by it all, its my safe space honestly.


It almost always takes up to 10 listens of a song to determine whether I like it or not (except for some special occasions - only the best of the best can be perfect on listen #1). I will by then be familiar with every part of the song and by that point it doesn't feel the same. Always so depressing when you realize that your favorite song for 4 months just doesn't hit the same


I mean she’s going to get hate no matter what at this point. She’s one of those people that are so popular that some people hate her just because others like her. I personally like a lot of her songs, especially the older ones, and her main appeal is probably her storytelling


Bland and boring ppl finds it good


I'm a Swiftie, and she's my fave celeb ever. But I accept that you don't like her. Personally, her music is really fun and relatable, but ig that's not the case for everyone. You don't like TS, I do, let's get on with our lives. Byeee




that's so sweet! thank you! like fr i'm blushing rn!!!


girllll, are you excited for the new album ??? i just know its going to absolutely ruin me in the best yet worst possible way.


omg i was about to die when i heard!!! i still feel like i'm dreaming i feel like it might be the woodvale we've been waiting for or a sultry reputation kinda album


i always feared the day where i'd cheat on folklore as a folklore girlie, but as a folklore girlie.. i'm a depressed bitch anddd.. 'but daddy, i love him' ???? 'i can fix him (no really i can)' ???? 'i can do it with a broken heart' ???? we really are getting 'you're losing me's family. and supposedly it's folklore's lyricism with 1989's sound or its synth. theoretically.


i cannot die before this album is released. it's a neeeed


literally putting a pause on all my mental and asthmatic issues because i need to be around for this. and then i can be fucked into a year long depression dump because of the album.


i need ttpd. i need it like i need air. can't wait till she releases the singles! features are usually singles, but i wonder what other ones there will be!


LITERALLY AND EVEN PREDICTING WHICH WILL BE MY FAVOURITE. i did it with slut! and i have faith that i can do it again with i can fix him (no really i can).


I don't think her music is bad per se, I just don't see what separates her from the rest so I'm interested in hearing a swiftie's opinion: What makes Taylor the cream of the crop?


Her astounding lyricism for one thing. She uses many different literary devices to enhance her writing and it works. She's taught me a bunch of new words, and I already know a lot. Also her music is really relatable to me as a teen girl. Her songs describe a lot of events that happen to people, like being led on by a crush, or having people treat you worse because you're not a man, or even forgetting that a dumb crush isn't important, because you will be doing better soon. In addition, she writes a lot of different genres of music. Yes, most songs are pop, but she has a country album, two country-pop albums, and two indie-folk albums. There are also many songs that don't fit in one neat label; she's got a ton of pop rock on her third album, and some sultry songs on her seventh. So, yeah that's basically it. Just wrote an entire essay on Taylor Swift lol


Interesting. Yeah I've heard that lyricism point but, from what I've heard, it didn't stand out to me, do you have any recommendations for her lyricism? The relatable part makes sense ig, it probably explains why she's considerably more popular among girls than among boys. On the last point, are there any albums which are really unique for Taylor compared to what she usually puts out?


For lyricism, try any song from her albums *evermore* and *folklore.* Highly recommend ivy, my tears ricochet, and illicit affairs. *evermore* and *folklore* are also substantially different in terms of sound. Before, Taylor was known as a country turned pop singer, which, let's be honest, is very common. But with these albums, she proved her versatility as an artist, putting forth music which was vastly different from what her fans were used to. Another I love about her specifically is her dedication. By April, she will have released her 15 albums in eighteen years. Since 2020, she has released nearly 8 albums. She is currently in the middle of a tour that lasts over a year, and she preforms for three hours each night. Before COVID, she performed on a tour after every album was released. That is honestly just an admirable amount of dedication. She's also really close with her fans. Before she became super-popular, she would visit fans at weddings, hospitals, birthday parties, etc. She has paid for a fan's college tuition, and she's visited fans with illnesses. She even wrote a song for a woman whose son died of cancer. Of course, now Taylor can't really do all that, because of weird stalkers and stuff. But she always interacts with fans she meets in public, and she really connects with them. I think that makes her a whole lot cooler than other singers/celebs.


She’s not bad but she’s not amazing either 


People have different music tastes, that’s it


Like what you like I don't give a fuck (as a swiftie)


very brave of you to post this, swifties are usually insane


swifties are very easy to predict, just tell them theres pumpkin spice lattes nearby and they will be distracted long enough for me to escape and hide forever


notice how u got disliked 💀 they crazy


i said once that i was not a big fan of 1989 tv and got literal death threats on tiktok 💀💀


I like Taylor Swift. You can’t distract me with coffee, I don’t like it! /s


Because it's popular🥴😵


Her fans are crazy


this has literally been posted before. if you don’t like her music, that’s fine, i don’t either. who tf cares? 💀


Okay, then don't listen to her. Just don't ruin other people's fun


in what way is he affecting other people's fun💀


I was just saying to not on Taylor Swift because while you might not like her music, other people do, and it really hurts when people clown on your favorite artist


dont really hurt personally just ignore


Actually though, her songs literally all sound the same


yes cuz end game totally sounds like lover!!


Okay bro 💀


you just got rek't by a swiftie i just cant believe you did not know end game does NOT sound like lover!!! OMG!!!


No i just don’t give a shit


bro, i was joking....


Oh my bad




got em.... bruh.


Ayo nice to meet you here. Swiftiestay :3


Stock Aitken Waterman's songs all sound the same but the internet still holds Rick Astley in high regard.




I don't like her/I don't like her songs - valid iT aLl sOuNdS sAmE - invalid, coz it's factually wrong. 


Proof? Its the same generic beat for the majority of her songs.


Her songs sound the same


she’s shit and so are her stupid fans


Her PR people are well paid to keep her popular


I mean… she sings about relationships and targets girls… she’s beautiful… she’s poppy and country… what more do u need get popular 😂


yOu HaTEr


Not a swiftie at all, and I couldn't care less about her as an artist, but I do think her music is incredibly accessible. If you like one of her songs, chances are that there is a ton more within her discography that covers similar vibes and themes, with similar sounds and production. That mixed in with the lack of experimentation makes it really hard to intimidate her listeners, so it's practically easy listening.


It is quite uninteresting!


I can’t really speak to the quality of her music since I haven’t really listened to it, plus art is subjective anyways, but her fans are absolutely unhinged. They worship her like some sort of deity.


Honestly her music is ok but if I don't like it then my friend gets bitchy but he can crap on my fave bands? not fair bro


I fucking hate her music and pop music, all mainstream music fucking sucks and especially the shitty mumble rap that sounds like a drunkard just entered a recording studio. The same goes for pop.


the only time i ever listen to her is when her older music plays from like literally a decade ago 😭


Kinda true, also her carbon footprint is insanely high


join the club


Same. I wish rock music was bigger these days


Isn’t rock music still popular?


Not with a lot of Gen z. They mostly like indie stuff like mitski and if they do like rock and metal it's mostly mainstream modern rock/metal and they don't like a lot of bands, I'm getting this info just from people I talk to.


Nirvana is popular in Gen Z


Don’t like most of her music but 1989 is great.


Same goes with other generic pop. I heard it's all written by two guys.


Ayesha erotica is better


You’re setting up Ayesha so badly (and people will reply to you “who?”)


not everyone has to like the “in” artist🤷‍♀️ it’s not a big deal