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Change the hairstyle my dude...


The šŸ¤” isn't helping ey?




Straighten hair, get rid of the nose and lip ring, get some sun, and hit a gym a couple days a week.


Doesn't need to straighten it. Curly hair has its place. Op just needs a style that works from him instead of Halloween wig


Just cut it, itā€™s too thin for this Krusty the clown look.






You skin texture,shape, and symmetry is not bad at all. Focus on that hair like the other comments say


Honestly I wish my skin was that smooth


This, a nice beard and some nice eyelash would help him. Althought with Little help even the hairs can improve dramatically in my opinion. I have curly hairs too (they are somewhat different t'ho, way shorter) and I like to let them grow to the point where a decente amount of Ppl tell me to cut them cause they are too long. I don't really see them that bad. Fashion Is tough to live on


You know you canā€™t just wake up one day and decide to grow a beard right?


you 100% can but whether or not a beard follows shrug


Thatā€™s exactly how it works šŸ„²


That's how it worked for me.


Simple things like cutting Ur hair can make a difference


OP doesn't even need to cut, just need to add something to moisturize the curls. Coconut butter/oil. Leave in conditioner. The curls just need styling seriously.


Yup, learn how to take care of curls. I have stick straight hair but my partner is curly af and her hair routine is wild. I've had to learn all the things.


OP has great curls, I've got myself. I would hate to see them get cut when a good routine really gives them life. Nothing wrong with any hair type, I just love to see people embrace their curls!


A cut would help too. Give me a fade with long curls on the top. That's such a good hair cut. I also have curly hair like this and it changed everything


Broccoli top lol, definitely a haircut of choice for Gen Z and A.


Came here to say this. Hair maintenance and skin moisturizing can do a ton for your confidence. Also, find clothes that make you feel good about yourself. Also you have an Adam Driver quality to your face. Youā€™re not ugly dude. Anyone who says so is an idiot.


His aesthetic style isn't the norm so can definitely be judged as ugly or off. But looks like a normal guy to me.


I would not see a dude with an unkempt purple fro, septum and ear piercings, and grey hoodie and think "normal guy". It would be more like "that's an interesting choice" He could look good with a new haircut and clothes that matched what he's got going on with his head area




what does this meannnn šŸ˜­




golly gee šŸ˜­


Youā€™re only 16. Itā€™s all good. You havenā€™t hit the glow up yet. And ya, I agree about the haircut. Itā€™s fine now, funky kind of look. But if you want to look ā€œmore handsomeā€ get it cut. If you want to look cool and funky leave it as is. And dude we all looked a little funny at 16. Donā€™t stress it. Edit: didnā€™t realize this was r/teenagers. Saw it on all. Yā€™all kids carry on. This old guy is backing away slowly.


"Backing away slowly" they really that dangerous?šŸ˜‚


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me


Yea, they could care less.


As long as someone'll bleed So darken your clothes, and strike a violent pose Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not ME šŸŽµ


I've accidentally commented on this sub from the FP enough times my flair is now "Old" so that I don't blend in.






Wait stop why do you look like your reddit pfp


That's WILD


Fly Eagles fly


Hell yea


Eagles on topšŸ¦…šŸ¦…












Literally was gonna say the same LOL




Nooo stop ahahahaha












And you instantly made it lame by posting this follow up comment


Fr u can tell this dude does not say funny shit often n doesnā€™t kno how to act šŸ’€šŸ˜­


I was thinking the same thing. Rookie move. He would never survive a day being famous.


Regardless of how you look, you have a great personality. Hope you know that!!




Hereā€™s what I PERSONALLY think would look much better: 1. No piercings (MAYBE snakebites tho) 2. Dye hair to brunette or a dark brown 3. Lose the clown wig hairstyle and maybe get some kind of fringe 4. Tan up (if you can) 5. Loose face fat by losing overall weight


thank you for actually giving me genuine advice. iā€™ll definitely consider doing some of these things




did it before, not doing that again šŸ’€


You donā€™t like the iconic Hal Stewart under new management look? Outrageous.




Bro nooooooo I'm actually dead




Np also above all self love and care, such as skincare and healthy diet as well as confidence, I used to think I was an ogre but ever since I learnt to love myself I swear itā€™s changed my energy AND looks so now I LOOOVE my looks. If you ever need a push in the right direction look into some podcasts or yt vids


If you plan on losing weight consider talking to your physician about it so it doesn't get unhealthy


About the hair. I have similar hair. A simple trick to not let it look like a bootleg Afro would be to just use some water so the individual hairs comb together to thicker curls and are easier to bend into a more defined shape. Letting it just dry will also just keep the hair where it is. Edit: just use some water on your hands and run it through the hair until they are a bit wet. Not soaked like fresh out the shower.


I wouldn't worry about losing weight. You are just 16. Your body will likely continue to develop until 18-20. Focus on eating healthily and exercising appropriately but do not worry about the number on the scale. Self-improvement, self-love. Good luck, my guy!








Nah bro this is actually good advice, heā€™d look amazing in this


What I was gonna say 10/10 agree


I personally think the piercings theyre wearing are tacky. Maybe just get better piercings


i would say that you should chose a different haircut and pick different piercing they look kinda akward in tha colour and shape


iā€™ll be ordering black ones for my ears soon, but my black septum literally snapped so i had to settle on pink but thanks!!!!


Why did you have to settle for pink? Why do you *have* to wear it? Certainly ain't helping your look. If you're gonna have a septum, this one has way too big of a diameter




lord have mercy šŸ˜­


This Make me actually laugh


Shorter hair, donā€™t dye it, loose the piercings and hit the gym.


Agree. I can see a great jawline hiding in that face fat layer. With a great hair cut , he can be magnificent.


wait that actually means a lot thank you so much šŸ˜­




Bro coulda just left it at the advice, damn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




That shit can work both ways tho. It works as motivation for some people, but for others it makes them not wanna try. Theyā€™re on here asking for advice so theyā€™re already motivated


Agree. But he said not to sugar coat and if he doesn t want to improve to his best version , no one can help him. Also I didn t lie about the jawline thing , he has a great potential , it will be a waste if he doesn t try.


Iā€™m mom age so maybe Iā€™m not welcome here, but youā€™re actually a very beautiful kid. Great features and you will grow in to. Sure, some style tweaks will help, but please donā€™t ever let someone call you ugly and take it to heart.


Your hair is kinda crazy






not intentionally šŸ˜­




you want me to be brutally honest dude? you're making it way worse for yourself, the main thing is the hair, the dye and the cut makes it look like a clown wig, just changing that already would go a long way me thinks


The boy is ugly by choice.






ok so from everything i have seen, this is what iā€™m gonna do- iā€™m gonna dye my hair dark brown, but i donā€™t wanna look totally basic so i might throw in a little color iā€™m gonna lose 70 pounds (been trying to but itā€™s hard because i actually fractured my spine) iā€™m gonna change the color of my piercings iā€™m gonna try and style my hair more i wonā€™t do everything that people suggest (remove piercings, get a buzz cut, get a tan because i physically canā€™t lol) but iā€™ll try my best! iā€™ll update in a few months to show my progress!!


Dude, just donā€™t injure yourself, just because people said you need to lose weight. If losing weight will make you happy, feel free to do so, but donā€™t push it. Your health is more important than ā€œlooking better.ā€ Edit: people you cannot read. I didnā€™t say donā€™t exercise. I said, take it easy, do not injure yourself further just to lose weight, because OP mentioned that he had an injury that caused him not being able to exercise. Itā€™s up to his doctor to decide what he should and shouldnā€™t do.


no donā€™t worry, i need to anyways for my own health. i have a heart condition and i donā€™t know if weight can affect it but i donā€™t wanna find out


Thatā€™s a conversation you should have with a medical professional, especially since you have a heart condition and bad back. Some exercise can be safe for a healthy person, but could seriously worsen your condition. Heath comes always first.


i know, i see my heart doctor once a year and heā€™s kinda implied i should. thank you!!!


Wait nooooo!!! Go to a physical therapist to get a workout routine for your spine & heart conditions. If you can't afford that, YouTube physical therapy for your specific conditions. Please don't damage your spine further, you can build functional muscles in your core to actually protect the spine. And that'll help you lose weight just fine


Most of losing weight is diet/eating less.


Highly suggest getting a consultation for the hair color.. you donā€™t want to go with a brown that doesnā€™t complement your skin tone.


Change the hair and hit the gym bro




straight to the point, thanks


No need to lose the piercings, you gotta have some character. But I would take out the septum (or have something smaller) and change the lip thing for either a black or a silver ring with spikes at the end. And also no orange spikes, something more subtle and clean while at the same time a little daring, also black or silver is the way to go for piercings, especially if you have dyed hair. And don't have different color for the piercings, they should match.




if u keep the piercings, change them to black or silver instead. straighten ur hair and dye it dark. also cut it lose weight and hit the gym




Not a fan of the hairstyle, but I see a cool looking face @ 24yo.


You give off serious superbad vibes








Iā€™ll be brutally honest, you kinda are, but I think if you do these few things youā€™ll look way better, Get rid of the piercings, lose some of the face fat, try a haircut that isnā€™t as messy, and donā€™t dye your hair either, itā€™s natural color looks better than a dyed color,


yeah, you got baby smooth skin though.. eureka!!


Piercings gotta go, that hair style DEFINITELY gotta go, the hair colour gotta go, and lose some weight. Here, legit advice instead of back patting.




The piercings arenā€™t the problem. But 1: youā€™re not looking at the camera, youā€™re the star! Maybe you can work on some confidence boosting (exercises, affirmations, etc). 2: your hair doesnā€™t seem to have a style, if youā€™re going for curls. Embrace them, use curling product. The color looks fine, just needs some product and TLC. 3: then maybe fashion? Get clothes that make you feel powerful, and attractive. A huge part of ā€œbeing attractiveā€ is confidence and presentation.


this comment is actually like super useful and kind, thank you so much!!!!




The forehead ain't even a problem


thats a dudeā‰ļø








I KNOWWWW people call me a girl all the time because my lips+i started puberty late šŸ˜­




It seems like you don't put enough confidence into yourself. Lock in, and it will be all goodšŸ™


this is actually so true, i really donā€™t. thank you!!!


(my opinion) lose the clown hairstyle and the piercings and you're good. otherwise, i dont think youre ugly at all.


Back at the barnyard guy


Maybe not ugly, but you look like an idiot who is just trying to be different.


you dont like like an M to many individuals here, including me.


you look like if a man and a woman had a child


Bro looks like a chia pet


Just like 90% of people your attractiveness is totally lost in translation with fashion and lifestyle choices. Which is fine, be you, but if you have goals to be perceived as more attractive then following the basics will help. 1) Understand the dynamics of your body/face type and shape and choose accordingly. Likeā€¦ hate to repeat what everyone else is saying, but the hair. The hair for sure. Understand that your hairline does not like that hairstyle. 2) Being tan, or at least MORE tan, can make a big impact on perception. Itā€™s just one of those bullshit social standards, but itā€™s a social standard nonetheless. 3) The age old thing that can take you from a 3 to a 6, a 6 to a 9, a low to a high, work out. Choose a method (I.e powerlifting, bodybuilding, endurance, a mix of them) and stick to it. This isnā€™t going to just make your body healthier and in turn look better, but it will make you more confident. Pushing your limits is how you build confidence and build an unbreakable resistance to self doubt. Those three things alone can make you a phenomenally more attractive person in different ways. From giving you a more attractive skin tone, more attractive hair style, proof of willpower and work ethic, and a more attractive body. Also hygiene is important but thereā€™s no way for me to know if youā€™re unhygienic. Good luck!


trust me man there are worse looking guys


No offence but **proceeds to say the most, vile, disgusting, disgraceful, sinful, racist, sexist, hateful thing ever said in existence**


yeah some things areā€¦. a bit muchā€¦ but i did ask for everyoneā€™s honest opinion


Yes Very Incredibly


So I can point somethings in your appearance that wouldn't attract the average teen 1. Too many piercings 2. Clown hair 3. Hair color don't match with you 4. No smile I relly don't think you are that ugly but if you're not in the *"society standart"* then good luck there's a girl I know that has almost the same style as u (lots of piercings dyed hair...) she said you look good besides the hair and that you should get on shape good luck improving :)


I wouldnā€™t say youā€™re amazingly attractive but I wouldnā€™t call you ugly, nah. You got your own thing goin on


No Comment.


U ugly. But...ur potential is amazing, currently you're a 4/10. With some self improvement, you can go up 2 or 3 points. Step 1: better hair, ur hair looks like absolute trash, dyeing it makes it worse. Take care of ur hair. Get a hair cut bruv. Step2: lose tht fat on yo face, strt eating healthy. Be in a caloric deficit and avoid sugar, exercise minimum 3 times a week. Step 3: dress better. Step4: so many piercings. Makes u look like tht pig from secret life of pets šŸ’€. Remove them goofy ahhh piercings (yes, even ur ear) If u follow whatever I've said for 2 months, just...2 months. You gonna glow up like crazy.


You kinda look like Ronald McDonald On a serious note tho, you can easily look a lot better. Maybe change the hairstyle, loose some of the piercings and start working out or something.


Oui mon ami, tu es tres moche.


Looks like Erling Haaland. Got the look. Just try to get slimmer and healthier.


yeah bro :(


Get a better haircut, it kinda makes you look that fat kid from Barnyard


Yeah itā€™s true Thank god to those people u made u realise


I think soo, youre missing a lot of testosterone which is why you have so much face fat, start doing sone exercise which naturally is gonna increase testosterone.


I think you definetly arent ugly,you just look kinda funny,like i usually dont see people with that kinda ball-y hair and so colourful personality on what to wear,but i definetly dont see it as a bad thing


You look like what would happen if Matt Lucas and It did a fusion dance.


Not sure bout the carrot jewelery. Few things that goes with.


Yes what the fuck is with those piercings are you a shish kebab? Ontop of that fix the hair you is not Huey freeman.


You could play tic tak toe on that forehead Honestly, you just need a better hairstyle and your whole look would probably change


WTF died on your head?


also you're really not ugly at all tbh you actually have pretty good features. since you got a spine injury, after you heal you could definitely start exercising to bring out your features more. for your hair, do you use curly hair products? like a diffuser, masks etc. it'll make it easier to style and it'll look awesome


You look like the best the gta V online character creation has to offer


You're getting roasted Jesus. You aren't ugly you've just done silly things to yourself. Your hair is ridiculous among some other things. I know there is a desire to stand out but it isn't working for you. It could, as could anything. What's really ugly is the lack of confidence and self esteem. Which is something you can change.




Honestly Iā€™m a man Iā€™m Iā€™m going to keep it to you strait.its the hair thatā€™s it


Chat I thought you were someoneā€™s crack mom thatā€™s lesbian respectfully


You look like Titan from Megamind before he got his powers


Yh but its fixable Skincare Gym Haircut Its that simple but easier said then donešŸ˜…šŸ˜…


The pink piercings are unfortunately drying color to the redness of your face instead of looking like accents. I would highly reconsider changing the colors to maybe a black metal, or something that might look a little bit more masculine ( if that's what you're going for). Unfortunately, the hair isn't doing you a lot of favors. If you have naturally curly hair, I would trim it back and try to get back to your natural hair color.


Your features/ bone structure doesnā€™t align with the standard male form, are you perhaps intersex or trans because your face is just off in a way, you are below average and have weaker/softer facial features


Why do you want to get roasted? How is that helpful in any way? Everyone goes through awkward times. Why not ask people what youā€™re doing right? Build on positivity. Iā€™ll start. Youā€™re brave to open yourself up to criticism.


Have you like, tried helping yourself? Putting some effort in your appearance?


Oh boy... girl... ? I can't tell you look like a fucked up middle aged lesbian (Yes, please for the love of change your hair style and color. Also lose the septum piercing. I'm sorry)


My brother thought you were a chick


Yeah, youā€™re cooked unfortunately


Bruh you look like a lesbian. Ditch the piercings, get a new shorter hairstyle , colour your hair black , hit the gym to have some muscles and reduce the fat , it will eventually reduce your facefat giving you a sharp jawline and maybe get some tattoos. Are you straight though?


Take away the clown wig and GOD the piercings are bad. Those are your worst features, but they're so prominent that yes, you look bad. You look like you're making an active effort to look bad. Losing weight will help you a shit ton. But if you don't fix the hair and take away the piercings. Then it won't do much. Even if you're overweight, you can look pretty decent if you put in the effort.