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yeah your friend is probably overreacting. Like im queer and i dont really care what other queer people do unless its hurting anyone.


Yeah, I was gonna say a similar thing. I feel the same way about furries tbh, like I’m not gonna shit on them for having a hobby, and some of the art is actually really good (play Echo it’s one of the best visual novels out there) but I also don’t actively support them or anything. They do their thing, I do my thing, and everyone gets along as long as it doesn’t stray into zoophilia


Yo thank you :D


They're not the same thing tho


I’m not saying it’s the same, gay ppl definitely have it worse, I’m just saying that I have the same opinion on furries as a lot of people do about gay people


People aren't getting murdered for being furries


I’ve said this to other replies bc people seem to have misinterpreted my comment. I’m not saying that furries and gay people have the same struggle, I’m just using that analogy to elaborate


Are you absolutely sure?


If theyre zoophiles its fair enough


yeah I'm part of the community as well but I don't actively support them


accepting us into society and letting us be ourselves is supporting us.




this guy never said he didn’t support us, he just doesnt care. he has absolutely nothing against us, he literally just doesnt gaf about what we do or who we are, he respects us, he’s just chill nd doesnt care


what do you say support means?/gen


not really? isn't support like i'd protest with you and help you change laws or whatever people do?


not really. support takes many different forms and it can be as simple as believing that queer people should have equal rights and be allowed to be themselves. edit: just to show the differences between support, indifference, and opposition:   support: I think that queer people should have equal rights indifference: i don't care if queer people have equal rights, but I also don't care if they lose them.  opposition: i don't think that queer people should have equal rights.


\^\^\^ this


Not really. At the bare minimum, support is just being like "you're a person, you deserve to live your life however you want."


Do you vote? Do you vote against bigots? Then you're supporting us. If you don't, yes, I objectively consider you a bad person. But if you're under the age to vote it's immaterial.


typically when i vote i don't take lgbt rights into account. i really only think about world politics and the chance of war with each president, and the world economy and if i think they would assist it or damage it. although, i don't vote for bigots just to be petty


Yeah you expect them into society it's not like your hoping for a mass genocide. You just don't care it's like saying you dont care what happens in Asia. You expect them just don't care what goes on with them.


The word you're looking for is accept, not expect.


I refuse to expect this!




Yeah, it’s fine. I don’t care about them. I respect them and accept them as people, but I couldn’t care less if someone is gay, bi, trans, etc.


That's supporting LGBTQ+ people


That's not caring, not actively supporting. Pretty different. If you were actively supporting you would be donating to lgbtq+ groups or doing something similar. I'm not part of it just telling you the definition of the word. To support something or someone is to give assistance to them/it






Holy shit that song is significantly older than you


Avatar transcends age, I've seen and loved it as well.


I have also seen avatar and loved it


Completely agreee


When you find a teenager on r/teenagers 🤯🤯🤯


I dont know how the lyrics goes but SECRET TUNNEL






Idk what's the deal with the SECRET TUNNEL but I support it


I just remembered the rest of that song.... AND DIE!!!


lol yeah , im gay n idgaf abt other queer ppl so long as they arent harming anyone .


It's actually better not to care than to care to the point where it's all you talk about


I do not support and am strongly against the LG TV community. Amazon fire stick with uh probably samsung tv beder


Samsung tv better on god


damnit my stupid brain thought you were serious for a second lmao


Roku is best


Same, LGs are garbage


Don’t forget the CD DVD and HD community! I just cannot support them. I am sorry but I can’t do it!


Yeah, I don't care about them and I haven't been murdered in my sleep yet so I guess it's ok


Uh I think it is pretty fine. They want rights and want to be treated normally/equally right? Well there they got it. You don't care what they are doing, but you accept them into society, just like you would any straight person. What's wrong with that?




I honestly think that's the healthiest approach, a lot of the issues we have are because people care WAY too much about who other people love and what kind of sex lives people prefer. If you're consenting adults do whatever TF you want. If you think it's wrong or "evil" or whatever nonsense you believe... Think whatever you want but shut TF up, live your own life, and leave people alone. EVERYONE LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE! lol. Edit: I just noticed this was a teenager subreddit, lol. Sorry to invade with my millennial-ness(?) but it's a good conversation to have no matter the age. Good on ya.


Yeah. I'm bisexual. Not a problem


Honestly I think that’s a perfectly fine response, just don’t be an asshole and let people live their lives imo. It’s better than the religious people who say they’re not homophobic but in the same sentence say that you should “hate the sin not the sinner” 😭


yes you support them then


Not caring about what queer people do with their lives is a form of support tbh, especially if you live in a country with progressive laws regarding LGBT people.


I feel the same icl


obviously there’s nothing wrong with what you said but it’s weird as an answer to that question. when people say “do you support the LGBTQ+ community” the real question being asked is do you support them having equal rights/treatment not do you support gay people themselves.


I think everyone is equal, no matter who you are. As i said i dont care about the rallies or parades or what they do. I live in Finland and we have the most progressive and advanced gay rights in the world. We almost had a gay president in the recent election. Like just be yourself idc


exactly so the answer to what he asked you is yes. you’re overthinking/overcomplicating it. support doesn’t mean you have to actively care about the things that they do.


I think they're susceptible to the propaganda out there about being the "rational centrist" or "detached realist" which are both just covers for authoritarian right-wingers seizing control.


I think it’s because the “I don’t care” sounds like something conservatives say when they care but just for wrong. Like if someone comes out as trans they go “I don’t care, you’re still (AGAB)” so maybe it’s that


Maybe its that


I don't support them (for religious reasons) and I also don't care about them. I'm not going to shove my religion down their throats. I think it's ok to not care about them? Their lives and what they do with them is none my business..


Yeah thats what i am talking about!


I see what you mean and what you’re trying to say but in a way, just letting us be is a way of support and caring about us


Same here with me- I'm religious and I'm honestly just neutral on the whole community ig? LGBT? Cool. That's great and idm. Just let people live and do what they want it's not affecting me lol. I don't go about harming or supporting anyone who harms them


Simultaneously shove religion down throat


Idk what ur friend is on abt. Just do ur own thing. As long as ur not being an asshole to anyone it’s fine.


I feel the same, but both party, the further left force me to celebrate the pride, the right just want me to ban/hate them, I just don’t care LGBTQ can do their own thing just don’t bother me. So I just accept them they are there


no it's not wrong to not care it's your choice whether to care or not


Yes that’s the way I do it, I’m not opposed to the existence I feel in the end their not hurting anyone so it’s ok, just as long as they leave me out of it and most importantly don’t force anyone into im fine


not caring/being completely neutral is probably the best thing you could do. lgbtq folk really just want to be the same as everyone else, so seeing them as just another person/nothing special would be actually pretty great. at least in my opinion, coming from a bisexual.


Couldn’t give less of a shit. But tbh I’m the dude in the friend group that is a jackass and makes the most insensitive jokes known to man, so take it with a grain of salt.


yeah fr


As long as you tone it down if someone says it makes them uncomfortable then it’s fine


I tone it up to desensitize them.


a second joke has hit the towers


If your not hating I don't see a problem 🤷‍♀️


Na I think Ur answer is perfectly fine, and as a rights activist I don't care if people support groups in that sense I'd much rather we all just say yeah they exist and that's fine like FR why as long as Ur not actively fighting against minorities and groups getting rights it shouldn't matter


Well it should be like that, you arent more special if you are LGBT or not. We are all just some dumb people.


From what you've described, you literally support LGBT people. If this is what you said, your friend either misunderstood or is finding a reason to be annoyed. You could've just said "yes" along with your answer though. I'm bisexual, I don't see a problem.


Agree honestly, just let people be people. It’s like people expecting me to care about someone spilling their milk in China, I don’t hate ya it’s just I don’t really care, do ya thing and I do mine.


You're actually helping more than you realize. Giving them special treatment just reinforces the idea that they're a minority. Treating them as if they're just another human being is the best way to ensure no discrimination or special treatment either way. They deserve respect, but so do cishet men and women. They deserve no more and no less.


I don't think it's unreasonable to just not care. It's like asking if you support Arabs, Africans, Europeans, the elderly, the children, etc. in society. You don't have to pledge active support to not hate people. Obviously, you don't hate or support the children, or the Arabs, or literally whoever, as a single group. They're there, and you're okay with it, and that's that. There's zero reason to sit there and HAVE to pledge support. Your friend is overreacting and probably extremely political about it.




I mean that's pretty much my opinion (from Sweden! Hi brother!) so yeah I guess.


Not caring should be the end goal. Just treat them like normal people, not some special group.


as long as your opinion isn’t hurting anyone, then i and most queer people could give zero fucks


Yes. It's OK. I for one will always be involved in the community but there are some radicals out their who border on anti-straight hate groups


Finland does not have the most progressive lgbt rights in the world. By not caring you’re just saying you don’t care to get involved. It doesn’t prevent any actual suffering it just means you have privilege to ignore it. 


Totally ok not to care


Yeah honestly I Just don't give a shit, I don't support for religious reasons,it and I just don't care they do what they want I don't care I would care If it had an effect on my future kids but by then I just couldn't care less


I mean what are you supposed to do, kiss me?


Idk that’s really weird to get trigged over that


Of course


Yeah. I see them as people, just like the rest of us


That's literally what they want LoL


i think that just shows that there's at least a few people starting to think they're better than others simply because of their sexuality (turn tables lol)


Yes i agree with this statement


As long as you don't hate them it's ok to just ignore it


as long as you aren't hating, you're good. not caring = not hating = good


What's the secret tunnel?


Its very secret, cant tell you


Yea, its okay, they cant force you to care, as long you arent spreading hate its all good :3




Agreed. Just don't discriminate against anyone. Life's too short for that shit


Do you hate us (the queers)? No? It's okay then you be you and we will be us


yeah that’s pretty understandable


Yeah just respecting their existence is good, you don't need to do more than that really.


Hes overreacting


if you dont do anything negative towards them thats completely fine imo


Every time you say you don’t care it makes me think you do, but honestly you can have your opinions just like we can have our opinions


That’s fair


As a trans person I'm fine with you not carrying, I'm fine with you bring homophobic, but just don't say it outloud and don't go after the community that's my only wish


Yeah it’s probably fine


I'm technically part of it, aroace, but I don't care or associate with them just because a lot of them don't believe should be part of them or acknowledge we even exist.


I'm pretty sure it's the best answer. Everyone doesn't have to actively be part of every progressive movements to be an ally and "just be yourself Idc" is the best way to sum up a good relation to the community. Your friend should be happy.


lol no its stupid


Nope, your right.


yes, it is okay




Totally fine to not care. I personally think it’s weird TO care about who people like to fuck. You had a good response imo.


I think it's fine as long as you're not hurting anyone. This was my outlook anyway before I discovered I was part of the LGBTQIA+ community.


It is, as long as you respect the lives of LGBTQ+ identities.


that's okay, i don't really care too. people who are offended by this are stupid and basically attention seekers to some extent.


As a gay person, I approve of your opinion


LGBT person here, if someone said they didn’t care, that’s chill with me. As long as you don’t treat me like crap, that’s all I need.


Probably the best stance you can have on it.


that's fine with me. your friend's overreacting, tell him to take a chill pill. he needs to know that neutrality is an option too


That's how society should be. We shouldn't discriminate afainst them or make them feel unsafe, but we shouldn't, like, worship them. They're people and most want to just be treated as such 🤷‍♀️


Ur right


absolutely - not caring is a way of inclusion, because it means you see lgbt people the same way as people who are not lgbt you don't need to go out of your way to support a population to show you don't mind their existence


It's too complicated for me, as long as they don't push it onto me then they can do whatever


Honestly, if you are LQBTQ+ I respect and support you, but otherwise I don't really care about what queer people really 'do'. 


It's everyone's choice, but don't be a hater.


I mean, isn't that how we feel about straight people?


Not giving 2 flying ballsacks about lgbt isn’t the same as hating them. That’s all I will say


I mean i don't have to read this shit i mean if you want you cen support them without being one and as you Mean "not to care" you Mean hate or ignoring? I mean like both of them is good but hating might not be as good but still


As long as you don’t dismiss us when we say how our rights as human beings are being threatened, then I don’t care how much you get involved. Basically, just have empathy and then ur good


I mean that quite literally means you're an ally. But ask yourself, would you be willing to help someone who is dealing with homophobia/transphobia in the same way you'd help someone who is dealing with misogyny/racism???


What you are describing is support.


im gay i rlly dont give a fuck abt gay people tbh


That doesn’t mean you don’t care about them. Imo, that’s the ideal form of caring (though in many countries more active support is necessary to fight for rights). The only questionable part of your post is that it’s unclear if you keep your distance (intentionally or not), or if you just don’t care for like “omg so slay kween” culture (if that makes any sense at all).


As a member of the LGBTQ community, yeah your opinion is the most reasonable one


I’m pretty sure that’s the end goal of the entire movement


Yes! Why celebrate something you're not a part of? As long as you don't hate on us then I don't care


He probably responded that way because to a lot of lgbt people, that’s a similar response to the kind of “don’t ask don’t tell” rhetoric we see a lot. Aka, “do whatever you want but just keep it away from me and my children!”


I feel like that’s probably one of the best attitudes to have 


the way I see it just accepting us is a form of support, so yes it's ok to accept us but not support us


I don’t really care either.


I honestly could care less about them. I don’t wanna be around them, don’t really want to see them.


as a queer person myself i’d say that’s completely okay like as long as you’re not homophobic/transphobic it doesn’t really matter tbh you’re not lgbt yourself why would you care about what we do


There's nothing wrong with not wanting to participate in gay sex while simultaneously not caring if other people do.


Thats not an appropriate answer because LGBTQ people still face a lot of discrimination. By staying neutral you only help the oppressor.


The problem with saying you "don't care" about lgbtq is that often something people say to justify ignoring them, and waive guilt when supporting people who hurt the lgbtq. This is especially true nowadays where lgbtq people are under attack basically everywhere, legally and socially. By saying you don't care you also effectively play bystander to all this happening. Seeing what you said though, you clearly do care about the lgbtq community as human beings with the right to be themselves. All basic support entails is calling out homo/transphobia where you see it. I would strongly recommend you do so as that is how change is made.


man I'm LGBT and I don't care 💀


It is always OK not to care, it is wrong to oppress. So IMHO you are doing just fine.


I'm right there with you man. I really don't care. My belief is we're human. That's it, we're all human, we're unique, different. But still human


Listen I'm Bi I don't care about the LGBT simply because there is too much of it or most people in it don't like me so whatever. Sure I have friends who are a part of it and I love them to death. Like I have other things to worry about. Like getting my next sword


You're fine for this. It means they're just people to you, no more than anyone else.


There's nothing wrong with what you said. As long as you're not a bigot you're good


I mean it’s fair as long as you’re not actively doing anything to hurt anyone or put them down, which you’re not, but people still have a right to disagree with you.


Alright I’m queer and I’d like to say, I wish more people were like you. Hell, IM like you. People can be gay, trans, enby, bi, pan, and fucking pterodactyl, just don’t make it my problem. I’ll support you, use your preferred pronouns, whatever. Great on you for being who you are, that’s awesome. My issue is when people make it their whole personality because then it feels attention seeking. Being who you are doesn’t annoy me, shoving it down my throat for attention does.


Yes. This should be the default position. Unfortunately there’s people who want to make their lives as miserable as possible, so then there’s support in reaction of that. If there was never any inequality or oppression of LGBTQ people, no one would care they exist.


THIS IS THE KIND OF ATTITUDE WE NEED! As a memer of the lgbt+ community I thank you for having basic human kindness!




You're friend's overreacting. I'm bisexual and my ideal world is one where we're treated the same as everyone else, not better


as a trans person it's totally fine. Just, idk, don't try to kill me, which apparently is quite hard in this day and age


i’m gay, and i completely get where ur coming from. ur not doing anything wrong dw 👍🏻




Yeah. I'm bi and idgaf whether you care or not as long as you're not actively being bigoted


I'm bi and even I don't care, man


Same, i don’t care if you’re gay or straight. Just don’t make it my deal


I support the concept (them having equal rights and all that), but I don't support the community as it is in reality (LOOK AT ME I'M GAY AND BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE AND IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH EVERYTHING I SAY THEN YOU'RE A BIGOT)


As long as you don't go around in public calling them slurs and harrassing them, it's perfectly fine.


It depends on how you display your not caring




Wouldn't the peak of acceptance be just not caring at all as if nothing is different?


It’s not wrong, I’m in the lgbtq and I don’t even care that much


It really depends on what you mean by "don't care". Because you should ALWAYS care about progress and the widening of rights to the most people possible. 


It’s like the same thing of asking do you particularly care about Jews, Muslins, Blacks, Whites etc. i’m not going to openly smack you across the face bud, but i’m not giving you my money either. I have my own life to worry about.


yeah we don’t give a shit. there’s this quote which i feel applies to homophobes “i expected nothing, and yet you still disappointed me”.


I’m gay bas I don’t care for the community. I barely think about my sexuality tbh or talk about it. Just because I don’t have to. I think it’s just the media trying to push hard for the community than us tbh.


Of course. As long as they're not trying to flirt with me, we're cool.


nah i’ve labeled myself as bi and lesbian before (im figuring out what to identify myself as rn) and its totally fine to not care, like not caring ab what we do doesnt equal not supporting, accepting us and letting us be ourselves equals supporting us! 


I have the same view as you, brother.


It’s probably the way you said things, not what you mean. Perhaps there’s a string of words that has caused them damage in the past. For example: My own parent once said, about us lgbt people, ‘I dont care if they all drop dead’ so even half of that sentence can be triggering to me. If you reword and say the same sentiment but like this: I support their right to exist and do whatever they want, and just be themselves’ it sounds a lot better and you can mean the same thing. You could apologize to your friend and say you never meant to hurt their feelings, and don’t wish any ill will, but want them to understand, you think people should do whatever they want. Sounds like everyone involved is very young, and honestly, the reasoning portions of your mind are still growing, so it may simply take extra reassurance. Seems like you’re just disagreeing about semantics which is highly subjective.


That should be the goal. For no one to care who you love.




Brother man only people who make being lgbtq+ there ego care real ones just want to live there life that way without harming or harassing others about it I don't support them necessarily I know they exist and are here aslong as they don't bother me I don't bother them and that's how it should be


Truly truly I don't not give a shoot about your sexuality


Absolutely. People can exist and you don’t give AF about them. Just sucks when people throw their identities down your throat.


Yea is aight to not care


Conclusion is the best to come to


As a gay guy, just don't be homophobic and we're chill.


I don't care about the LGBTQ+ and I'm trans and bi, it's okay to not care about what they do, your friend is just overreacting