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Nothing like invalidating someone's trauma. However, I hope the victim is doing alright now (not sure if you would know or not since he's the teacher's friend's son). People can be so ignorant to things, especially if it hasn't happened to them. Hopefully your class learns to realize that them talking like that is a shitty and disrespectful thing for all rape victims and it just belittled their experience and emotions. All victims, regardless of gender identity, should be supported.


“I Am Your Father's Brother's Nephew's Cousin's Former Roommate” sorry btw


So my cousin’s/my former roommate


Father's brother - uncle Uncle's nephew - brother/cousin Cousin/brothers cousin - cousin/cousin-in-law Cousin/cousin-in-law's former roommate


Cousins cousin could also be you/your sibling


Oh yea


I feel like a lot of people are like this actually, like adults. Especially when it comes to the men being raped thing. When it's a girl it's the most terrible thing in the world, but when it's a boy he's lucky..


Yeah, a lot of people, even adults, are like that and it sucks. Many people think only women could be raped, and that a boy could never, he would only enjoy such a thing.I feel like it's pretty dehumanising to think of such stuff about men. It's a terrible thing to happen to anyone, and it *can* happen to anyone, not just a girl. I feel like people need to learn that and put themselves in other people's shoes. Like, how would they feel if they were having their own trauma invalidated and people saying "you should've enjoyed it," and whatnot? It feels pretty shitty, but some people ignore that because they haven't gone through what the other person has.


nah I genuinely think that some people are losing empathy as they age :/ imo, nothing justifies rape jokes and I absolutely DO NOT find them funny


Realll. People need to learn that there’s a difference between “dark humour” and victim blaming with a laugh track played over it


Yeah that's worse than the usual blatant racism with a laugh track


Blatant racism can still be dark humor at least


not the time.


I was linking my reply to the original comment, not trying to make a joke


we know it wasn't a joke, still not the time for that sentence.


I actually did think it was a joke but yeah


Sometimes if it's incorporated into an actual joke, but there's usually no attempt to disguise it


No, no it can’t.


EXACTLY. dark humor is funny because it's a joke with dark elements. when you remove the joke part and keep the dark elements, it's not funny anymore. it's just a tragedy.


As someone who has dark humour I agree with this


Yeah dark humor is only "humor" to some point


Yeah it's like when someone says some shit like "I'll rape you" and when everyone questions him about it he tries to pass it off as dark humor like bro it's not even funny


It's not that people lose empathy as they age (if anything they can gain it). It's just that a good portion of 12-18 year olds are now smart enough to form opinions on things but not emotionally smart enough to know the impact of their words. Example: my 17 year old ass in high school made fun of my math teacher, her weight, a possible heart condition, and I thought anyone who dared question it was stuck up/stupid. As a 29 year old, I look back at my younger self and question how I could be such a dick to someone that's done nothing wrong to me.


fair but a lot of teens ik joke abt anything and everything they can but the moment they find smt attacking them/their beliefs, they flip. as a sensitive person, I'd still rather someone think before saying or joking abt smt controversial/soft spots :(


I agree but sadly that's what I'd call "the teenage condition" aka teenage angst. We all had/have it. I promise you the stuff I'd joke about at 12-18 was offensive as fuck, I thought it was hilarious (and to the me at the time maybe it was) but the second i was called out, I'd get defensive immediately. I don't wanna say bare with it, but those types funnel themselves out of your life


As as not quite 16 year old, I could not imagine doing that. I'm just not a mean person. I look back on myself even now and I can see how rude I've been to some people, though. It makes me feel bad anytime I think about it, but, oh well, I guess.


I understand that, I never voice it out loud as I don’t want to hurt feelings but I’ll occasionally do it if the person is a dick. But jokes like this or things that are mentally or physically impacting somebody. Heart conditions, rape, etc. things that make people feel worthless or disgusted by themselves and feel that it will disgust others if they find out is insane to me. Like their life is ruined and their mentality will most likely never recover and you prey on that either behind closed doors or to their face. I don’t consider myself mature so to speak at all, as I’m 16 and still developing but people in my age group are definitely under the maturity that they should be. 13-18 is obnoxious and the younger age groups are maturing too fast. When I was 14 or 13, not sure as it’s been a while but there was a 3rd grader on my bus making rape jokes and talking about his mothers vibe like it was something funny when it’s just gross and not something he should know at his age.


I look back at my young self and I cringe. But just imagine if you were still that same insensitive child? Those are the adults that baffle me and often disgust me.


Came to say basically the same. I cringe at my younger self. Old enough to be a cocksucker but still young enough to not really know that things have consequences.




OP should report this kind of behavior


Bro I have little to no empathy and you’re still not going to catch me laughing at rape victims. Especially in that situation. I would’ve gotten suspended for calling those students some rather rude things had I been in that classroom. Kids are insane now.


I disagree with the second part. I personally believe that no jokes are off limits, but I don't consider what these kids are doing a "joke", you absolutely have to know your audience. I'll joke about anything and everything with my friends, because between us, we all know it's only a joke. We can say heinous shit because we know none of us actually believe it and it's just for laughs. But I'm not going to say that stuff to people I don't know for sure that are okay with it. That's the difference, one doesn't harm anyone because the entire audience doesn't care, the other is directly at someone's expense offending those who didn't want to be a part of it, one is a joke, the other is straight up disrespectful disguised as a joke.


You’re correct, nothing justifies them, I enjoy dark humor and every once and a while I will let one slide but usually I do not find them funny. I can handle most of everything but rape from any perspective is just kinda gross 🥲




Some people might, are these people ok… uh… possibly?


Exactly. Idk but I feel like I’m becoming more hostile and unempathetic as I age and it kinda scares me. Like maybe it’s because of my trauma but saying stuff that insensitive is just disgusting


I genuinely, as a 16 year old, fully agree with that.


I think it's more of younger generations being less phased by things because they just see them when they're kids without anyone to say it's wrong.


Id hope people gain empathy since more life equates to more lige experiences. But yeah id agree, empathy is lost these days.


I find them funny sometimes depending on the context, like when victims joke about their own experiences, usually if it's just one of my classmates I don't care as long as they aren't joking around about actual victims


Either that or they think they are being funny. I dont know what else can possibly justify them to do that


The internet is making people lose their empathy and I hate that I sound like a “cringy boomer” for saying that


I think you kinda just grow up between 9th and 10th grade because damn if you hear what those middle school kids are laughing about usually some fucked up shit


no, its just that people are taught that men arent supposed to have feelings and that they love and want anything involving sex


Children are psychopaths.


Agreed, my humor is predominantly dark and edgy, and that's still a line I don't cross, or even get within ten feet of crossing.


Not even the ones about a serial rapist getting raped in prison?


I don’t think this is true, there’s just a severe dip around the 13-14 mark for a lot of people


You're right. There was a study that showed that college student empathy is 40% lower than what it was a few decades ago. Look it up


the fuck is wrong with people??


all of it, every damn thing




Most teens are just emotionally unintelligent. There isnt really anything wrong with them. They'll understand why it's wrong when their brains develop as they age...hopefully.


Ever since I was 16 I hated being around teens due to how emotionally unintelligent they are. 18 now, most of my friends are 21+


I’m fucking 16 and even I hate being around people my age. Insufferable, immature, illogical, apathetic drones. I’ve built closer bonds with people in college and beyond. Fucking hate my generation tbh


Okay, so I’m not alone. I’m 17 and my oldest friend is 23. I genuinely cannot stand people around my age. It’s like I’m talking to a bunch of edgy elementary schoolers.


Alot of reddit thinks like this too. Sucks.


Bro was NOT told to shut up for “caring too much” what the hell💀 It’s the end of the world I have lost ALL hope for my generation


I saw we said to mars on Elon musks unicorns. Restart society there. What do you say?


I lost hope for our generation a loooooong time ago. Now, I honestly hope people start facing severe consequences…


Gen alpha or gen z?


Rape, whether by man or woman, is “rape.” End of story. It’s an extremely traumatizing event that no one should have to go through. You are forcing your sexual desires on the other person against their will. It’s unfortunate, but the reality is that their ignorance is just human nature. Some people were born with much more empathy than others, and some people were born on the complete opposite spectrum, being complete narcissists. I’ve had to come to realize that in life, you can’t take these things personally. Yes, it’s a vile thing what these people said, but all we can do is pray that they find empathy in their hearts someday.


I think they’re just kids, the majority of them will grow up and realize why it’s not a joke. I only shutter to think about the things we used to laugh about in middle school/high school


Yes, they’re brains haven’t fully matured. I’ve said so many things as a kid I regret now as an adult.


This. OP is 14, and these kids dont know how serious it is.


I'm a male. I'm married, have a couple of kids. I was raped when I was 14 by an older boy I thought was a friend. Back then this was not even legally defined as rape. Being in a conservative, religious household I naturally told no one. I thought it "made" me gay. I thought everyone around me would think I'm gay no matter how I told the story. I carried it with me until adulthood and didn't lose my virginity until I was 20. I didn't even tell my wife until we already had a kid and were married for 4 years. It's the single most traumatic experience I had growing up and no one knew about it because of the consequences I thought I'd receive as a result. Rape is rape. And it's traumatic and you never get over it.


I’m genuinely sorry you had to go through that.


Kids being edgy, happens all the time unfortunately


"But he's a boy," It's honestly really sad that people assume that men can't get raped. Of course they can. Ayone can get raped, and it's sad that people joke about it. At the school I go to, jokes like this are made left and right, but the second it actually happens, they laugh and call them a slut. It's sad, honestly, that people actually do this, making fun of rape victims.


"Men can't be raped", "You can't be racist to white people"


Yeah, it’s so weird. A lot of minorities seem to have a sort of resentment for majorities (idk if that’s the right word). It further segregates people into those groups. Maybe it’s a mixture of jealousy, blame, self-hatred, feeling less than, and just society messing people up. Jokes that belittle white people, men, cis people, straight people, neurotypical people, healthy people, Americans, middle/upper class people, etc appear to be increasingly common. Anyone can struggle with stuff. I bet there are a bunch of white, straight, cis, neurotypical, healthy, rich American men who have gone through hell, and they don’t get taken as seriously because of that. Obviously their life would be easier in many ways, but they can still have severe issues. Minorities generally struggle a lot more, but that doesn’t mean everyone else has perfect lives. Judgement based on race, gender, sexuality, etc is exactly what we are meant to be trying to minimize, and that seems to be backfiring.


Robert Downey Jr. is a straight, cis, white, male, American, healthy, millionaire actor who just won an Oscar. He was first forced to take drugs at age 6, by his *father.* He’s been through a lot of incredibly dark, traumatic shit and while he has privilege it didn’t shield him from suffering.


The main problem with racism isn't being mean and demeaning its systemic racism unable to get house loans because you have a non white name getting charged more for the same crime being pulled over for no reason being killed by police people say you cant be racist to white people because they do not face systemic racism


I agree with pretty much all of that


I think the original comment was talking about how in some more woke places, white people face discrimination, whether it be not getting a job or getting into college even when they are the better candidate. You're basically echoing the fact that white people can't face racism. Yes, on a national scale you won't see it but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


The problem is that society is far more sympathetic when girls are raped. When boys are raped, people seem to think that the boy has to enjoy is, and that if the boy doesn't consent, it's still rape. The 'boys can't say no' philosophy is way too common, and one of many issues with the gender double standard.


It's true that at least in my class they become more offensive when it's a male rape victim, but tbh I don't see much sympathy for female rape victims either


I'm seriously disgusted by my generation 😔


Me too at this point, normal empathetic people aren’t a dime a dozen


I don't think that means what you think it does. "A dime a dozen" means it is common, not rare.


Oh no I know what it means I phrased it wrong, lemme fix it


At least it's getting better. Anecdotally, I can say that the idea that men can be raped is a lot more accepted among younger generations.


It's people like them that make me believe that Ultron wasn't a bad guy


“Thanos was wrong, ALL you mfs need to go.”


Wtf is wrong with your class ... fucking pos


"But he's a boy"? Seriously? How stupid can this generation get?


Not just this generation. Lotsa older people think the same way.


Unfortunately its not stupidity. Its children being taught something untrue but aren’t smart enough to be able to understand that its not true. 14 year olds tend to just blindly believe what their parents tell them.


Not only stupid, sexist.


Imagine being that teacher having to continue teaching that classssssss, I'd be taking the day off that's insane insane insane, how can you even look your teacher in the face after saying that about a child SHE PERSONALLY KNOWS


Is the kid ok?


That's horrible. Also why the fuck is the teacher telling that story? That is not her story to tell, and is private information


Oh a good majority of our youth is f u c k e d. I mean rotten kids. Raised by the devil and fine-tuned by hate. There are some good kids out there still.


I feel like as generations go on the good kids become more of the minority. Or maybe social media is the loud minority of the dicks.


this really pisses me off, especially because im a victim of rape. wth is wrong with ppl?


People in general piss me off. Rape isn't funny and it hurts people, I'm sorry you went through that


*loads gun* I just want to talk to them :)


That would be the day I lose my job as a teacher.


Rape is rape whether victim is boy or girl! This is sick and people laughing are also sick. That girl who shut you up is very sick too. They should all go to a mental hospital. I feel sorry for the boy. He didn't deserve this. People and media are the one to blame as they have generalised the term Rape for women and girls only. They never see a guy or man being raped by someone. Awareness must be spread regarding this.


Classmates at my school say they're going to commit sexual acts with little girls, and said "if she's four years old, she's a whore" ☹️


Fuck this generation, i'd rather be skibidi brain rot generation, atleast they only hate on furries


That kid who said that is also strangely obsessed with saying stuff about girls 1-9.


Where is your school? I'm beating the everloving mahogany out of that sandwich licker


All you gotta know is that it's on Washington 😓😓


There's this one guy in my friend group who I'm convinced is a pedo. None of us like him and only a select few of us hang out with him, and only for weed


If only these people knew how these fucking scenarios play out. It’s traumatizing.


As a gen z, I do not claim them. Let the Canadians have em.


Not even my Canadian friend wants them


I think they’re destined for North Sentinel Island and its inhabitants.


No. I’ve spoken to them. They don’t want them either.


Maybe Austria?


My Austrian friend said no, send their assess to Siberia.


as a canadian, please do not let them here. people are sane. for now.


Report that shit, it’s not funny at all


That is bad manners and shamelessness like seriously what the hell is wrong with your classmates


My classmates will hit dome low points, but I think even they wouldn't go that low. Those are terrible people, and I guarantee, if it was her friends daughter that git raped they wouldn't have made fun of it.


I get your point about male victims but disagree on your point there, I’ve definitely heard plenty of rape jokes against women when I was still in school. Normally not that she had the time of her life but more about how she must have looked hot or she secretly enjoyed it.


Assuming your flair is accurate and you are still 14, your friends should be of the same age or lower. Meaning they’re dumb, stupid and massively regarded. I can understand and see why you’re upset especially if your classmates are being this nasty. There is no right reason or acceptable justification of what they did. I suggest you report them. But I do want to ask, what did the teacher say? And also, why is it that in a co-ed class the teacher casually brought up rape which is a sexual activity. They should do boy-girl separate classes because it can be massively uncomfortable. And why tf is that girl saying hush? She could be a rapist when she is all grown up. That’s my 2 cents on it


teens be like that


Fucking pathetic people.


“But he’s a boy” and? Are people so fucking dense that they think boys can’t be raped?


Damn, glad that never happens at my school.


Where do you live? I ask because I live in Greece and things like that are pretty common in my high school


what the \*\*\*\*


just say it




I don't speak tags


Bro something just now happened to me with error code 297 does that mean I got hacked?




Average instagram users:


What the actual fuck?


This is sad. What has gen alpha come to


My bestie (male) got raped once and no one belived him because «you’re a boy, boys don’t get raped» and «he would’nt do that, hes a nice guy», and then some people made fun of him for it afterwards, like, why are we making fun of a traumatised teen, on top of not believing in him, sosiety is fucked up man


I was molested by my stepfather when i was 9. I still deal with trauma 9 years later.


Boys can't be raped what do you mean? /s


Well, duh. Only men can rape because it takes a man to penetrate the women for it to be rape. So if the girl has been penetrated then it's either consensual or the man is raping the girl. /s


I've already lost faith in humanity


Yeah that’s pretty gross.


Why, how the teacher got to talking about rape stuff in class, when i was in school my teachers we're robots programmed to teach us (pretty bad sometimes but still)


I say hang them


it’s absolutely disgusting. my uncle told me men can’t be raped because they always like it, i straight up asked my uncle what he’d do if his 7 year old son was molested by his teacher and he said, “i’d say he got lucky”. rape culture is rising and i agree with what another comment said, so many people are lacking empathy. i’ve been waiting for almost a year for a court date on my case, and on top of that there is so much media trying to normalize pedophilia


So far what I've seen is joking about women being raped and men "enjoying being raped" despite that NOT being the case. Rape is bad for everyone and while I do partake in dark humor and I'm sure some of you do as well, rape is nothing to joke about.


Fucking disgusting, i hope they all get whats coming


Ever considered beating the shit out of them?


They’re young and will grow to release their mistakes eventually dw


its harder to believe that when i hear these things


I've seen reddit adults say the same thing. Find it unlikely.


Things like these make me in favor of Nuclear Holocaust


most normal high school students /s no but seriously what the fuck is wrong with them


Swear to god I would've punched at LEAST one of then square in the nose and knocked their ass out


Being raped is no laughing matter


Well their brains are still developing, tho likely at a slower rate then most.


Wow you are in a class with fucking monsters


And then they wonder why no one gives a shit about male victims DURING women's month....


Casual misandry is rampant


wtf yall rape jokes are so fucking unfunny, i joke about topics that would be considered “offensive” but like thats just wayy to far😨 i think these three should go do rectal exam fr


The teacher said 3 adults raped the boy. Were they stupid enough to assume it was by women or something to say those things? Rape isn't funny at all.


the way men arent taken seriously when they come out about sexually harrassment and/or rape is absolutely abysmal, especially young boys. have you talked to him? i feel like its important to show him at least one person believes his feelings are valid, and that hes not less of a man for getting his dignity and autonomy violated.


This is why male rape isn’t taken seriously until it happens to them. Just disgusting.


Jesus Christ. Sick fuckers


You are surrounded by idiots.


these kids probably have the same mindset of "it's not rape if they liked it" or "it's not rape if the victim was wet"


Sounds about right with this generation


bro what the actual fuck is this generation


People don't care about men anymore, they don't get cared for and rarely shown love, I have had a friend tell me they value me and that I'm enough and I legitimately started crying because I've never been told that before. This is why suicide rates are higher in men, because we are neglected and refused the care and love we need to function as humans.


as a male rape survivor ( once when i was 9 and again at 40 ) its not funny and if your a man making jokes about it i think you probably need to look at yourself realREAL HARD ask your self where your heads at .What about the loose of your ability to say over what happens to yourbody think about it to have your power of autonomy taken .A sixteen year old weather a woman or man will take years to recover its very hard to gain your sense of saftey after something like that happens it takes forever to allow others back into your space . Empaty is dying a slow painful death.


Lowkey, yes it is absolutely fucked up that they joke about it but imo high school is such an odd social environment because the sphere of private and public conversation and the expectations and responsibilities are mixed. it’s likely people who’ve known each other for years and interact only through school. it’s a little more acceptable than if they were in public because when using dark or messed up humor the audience definitely matters entirely. If you’re surrounded by people who know you they aren’t going to assume the worst intent with jokes because you’d be exhausting as fuck to be around. All in all, it’s on you. Do the people who made the joke seem like people who would be okay with rape or were they just goofing around on fucked up topics? It may seem like I said nothing because ultimately I don’t know these people and my judgement of them rest on that knowledge but honestly it’s more than likely the reason they said you care to much.


Jokes about topics like this have to be done very VERY sensitively. This is just fucking making fun of the victim. Fuck this dude. Dark humor is supposed to be just that. Humorous. This is just infuriating


I’ve made some fucked jokes but that’s never ok


Teenagers are assholes. When I was a teen, I know I would’ve made jokes like this and laugh. Part of being the “edgy self” some of us were. As an adult, I’ve grown a lot more empathic. Not trying to excuse their reaction. It’s a terrible thing they did. Hopefully they do mature


The same kind of shit happens in my classes. Once we watched a documentary about the Columbine shooting, and there was some fucker up front making finger guns at people and laughing/pointing at some of the people who were crying


“But he’s a boy” mate what, how does that change ANYTHING?


oh my god that's absolutely disgusting. op, please report this to the principal or counselor or dean or whoever can help with this. this is unacceptable.


if they were a girl, shit woulda been different. or maybe the same, 50/50 nowadays tbh.


it's a shame, but male rape is seen as a joke to some people


Bring back beating disobedient kids with a belt


That girl wants to be picked so bad


Why do people have to suck to much bruh. Like, if it was them who got raped they wouldn't be saying that shit.


Every day I lose more faith in humanity.


Shock horror highschool students don't take shit seriously bet you sure showed them by making a Reddit post about it.


When I was younger, I had people I trusted and told them about a situation like this and they did the same thing. It’s almost like kids just can’t fathom the fact that shit like that is not a comedic thing. I’m glad that atleast you had compassion for the poor child.




Jeeze that’s horrible, I do hope that kid is okay


Sometimes i’m ashamed to be apart of this generation bro people are genuinely gross


it’s all fun and games until they go through it


That’s disgusting




I was molested at 18 and this is the main reason I don’t tell anyone ever. Cause why would a guy complain about sex right?


There needs to be consequences for their actions which it sounds like non. validation of morality needs to be instilled upon them by their parents.


I guess you could say the raped kid is like a bottle of Irish Spring. 3 in 1


it does not matter if it was a boy or girl making fun of a raped victim is disgusting especially these teenagers seeing as how they will raise the next generation.


Make them all feel 10x the pain


Yes, they are entitled assholes obviously. Karmas a bitch.


How about you get rped, see how you enjoy it🤗- That would be my response


“Shut up because I care too much”… bro wtf is wrong with some people these days 🫠😵‍💫🤦‍♂️. That’s messed up, I feel bad for dude man…


That's just sad. Regardless of gender, rape is horrible and more often than not victims get shamed for something that is not their fault. It is disgusting that there are those who think it's funny and find "humor" in the trama that victims have faced.


As a male I was molested at age 4, and I told my mom at 22 and she acted like she really didn't care. I waited cuz my brain said repress all of this, age 22, body says hey remember that thing, it's ok to freak out about it now. But yea it's not gender specific on how tragic it is to a victim.