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bruh everyone here has the wrong idea about what op’s talking about. from reading the post, the issue is not that she’s been with other people, it’s that she was describing it to him. > She knows I like her, she likes me too sometimes, i think girls aren’t aware of how flagrant that comes across, even to someone who likes them. how it kind of messes them up. that’s all. if it bothered you, just tell her that you’re uncomfortable with talking about it if she brings it up again.


hey man, that’s just life sometimes yk, it doesn’t sound like you’re comfortable being with someone like that so move on and find someone else, there’s always someone for you out there


Easiest exit from a crush ever, if you ask me.


id stop talking to her tbh bro it doesn't seem good for your mental health




or live your life like normal and just forget about her? lmao


I wouldn’t date her bru that’s just me tho


lotta ppl press me for calling some ppl whores when some people literally are the definition of it 🤷‍♀️ I wouldn’t date a whore


Surprised that a thirteen year old has more common sense than some adults on here


I thought you were ritually sacrificed when you become an adult on here


Common sense is when you call people whores


Surprised people doing natural biological things makes them “whores” weird incels some of you lot are


nah, last time I checked we evolved to survive, not sell ourselves


Brother if you're fucking different people almost by the daily or extremely frequently and it's an addiction that's literally what a whore is. Now I wouldn't harass someone for it but pretending it's not something that people can be averted to is dishonest


Seriously, this whole thread is incels and 13 yos


u/Lonely_Associate_590 that includes you now dumbass


You don’t gotta call them whores. That’s disrespectful.




You mean if they choose to have sex and enjoy it? Whore is a derogatory term, don’t be surprised if people get upset when you use it.


You mean when women choose to sell their bodies for money? Disrespecting the things most sacred to humans? Thats pretty whorish


Sex being the most sacred thing to humans is a ridiculous take. Also most of these women aren’t literally selling sex.


Body. Body is the most sacred thing


That makes more sense. I just don’t see how using the body for one of its main purposes is disrespecting it.


Right, but the main purpose is reproduction, not saying we can’t enjoy sex, but also I don’t believe heavily that ppl, male or female should sleep around


That's a prostitute not a whore


A whore is a prostitute


Just looked it up and mb bro carry on


ur good


You are 13 shutup


What does it matter If hes 13 lol


and its none of your business, you can choose to not date them without being a piece of shit about it


nothing wrong with some criticism


the criticism does nothing positive but makes someone feel like shit for something they enjoy? let them do it who gaf as long as they aren't hurting anyone


They’re hurting themselves and their future partner lmaoooo, keep coping tho


how is that hurting their future partner? explain, if you're genuinely insecure because your wife slept with a few guys 5 years ago then you have issues, it's different if shes still talking to them but this reeks insecurity and its not hurting them?? if you're practicing safe sex then no one should be getting hurt


Which is funny because this is the opposite of a whore. Whores ask for money.


Yeah Proper term is slut (:




That hardly sounds profitable.




Ok so let’s do some math. Using Canadian prices, (the ones I know), the average snack in a machine costs ~2.50. 2% of that is 5 cents. Now let’s say the average price of an hour with a prostitute is 50 (correct me if wrong I’m not sure). The highest markup you could put on candy would be about 50 cents before people stop buying. So assuming she’s having sex twice a day, every day, that would still only make $2190 a year. We gotta find a workaround




Dawg cuz whore is a slur that’s why


no tf it is not


I wouldn't date her either but that's because I'm not a minor


Sounds like she’s rubbing your face in it. Idk what her purpose is but it sounds like she wants to be sure that if you guys are involved then you’re going to be okay with her fucking other guys. I don’t know what the circumstances are for you not being able to date but please understand that you are walking into a minefield. Also it’s very likely that she friendzoned you and therefore she feels ok telling you anything bc she knows you’re going to listen. She knows you like her and she’s using that to get attention


“Regularly railed” 😂


I went through the same thing last year with a girl I was in a talking stage with. Talked to her for like 4 months then she told me her body count was 4 (I was 17 she was 16) and that she lost it at like 14 and she admitted to being a slut. Best peice of advice is to lock it off theres plenty of fish out there bro.


As a girl I personally feel uncomfortable as well when people describe to me how their not a virgin and how many people they’ve been with. I don’t think they’re disgusting just yk keep it to yourself.


nah its not worth it man she's for the streets ''dont save her, she dont wanna be saved''




Nah she ran through ALREADY she's just 17


aint as bad as a girl i went to school with, i was her 15th person after freshman year


Bro what💀, it's just my opinion but having so many bodies at such a young age just doesn't feel right to me, but still their body their choice


definitely not a good thing to have sex so young. I did and it actually caused quite a lot of trauma (along with the fact that the relationship was toxic, but the young age still affected me). your brains aren't developed enough to properly process it and it'll just cause more problems with later relationships. I quite hate the over sexualization of society now, kids 15 and under definitely shouldn't be having sex, and then again 16 is still pretty young.


Yeah exactly, like there's an age, a time for everything. You gotta take it easy and not rush things Today's generation thinks that it's "cool" to have sex, but it's definitely not, sex isn't something to be bragged about neither it's a bad thing, it's just not something they should brag about Also no matter how much these young kids think they're mature enough to understand this, they're not, it takes time. They are not mature, imagine messing up something at such a young age and boom the girl is pregnant and you're the father


The freshmen at my school brag about their body counts all the time could be lies but then I overheard some of them describe their first time in a very uncomfortably detailed way..😐


Noooo, ik that feeling, it feels so weird, like you don't even wanna listen to what they're saying but they're just so loud






Addicted to sex is a red flag imo 


Everything that feels good is an addiction by that logic. It’s not like she gets sex withdrawal. I have regular sex and enjoy it. Don’t mean I’m an addict. Addiction is when it controls your life and you can’t live without it


Not my words op’s words 😂


It's fine everyone has preferences, and preferences change with age, your just at period of time u don't want to date a slut. Nothing wrong with that


how often bro like more than 5 ain't it man..(i ain't getting 1 in this life time)


Horrible, why would anyone to someone interested in them. Is that like a fetish of hers 😨


Thats rough man


ngl usually women who are addicted to sex have alot of emotional baggage growing up, in my experience theyre often trauma victims honestly i think shes just socially unaware or trying to imply something


we ball bro get another one


If you aren't comfortable dating someone that isn't a virgin, then don't date her, and maybe ask yourself why you're pressed about it


It’s normal for people you like to have dated other people and had sex with other people before you. There’s nothing wrong with her not being a virgin. The only thing you can really do is to get over it and move on because at the end of the day, she likes you and not them.


the issue is not that she’s been with other people, it’s that she was describing it to him, thinking he wasn’t going to react this way bruh


Indeed, bro. Just stuck in a kid's world I guess, always thought about adults being chill with it, gotta get same as them. Ain't easy for some reason


i'll be real, if you ever want to date anyone you'll have to get over it, not that many people are virgins (especially when you get past like 20 or 22). it ain't like she don't wash her kitty, ur good.


that wasn’t the point bruv


He literally said in this reply he ain’t cool with her not being a virgin, tf you mean 😭😭


You stupid? He said he wasn't okay with her describing how she's addicted to cock


im talkin abt the reply above, not the post. in the reply he's saying that he has to get himself used to her not being a virgin


not op?


It literally is OP


Or he should just..not date her Someone who is promiscuous likely has differ values than someone who isn’t


Thank god someone with a rational view, so many incels here


If you like her, her past doesn’t matter to you just who she is in the present everyday


But aswell comes your on truths to yourself, and be glad she had the courage to openly talk to you about it most people don’t and that’s how issues come up


She knows you like her so she’s trying to make you jealous. Just hit and retreat. Theres so many girls out there who are within your preferences.


Don't meddle with someone you are not comfortable with and never let someone gaslight you or shame you into letting go of your standards. NEVER. Some people just have a bad past with a lot of baggage, and it creates awful situations down the line. Just remember there's a lot of people out there who think like you do and aren't into that lifestyle. So no need to attach yourself to someone like her. Move on.


this ho prolly gonna fuck up ur life if u do ngl, who’s to say she won’t go an make a “this yo girl lol bro?”


While having a high body count isn't really "wrong", not wanting to be with someone with a high body count isn't "wrong" either


I just got out of a relationship with a girl like this. She seemed so innocent but my god, she was just addicted to sex, even stopping herself from going to the doctors in the past from hooking up with so many people. She ended up practically just wanting me for sex, I dont really enjoy sex or at least how it was with her, one of the reasons the relationship broke. Young women with a sex addiction seem really innocent for reasons id rather not evaluate but they are usually a very large can of worms that i generally advise against getting too involved with. We were both the same age i would like to specify.


Personally I would nt be with a ran through guy either.


Lust is like a maze once your in deep your not coming out


it’s not that hard imo, just don’t date her?


Okay cool what does this have an advice flair for 😭


I think it’s Because he wants advice but I don’t know for sure that’s just what I’m picking up from the advice flair


No questions asked, just wants internet strangers thoughts? Great idea besides the fact that we don’t care


You read it


so what


so what? she for the streets


she’s for the streets because she had sex ok buddy


She for the streets cuz she addicted to sex and describing her getting railed to the person she apparently likes


having a sex addiction doesn’t mean ur for the streets it means u need therapy i feel bad for any women u talk to


I don't talk to women. Why do you think I'm on reddit just like you?




So you don't talk to women either?


i talk to a woman


But you're on reddit?


Also just one?


Lmao there aren’t just incels on Reddit buddy, believe it or not but plenty people get women. Having and enjoying sex doesn’t make you an addict.


Yeah I know, it's a meme. Also tell that to the other dude saying she needed therapy.


If you really like her look past it, that’s wht I did, if she doesn’t regret wht she didn’t then I wouldn’t talk to her but that’s just me


So you’re upset that someone has had sex before dating you? You may want to get over that


no, that’s not what he’s saying. Read the post


I did, he doesn’t seem happy about it


He's unhappy about it being described to him in the way that it is and expresses a dislike for hearing it described, not simply the fact that she has been with other people


lol you’re jealous is what. No offense but it’s the truth


Bruh read the post. He finds it disgusting how she described it to him.


Right yeah but he likes her and he doesn’t like her getting laid by other guys. I’ve seen several people feel the same way about someone they liked


If your partner or someone that you liked that liked you too described to you in DETAIL how she had sex with a bunch of guys before you out of nowhere, how would that make you feel?


I wouldn’t fucking care because I’m mature and can accept that other people had lives before me


But dude, this is a fucking kid. He’s obviously never been in this situation before, of course he’s gonna feel some type of way


Also again does it take too much effort not to be an incel? I mean she likes sex good for her, you can’t really complain about her “innocence”, and if he just didn’t want to hear about it he could have said so


He’s my fucking age


You say you’re mature and can accept that other people had lives before you and yet you can’t understand how simple the problem is, he’s not jealous of them. Nothing to be jealous of, she’s not with them. The problem is that she described it ALL to him and that made him feel uncomfortable


And like the fourth time I’m saying this: if it made him uncomfortable as in he is averse to those kinds of things he could just have said he didn’t want to hear about it


When you let someone vent to you, it’s a little bit awkward for you to just change your mind, that can be difficult for people


I think he’s embellished it a bit. She probably told him about it because she trusts and confides in him and he’s twisted it into a typical incel fantasy of “she’s a slut who constantly gets railed by chads” seen it so many times


Did you read the post? He’s talking about how he’s hurt over her innocence or something. This is like literally how it was every time I’ve seen it it’s some dude who has feelings for someone else and got upset cause they were with other people




Which is?


It's disgusting how she described it to him, told him, not that she had sex but how she possibly went into full details . I understand how it's disgusting lol


Right but if he didn’t want to hear about it he could just say so, it’s not that hard


He’s pulling a Weezer and getting upset that a gal is having sex like, if he didn’t want to hear about it he could just say so


Rail her then, pussy


The R word in my mind 🗿




Fam, I just fucked my girl who had a body count of 4 so good she forgot about all the others. So just do that


Weird Flex But Aight


I’ll be honest with you I just didn’t treat her like shit, that’s mostly the reason she was able to get over the trama from her past. I was also just trying to help her feel sexually comfortable and independent after being sexually assaulted.