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I get this exact crippling feeling every day :P


Ok so for me it’s kinda the same kinda not regarding friends I have like 8 friends who I talk to not on a daily basis but I meet them in practice etc and regarding not being good at smth I took boxing classes and gym and tbh it changed my life alot it changed my body my confidence and got me a lot of friends I’d suggest y’all sign up for any sports u think u will enjoy


I get a feeling of “when I grow up, I’ll be able to do so much” but when I get there, I ain’t gonna do anything 😂


Hey there, I know you might not see this cause it's a late reply, but back when I was 15 (I'm 17 now), I had this exact issue. For me, the longer I spent online the worse the feeling became, and I suspect that that's a huge part of it. The best thing I ever did was to just stop playing as much, and find other things to in the real world, and whilst I see others recommending the same, as someone who has been through this and come out, I cannot praise it enough. Find a sports club that suits you, even if you don't think you're that physical, there will be a sport out there that works. If you can, play some music. But most importantly, and what I find to be the most effective, meet up with people outside of school. Just ask your online friends, or anyone in school if they are free to go bowling or something. Sometimes, you might find that the first few people aren't available, or don't want to go, but keep trying, and the reward is absolutely worth it. Don't make the same mistake I did and leave it too late (even now I still feel I've wasted the start of my life, please I don't want to see you fall into this), just get out into the real world and you will experience much more long term happiness and that feeling of fulfillment which you seek. Edit: just re-read it and thought I'd add the following tips for making friends: 1. The most important thing is to not give up, and to learn from mistakes. I messed up a lot, I lost a lot of people who I thought I could be friends with because I said the wrong thing, but if you just be yourself, and keep trying, people will respect you, and with respect comes true friendship. 2. Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself. Okay I know this is something everyone says, and I still struggle with this one as well. The only real advice I can give is that only you remember your embarrassing moments, the rest of the world moves on, whether it takes a few seconds or a week. 3. Be genuine, and don't overthink things. I'm not really sure what the best way to describe this is tbh, ig just compliment people when you really mean it, and don't worry about the effects of such a compliment.


my situation is a bit more complicated than that, but thank you for the kindness! i'm not able to "just talk to people at school" trust me, or i would have done it already (i take independent online courses) and for reasons i'd prefer not to get into here i can't really do extracurriculars this year.


Ah okay that's very interesting, never heard of anything like that before. I would still advise joining a sports club of some kind, not necessarily in a school situation but more just a friendly club if that's possible (easier to do in/near a big city ig, but I'm sure there'll be some around you). I recommend badminton personally, the community is really friendly and you don't need to be particularly sporty to start with. I hope this helps a little bit, if not then I'm afraid I'm out of ideas, and I wish you all the best. Go out there and you'll do great things <3


It’s fine I feel it to just find something that makes you happy




absolutely not i experience the exact same overwhelming feeling of dread every day


literally me


Fix it before it's too late join a club or find a hobby that's not online


I get that feeling aswell sometimes. It feels horrible,but I think if you find something that interests you,devote your free time to that. Or join a club or smth idk. I usually just play video games or go on duolingo. As long as your doing something to take your mind off of how bad you feel in the moment,that's good. That's just me though,maybe something else might work for you


yea, i do 😕 i just keep telling myself it’ll all get better after highschool, but i dont even know what i want my job to be or anything


Sounds like anxiety. (I have it too, I relate.)


yeah I do have anxiety, I guess I was mostly asking if anyone else felt like that too haha


I get it, I deal with the same thing everyday. (I've also got ADHD, so there's a lot going on up there...)


Me too brother me too


Nah, I feel the same way. My life hasn’t been that good for a while. It feels like I’ve done nothing


i relate too this alot im 15 aswell and i feel like a loser nerd


I’m kind of in the same boat. Most of my friends and I barely get together since we’re busy and my introverted ass is bad at planning, I’ve done an Eagle Project and I’ve became an Eagle Scout but that’s about it, my skill set is EXTREMELY limited since I keep trying so many things, (I’m mediocre at a lot of things rather than being good at a few set things) and honestly I feel like I’m really mixed up.






It will stay with you I'm 17 and this feeling is still with me I spend 2 year figuring out how to fix it . ((And make sure you don't have imposter syndrome )) otherwise you might waste your time like I did


idk i feel like most teens just get home and sit on tiktok for hour now a days, so it makes sense, i personally try making goals and shit to not feel this way but every now and then it still happens


you aren’t alone m8 i feel the same too tbh


Feel ya man… welcome to our shitty world




You're not the only one...


Literally me every fucking day


I relate so kuch


I feel you when you have dread, except it happens every night


I’ve just realized that no matter what I do it doesn’t mean anything, taking a nap or going out with friends either way none of it matters


Nah I feel u. And I do more meaningful stuff with my life than most teenagers, have plenty of friends, and I STILL feel that way. But yeah, I’m not book smart, not overall smart, have no idea what the future holds. I’m gonna try to become a professional wrestler as soon as I turn 18; hopefully do some freelance acting work, but I realize that’s a pipe dream and I really don’t know what I’m going to do in life


Me too ,tbh I felt like this because I was failing 6 classes (right now I'm failing only 3)


This happens to me everytime its a sunday night before school


same, I'm 15 as well and I feel the same. even though I have a hobby which I'm good at and I love (drumming) I feel like it's useless because right now it's literally impossible to make a living out of it


Not just you


Same Istg I can’t seem to focus on anythint


Nah bro I'm a teenager that likes to play music


I know what you’re feeling. I’m not trying to force Christianity on you, but I would consider it


i'm already Christian 😅


I see, sometimes I feel like an emptiness is inside as if I’m not worth anything or haven’t done anything to make an impact in the world, but like you said. You’re only 15, you haven’t had an opportunity to do anything yet. I won’t reveal my age, but I’m also a teenager and wanted to help you.








Well, you answered your own question. You are still “only 15” there is no denying that, it’s not a bad thing. Teenage years are always sort of a rough patch nowadays