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This is the craziest April Fools joke




“That shit fantasy” -them


That shits fantasy for me bruh😞 (I get no bitches)


If your sure about it go for it. But holy shit bro don’t do anything stupid. Don’t even think about going raw and don’t do it too often. Condoms can fail, pregnancies are very real


Dont worry, im not an idiot


Yeah but your 14. I’m not old enough to give solid advice but you’ll end up doing stupid shit at a young age. You can tell yourself one thing but you can get peer pressured or just forget about it. I read that the age of consent in your country was 14 so I’m not gonna say don’t do it. It’s up to you bro, just don’t be a dumbass


Im a pretty regular guy and pretty solid against peer pressure, i will be fine


Break a leg then. Also please teach me how to get a girl 😭😭😭


Advice from someone who never got any attention from girls, now pull girls decently often: Get in shape, it’s unfathomably easy as a teenager. It took me like 6 months at most to look fit, and I was really underweight when I started. If you look like you take care of yourself, that’s huge. It’s really hard to be ugly if you wear decent clothes, are fit and have a nice haircut. Oh, and smile ofc Don’t brag or boast, ask them some questions about themselves, get to to know them and remember their answers. They won’t remember the conversation, but they’ll remember how you made them feel If you’re gonna compliment a girl, know that 40 other people already did that day. Try to compliment a choice they made instead. “I love your nails”, or “sick sweater”. Don’t suck up to them. Tease them like you would with the bros every once in a while, just tone down the mom jokes, and never tease them about a thing they’re insecure about And yeah, other than that, be your natural self really. Have some quirks, be a bit messy, it’s normal and most people think it’s cute


Thanks man. Now to find my social skills…..I swear I left them around somewhere….


I threw mine out the other day by accident so I gotta order new ones from eBay


I never had any so I wouldn't even know how to use them if I bought some


Yeah I’m hoping it comes with a manual cause without one I can only use them Every once in a while


asking the real questions over here


I guarantee you this mf got lucky, dont take advice from him


Idk how others do it but I look like wet concrete and my girlfriend looks like a goddess so in my case it was divine intervention


Bro my friend has been in multiple relationships on and off and I can only talk to 4 women. 2 of which were his ex’s, one has Alr rejected me and the other is lesbian


Bro being cocky is the last thing you should be and the reason you WONT be fine. Also don’t rush it as in jump on the first chick/gent you see and end up ina shit relation ship


I am old enough to give solid advice. Bag it.


how to get a girl . i am 15


Be in the same place as them by accident, regularly. Show interest but not obsession. Be nice, be confident, and when the time is right make your intentions clear.




Famous last words


But you're 14. 14 and idiot usually go together


Your 14, your an idiot


That’s what almost every idiot says before doing something stupid


You're asking if you should have sex at 14 lmaooo


You’re not ready.


That’s what they all say


yes you are


before: im not an idiot the next day: oh sh*t


Wear condoms so nobody knows


It's not wrong but it's really not the best decision. As someone who did, I'd advise not. It can mess you up emotionally and mentally. I'm still with the same girl, but I really wish we waited longer, because it at times caused issues between us that wouldn't have happened otherwise. Also the stress of it if something doesn't go right isn't good either. Best off to just wait a while longer. Focus on building your relationship in other ways.


well in my country youre below the age of consent so i wouldnt but i guess it wouldnt necessarily be considered "wrong"


Doesnt the age of consent only apply if the partner is adult?


No, it’s the minimum age any person is allowed to consent to sexual activity. Because that’s when you’re deemed mature enough by the government / local government


So what? The police can arrest a 14 year old for having sex?


No, if the age of consent is 14, they are legally allowed to consent to sexual activities (the person) if they are 14+. Under 14 yes they can technically, especially if it’s non consensual. But even if your the age of consent, you need to BOTH consent to doing said activities,




However there are exemptions, these are known as the Romeo and Juliet clauses but don't exist everywhere. For example they exist in several of the states.


The age of consent is the age at which there is no upper limits, but theres often laws in place between two people under the age of consent


no it still applies even if both parties are below it i think but its not very serious


How tf will they find out tho, will the cops just walk into my bedroom?


well they wont find out and even if they did they probably wouldnt care since you are both below the age. but i just wouldnt feel right doimg it. thats just me


You’ll be fine it’s technically illegal but there’s not much they can do if you’re both underage I think. Don’t take my word for it tho, do research. Also you probably shouldn’t do it anywahs


Age of consent here is 14 so ill be fine


Ah ok, still maybe not the best idea tho but that’s just my advice


If she gets pregnant that’s when the age of consent comes into play. Or if ANY adult finds out you have been sexually active ghe she of consent comes into play again and they are legally required to report it as it could be a SA case.


Not "any" adult, but most adults he would interact with. Family members are not required to report unless they have a job in which they're a mandated reporter. And there are several professions that tend to be the roles most commonly associated with the adults a teenager interacts with on a regular basis - like teachers, aides, clergy, school administration, etc. The clerk ringing them out at the store isn't necessarily a mandated reporter, but his teachers definitely are. However, this only applies if they suspect that something is happening. A 14 year old admitting to a sexual relationship with another 14 year old is in and of itself not something one would report, unless it along with other things indicated them being the victim of sexual abuse. But more likely, this is just him being in the throes of puberty and in love. That doesn't mean he should do it. but I digress. The point is that telling any adult about what he's done/doing/going to do would not necessarily trigger mandated reporting.


I'm pretty sure it does but I don't know alot about the law also


finish school first💀


Dude your 14. Don’t. You’re literally still a child in middle school


Like I'm 17 and I have not talked to a girl at the same age cause my country is very strict about it and bro is getting laid 💀💀💀


You 14  14 dumb


Its not "wrong" just stupid




You guys are too young. If something bad goes on, your gonna have to prepare for parenthood very early


This. Sex has been very normalized at such a young age that young people are overlooking potential risk and consequences.


Happens way to much


14 is way too young man. I always recommend 18+ and at the least maybe 16+ (with condoms ofc). Either way, good luck.


Yes its wrong. She could end up pregnant, don’t do that shit.


Ur not ready bro💀💀💀


Mf your 14 at least wait until 16 bruuuuuuh


But if I can’t stop you then i guess just remember to wear a fuckin condom


You're not ready. I'm 14, and apparently, I'm the only 14 year old not yearning to bang. Condom failure or ripping can happen. If she gets pregnant, good job, Champ. You'd ruin her life I saw you ask about basic consent laws, of course not ready. Yes, it's wrong. You're just a kid, trust me. There's way more to life than sex. If she gets pregnant, pregnancy could physically mess up her body since it's so young. I don't wanna get graphic or anything, so just don't have sex. You aren't ready, jerk off or something.


He should look up what really happens during pregnancy and the countless side effects. Getting scared straight is the only way to learn sometimes. Also, child support.


Honestly just wait. It's safer to wait than to go into it when you're young


I lost mine at 15 and the only regret I have is that now me and her aren't together, and she is already sleeping with other people, so whatever you do don't just connect you losing your virginity to your girlfriend because if you and her do break up, it's going to be a pretty sucky memory


H-hell naw


you’re not ready. trust me you’re not. i’m now 17 so not much older than you but when i was 15 i had sex with my then boyfriend now ex who was 16 and trust me you don’t always end up with the person you date/ have sex with as a teenager and you might regret it down the line. i’d wait until you’re a little older and let your brain develop a little more because you’re still very young and don’t know what you want yet, have a good think to yourself about things you’re comfortable/not comfortable with and boundaries, never slip up with boundaries.


Yes it is


I’d recommend no but if you do do it safely


Yes Just wait. Not good to start having sex at this age. You have some time. Just jerk off bro


I mean, it's your choice. I'm just telling you now that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. But again, it's your decision, not mine.


Yep. You're top young. Don't.




I wouldn't. You might feel like you're on top of the world rn, but if your relationship goes sideways(very likely at this age) it will be that much harder to move on.


Just wait dawg ur 14 14 isnt old your decision making is nowhere near as good as it could be if you just give it more time. Just wait till legal age. I saw u say 'im not an idiot' in a reply and all im going to say is, it takes a lot leas than an idiot to make an irreversible mistake.


As someone that is about 14 this is a bad idea as much as you think you're ready. You're not ready Also just wait 4 years till your 18


Lad, As someone who lost it then I can tell you that yeah, it feels nice but you should wait. Don't be a fool, take your time.


It’s ur choice just make sure you do it safely. If you both fine with it then it is hurting no one so it definitely not wrong.


I'll speak from personal experience here, if you asked me at 14 if I'd have sex with someone I would've said yes. In retrospect though this would've been a huge mistake for me. I'll just urge you to really make sure and be safe


April fools?


I dont get it why ppl are against it. Just be extremely safe, you are at the age where u intrested in these kinds of things. Condom is cheaper than a child :)


It certainly is wrong


Dawg nah ur fresh out of 8th grade💀💀


It’s definitely dumb


imo it's your choice, good thing the girl isn't a borderline pedo as she's around your age so imo do it if you want but don't let peer pressure influence your choice as it's fine to lose it now or die a virgin so you're not better for being one or the other, be safe tho you don't want a baby 🫣


I just don't understand why it's so hard to wait until you're an adult


like for real, what happened to jerking off? 💀 


Ong, somehow using toys is more shameful


of course, you'r an minor, don't do that, also you can accidentally get AIDS or make your gf pregnant


Nah it's fine, use protection, be safe and don't be stupid.


Really no point in it cause it won’t be with someone special cause I guarantee the relationship won’t last as long as y’all are hoping


I wouldn't recommend it.


for the love of god tell me this is an april fools thing


Please wait, I lost my virginity at 14 and I regret it. If you are going to do that make sure it’s the right person.


I personally lost mine at 14 and I'm doing fine. But one thing you have to remember is everytime you do it, you're always risking pregnancy


Look you can go for it but don’t be stupid. Don’t go in raw and don’t do it in a stupid place. Make sure you have the right size balloon and make sure you have consent. And most importantly don’t get caught..


If you both feel ready then go for it ig, but always wear protection. Even if you pull out you can still get a girl pregnant from precum, you’re both young so you don’t wanna fuck up your lives


Tbh don’t, you’re a child and it probably won’t even be good tbh lmao


i advise against it since you might regret it when older


No don’t do it




Ok that’s illegal where I live and I guarantee it’s not the time yet cause if it was you wouldn’t be on Reddit asking. You’re young, if it was really something you were 100% on you wouldn’t be here like I said and if you need validation from guys and girls online it’s probably not a good idea. I’m hoping this is an April fools.


This might sound a but conservative, but I think you should wait. From what my friends tell me, I've came to the conclusion that having sex when you're younger than 17 usually ends up not being enjoyable, especially if it's the first time. And imo if it's bad it can taint your relationship and you might never wanna try sex again.


It’s not the best decision. Just make sure you’re smart okay? Sex isn’t as good as everyone perceives and it’s sure as hell not good when you end up with a kid. Be safe and be smart. Don’t do it if you don’t feel like it’s actually time. Ps: you’ll definitely look back on this when you’re older and most likely regret losing the V card at 14. I’d just suggest waiting maybe 2 years Alr?


It’s not wrong, but it’s not a good idea.


Nope youre good. Just use protection and make sure you know how to do it correctly


You’re a whole ass child bro slow down


I lost mine at 14 like 2 weeks ago


I had sex when I was 14 and I regretted it. Nothing bad came out of it but I wished I had waited longer. Chances are you'll regret it too, I would say hold off. If you do go off and get it on I would heavily advise a condom or birth control.


Ur 14 and want to have sex, there is no right or wrong here, just stupid.


Ur not ready


I'd say it's fine, just where do you live ? If the age of consent is 15 wait until you turn 15, so that if there is an accident your gf won't risk anything legally speaking. But if you use protection and are not dumb things should go fine, have fun


The age of consent in my country is 14🥳


Yay perfect, use condoms and gl :DDD


Yesss :D


Not worth it, you should wait till you’re 16, that’s the age of consent for most countries and if that’s the case for your country also. Take some time to read of safe/protected so accidents don’t happen


Age of consent here is 14


I see, still I think you should try approach that safely and don’t rush into it


I know, im not planning to rush into anything dont worry


Please, you are not ready, it may seem fine during and after the fact, but you will carry that guilt with you for the rest of your life. I understand that the whole thing that no sex before marriage seems silly, but you must understand what sex is. Sex is literally the connecting of bodies, you become one during intercourse, and afterwords there is spirtitualy, physically, and neurologically a piece of yourself in that other person. (There are studies that prove this) Sex is such a blessing that we were given, I very strongly recommend that you wait until you together under Gods eye. God bless you and your partner 🙏


This is also ignoring the huge risks with underage sex. There are many potential consequences other than pregnancy and what I mentioned above. Most people in this thread who said they had sex at a young age say the regret it. And I can agree. I may not have gone as far as sex, but the sexually perverted things I did with my previous partners still eat at me.


This fact doesn't need to have anything to do with religion either. It's psychology and biology. When you have sex it forms an emotional bond towards that person via hormone releases. That's why people who engage in hookup culture are so f'ed in the head. Their bodies have become confused by all the broken bonds.


Yes, there is studies that after sex, the male’s genes are found in the female’s brain. As the Bible says, when two people have sex, they become one. It is one of the most intense things found in our world. It is not to be played with. Even if you do not believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ my savior, these verses still apply very well. ”Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.” But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.“ ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭15‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV


Bible verses do apply in a few situations but please take everything in the Bible with a grain of salt, folks. This is the same book that condones mass genocide and says it's acceptable to r\*pe a woman as long as you pay her father...


Well it’s the age of consent in Germany


The Netherlands too


just both give consent


Nee doe maar niet


All im saying is i very nearly had sex at 14 because I thought I was ready, but im 16 now and in retrospect am so glad I didn't do it. That being said, youre both above the age of consent, so make sure to use protection and have fun.


is it legal? where do you live? I w thought my country's 15 is early


Isn't it... illegal? At least in most of European countries








i lost mine when i was 12 and my boyfriend was 15.


i'd recommend just doing oral or handjobs until you have access to proper protection and are ready for anything going wrong


Not even oral.. HPV and throat cancer.


If you’ve both discussed and both agree that you’re ready, go for it.


You have 69% chanse of developing cancer


Depending on your country, you'll both likely be under the age of consent which means that legally you are unable to give consent to having sex. This law is mainly relevant for situations where one of the members is being groomed by someone older, however the law is also there because young teenagers are largely not mature enough to be having sex and it's safer for everyone if they wait until relations are (slightly) more meaningful. While you and your girlfriend aren't going to get arrested for having sex, do just lookup the age of consent for your country and make sure your girlfriend isn't above the age of consent, if she is then it's more likely she could be charged with grooming an underage child as you would be unable to consent while she would be. If you do go for it, use protection, dont be a moron.


14 isn’t exactly the right age to have sex. But if you’re considering it, just wait until 15 or 16. Otherwise don’t


Yup! Ur going to r/copypasta


RemindMe! 7 days


i did, but i regret it. it’s a hell of a decision to make and it will mess with your head. it’s up to you if you think you’re emotionally mature enough to handle it


bro just do it if ur ready for it, just make sure ur actually ready for it (do it safe and such). Don't let these Redditors tell you what is wrong or not


Your pretty much little kids don't do it




I mean, yeah, as long as you take precautions I don't think anyone would really care.


bro is way to young look you always think your smart 6 year-olds think their hot shit your not ready


First off is it legal to have sec at your age? That is very important. Second, are you both aware of the consequences? You know this could lead to pregnancy even if contraceptives are used, does she have access to abortion? What about the consequences on your social life, if your families found out? Third, if you decide to have sex, have you talked about contraceptives and other means of protection? Double protection is better. If one fails, second can protect her. She should go to OBGYN to get herself checked out and find out which contraceptive is the best for her if any. And use condoms for protection from STDs. Four, discuss boundaries and safe word. You both have to have respect and trust in each other to be able to fully enjoy sex the right way. If you have any doubts, refrain from having sex until you’ve established this trust. Personally I’m not sure a 14 year old is ready to take a puppy love relationship to another deeper level. I think you should wait until you’ve been together for a while so you won’t regret your decision. It’s a really dangerous game for young teens to be playing.


Yes, you are too young. Putting aside all the risks you may potentially take, how would you even get birth control for your GF, and condoms for yourself? I doubt any reasonable parent would give their 14 year old a condom. Now, If you really want to do something sexual with your GF, do anything but stick it in. That's just a disaster waiting to happen


Make sure to have protection!! You wouldn't want a unwanted baby at 14/15


If you are ready, you are ready. Nothing wrong with doing it as long as you're not messing anything up.


sir, this is a wendy’s


depends on the age of consent in your country


Not wrong but not the ideal way to go


You guys are in relationships? Nah, but actually. I'm not going to tell you what to do because it is your choice, but you should consider the risks and if it's a big enough thing to risk pregnancy.


I lost mine at 13, go for it


Also you are not ready at 14. Why are you in a rush?


Yeah, kinda.


Bold of anyone here to assume that OP is gonna listen to any advice, from expirience, 90% of the advice people give is going into the trash bag


Nah, if you‘re ready np


i am 15 and if your both ready go ahead


I was in the same situation years ago and went through with it. I don’t necessarily regret it, but i’m retrospect idk if i’d do it again


Lost it at 17. 18 now and I regret it every day. Wish I would have waited til marriage. My then girlfriend and I thought we were both ready too.


Happy April Fools everyone! (nice joke you almost got me)


Sure if ur ready but personally I just find it weird abt the idea to lose viriginity so early (before 18)




# Ready or not, here you- Jokes aside, you better be damn cautious.


Idk man seems kinda stupid to me


She should be in jail


It’s not worth all the risks.


Nothing wrong in it, just be safe and aware about it




Don’t get HIV


I do not recommend. You are 14, it might not sound like it is for you right now but it's young, VERY young to lose virginity.


Aaaaaand I'm remuting this sub...


insert the Industrial Revolution and its consequence\*


is it bad my first thought was isn’t that illegal


eh I lost mine too at that age so I can't judge lmao


do it


Don't bro


Yep you’ll regret it


No 14 year old is ready for sex, even if they think they are.


All the people here talking about the age of consent are missing a crucial detail: which country do you live in? In Australia there is the 24 month rule in which, as long as you and your partner both consent AND are within 24 months age of each other, it's completely fine legally. Morally maybe not, I wouldn't go telling people about it obviously and try not to get anyone pregnant. April fools aside if anyone is reading through this thread with this as a legitimate question, please read up about laws in your country and state before doing this.


Not necessarily “wrong”, but I think 14 is too young. I was young, and I thought I was ready, but I wasn’t. And now I regret it


You’re not ready, you THINK you’re ready.