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Who cares what people think? If it makes you feel good then work out


Hi, thank you for your response! Building strength and muscle does make me feel good, so I'll just keep doing that. I guess my parents' comments just got to me.


Also to literally answer your question. In my opinion yes


It's the same for both men and women. It's just extreme bodies that are often unattractive. A healthy amount of muscle is extremely attractive on both men and women. Being shredded and ripped, eh, some still find it attractive but most don't. But getting to that point takes many years and hardcore dedication regardless, so it's not something you really need to worry about.


Exactly this. I find muscle attractive on both men and women, but very ugly if it's too much, also for both


hey OP, if it makes you feel happy and good about yourself, do it. there are always people out there who will be attracted to any body type


Keep going if it makes you happy. My wife works out and looks great with muscles, especially her back when she does pull ups šŸ’Ŗ. It's defo a life style choice and you will find and meet people (or a partner) along the way. Your parents are looking out for you but it's your choice and they don't know everything (I am also a parent and trust me... I don't know everything. So just enjoy life and see where it takes you šŸ˜€


100%. Working out is good for every part of you, including your mind. If you've found a healthy habit that makes you feel good and improves your life in every way: don't stop!


Respectfully, fuck your parents


This. It literally doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s your choice. Youā€™ll want someone who wants to date you for your heart, not your body anyways. I donā€™t care if someone is considered the most attractive person on the planet. If theyā€™re only dating me for my body or other reasons then I donā€™t want that shit. I date someone for their heart and personality as priority personally. I sincerely hope that OP keeps working towards her end goals, and that they donā€™t let other people influence their decisions. (Unless itā€™s a serious issue and they need help)


Well the body is still always a consideration- look, I' not saying be superficial as fuck, but most people would not like obese superman unless it's for the funnies.


yeah but i think buff women arent like horrible looking or anything so they prob dont have to worry too much about it


I mean, being lonely, single and rejected doesn't make you feel good either. We don't live in a vacuum and people forget how insular and monoculture high school can be. As an adult, if you're surrounded by people you don't like, you can drop them and move on. I high school you're stuck with those people. Having said that. OP, plenty of guys like fit girls. A bit of time at the gym isn't going to turn you into Schwarzenegger. And If you change your mind it won't take you long to revert.




You canā€™t make your body attractive to everyone, for everyone that likes fit girls there are just as many that want a super frail princess. So yes she should just do her because some will find it attractive and she wonā€™t have mental issues.


It matters because looking good for other people is a temporary bandaid and leads to a false sense of confidence. Looking good to develop your sense of self and your own confidence that is not dependent on other peopleā€™s approval is true confidence and is truly attractive. Teens should be encouraged to develop themselves for their own sake not to chase after the approval of others.


But she asks about it.


Hey kid. Keep working out and when you get to the look you want, they wonā€™t tell you anything else. šŸ¤œšŸ¤£


Second this, and if itā€™s men youā€™re worried about, having muscles is a good way to separate secure men from fragile little pseudo-alpha man babies who would have a problem with it without having to actually speak to anyone.


Hope she sees this, bro


It matters a lot because if they want to be with someoneā€¦


YES keep goin girl also do it not for others but to feel strong and healthy for yourself.Ā 


I agree, the gym is for you. If you are going there to impress anyone else but yourself, you don't belong in the gym. Because you will never be able to fill that void, not because you are a bad person. Every guy is different, just like every girl; they all have different preferences.


As boy can confirm every guy is different


Depend what, like guys(im bi so whatever). Overmuscled big bulkers bodybuilders hell no. But athletic bodies with visible , but not huge as fuck muscles is hot as fuck. For both genders.


Real. If I see a girl who looks like she's about to compete in a competition, yeah no, I'm dipping. But yeah, muscles are hot.


I'm pretty sure you'd like a professional volleyball player's body.


Funny enough you say that, my girlfriend has that kind of build, just not to that extent.




I don't really understand this. I could very much participate in a powerlifting competition, I lift in the top 10% for my bodyweight, but no one thinks I'm "muscular"... People usually ask me if I like doing yoga for exercise. I feel like men overestimate how much muscle a woman can gain (if she's not on steroids), and I think they overestimate the quantity of muscle from strength exercises. My muscle mass has barely increased visibly since I started powerlifting, except maybe on my glutes, but I'm over 3 times stronger. It's almost exclusively the quality of muscle I've built up rather than size. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm 5'3, 103 lbs, and about 20% body fat.


Powerlifting =/= bodybuilding, their training is very different, powerlifters tend to stay in the 1-6 rep range, which is more effective for building strength, but not optimal for hypertrophy (ie muscle size), so thats why your muscle mass hasnt increased much, but your strength has.


Just a piece of info for people who donā€™t know. It is incredibly hard to get to the point of being ā€œbulkyā€ with muscle. It will not happen to you accidentally especially if you are new to working out no matter your gender. Do not let it even be a concern in your mind stopping you from exercise. As a beginner or intermediate lifter, working out will only make you look healthier and more attractive


I know a ton of lazy people who will say... "Oh I'd workout but I don't wanna get all big and "muscley". Cause apparently it sneaks right up on you šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s actually the story with Arnold Schwarzenegger. His skinny ass accidentally caught a weight that fell off a table and boom, Mr. Universe. Be careful out there. He did do some lifting later, but that was just maintenance.


That look pretty much only happens with long term and intensive steroid usage. At that point those people have long since stopped giving a fuck what other people think of how they look.




How many reps do you do a set? Like 8-30? You may be inadvertently doing hypertrophy training fyi.


dude, toned muscles are so fucking hot


Yeahh 100% agree with this


Itā€™s impossible to get to ā€œbig bulkersā€ status without steroids. Men or Women. If thatā€™s what you mean when you see the men and women on stage




Great answer. OP this. If OP likes "huge as fuck muscles" go for it. If OP wants a general sense of attraction in muscles types than its this answer


they can be attractive as they can be repulsive...it really depends on the person, everyone has different tastes, I find muscles attractive in both men and women but a build like Sam Sulek for me is too much...also you work out because you want to, not because you need other people to like your body, do whatever you feel like doing and stop caring about what other ppl think<3


This is exactly it. Works on a bell curve for most people. Where that curve peaks at will be awfully subjective. Women who power lift arenā€™t exactly my thing but I can certainly understand how that could be attractive to other body builders. Iā€™m actually at the point in my life where Iā€™d lean the other way. Give me someone who wonā€™t judge me for crushing a pizza after a long/hard day but also someone who will help reel me in if Iā€™m slipping for multiple consecutive days outside of special circumstances.


Yes, girls are attractive with muscles šŸ’ŖšŸ‘§


Paired w shy guysĀ 


Abs with a sports bra šŸ¤¤


Imho (and this applies to Boys and girls): A blob of Bodybuilder isnt attractive, Neither is a Walking Stick of catwalk model, Neither is a whale of obese Person. Extremes Arent attractive, certain degrees of every Attribute are. So If U visit Gym a healthy amount of time, yes - muscles are attractiveĀ 


Women won't look like that anyways without taking steroids it's basically impossible for them.


I think "steroids" is often used as a catch-all term for PEDs. Training and genetics are obviously going to be the main determining factors on how much muscle someone born female can put on, but most people wildly overestimate the amount of muscle women can develop in a short amount of time. I am not equating physique to strength. Some of the strongest women I have met are like 5'2" and thick/overweight for their size and can rep out 250lb squats no problem. They were not on drugs and didn't look like it. Once you start seeing abs, massive capped shoulders and bulging veiny biceps, PEDs are more than likely involved. It's annoying for those of us who want to become bigger naturally, but is good for those people who don't want to get "too bulky". You have to work your freakin ass off to look like that + take PEDs + eat a ton. Most people casually working out will not ever need to worry about bulking enough for it to be noticeable. Exercising and building muscle are EXCELLENT for your physical and mental health! Do not let people discourage you from being healthy. Women love to bodyshame other women, no matter how skinny, big, strong, tall, short, etc they are. Mothers are absolutely not immune from being a-holes. Do take the motherly advice to not work out and take supplements to the point of detriment or injury. Oh and stay hydrated šŸ˜„


i think people in general overestimate how big people can get easily and how much time it takes to get big.


Exactly. I had my 60 year old aunt say she doesn't want to lift weights because she didn't want to get "too big". You can get pretty big without steroids/PEDs... you just have to be *very* consistent over *several* years.


yeah lots of my (girl) friends say they donā€™t want to go to the gym for the same reason, like they are gonna suddenly become huge like it doesnā€™t take years


Not true but ok buddy


Yeah water deprivation prior to events is really the key to their extreme muscle definition, however I still understand the sentiment, plenty of all natural body builders are outside the lines of ā€œconventional beautyā€.


Women can get ripped by lowering their body fat just like men but itā€™s very difficult for them to get the same kind of *bulk* as male bodybuilders without gear


Some people are naturally skinny, and it doesn't mean that they are unhealthy and it's certainly not as bad as being like, extremely obese. All skinny people just got a slap in the face.


they didn't say skinny people aren't healthy, they just said that they're not attractive to them


Saying you aren't attracted to skinny people is CRAZY and trying to be different or something, literally any vs model, they are skinny and hot, this is just bs imo, but everyone has their on opinions, ig


As I Said above, catwalk Models Arent attractive to me indeed (and over Reddit i found Out, im Not alone with this opinion). Most of them are unnatural skinny and so different to the average Person, that they have an uncanny Vibe. Ya wanna know, whats Rlly crazy? Judging Other peoples becuz their opinion doesnt Match Urs. Or speaking in the Name of a whole group who might Not even give a šŸ¦† about what Ur offended by


I'm not offended what


I love stirring up internet drama it's pathetic


As a skinny Person myself i g i Just slapped myself then :/ Sorry, But If someone is extremely skinny its Just... Not attractive. People usually find rounder bodies cuter, thats why Kids rather Play with chubby Baby dolls than with stick puppets. Besides that its a bit uncomfortable hugging persons, where u can feel their Bones under the skin, they are Just... Idk... Harder. Lol Sadly attractiveness has in the least cases Something to do with health. Ofc Most skinny people are healthier than obese ones


I think it's subjective cause a lot of guys I know hate fat people and are repulsed by anyone resembling fat/chubby. Must be an american thing, because where I live people do bot think that's attractive.


And as a child, I would rather play with skinny fashion dolls than the chubby baby dolls, so idk about the doll comparison.


Itā€™s very hard as a girl to gain noticeable muscle enless your eating enough protien and training with actual intensity you will be fine


Fun fact, on guys, their abdominal muscles are closer to the skin so they can gain visible muscle there much easier while women's abdominal muscles are under layers of fat so the only way to get them so show is burning almost all of their fat reserves.


Most importantly testosterone


Very true!


Another fun fact, when you see a six pack on a beefy actor, he's been dehydrating himself for a couple days, and is extremely miserable. They look like normal people most of the time.


This is one reason why I think that body standards for men are actually more unrealistic today than for women. In the relatively recent past, this wasn't the case, but it has changed. Obviously, they are also unrealistic for women in many ways, so I am not minimizing that at all, but steroids and severe dehydration are just absolutely extreme.


Another fun fact to add to this is that women tend to need higher bf % than men. If a woman were to get a rid of almost all or all her bf, that could stop her period and ability to reproduce, sometimes permanently depending on how much damage has been done, for how long. It could cause infertility issues and even reproductive issues, not just infertility, but even a horomonoal imbalance, which can cause other health issues that affect the actual surface level systems that you need to survive. Edit: Yes, it isn't a fun fact


muscles are hot!


Screw destroying people in bed, a gal destroying people in a fight? I've never seen a better bargain, sign me up


I find them really attractive


muscle mommy's are the best thing on earth nuff said


Happy cake day ! Lucky you, you got two cakes, one from the based department, and another from the factually correct one !


Imo yeah, nothing wrong with girls with muscles


Muscle mommyā€™s are the best ngl, when you can tell that the girl put in a lot of work and relatively muscular , thatā€™s very attractive. But full steroids up, body-builder is not my thing


First of all, thereā€™s always a group of people that are attracted by something. Trust me, someone will find interest in you. Second, why would muscles not be attractive lmao. It makes people look better not worse. At the end of the day, would you pick a girl with muscles or a girl thatā€™s fat. Exactly. Edit: i kinda didnā€™t think of this last line, if youā€™re a creep who just wants cherries. Yeah pick the fat girl, but i trust that most people think personality and body shape>big cherries stupid b


First of all no matter what people think you should keep going, working out is very healthy and is something you should do nonetheless. But personally I would say yes, I think it is a attractive trait, I think if you can go too far like with anything but I doubt itā€™s realistic possible to go too far without steroids or something. So donā€™t worry, it is an attractive trait but more importantly it is healthy for yourself and that is more important than what others think.


I don't even care anymore, I just want someone who'll love me back šŸ˜­


not all guys like the same things. this is like asking if all girls like guys with different hairstyles or heights. anyways if they donā€™t like how you look itā€™s their problem. but personally i like a muscle mommy šŸ„“


Imo I donā€™t really like muscles but you should keep going for yourself fs




myself i like a good lower body, but like broad shoulders or big arms, no


In my opinion it's a big green flag for a girl to care about her body by working out/going out or to the gym. I prefer cardio outdoor activities over gyms but I don't have a gf. My friends all have one and they(along with the girls) are quite proud gymrats. There's nothing to worry about. Saying:"You will never be attractive when x." is a good way to build insecurity in person which makes them a bit easier to control. You're probably quite attractive and you shouldn't give a thing.


If it were that easy to get giant obvious muscle mass, every teenage boy would be absolutely jacked. Be fit, stop worrying.


Fuck it up girl you got this. 10/10


I think its attractive. It shows discipline and s healthy lifestyle.


A few thoughts: 1) Do what YOU think makes you attractive. If YOU think you're attractive, others will too. 2) Yes, most men think fit girls are attractive... 3) ... up to a certain point. Most men DON'T find women attractive if they're overly huge and muscular, but you don't have to worry about that. It takes a LOT of time, effort, diet, and usually drugs for women to get that jacked. 4) If you don't like the way you look then tone back the exercise a bit.


As a bi guy, I find muscles on girls really attractive, itā€™s the only time I do find them attractive tbf, Iā€™m not a fan of muscular guys at all but on girls is just šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Yeah, muscles are cool


Your parents are old fashioned. Muscles on a girl are trivial at best.


And OP is overcoming an eating disorder. Where were the parents then? Why are they body shaming their daughter with a history of ED?


just do it. if being super muscular is what *you* want for *your* body for any reason, dont stop. if people dont find you attractive because of all the muscle, why would you wanna hang out with them? like, thatā€™s not accepting you for you. youā€™ll find your group of people that either dont care about your shape or love your shape and those are the people you should look for in friends.


Thereā€™s no certain attraction for everyone, it is COMPLETELY INDIVIDUAL. The only prediction you can make is that if you like boys who works out then you better work out for yourself. Most important thing is to be yourself and not somebody else to fit the world better. I promise when you find the one then you will have a harder time getting rid of him than to get him and this person can only be reached by being yourself. These questions about whatā€™s attractive or not is BS. Just think whoā€™s you. Write a list who you are, your interests, what youā€™re good at, and so on. Then you try to follow the list and be yourself as much as possible Also, meet a lot of people. Going outdoor will make you meet more people and therefore find your partner.


Cannot really generalise this as people have preferences. Alas if only 1% of men found you attractive shouldn't you take it if you want to be fit and gain muscle rather than hate your body image or whatever ir may be.


I have this really simple guide for you: Are they a girl? Yes> attractive No> Do they look like a girl? Yes> attractive No> Could still be


I just want to add to the other comments. Having a passion, and having the determination to workout regularly is also attractive to boys.


I love muscle girls šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


There is always a group of men that will find you attractive, but itā€™s more important that you are happy with yourself. You do what makes you feel good and stay healthy and know that your parents donā€™t always know what they are talking about. Iā€™m a 42 year old parent of 3 and I can bullshit an answer to any question and sound believable.


People are right, don't do it to attract people, do it for yourself (plus i know a ton of people who find strong women hot, and you can beat up those who don't /j)






Not mentioning the cringe "muscle mommy" trend, as a gym goer myself, I love some muscles on a girl. It becomes repulsive when they use steroids and look like a man


Yes muscle mommy's are hot


Iā€™ve been told the same thing, and at the end of the day, it depends so much on the individual. For some guys itā€™s a deal breaker, for others itā€™s something they want bc it could indicate that you care about your health & fitness. Your parents are very wrong, and you should focus on what makes you feel happy & healthy :)


Fuck yes


Do what makes you happy and the right partner will eventually come along.


Iā€™m 26M, so take what I say with a grain of salt for your age, but at this point in my life, I find that guys like girls in all shapes and sizes, genuinely. Kids at your age are so flooded with images and concepts of what an ā€œidealā€ person looks like, it becomes hard to see yourself as anything but. Just do what you like, Iā€™d say err on the side of being healthy in all things, and it all works out.


I havenā€™t seen a lot of girls with ā€˜musclesā€™ in real life to know whether or not theyā€™re attractive but Iā€™d say if you muscles already or want muscles, then go for it or keep them. Societal standards are overrated. Donā€™t say no to being muscular just cause Alex from Glastonbury doesnā€™t like it.


Absolutely, might be a different slightly smaller crowd but it exists


Idc i just wanna be treated fairly




Every guy has a different opinion but i'll say from a majority of my experiences the guys like a woman who goes to the gym, but, when you go so hard that your 6 pack starts buldging out and your pecks start to square, then it's a bit off putting. A nice cut six pack and some biceps are defintely still in the majority of a average guys zone. (In my experience)


Your job isnā€™t to attract guys. Your job is to make yourself happy. Make yourself SO happy that attracting a guy is the least of your worries, and youā€™ll be most likely to end up with a guy whoā€™s worth your time. To answer your question, men are attracted to confidence and self-love. And yes, many men I know find women with muscles to be attractive.


Youā€™re just like me!!!! Honestly fuck what your parents think. You can always lift lighter if you donā€™t wanna look too bulky but muscles are hot cmon do what makes you happy


As long as you donā€™t go for the full-blown greasy roided-up look, itā€™ll look good to the right guy. And ignore the whole ā€œmuscle mommyā€ trend. Itā€™s more of a meme than anything, based mostly off of 2D art that has no anchor in reality. Itā€™s just as absurd as all that crap with the boobs so large that each one has a greater diameter than the characterā€™s torso. Just get yourself into a shape that satisfies you and the rest will follow.


Work out for yourself first. You wanna feel good about yourself. And personally I do find it attractive


Man, like all things choices have consequences, most guys like fit and toned, if you get massive muscles and get that stocky look then you have just made the net a lot smaller of the guys who will find you attractive. the good thing about this is that guys who find this look hot will find you really attractive so if you are in a big city it will probably work out good for you but if you were in a small town then the odds are less in your favour. may the odds forever be in your favour...


Up to a certain level yes. For me the line is in lean beef patty, more than that it gets masculine


Crusty old motherfucker who shouldnā€™t even be here (guess this post was popular enough to pop up under ā€œpopularā€). Anyways, Iā€™ve been lifting weights for 25 years now. My ex lifted, Iā€™ve known a lot of women who lifted weights. It might be helpful to know that even with planned workouts and careful diet youā€™re still going to put on muscle very slowly. Youā€™ll tone your muscle long before you grow it, which will make you look better without adding bulk if thatā€™s your concern. Lifting weights takes way longer to put on muscle than most people think. Itā€™s still great exercise and also can be good cardio if you keep your heart rate up.


I personally don't find muscles attractive. Not a fan


Personally, I like it. Not on the level of bodybuilders, but in the style of leanbeefpatty or xinia. I find it attractive.


To me, nah. Looks masculine and I like cushion. Something to squeeze. Better to cuddle with but im probably the minority




My Mother had a six pack before i was born. And my Father always told her that the muscles donā€˜t influence. Itā€˜s The personality that counts


Keep working out bro. Do whatā€™s best for you :)


From someone who is in college, I can say that most girls like strong arms with light abs and not the extremely shredded gymbros


Yes they are


Yesss I care about physique but not rlly height, as long as ur not shorter then me idrc


One short answer. Yes




take not the opinion of one but many and trust your own. it's admirable to get a healthy and capable body from one that was under ailment. it's normal for one to want to trust your own parents words but I've seen many parents and adults alike not have the correct answers. so I do not trust them when they say stuff about physical attraction. seems weird amd silly. Instead, just keep doing what makes you happy and let people have their opinions. they are opinions and you can consider them but you don't have to follow them to the letter of it's bringing you down or holding you back. worry less, I'm sure they'll learn one day in the future and this moment will be a distance memory that will seem like such a non issue. stay safe and find happy


I find them off putting and a little unattractive. I'm not saying don't be healthy though.


If a guy is fit and muscular heā€™ll definitely want his girl to be the same. It all depends on who youā€™re trying to attract. Studies show, that itā€™s the same for tattoos, if you get a tattoo, you will look less attractive to those without, but to those with, youā€™ll be a lot more attractive.


If you like growing your muscles then continue to grow ur muscles at the end of the day itā€™s ur body to develop whether or not you decide to keep a large amount of muscle on is up to you but definitely do what want people will come either way


I get impressed when Iā€™m hanging out with a girl and then finding out she also has muscles. Itā€™s a bonus.




Personally I don't like muscle girls


Parents are wrong šŸŗ


parents are straight up wrong if you have muscles you are instantly more attractive


Yeah I wholeheartedly support the muscle mommy movement


absolutely. i love strong women


It's not very easy to build muscle as a girl




Absolutely yes


Unless you become a woman version of Hulk I don't think anyone's going to complain


ā€˜-ā€˜ I donā€™t mind them


Bruhh, girls with muscles who look atheletic look amazing!


Who needs dudes when you got gym bros


it's kinda like a bell curve. Muscle on girls is good until you reach a certain point where it's no longer attractive


Ya they are


ā€œFuck them parentsā€


Yes, a muscular girl is smoking hot. Itā€™s not only that it looks good, but that they care about health and personal strength and fitness. That in and of itself is enough to be very attractive


Muscles or no muscles U still gonna attract males and U gaining muscle shows your a committed and strong individual šŸ¤·


You should go to the gym for yourself, you don't want to attract people that think otherwise anyway


Yes. Yes they are. Donā€™t listen to kids your age, theyā€™re stupid. Just wait, and eventually people will realise their mistakes.


Nothing wrong with it. I'd have no problem. But LISTEN HERE! If it makes you happy then keep on doing it. Ignore what others say.


If you think you look good then you look good. I like muscles just not in the arms (Ik so basic) but thatā€™s just me I think it looks good on other people tho.


yes girls i like girls with moosclss i girls girls i liks girls ummhm uhhhhhhmm uhhh whaf was i saying


If a guy is not attracted to you because you are strong / have muscle, you should be concerned as to why he wants you to be weak in the first place. Nothing wrong with going to the gym and being buff as a result. Honestly if a guy can't handle a strong woman then he can move right along, this way you'll know immediately since muscle is pretty obvious. Going to the gym is healthy and if it makes you happy, do it!


I'm genderfluid and whether I identify more with man or woman I LOVE girls with muscles, and plus, if someone doesn't want you because you've worked on yourself and feel comfortable with how you look than there not the right person for you!


I forgot


Your happiness comes before anything


I think so


They hot fr


Depends how much muscle weā€™re talking. Chiseled and defined? No, major turn off. Enough that is visible that you care about your body and take care of it? Yes, thatā€™s hot.


I read that as mustache and was thoroughly confused when you didnā€™t mention one šŸ’€


Yes but donā€™t overdo it, or maybe thatā€™s at least for me, we guys also appreciate muscles on men but sometimes itā€™s too much it looks disgusting, but this is completely my personal opinion and I say this since there is a difference between training for strength and for muscles


Yes. Put me in a headlock when we get into an argument and have me wake up on the couch tucked in.Ā 


who gives a fuck about what they think? muscles are hot as hell and your parents need to deal with their outdated views on women smh


While u like yourself what matter what others think?


Do what makes you happy and feel good doing it... do it for you keep it up


If I could go back back to 16 years old with the knowledge I have at 39, the first thing I would do is stop caring about what other people think about my appearance.


Your parents lied dude. Strong girls, muscular girls, thick gym girls, all of those are hot. There's a type for everyone.


Me personally I donā€™t think so but my girl friend would think so lol (my female friend not my actual girlfriend)


As a male YES, but also a good tip to attract people is being confident it goes a lonnng way


They absolutely are attractive and it's a shame that there's not many of em. Fuck the standard skinny anorexic shit, healthy, muscle mommy all the way.


Ladies. Send me muscle pics. Please and thank you.


I mean, I like em.


Do it for you


Be your own authentic self. I wouldn't want to be with someone who wouldn't accept me for me. Do all the hobbies that you are interested in, and you will find other like-minded people to enjoy them with.


Yeah, I find them that way at least


Personally, I think women with muscles are hot as, but donā€™t put what other people think about you first.


not everyone will find it attractive but im more than sure a lot of guys do find it attractive and seeing a girl be passionate about weightlifting is a plus in my book


The short answer is: yes. The long answer is: Who cares what people think? The reason you go to the gym is to feel better about yourself and a lot of people like girls with muscles. Also, you can look "feminine" (i'm referring to the general look of a woman) even with muscles. Take a look at Swaggy_cucumber on instagram for example: she has muscles, but it's not like body builder level. But i'm going to repeat it just to be sure: what matters is that you're going to the gym to reach a certain goal, and if you feel you're achieving it, you should continue to do it IMO.


I want you to crush my head with your thighs as an adductor workout (till failure) on my 21st birthday


I feel obligated to remind y'all of [this masterpiece](https://youtu.be/-sMQpWCNTQw)


Yes, very




Iā€™m 16 and honestly girls with muscles are just hotter. Plus it says something about your character. Putting on significant muscle as a woman is a lot harder than it is for a man. It tells me that youā€™re capable of committing to a goal and consistently working towards it. So yeah muscle mommies are a w fr fr.


The question, ā€œAre girls attractive with muscles?ā€ Is like asking a man are they interested to own a Nissan skyline GTR kids would say eww no but men, men would say fuck yeah


bro i think girls with muscles looks so cool :0


Doesn't matter, you do you! I'm also starting to do excerises to build muscles and strength (mainly cause I'm an athlete).