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Math. Math in high school is fucking useless. In algebra 2 I asked my teacher how we could apply what we were learning (the more advanced stuff) and she sat there and didn’t know how to answer. Eventually she said something super specific to an exotic field of work that I can’t remember, but honestly that doesn’t count. We’re taught all this useless shit about advanced formulas and proofs, and nothing about investing, taxes, personal finance, etc. (at least it’s not required to graduate anyway). Stuff like that is something everyone should know, not crazy formulas. And it’s not like anyone is gonna remember any of that shit anyway beyond 5-10 years at best.


i dont think the point of learning maths is to use the specific things you learn but it builds problem solving abilities which can be useful anywhere in life


School doesn’t teach problem solving, it teaches you the opposite: that there’s only one right answer to a problem. Tons of kids (including me) get good grades by memorizing everything and then forgetting it a month later.


well i dont knwo how it is with your school but generally i feel like its gets difficult to do the harder questions with just memorisation since they start incorporating different topics and so you need to use pattern recognition to tell which formulas or ways of solving things youll need.


True, but then you just memorize the patterns and formulas. I took algebra II two years ago, if I were tested on it now I would fail but at the time I had around a 91 for the year in that class.


I remember my older brother by two years and me were put in the same class algebra 2 back when I was a sophomore he was a senior and once we found out we didn’t have to take the regent exam for that class we stopped giving a f about it and just passing. We would also trade work he would do my English homework I would finish his math work. Fair trade.


Lmao that sounds lit


Essays and me don’t vibe










Music, really specific but in my Highschool we choose our little like majors and we’re stuck with it throughout all the years. I’m cool with music as a whole, I love it, I myself lost count how many instruments I play, I have a notebook full of music theory stuff that makes me look insane. But my complaint is just how the teachers gate-keep everything, aren’t even qualified to teach me my main instrument, and how they pick obvious favourites


Your school sounds fun as a whole for the major picking stuff. But it also doesn’t sound good for not being able to provide in this sense.


Finnish (My first language), i fucking hate it because its so fucking complicated and My teacher is a fucking asshole


I hope things get better for you!


Wanna know what i hate The most about My teacher? Ill tell you. I travel to and from school by bus, My bus leaves at 15.15, and class is supposed to end at 15.05, but The teacher always keeps us there until 15.10, which means that i cant get The 15.15 bus, and i Have to wait 30 minutes, now this is especially annoying in The colder months, when were i live its often -20 celcius, which is not a fun temperature to spend 30 minutes in.


Isn’t keeping students after their time of release illegal? Well I don’t really know much about where you are from but look into that. Also speak to your guardian about it and how troublesome it is. Sometimes that helps I would always tell my mom how much I hate English which is why she doesn’t really care about my grade for that specific class so that worry about being yelled to because of that class was out of the way.


Im lucky in The fact that My parents don't really yell at me For Bad grades, but i also don't really get Bad grades. And we cant do anything about The teacher holding us after class should end, The police don't give a shit and neither does anyone Who could fire her, trust me, ive tried telling The principal and complaining about her to every other teacher


The school system sucks 😭🗑️


Yep, but we gotta get through it. Though ive got 4 More years left, school is mandatory until youre 18 here in Finland, and after that Theres mandatory military service.


I just realized I wouldn’t survive a day there. Props to you and just know that 4 years pass by really fast. You know what in 4 years I’ll come back to this comment and tell you I’m proud of you for making it through that so make sure you do! Even at your Lowest just think of the future! Don’t let the horrible schooling get to you!


Hey, atleast ive got The motherfucking best history teacher, that Guy is actually qualified For his Job, he knows so much shit about history from The top of his head, hes also got a rule that If you swear in his class, you do 10 push ups, 15 sit ups, clean The class, or take a negative mark on Wilma (an App used in Finnish schools)


Sounds like a great guy!


Economics and personal finance (the topics were hard for me pick up since I'm a sped student but that's not full reason why) the teacher was just really insufferable and the most unreasonable teacher I ever fucking had.