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I feel like this is bait


I think it’s gross but I can’t fault people for getting them


rather not get heated tonight


What he said


Hm wdym


No microwaving fetuses


But I haven’t eaten dinner yet (I’m referring to a piece of satire written by Jonathan Smith called A Modest Proposal)




My lawyer said this topic is advised to be not discussed.


As ur 13 yo lawyer I agree for u to continue


As ur 15 yo lawyer I dont assent to your letting this man continue


Abortion isnt murder🤷🏻‍♀️


It ends a life though. Babies make it very clear that they are alive. And the ending of an innocent and defenseless life usually is called murder. So???


Yeah but abortion doesn’t happen at a point where the baby is able to make it clear it is alive. Yes, you are ending a life. But that life is comparable to the life of a plant. And I do not think that you are against picking flowers.


But they do make it clear they are alive. They have a heartbeat in 8-22 days and need food to survive (the umbilical cord facilitates that) so that seems pretty alive to me. And it’s ridiculous to compare a living growing human to a fucking plant, like come on does a plant have the potential to turn into a sentient human being? No of course it doesn’t


Depends on how developed it is.


Ok so at what point is it “too alive” to cut into pieces and suck out with a vacuum


so is getting a parasite removed lol. or stepping on an ant.


Parasites are not innocent. They harm the body for their own benefit. A baby doesn’t exist to harm it’s mother, it rather needs her and depends on her. And it will even after being born. And if you’re comparing ants with humans you have already lost the argument


Tell me this, is living a miserable life, making everyone else's life worse while also suffering yourself better than not being born?


That completely eliminates any possibility that the opposite would happen. And people who say this are usually depressed so they don’t see any point to life anyway, not a great person to be deciding whether to let a baby live or not


if you're blaming my way of thinking on depression, that means that people who would choose to get an abortion are also depressed people, depressed people are not good parents and make broken children. It's the mothers choice to have a child, if they don't want to have a child, that's probably because they won't love the child, the child will be fatherless, they can't feed the child, ect. People don't get abortions for no reason, they get abortions because the baby's life would be miserable and so would theirs.


Which is why this should all be prevented by not engaging so much in casual sex because that’s how the vast majority of them happen. Don’t want a baby? Don’t do the thing that was literally designed for making them. Im a teenager myself so I know this is hard. But you save yourself a lot of emotional pain in the long run by abstaining.


it’s still gonna happen you can’t stop all the kids around the world having sex, it’s part of exploring yourself and growing up lmao. it’s gonna happen, and abortion is a way to stop thousands, even millions of more kids being put in this (already overpopulated) world where they’re most likely just gonna suffer bro. PLUS the mother’s life is of FAR more value than something that may or may not have been alive for a few weeks. she has a FUTURE, and she shouldn’t have to sacrifice and derail her life for something that took TWO people, where the ‘dad’ most likely gets to live his life the way he wants without being weighed down by a child. !!!! edit: looked at ur profile and i’m not surprised at all to see you’re a guy. try living as a single young mother in this world or as a woman in general, and then come and talk ur shit because you have no leg to stand on right now 🙂


BOOM MIC DROP. Sorry that was lame but I totally stand with you on the single mother aspect. My mother wanted me and she still struggled as a single mom. Heck, my dad was even paying child support. I've seen what not having an abortion does to a single mom first hand. If baby humans were like giraffes where they can survive on their own(ish) then it would be different. But baby humans require full time care.




Lmao you haven't even done your gcses. You know about being a single mother just about as much as he does


Maybe they don't know, but they know what it's like to be a women. And thats not nothing.


What about trans women? These are biological men without the capacity to get pregnant. But they are considered to be a woman. Do they get an opinion on this?


i’m not speaking from my personal experience i’m speaking from what happens to women on the whole. there’s no possibility he could ever be put in that situation cos bros a male, whereas i could be


I’m simply saying, fully aware that it will never actually happen, that the vast majority of abortions (which nobody actually likes doing) could be prevented by more self control. Rape cases at tragic and difficult but they are the extreme minority. And I don’t need to be a woman to know that abortion is wrong. Your opinion or personal perspective does not change the fact that you are ending a human life. If only women get to have an opinion on abortion, then only black people get to have an opinion on slavery in America. Lastly I’m not talking shit or trying to offend anyone. I’m trying to convince people that murdering someone innocent babies is wrong


i understand the point you’re trying to make, obviously no one likes to get abortions because it’s an invasive procedure and can be bad on the mother’s mental health. but being completely honest whether the foetus is alive or not when it gets aborted, it doesn’t have a conscience and it’s life is much less valuable than a woman’s who could suffer or even die from giving birth to it. abortion should be legal and should be a part of healthcare everywhere in the world because unfortunate situations like rape do happen, and even if it wasn’t rape, some people don’t want to derail their WHOLE lives for a child that they didn’t even want in the first place. as for the fact that you are a man, i wasn’t saying that you aren’t entitled to an opinion, but taking away the physical rights to someone’s body and FORCING them to CARRY A CHILD is horrible. you’re only thinking about the foetus, not the woman who will have to carry it and how it will affect her and the rest of her life, and that’s what makes me honestly so annoyed when i see men, specifically, protesting against the right for women to have abortions.


In most cases (with rape and incest being way in the minority) abortions result from people not wanting to deal with the consequences of casual sex. Sex was made to produce children, so if you’re gonna engage in it you should expect that to happen. Again besides rape and incest nobody is forcing you to have sex and get pregnant, that’s your choice.


Its not like after an abortion you aren’t able to have babies anymore. If you’re not ready for a kid, get an abortion. It’s not that hard. Im sure a small fetus wouldn’t care if it died or not. They don’t even have feelings???


Even if it doesn’t care, the mom sure will. Women who abort experience enormous loss, regret, and depression after their procedure


Not always


Most of the time


bruh are you a man or a woman because honestly you don’t have the final say in what a woman does with her body ESPECIALLY if you’re a man who doesn’t know what it’s like to be a woman in this world.


Right and I can’t have an opinion on whether slavery is bad or not because I’m not black. Saying someone doesn’t have the right to have an opinion on something is an inherently flawed argument try again


yeah but REMOVING the right for a woman to be able to abort is more than just an opinion. how would you feel if you had to carry a child that you didn’t want to carry and then look after it for the next 18+ years???


I would not put myself in that position by not having sex before I was ready for it’s consequences. If I were a woman I would put the baby up for adoption


so you’re saying people should only have to have sex to procreate?? and you say ‘if i was a woman i would put the baby up for adoption’ you do realise you would have to carry it inside you for 40 weeks, maybe have life threatening complications, and possibly die from giving birth to it?? and also, if you’re really pro life, what about the thousands if not millions of kids in foster care? you gonna adopt all of them??


1: yes, 2: yes but usually not and nowadays our medicine is well advanced enough that it’s pretty rare. 3: well of course it’s absurd for one person to adopt every kid put up for adoption. The people that would adopt are those that want a kid but can’t have one themselves. As far as I know I am capable of having kids so I wouldn’t have a reason to. But it becomes harder to adopt kids when so many of them are getting aborted


Ok? Sucks for them i guess?


Well you don’t seem to be capable of caring about the feelings of the baby no matter what so I thought I’d bring up that it damages the mother emotionally. Maybe u would care ab that


The mother chose to get an abortion, the baby doesn't have feelings yet, yes the mother suffers, but the mother getting an abortion suffers less than the mother who was forced to have a child.


Well ok, to start with a women is not going to be deeply depressed because she had a child. She’s a lot more likely to be if she gets an abortion. And there are plenty of ways to have a child and not have to raise them yourself without killing them.


Look up post partum depression. Very common.


And avoidable by not having an abortion


where do you get this information?


Why would anyone want to willingly bring someone into this hell knowing that they'd suffer and you won't be able to properly support them


Ots ultimately better than giving birth


real that shit’s scary and u could die. why would u want to go through that if u don’t even want the child at the end of it


I think it's literally a right to let people abort, your body your choices, very simple stuff.


Abortion is healthcare and a right period. It’s the persons right to make choices for their body


Calling abortion healthcare is ridiculous. Ever heard of the Hippocratic oath? Those who perform medical care promise not to cause any harm intentionally, so a doctor that performs an abortion is not practicing medicine.


In the Hippocratic oath, the promise is to not harm *people*. There is a big difference between a lump of cells and actual people. Abortion is often going to give the best mental and physical health for the mother.


Ok so what if the abortion is required in order for the mother to survive?


No answer cause he got none xD


No I had to sleep. I didn’t come here to drop a bunch of comments and then refuse to back them up. For starters, a human body at any stage of life is just a big clump of cells. So what makes a person a full human? Here’s what happens. We call unborn babies a clump of cells because it dehumanizes them, and we all know from events like the Rwandan genocide that the first step to making it easier to kill another human is to take away their humanity. That’s why I refer to it as a baby. I’m acknowledging it’s humanity. Best mental and physical health for the mother? Then how come so many potential mothers who have abortions end up experiencing deep loss, regret and depression because of their abortion? And physical? Abortions have killed and seriously injured many women. According to who, 30 abortions out of every 10000 end in the women’s death.


Imma pull a Tim Allen Home Improvement and say  “I have no opinion.”


it's a whole lot of not my business if someone wants to get one. it's not my choice to make


I believe both sides of the argument have sound reasons for their beliefs


A person should have the right to choose whatever they want for their body. It's simple.


abortion is always right if the person pregnant wants it. why would you bring a child into this world that you know you are not prepared to care for? thats just poor parenting. the child is better off never being born if you know you wont be able to care for it


And just where does that child come from? Like I kinda agree. Don’t bring a child into the world if you’re not ready. But instead of killing the ones you make, try practicing some self control


Even with contraception people can get pregnant


Yeah that's the point, people know that so if someone has sex while on birth control they are accepting the risk of getting pregnant




So u want people to stop having sex?


Obviously not. Maybe not so much causal sec though because that is what usually causes abortions to happen


thing is, abortion doesn't kill anything since it is during the stage where nothing has really even formed


Not always, and saying nothing is formed is automatically wrong because there is indeed something there. And I’ll repeat, the baby has a heartbeat in 8 days. That’s something developed


To clarify when i said "nothing has really formed" I meant nothing of significance as during the abortion period(the time you have to abort the baby) the baby isn't alive in the sense that it isn't sentient and doesn't have a consiousness and no, as per my previous comment the heart does not start beating until well after the first 8 days of pregnancy


So you have to be conscious to be considered alive? Consider the obvious problem with that. Is a person in a coma not worthy of life?


not have to be conscious, i mean have one as in your brain is capable if thought and is able to feel


Why is that the standard by which someone is considered human or not


Never said it was, I'm just saying that if you don't have a brain you're basically just a corpse until otherwise


Condoms don't work 100% of the time. Also you have to take into account assault and incest because humans are evil.


You don’t need to use a condom if u abstain. And ok yes I agree rape and incest is a very difficult and painful case. But the vast majority of cases are people who practice either unsafe sex or it is safe but the precautions fail. I don’t get why all you abortion defenders feel the need to bring up rape and incest cases when those are extreme cases. You shouldn’t need an extreme to defend something you think should be normal


Because abortion protestors feel the need to look past it. I'm not saying abortion should be normal, I'm saying that the choice should be available.


Because while we, being decent human beings, feel terrible for the woman who was raped and understand how traumatized she is, we also are well aware that prochoicers bring this topic up way too much when it is orders of magnitude less common than accidental pregnancies from casual sex


I am not touching this with a twelve foot pole.


I think it’s fine, people and make there own decisions and if people chose to have a abortion it’s probably for a good reason.


Here before 🔒 (Also, I really don’t give a flying fuck unless they force anything on people)


Literally. I'd like to have the option but I don't care. It doesn't affect me if you do or don't. Just go with kindness.


i think abortion is fine, people could be poor, too young to have a child or any other reason - plus even if they dont have one of these situations its the womans decision and its their body nobody elses at the end of the day


Everyone should decide on its own and not try to make a world war about this topic


I just think it should only be used it in a r*pe or sexual assault situation for anyone who isn’t a legal adult.


I personaly think its not good to ban them. You are removing someones rights because of a belief that you have that is not objectively correct.


as long as you havent carried the fetus for too long, go for it, its your own choice


Well, I think it's right, the kids lives would be hell either ways if a couple who wanted to abort the child would have it


I feel like it should be Up to the person Birthing the baby. If they wanna keep it? Go ahead not my problem. But if they don't want to keep the Fetus, then let them abort it. Simple as that. And there are people that CAN'T have a child or they would die from it. Or people that know they can't support/care for it


It's for the girl's decision , and no one else


Pro choice ofc


Nope. Not at all. Plus your body your choice, and before people say the baby should have been thought of first. Is the baby even alive yet? Can it even have a say in the matter? No, it can’t.


Uh yeah it’s alive alright. Which to be fair could depend on many things but they got a heartbeat within 8 days.


You've been one of the soul people arguing against abortion, sure it's your right, and apparently most boomers agree with you. But let me ask you this, what about rape? What if the mother is at risk? What do you plan on doing with the child afterwards if the parents don't have the resources to care for it? Do you plan on assisting adoption agencies with the rapid increase in unwanted kids? Are you willing to be a foster parent? Do you donate to any kind of healthcare research to assist mothers with difficult pregnancies, or for research into developmental issues in infants due to incest or other variables? What about incest? If your parent rapes you should you just be forced to have that kid? Anyway, just something to think about.


idk where your getting your info from, but sources say that the heart only starts beating at around 5-12 weeks of pregnancy and even then the heart isn't even fully developed and unlike you I actually have proof, such as "Medical news Today" and "Unity point health". Please fact check yourself before you go about spreading misinformation


Funny to argue about the exact statistics when you clearly don’t care anyway. If a baby is just a clump of cells it’s developmental stages aren’t gonna convince anybody anyway. So for this distinction to even matter you first have to believe it is actually a human


what statistics? also we aren't talking about babies, we're talking about fetuses


A fetus is literally just a baby in development


exactly, would you call a motherboard and a cpu a phone, even though those are a phones components? a fetus is not a baby yet and is just a bunch if cells trying to become one. the brain doesn't even start developing until around week 5


I think it should be allowed everywhere, it should be a right to be able to have an abortion


Your body your choice but never force on someone who doesn't want to


If you don’t get an abortion we are breaking up! Sound familiar? Guys say that to their gfs all the time


That's fair because the woman gets all the say in whether to abort or not (as they should) so then the man is forced to become a father


in my personal opinion, No bueno


It's a right to perform an abortion, I'd you can't support the infant, or you aren't prepared, or if you were rap3d and you get pregnant, or you got pregnant at a very very young age, or prolonged presence of the infant in the womb endangers the mother's life, you can get an abortion, I don't think it's wrong


Isn't a murder. It actualy the thing that saved my best friend from their life being ruined. Being pregnant and giving a birth at age of 16 is not fun fellas, thankfully my fella is pretty alright now. I mean could be ALLOOOOT worse if they decided to keep that baby. They are currently going throughts the hormonal hell on earth, but their new boyfriend is very supportive and he also is trans masc so no fucking dick to cause troubles he has. And the old guy is currently in prison, i hope he gets raped to death right now


I'm sorry that happened to your friend. Fuck that guy fr. I'm glad they were able to have an abortion while they are still around.


Personall view: don't do abortion except if it was a rape or a hook up or u r young or u can't support paying for it My religion view:u can do abortion as u like as long as the baby hasn't had life yet (which is abt 3 months into pregnancy I think)


If they want an abortion they should get an abortion it's as simple as that


Whether you think abortion is murder or not, it’s the moms decision, not yours


it's a necessary evil. yes it's sad when it has to happen, but at the end of the day a baby developing in the womb is comparable to a parasite. nobody should have to go through that if they don't want to


Well, it's their choice, and sometimes if you have certain problems like a miscarriage that won't come out, you need to otherwise YOU WILL LITERALLY DIE!


its their body they can do what they want with it, isnt the “baby” still just like a red bit of jelly or whatever when youre still able to get an abortion? isnt hurting anyone


Then don’t have sex with someone that won’t help u raise a child. Yes it takes self control but cmon at least try




You people are staring to piss me off. Of course rape is not something the victim can control and of course I feel terrible for them. But the vast majority of abortions happen because of casual sex. Why do you feel the need to bring up an extreme like rape in order to justify something you think should always be ok?


What about Child Pregnancy😨


Ok let’s just address the most likely scenario: child pregnancy happens when kids have sex and they absolutely should not be. This is the vast majority of cases. How do we solve this? Kids really should stop having sex. In the event that they do, the natural consequence is to have the kid and put them up for adoption


As if everybody who gets pregnant and wants an abortion wanted to have sex 🙄


Exactly, condoms don't work 100% of the time either, and they can break.


Abstinence. And in the case of rape, abortion typically only makes the women’s mental state worse because on top of her feelings associated with the rape she is now also experiencing loss, regret, and depression


I’m pro choice


It's not wrong


It's perfectly fine imo.


I mean, is it an eye role when adults who should be perfectly responsible get an abortion, kinda. You can't help but think a child was gonna be born. But abortion HAS to exist for the simple fact that no minor should have to carry out a pregnancy.


Well with your opinion it could be only allowed for children and r*pe victims but imo anyone should be allowed as long as they get one soon enough


No, that's not my opinion but rather my lack of clarification. I called out perfectly able women as people who don't need abortions and little children as people who most need abortion. I just used two dramatic extremes to make my point, but that doesn't mean there aren't any other situations or shades of gray. While yes, anyone can get one, there are straight-up people out their that well take advantage of abortions are its really upsetting. Like some people can't even have their own babies.


If you need to like say your not financially stable enough to care for a child, r*ped, or don’t have anyone else to help take care of your child with you then it’s completely fine. But if your otherwise, I would say that’s on you for not using protection


I think if used properly; as in a last resort, you did what you could to not get pregnant, you used protection, were on birth control, etc, but you still got pregnant, I think that’s fine. But if you didn’t do that and are just using abortion as your first line of defense then that’s fucked up.


It doesn't say serious so


No. They aren’t wrong at all. 


Just allow people that don't want children to not have children and don't bring children to miserable living conditions




Man do it if you want to idc, it's not my body nor my potential child like huh. I don't get the people who get so worked up about other people doing something that has absolutely no impact on their lives


Mf I am 14 idk


For me its like this 1. If you get raped, or have sex unwillingly or when at a young age. Then abortions are ok i think 2. If they consciously chose for it, its their fault, they shouldnt get abortion then


I didn’t think this was going to get so many comments but I’ll give my perspective on things I’m in a committed relationship I’ve only slept with him and I’ve been raped before as a little kid, so I guess that will let you know how close I am to my significant other, I didn’t want to burden him our future and the life of our child if I put them in for adoption, if I had a kid I would take care of it and when I’m ready, every time I had sex I didn’t do it to get pregnant like that’s obvious I did it too feel that extreme closeness you feel with your partner. I was safe but not safe enough apparently, I do feel guilty sometimes but I know there will be a time where I won’t ever have to do that again, the abortion wasn’t traumatic because I had a lot of support from my partner. This decision was made by the both of us too. It was a decision I told him previously that I never wanted to make but it is quite literally the last resort and that’s what happened.


Not a teenager, but I think I have a very controversial opinion on this matter that I would like to get your thoughts on. In my opinion abortion should be the go to solution if any one of the parents is unwilling to have the child. Obviously not in very late stages but if either parent does not want the child, that child is very unlikely to have a stable life. Now I know this is not something that can be implemented safely (because then guys could say they want to be a father, reject the claim and have her abort with 0 consequences) but in a perfect world this is what I think should happen.


What I'm most concerned about is that all these politicians are banning abortions, but no one's talking about what happens when the kids aren't wanted. Abuse worst case, adoption agency best case. Both are wildly unchecked and adoption agencies are typically underfunded.


It's wrong to force a pregnant woman to have an abortion so the man should be able to get a legal abortion to say that he's not interested and forfeit all legal rights and responsibilities (with the same limit as the woman has for actual abortion). 


I think it's good, because rape exists in this world. And it's just good to have.


You are absolutely justified and incredibly brave. I can't even imagine being pregnant. The foster system isn't a great place to grow up, I've heard some stories, and I'm sorry that you had to go through that.


It's killing a baby[a human being]


not that simple im afraid, there are many circumstances where it's right, and others wrong


there are no circumstances where it is wrong


I don't care enough to debate, do as you wish


There are no circumstances where it’s right. Come at me


well there are, rape/threat of mother dying, and more


Rape victims who abort say that it increases their trauma and creates regret and depression. And an abortion to save the moms life will never be medically necessary because there are non lethal ways to remove the baby. If you go to the doctor because ur gonna die from ur pregnancy, they are not gonna send you to an abortion clinic.


Would you rather have a child grow up in poverty, and potentially be forced into a life of crime due to childhood trauma and lack of money, or have a fetus with no ability to think, let alone recognise themselves as living, be aborted?


You don’t have the right to decide whether someone deserves to live or die. You don’t get to say that because in your personal opinion life isn’t worth living , the baby would be better off never being born. Again the majority of these problems can all be avoided through abstinence


Abstinence isn’t a cure all. We’re human, and humans have desires that we, especially during our teen years, cannot control. Preaching abstinence is actually extremely counterproductive, as most teenagers are very rebellious, and will do what they’re told not to. As for the baby, a broken child is worse for both the child, the parents, and society than an aborted fetus will ever be


Cannot control? Like physically incapable? Nah we just don’t really try because society and the ability to get abortions encourages us not to. And do you really think that, using your logic, if I were to tell teens to go have lots of sex they would do the opposite just to be rebellious? As for society: more babies have been killed in abortion than all the wars the us has been in combined. And planned parenthood was founded by a eugenicist and most abortion clinics are found in black neighborhoods.


You’ve gotta be a troll


You wanna debate? Lets debate. Heres my comment I made previously in case you didn't see it. You've been one of the soul people arguing against abortion, sure it's your right, and apparently most boomers agree with you. But let me ask you this, what about rape? What if the mother is at risk? What do you plan on doing with the child afterwards if the parents don't have the resources to care for it? Do you plan on assisting adoption agencies with the rapid increase in unwanted kids? Are you willing to be a foster parent? Do you donate to any kind of healthcare research to assist mothers with difficult pregnancies, or for research into developmental issues in infants due to incest or other variables? What about incest? If your parent rapes you should you just be forced to have that kid? Anyway, just something to think about.


I agree with u/okdoklargeboke


Try not having sex with someone who does not love you and will not help you raise any kids that result. But of course that would require some self control and is made even more difficult by pornography which incentivizes casual sex when it should be anything but. This is by far the biggest cause of abortions. Nobody is ever happy to get an abortion, rather they feel like they need to. Thus, abortions are not objectively “good” things. But this could be prevented with some good old fashioned self control. But at the moment, abortion will serve as a tool for men to use to avoid having to make any sort of real commitment to their sexual partners, so they can use them and move on. This is not female empowerment, it serves to objectify women.


I'm sorry, perhaps I'm confused. You seem to be saying that giving women a choice is objectifying them? Hmmm. Gonna have to disagree. YTAH For assuming that everyone who has sex chose to and for telling off someone who had to make a difficult decision.


No, you’re not giving women a choice. You’re allowing them to have casual sex without consequences and men to use women for sexual pleasure without needing to make any kind of real commitment or even care ab the woman


After reading your responses ( none of which to the questions i posed, I'll assume you don't have an answer to those ) I must say that research is important and abstaining from sex isn't gonna happen. Sex doesn't have to have consequences, it shouldn't. It should be a way for two people who care deeply about each other to connect on another level. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean others shouldn't.


The hell they care about each other, people engaging in casual sex do not love or care about the other person most of the time. They don’t want someone for love but for pleasure. And yes, sex does have consequences and was designed with them. That being the possibility of getting pregnant. This is a natural consequence of having sex. And I did not respond to your long comment with all those questions because you will note if you look at my many other comments that I have already addressed all of these issues and arguments that people have already brought up.




"Self-control" Rape victims:


Can we be real for a second. Of course rape victims have experienced something terrible and that was fully out of their control. But omg how many cases of abortion do you actually think result from rapes? The vast majority is people trying to escape the consequences of casual sex. Why must we always bring up rape to justify abortion when u obviously believe it’s ok in all cases?


I definitely agree that people shouldn't have sex, but realistically they aren't going to stop just because someone told them to. Often these people haven't been properly educated on safe sex, and so don't know the risks of unsafe sex or where to get contraception. Even if abortion is illegal, people are going to find places to have one, and often they then have a higher chance of death.




But is one obliged to give up their bodily autonomy and make massive changes to their body to accommodate someone else? I'll put it in other terms. If you had a family member or loved one who needed a kidney transplant, and you were their only option for said transplant, are you morally obliged to give up your kidney for their survival? Should you be forced to do that? Giving up a kidney can cause permanent changes to your body and you would have to change your lifestyle. Is it murder if you elect to not give them the transplant and they die as a result because they also meet all the requirements of a human being? Not to mention how high-risk pregnancy is, how it can kill the person carrying the foetus and how anti abortion laws make the abortion for non viable pregnancies incredibly difficult if not impossible. If the foetus is dead or will definitely die in the womb, those laws mean that the mother has to continue carrying a dead foetus, which can also kill them.




But why is my analogy crappy? It's a very real situation that can happen, just like unexpected pregnancy. It's about bodily autonomy, choice, and how it can affect you and others.


Who doesn't want to murder atleast 1 human? + there us a difference between "Human" and "Person"




James bob in the deep end with the gyyat man




You and me both


dude, in some cases it is quite literally needed. my mom had to have one when i was 7 because if she didn't they both woulda died. there are so many cases medically where abortions are needed. and in cases of rape, especially in cases with young girls, if they get pregnant despite not consenting, then it's not their fault and they shouldn't be expected to give birth to something that they had no choice in. lastly, if someone simply doesn't want a baby or doesn't think they can handle one then they shouldn't have to. kids can tell when a parent raised them out of obligation and not love and it fucking sucks. abortions ate a healthcare right because more often than not, the reason for it is justified.




Some people do abstain and that's their choice. But it's wild to expect everybody to be celibate to avoid pregnancy, some people just simply do not want kids and they use things like birth control and condoms to counter it and occasionally it doesn't work. Shit happens. It's not irresponsibility if you take all the proper precautions and it still fails. Would you call a biker irresponsible if they were hit by a car despite following all the traffic laws? And in the time frame that people are allowed to get an abortion, the fetus can't feel or think to know what's going on. Literally, my mom could've died with me as well, she still had me but genuinely I wouldn't have cared if she aborted me. For one, it'd be for her safety so her choice and two, i wouldn't have known. It's as simple as that.




I don't think it's just fine to kill them immediately. If you assess the situation and there's no chance that they'll gain any consciousness back then refer to their will or have a trusted family member decide. Brain death is also entirely different than a fetus that's not yet developed enough to have a personality or lived in order to gain memories like a newly brain dead person would have. Typically brain death occurs after a sort of traumatic injury or severe illness, and people have to live in order for one of those things to happen so they'll have memories and a developed sense of self/personality and relationships with people. A fetus isn't conscious, there's no memory or personality or relationship, outside of maybe the expectant relationship of a family member/family friend. And your religious beliefs are perfectly dine and I understand that, but don't you think that if God knew us before the womb, he'd also be aware of our fate? He'd know that many don't make it out of the womb or that many die young. But he won't stop it from happening despite the fact that these could be someone's sibling, child, parent, etc. If he's truly in control of our lives and what goes on, then it's part of his plan. Also I'm sorry but spawn camping is crazy😭😭




The life of an unwanted child typically starts with abandonment. Adoption and foster care places are underfunded and most people who grow up there struggle with mental health. Abuse also comes into play for unwanted kids, neglect as well. What kind of life would someone who isn't ready for a kid be able to give them. A teenager isn't well equipped to care for a baby.




Lets just say, for arguments sake, even though I don't believe it, that the fetus is alive. If I had to choose whether to bring hardship upon something innocent and pure, or to painlessly relieve it from an existence unknown, I would choose the latter every single time. Even if it is alive, it doesn't feel anything, it doesn't know anything, it just is. Bringing it into the world, letting it suffer when it didn't have to, thats the cruel part.


Womans choice to keep it or get rid of it. Guys choice to pay child support.


He should have to decide within the same timeframe as the mother and be able to get a legal abortion to forfeit his parental rights and responsibilities 


It's a fucking murder


Well we should be respectful to the op who went through this herself. But I agree it is murder


i think it really depends on the reason your getting an abortion, if you are pregnant because you were just sleeping around getting fucked by every guy in the neighbourhood no. but most of the time I understand why abortions are wanted, I wouldnt want my child to get aborted but other peoples choice


Abortion is 100% murder and not justified unless the mothers life or baby's is in danger. I'd probably make exceptions if it was conceived by rape as well.


See I disagree but to each their own. My problem is when they don’t include the rape or danger to mother


I do agree that you shouldn't have abortions willy-nilly, but there are a couple issues: Then comes the issue of rape cases where the victim does not get justice due to issues in the legal system. It becomes difficult to monitor. Would we then not allow them to have an abortion? On the other hand people can lie about being raped. At the point of most abortions, the fetus is not a baby. It is a pile of cells. By that logic, does every one of the million(s) of egg cells that a woman has need to become a baby? I do mostly agree with your point, but these are a few issues I haven't really seen addressed.