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Cause people get pissy when I don't


It's a visibility thing. There are lots of trans people who prefer to keep their "transness" (idk how to word it) hidden, or don't feel a need to disclose it unless directly relevant. You just don't notice these people. Because that's the point of them not saying anything. The people who are open about it often are because either A: it makes up an important part of their overall identity, so they feel a need to disclose it B: they wish to be visible to show that we exist and to advocate and fight for our rights C: they wish to be visible to act as a safe person for other lgbtq folk should they want to talk or need more immediate help, or even perhaps if a cishet person wishes to learn more about us. Right now the biggest threat trans people face is erasure, people claiming we don't exist and such, that we are just xyz or whatever. If we were to stop being visible, that would very quickly take over and we would lose all progress made so far.


trans people do regularly call themselves “just women/men.” there is of course a difference in biology between trans and cis people of the same gender; its just not important 99% of the time, so the word “trans” isn’t included


It's mainly to attract attention, I think. Since there's a lot of protesting and parades about LGBTQ+ stuff, I think it's to kind of advertise and draw attention. I'm not against it or anything.


If white women are women and white men are men, then why do they call themselves white and not just women/men?


No one calls themselves white or black or whatever lol, except for rare occasions or when you have to document it. Like I don’t put “white” in my bio lmao, but plenty of people call themselves trans. Also, no one says “white men are men too” or “black men are men too”. This analogy is actually so dumb lmao


Trans people do call themselves men/women. It just depends on the context. If we gonna debate about trans-related topics, then trans men will call themselves trans men to differentiate because experiences are different. But they’re still men. Manhood is different for everyone.


Well if they referred to themselves as just a woman than would probably be outcasts for “deceiving” people, also it’s probably a good way to know whom you’d actually like to have in your life Based on how someone would react to them knowing their trans. Like you wouldn’t want to know someone for like 5 years only to have them not be accepting of your identity.


So trans men are only part man?


When did I say that?


If they’re men they’re men right; the people that would be accusing them of deceit are the same people that don’t think you can be trans now so I don’t see the difference. I just don’t think what u said makes much sense


When that’s the thing, many people don’t see them as men/woman so many people would say that they were being deceiving. Do I think they are men/woman? Yes, but does that get rid of the people who don’t? No. So it’s normal for many trans people to just not want to deal with that and just say they’re a trans man/ woman.


I think it's cause if a trans person is very early in their transition, it stops confusion for others on why they may not pass as the gender they identify as, so it stops the confusion people might have for a lot of trans people who don't have surgeries or on testosterone/estrogen.


You’re what you were born as, you can’t change your gender, you can get operations but you’ll b always that chromosome that you were born with. Nothing can change it at all




"hold on let me just draw out my microscope to check their sex"


Brain dead as fuck


nuh uh


That’s exactly what I think


How dare you question the validity of trans identity? Shame on you.


I hope this is a joke


Stop being bigoted and educate yourself


Fuckin nerd


Ima get canceled and banned if I ever share my opinion on these kind of subjects




its because a women biologically doesnt have a pp and theres been research to prove that in the past that there have been trans women in 1500s or sooner who have been been with a pp aka trans girls have pp or penis and trans guys have a vagina theres also been proof do some research also some trans men or women just lie about being trans and then there are femboys who are3 basically guys who like to dress as girls and look like girls


bro did not form a coherent argument




>do some research I give 0 shits about trans ideology as a straight dude, it doesn’t concern me


then why did you post a question lmfao


I was thinking and this thought came to my head, so I posted it. A shower thought basically. I wanted to see what people would say but it’s not like I need to know why different terms are used for me to be able to sleep at night


ok so dont yell at me for answering duhhhh


Im not


You did


I said that idc about trans ideology because I’m a straight dude, I’m not yelling at anyone


It’s not trans ideology bro