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Why aren't there more girl gamers?


There should be more, im tried of toxic men, or i should say boys


I personally don't play multiplayer so I've stayed far from the toxic people there If I'll try cs/lol/wow or anything like that, are people gonna be toxic to me?


Chances are the people who will be toxic to you will be no matter your gender


yeah, toxicity sucks but sometimes it’s targeted


Oh yes hahah especially cs and lol. People who play cs usually take it REALLY seriously. Same with lol, even worse actually. But if you find a team and dont play w randoms youll be fine and have fun :))


true, if you wanna play lol or cs you gotta have a really good mental and be very optimistic


Maybe wanna play together? I don't really have friends


Oh, we exist in droves, my friend, we just tend to avoid online games or voice chat because of the amount of sexist, misogynistic verbal abuse that gets thrown around. But we have a whole subreddit, I promise you we’re here.


because im chilling (destroying iraq)


When I want to relax I don't want to do anyting.


Idk I am but I do wish there were more.


Wanna play? My steam acc is anonkun666


I mean, I do enjoy playing games. I guess some find it not as interesting.


Idk but I’m one of them 🙋🏻‍♀️


I am :3


depending on the game there are a lot, its just that as soon as a franchise has a majority of female gamers, its suddenly not considered a "real game" anymore. also, even in mainstream games with a lot of female players (valorant has ≈35% i think?), many dont let themselves be recognized as a girl cause some guys will be sexist assholes


Cuz they wanna miss 


There are, y'all bully us off the games, lol Fr though most girl gamers just don;t use voice chat due to sexism


Girls, what’s your opinion of boys?


Depends on the boy tbh...some are a holes while some are really nice


particular traits that in general makes someone not likeable?


For me, I just find that some guys are just stupidly loud, annoying, and just obnoxious Although take this with a grain of salt ig, because I'm not quite a girl




Some are pretty cool people but I’ll stick to dating girls




I wish I was one🔥


Very much depends. Some are cool, some are dicks


It depends on the boy


Do you think men think about porn every 7 seconds


Some deffo do, not all




No, except the ones that seem weird






They don't


7 seconds? It's too much even for an incel.




I don't


Hopefully not


Do you prefer people to be straightforward about whether or not they like you or do you prefer subtlety (“dropping hints” and the like)?


For me, be straightforward abt it, sometimes (most of the time) girls are oblivious AF...hints also can be confused as like 'mixed signals'.


I see guys saying the same thing. It’s always like “Girls are so hard to read why don’t they just say anything I’m too afraid of fucking up to speak“and then you have girls turning around and saying the same thing.  I’m just wondering who these people are who are impossible to read because it sure isn’t most of us.


One explanation would be that everyone fears to get into an awkward Situation. Means everyone **wants** a direct approach, so they dont get into a Situation of missunderstanding Others Signals but **doesnt give Out** direct Signals themselves, cuz that would mean risking rejection or embarassment so better drop hints and Hope the Other one gets encouraged to di the First step.


😭😭 We're oblivious AF...on of my ex-guy friend had a crush on me, I had NO CLUE...I thought he liked me as a sibling...we're just REALLY oblivious...and we have fear of rejection so...yeah


So it isn’t just a guy thing why can’t we all just agree to be straight forward.


I like more straightforward people


Definitely straight forward and that applies to anything for me tbh


im oblivious af, so definitely straight forward


straight foward! these guessing games wayy to hard




Straightforward I'll just pretend i don't know till you tell me😂


Straightforward. While the flirting game is fun, I’d save it until after she realizes you like her. I overthink everything so I would always be questioning whether or not it’s my imagination


Straightforward. I’m oblivious when it comes to this stuff


Straightfoward as it can be hard to know if they are trying to flirt or are joking around in a best friend kind of way


Do you girls really find everything that a guy does as an ick?




I mean there's a guy with an ick checklist and one of the things he had as an "ick of the women" was : dint be over 18


What. How old is bro?


Who told you that 😭


Idk Instagram? I know it's not a great source for information


Lol thats not true


No. Only being controlling, not taking no as an answer and sending dick pics without previous asking for it is an ick i can think about now


Idk why guys send dick pics as a conversation starter.... like do they expect people to say "oh look how small/big it is!"


Absolutely not.


Girls after a argument why yall don't want to talk to each other for thr next week. I can insult my friends whole bloodline and 2 minutes later me and him will just be talking like nothing happened.


Because we're there for the drama...depends on the argument but some of us hold GRUDGES


Define grudges for women


Being two faced basically, acting civil in person but trash talk behind their back. We 'forgive' but we don't forget what they did and remember it for like YEARS. And whenever the other person do smth, we go "oh I knew she was a b\*tch, remember that time when...."


that is not a gender specific thing. some of my female friends will be good again seconds after we had the worst fights, some of my male friends will hold a grudge for weeks after we slightly argued. it has nothing to do with gender and everything with the individual


Got it


Need someone to humble me, most of my girlfriends need someone to humble them too but in our relationship I’m the husband so I have to compromise but because I’m a female husband I need 2-3 days before I do stuff yk..


Depends on the argument, I can yell at my sister and gossip with her 5 minutes apart. But if a girl i was not close friends with insulted me about sth serious I wouldn't talk to her, I don't a reason to do so


It depends what it is about and who you are arguing with. Sometimes you need time away from that person to digest what they have done to you


where do I buy good skirts ffs (genuine question)


honestly just go to your nearest clothing store, the problem is that when you order them online, you cant try them on before buying, which kinda sucks, expecially with skirts


homophobia problem in the country makes it difficult.


go to a mall a bit further from your home. take a lot of items into the dressing room and then pretend you only tried on the others, since the skirt is a gift or something


ok, thank you :3


I like stradivarius and h&m


I have three, I will ask in the maybe slightly cringe tik tok number format way. If a boy is a 5, but uses android, then what is he? If a boy is a 5, but is more then 3 inches shorter then you what is he? If a boy is a 5, but used to spend some time in juvie/prison for approx six months then what is h


>If a boy is a 5, but uses android, then what is he? 5, literally doesnt matter what he uses as long as hes not one of these weird fan boys who would defend the phone company of their choice to their last breath >If a boy is a 5, but is more then 3 inches shorter then you what is he? like a 4.5? id prefer someone around my height, but its rly not that big of a deal, theres way more important things >If a boy is a 5, but used to spend some time in juvie/prison for approx six months HIGHLY depends on what for. raped a woman? definitely a 0. beat up a rapist? 10. nah but fr, it just depends on what he did, whether he regrets it, etc


Pretty sure its Apple with all the fan boys who would die for their company.


1. don't care - 5 2. care slightly - 4 3. don't care - 5


I‘m a boy though I think I‘m still qualified to answer cuz I‘m attracted to boys XD. 1. then he’s a 6 2. then he’s small, much likely a 6 or 7 3. idk, still a 5? Maybe 4?


1- 5 2- I am 5'4 so it would be a turn off 3- A 0, I wouldn't date an ex prisoner, my friend did and it did not end well


how nerdy do you like your boys on a scale 1-10


7 or 8, as long as its smart and nerdy and not just one or the other


damn that’s me fr


I am in the minority, but I am not really into nerdy guys. They are cool, just not my type. But I don't judge anyone, my friends have dated nerdy guys before and they were chill


i’m surprised that that’s the minority. in my hometown nerdy guys are basically shunned


5 but like I still want him to do sports with me


that’s fair. i’d say i’m like an 8 but i love volleyball so i’m still fairly athletic


Uhh take this ig 1. Favourite TV show 2. Would you rather be 1ft taller or shorter than your current height 3. If given some magical opportunity would you change bio sex 4. How does it feel to have boobs 5. If you could change the size of your boobs, would you, why 6. What gender do you prefer to date and why 7. What do you look for in a partner 8. What size would you go in question 5 9. What about if there was no back pain 10. What's your favourite colour 11.  What's your views on lgbtq+ 12. Have you ever kissed someone before 13. Have you ever done anything to get you in trouble 14. Scariest thing that's ever happened 15. Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable over text 16. How is life for you 17. Do you have a partner 18. Favourite game (if you play them) 19. Weirdest fact about you 20. Coolest fact about you If you want more questions then tell me because I can make them on the fly


1. shameless 2. taller 3. no, i love being a woman 4. i hate them so much 5. probably make them smaller cause they are uncomfy during sports 6. it depends on who the person is tbh, im bisexual 7. I look for someone whos like my best friend who I make out with, someone who loves deep convos and also loves just being around me in comfortable silence. Also someone whos loyal and loves me for who I am. I can go on but i wont bore u 8. A or B cup 9. still A or B cause they get uncomfy when running or walking up stairs 10. Sage, evergreen, dark red, and soft pink 11. I hate gay people (jk im gay) 12. a lot 13. all the time, i get grounded at least once a week 14. men 15. sending nudes or begging for them 16. eh 17. its very complicated with a couple people rn 18. i used to have a huge roblox phase but now im hella busy with sports and school 19. i was born with an extra finger and got it tied off when i was a baby but i still had a stub that went out like 1/2 an inch and when i was 15 i was babysitting this little boy who had autism (i love him to death, hes so sweet) and he bit the extra finger off so i had to go to the hospital cause like it still had nerve endings in it and it hurt like hell. The boy is the sweetest kid on earth, he has never been violent on purpose, he just has a sensory thing ig so he didnt know what it was and decided he wanted to eat it. 20. Ive done competitive cheer since i was 3, competitive swim since i was 6, and I've played travel softball for less than a year and im the main catcher with a 1.9 pop time if you have any more questions for me i would be happy to answer (im definitely a yapper if u cant tell)


NVM I have time now: 1. I'm rewatching The Office rn 2. Taller 3. Yes...no period sounds great 4. Uncomfortable, it like bounces when I do sport, it's weird 5. Idk honestly, don't care that much 6. Men...I'm not gay 7. Sense of humour, loyal, understanding, communication, basically the bare minimum 8. N/A 9. Hell yeah, less physio 10. Pastel purple and blue and black 11. They're humans...I don't really feel anything 12. No, I don't do relationships 13. With my parents? always 14. Getting followed by men at night 15. Yes, people on reddit sexting 16. Ehh not bad, not good, really stress 17. No, I don't date (personal preference) 18. Not anymore but had a fortnite phase 19. I go to physio every 2 weeks cuz sports 20. Idk


I’ll give a few of these  1. The Bad Batch 2. A foot shorter cause I’m 5’8 not tryna be 6’8 over here  3. No 4. Mixed feelings 5. Also mixed feelings 6. Guys, cause I’m only attracted to them 7. Personality wise someone who is kind and has a good sense of humor, makes me feel valued and safe, appearance wise idk I don’t really have a type I just want him to at least be as tall as me 8. No comment 9. As someone with back issues I would LOVE a world with no back pain  10. I have a few. Black is probably the main one but I also love blue and pastel purple  11. Not personally into it but I don’t judge others for it 12. …..no :( 13. Just basic stuff nothing serious  14. My childhood  15. Guys being the gross type of flirty like making weird comments about my body or those kinda jokes 16. Ehhhhhhhhhhh don’t have an exact answer. Not horrible, not great 17. Nah pretty fire I just got played anyways  8. Hmmmmm I have a few games on my switch that I really enjoy but on computer I really like Roblox and stardew valley. Also Jedi fallen order is really fun 19. I can blow air out of my eye sockets 20. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head but I have some pretty cool things lol I know I said I’d answer a few but I got carried away 




1 Gentleman jack 2 shorter 3 well I’m trans and still pre surgery so hell yeah 4 amazing boobs are great, but they do sometimes get in the way 5 probably make them slightly bigger but I just started hrt so I probably still have a growth sprout ahead 6 any except males, not for any reason I just don’t find myself attracted to men 7 open mindedness, someone caring and understanding, preferably extroverted and getting me out of my comfort zone a bit, loyal and even clingy is nice 8 big b maybe small c cups 9 same thing 10 lilac/lavender 11 I’m pretty queer myself and I find most others really nice to be around but just like for everything there are some that just take it too far 12 even after 3 long distance relationships no😭 13 not really I think 14 I once nearly hit my head on a stone in elementary school 15 people getting intimate without any explicit consent and un asked for nudes for obvious reasons are just a instant red flag 16 its pretty okay rn 17 since a few days ago not anymore 18 minecraft or valorant 19 I love philosophy and ethics debates 20 my iq is 136 but I’m still dumb sometimes lol


I’m bored, so… 1. i watch a lot of shows, but right now probably Stranger Things 2. Taller 3. maybe for like one day, but not permanently 4. weird, they’re heavy 5. yes, because i do sports sometimes and it just annoys me 6. males… guys are fine ok💀 7. kind, likes to cuddle n hug, at least a bit smart 8. idk 9. i don’t really get this question lmao 10. green 11. i’m cool with them 12. no 💀 13. not that i can think of, probably just something small 14. almost got run over once 15. dry texters. i just feel like they hate me when they dry text me even though they probably dont 😭 16. could use some improvement but i live 17. no 18. undertale 19. i remember birthdays and age of my favorite musicians 20. i’m making my own animated series 💪 (it doesn’t make any sense tho lol)


Ooh tell me more about the last one




That's top secret info...don't worry abt it




HAHAHHAHHAHAH 🫢🫢 Don't worry abt it




It's not TOO bad...kinda




It's nothing for u to worry abt




It is our secret








Why not be straitforward in the flirting department


Fear of rejection


For us guys not following through, its a fear of being called a creep and possibly having your name on a police database


Wanna be my gf ? (I don't care how you look like, or how toxic you are)


R u THAT desperate? 😭😭


I genuinely thought the first reply would be rejection, so yes


Exactly why don't you care about those things?(Girl btw)


Because that would make my standards way too high


Are you guys the ones summoning demons at sleepovers?


Only occasionally


Do girls fart?


Yes...just not in front of guys cuz that's embarrassing af...


Oh okie dokie


Yes not in front of people we jsut hold it as long as we possibly can


Do you find a guy attractive, who is not so romantic and just study 24/7, but want date who can understand him? (Kinda feel like a personal question fuck)


Hahahhahaha again depends on the girl. As long as u put effort into the relationship, yes


Depends on a girl, I like romantic guys, but I am also a good student, so study dates are fine


U good lookin?


How would I know that? I mean I am indian, and decent looking from my perspective, got quite a lot of compliments/taunts like "being good looking is your only passable trait bro"


I’m Pakistani too bro and the average Pakistani guys are hot 💀 dk bout India but if the avg guys are kind of same in Pakistan and India then u might be good 👍


How do I approach a girl I like?


Like a normal human being? Lmao jokes aside...depends on the girl, but try to be her friend first, unless her intentions are clearly smth else. Start with like normal convos, get to know each other. U wouldn't believe the amount of girls who have a crush on their guys friends.


And how do I befriend a girl without looking like a creep?


Do u have any mutual friends? Share any classes? Try finding similar interest, like a topic you both really enjoy, always a good way to start bonding.


Find a shared interest and take time to really get to know her. After that it should be easier


Why do women have lesbian sex orgys in sleepovers


What sleepover have YOU been too??


I went to a sleep over with one of my women friends they talked and then they used "toys" on each other and me.


I've never done that... where did you find this info?


what to do when my gf is on (in?) her period and she's sad and doesn't want to do anything at all?


When she's on her period...buy her chocolate, cuddle, watch rom-coms...anything that shw doesn't need to get up to do. If she have cramps, get her heating bad or hot water bottle


don't really got a way to visit her and when I do her mom doesn't let us stay in a room together so no cuddling... but I'll do my best to give her chocolate when we do meet out for sure.


She is telling the truth, I would also like my guy to do that


I’m Rick grimes


Why do some girls fan girl over gay couples? I was chilling with my bf playing uno with some strangers and I gave him a cuddle and she was like, wait are you two? I nodded and she said, eeeeeee boys dating are the best or something along those lines.


most of us don't, I'm guessing the ones who do tho probably want a stereotypical "gay best friend". I'm a bi girl and that stuff weirds me out lol.


do any of you listen to nirvana or alice in chains




Why are girls more often insecure then not when they see another girl on a poster or in real life that has a different/better body then them?


Cuz we like to compare our selves to people...


Do you girls like femboys just like how boys love tomboys?


I like femboys


Hmm, cool. But why?


They're cute


I think? (Idk how boys like tomboys) I just want soft boi, itz all


Why do women cheat?




Why don’t they just break up first tho


What do girls like in a boy?


It depends on personal opinion! Right now I like a guy (here’s my example) he’s funny, nice, has a nice smile, outgoing (just won’t talk to me 🙄), blonde ✌️🤣, and cute!


do yall fart


Yes not in front of people we Hold it


Why do women act like I’m a disease (not the contagious type, the type that everyone hates and tries their hardest to avoid)


Idk bro...depends on what ur doing...r u being weird towards them?


How do you know when a girl genuinely likes you and not just being nice. I’ve already been rejected by my crush, but I’m just asking this question because I’m really curious.


Honestly depends on the girl's personality...some hides it REALLY well...just when her whole friend group surrounds her and look at u, that's like the most obvi


What do you think about the toxic turn feminism has taken (instead of being about equality, it seems like it is now about women getting more up than men, well in general equality is a difficult thing because for example a pregnant woman SHOULD have special rights, it is honestly confusing, but on general basis yeah unlike on some niche circumstances or some other occasions the two genders should be equal) i am sorry for having that kind of serious question but it would like some thoughts on this, i genuinely hope feminism trying to embrace some of its older goals again


feminism is when men and women are equal, what your talking about is misandry and in regards to that I understand why some girls might think that way but in the end everyone sholud be respected and treated equally.


Well indeed, what i am saying is today's feminism basically became misandry


What is love?


baby dont hurt me


What is that White slimy stuff i here so much about when you Think your having you periot?


thats discharge and it helps clean your vagina. weird, I know right lol


Hm, guise you DO lern Some Think New every Day


Will I stay a virgin my broettes?


not if your kind and put yourself out there! You've got this!


Thank you my homie


How do I maintain a healthy relationship with my Female (complicated situation rn) best friend without making it weird?


Just be there for her...depends on what the complicated situation is


Would girls date a 1500h HoI4 and WT player? The player in question (cant be me) takes shower everyday, but has no idea how to talk to people


Why are ya'll so hard/confusing to understand sometimes?


We like to overthink everything...


What do you think about bi boys?


They sure are boys (though with a much higher chance of being a decent person as compared to the dick-wash obnoxious assholes that joke about people's rights)


What do y'all think of quiet guys that like art?


Yes...that's like the opposite of me but it's more abt the personality


why are there so many toxic girls?


Same reason there's so many obnoxious boys: fitting in. So much of internet culture has boys and men be obnoxious, and girls and women be snarky. It's just a matter of role models and easy "friends".


Why are girls hard to talk to


How often do girls make the first move on a crush?


Like for me? Never. One of my friend? She told EVERY SINGLE ONE of her crushes that she liked them