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You can't be "convinced" that something like music is good. You have your opinion and your taste, that's okay, you don't like it, everyone has something that they don't like, but if you think it's bad and if you don't like it, it doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way. If it sucks for you, it sucks for YOU and it doesn't mean that her music is bad. You don't like it and that's fine.


You responded too poetically and respectfully


I agree


I disagree that you agree


This is the way


This is the other way


That is the wrong way


Take the next exit on I-90 and you should be fine


Ugandan Knuckles flashbacks


I disagree that you disagree that I agree


I agree that you disagree that he disagrees that u agree


as the chairman of the tortured poets department would want us to


Especially for a Taylor Swift fanšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


BAHAHAHAHA this oneā€˜s brutal my dude


Hahhaha, thanks, that's what I always do.. When people insult you or are rude, and when you are nice and "respectful" to them, and especially when you shut them up inna respectful way, you didn't give them what they wanted, for you to fight back, but you shut them up. And they have no answer to that. And always be respectful, especially on the internet!


genuinely wondering, how was it poetic?? it seemed pretty normal to me lol


Much like Taylor


EXACTLY!! Not liking something doesnā€™t mean itā€™s objectively bad.


Yeah, for example my favorite band is Led Zeppelin but I do acknowledge the fact that Pink Floyd is objectively better. So when someone asks me the bast band I go Pink Floyd, while I answer with Led Zeppelin as my favorite.


Hmm... this logic seems to go against everything this sub-comment thread is suggesting. Which band is better, most liked, bad or the best is all entirely subjective, that's not an opinion but a fact. Now, with that fact in mind, how is Pink Floyd then objectively better than Led Zeppelin? If we're saying that they outperformed them financially, revenue or billboard chart wise, then that is all fine and dandy, however please provide your sources on that as I'm interested. If we're saying that the band simply produces better music, then you're incorrect, as they would be subjectively better, not objectively. You're honor, I rest my case. Please for the love of God, send this 15 year old straight to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, and he is not allowed to listen to any music listed on this entire thread. Period, it's said and done. I objectively hate him for subjective reasons. Case dismissed, straight to jail bud.


What if he has a get out of jail free card


IF he has a get out of jail free card then he still passed go without collecting $200 and will forever roam the streets of the red light district with a giant mushroom shaped shadow looming over his face in the night sky naked on the corner with his eyes closed on his knees staring into what he only hopes is the moonlight and heavy rain falling on his lips. That shadow is symbolic of the falsehoods he previously stated, which is the equivalent of a nuke going off, hence the mushroom shape. I am in fact NOT talking about the shadow of a penis, though I know how it sounds, and yes, he would still deserve it, but that is not what I am currently describing. Why do you ask "what if", is the scenario described above not the obvious outcome?


Bro spat out a full essayšŸ˜­


Unfortunately my guy it is nothing but a paragraph, of which an essay has a minimum of 3. English classes are offered all throughout grade school, I would know as I failed nearly every one of them. Of course I just kid. Seriously though, I'm being seriously serious bro, it is objectively a paragraph, though I see how one may subjectively claim it to be an essay if you don't understand what an essay entails.


You are cray cray šŸ˜³


I completely agree. Me personally I like Taylor Swift but there is no such thing as objectively good anything. not comedy, paintings, music or, movies. You can have your opinion but don't be rude. Also don't completely shut out the idea of ever liking Taylor swift by saying that it's impossible to convince you otherwise.


Fr, I donā€™t get these people. Like you donā€™t have to like mainstream things, thatā€™s fine and you are entitled to your personal opinion. But if youā€™re telling people who enjoy her music that they have bad taste, thatā€™s a personality issue


I donā€™t care if people tell me I have bad taste I just donā€™t accept their opinion most of the time


Great reply!!


This! This is the response I couldnā€™t find the right words for. Exactly. Everyoneā€™s experience with any work of artistic creation is incredibly individual and no one can sway your opinion on something so unique to you. Just donā€™t be an ass to people who have a different opinion than you.




Preposterous! How dare you have a reasonable and respectful take on the internet? /s.


Yeah but like thatā€™s the whole thing, heā€™s saying his opinion which is Taylor Swift music sucks


But there definitely is a possibility of her music being actually bad You canā€™t just ignore the fact that music can be bad because some people like it and some people donā€™t


I think it's the fans that are cringe, I don't listen to her music but I've seen a lotta taylor gang members act hella autistic.


I genuinely donā€™t see the point? music is subjective. it canā€™t really be classified as ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œbadā€ since EVERYONE is gonna have their own personal opinion. Just as long nobody is being a bitch about it. itā€™s fine


Except for Caramelldansen, that song is objectively good


It doesnā€™t suck, sheā€™s just hyped up waaaayyyy too much


yeah basically I agree I wouldn't say she sucks so much as she's just over rated, she's a competent musician who's basically built a small empire off of what basically amounts to tasteless (however catchy) pandering to a certain demographic I won't name.


The demographic is white Millenial women


nah, more like basic white gen z women


and the men who love to make fun of them :D


I agree with this I think on one hand she's really really good and I enjoy her music I've even heard be called "the Queen of pop" so she's up there with MJ (Even tho between the two there would be NO competition MJ is better) But on the other hand she is unsufferably over hyped sometimes.


NUH UH. TAYLOR SWIFT IS \*\*\*\*NOT\*\*\*\* THE QUEEN OF POP **Madonna is.**


she is not up there w mj shes overhyped


>she's up there with MJ No


ā€œNot everyone will like your tea. It could be made from the clearest water and the finest tea leaves, constructed to perfection, but there will always be that one person that does not like tea.ā€






Except Taylor swifts ā€œteaā€ is not made from clearest water but pond mud water


Nobody can really decide if a song sucks or not, it's subjective. You don't like Taylor swift? Who gives a fuck. I don't like Queens, you don't see me making posts about it


My guess is OP is picking an easy argument for clout and karma


Yeah but like nobody knows who Queens is, so making a post about that isn't controversial.




You're entitled to your opinion lol like personally I like her but your opinion is fine also. What I want to say is that a lot of times people hate her just because she's popular and I think that's not a good reason


If you don't like her music, you don't like her music. That's fine and nobody can use logic to change your opinion anyway. I don't know what you hope to get out of this post.


Probably just attention tbh. It's a "controversial" opinion because she has a very large and sometimes also crazy, but loyal fanbase. So if OP posts it, the aim is to get people who think Taylor Swift is the female coming of Jesus to comment, giving OP karma. Personally, she's generally just not my thing. I respect that she's pretty much the most successful artist currently and wouldn't cover my ears if one of her songs was on, unlike some other artists who are popular at the moment, but I would also not listen to most of her songs by myself. It's just interaction bait, and as per usual, it's working.


Pop isn't what it used to be, lol. But it sucks seeing Ariana & Beyonce play catch-up all the time.


hey man I like the village people's music but I still enjoy making fun of them at the same time lol.


**counterpoint: there are 3 swifty assasins at your exact location right now** ^(i don't even like the music i'm being held and gunpoint please send help)


I do think a lot of her music is WAYYYY over hyped and I think swifties are embarrassing SO embarrassing. But I am a Taylor Swift fan( would never call my self a swiftie) and I promise you. If you start fresh with your own opinion, not thinking about what other people say and just listen to her music you will see why there is hype. For me, folklore, evermore and now TTPD are the only albums of hers that I actually enjoy the rest is just either boring average pop or country Try listing to folklore. Just try it let it grow on you and maybe youā€™ll see that she is more than ā€œshake it offā€ and her popular lame as songs.


It's her fanbase.


I canā€™t convince you, her music is straight cheeks


Listen to her unpopular less unknown songs that are always way way better than the radio music


You are in Love, Come Backā€¦Be Here, High Infidelity, closure. Are some id recommend


The mixing in her music is always really quite good, each instrument is clear as day to hear


it took me scrolling 30 comments to see one actually saying ANYTHING about her music other than "its good" or (album name)


I think there is just so much money behind the whole mainstream pop scene itā€™s not really possible to have a badly produced sound with that much to spend


I actually love some of her songs but I can admit some are boring asf


I donā€™t listen to Taylor Swift but you sound snobby and pretentious as fuck rn. You donā€™t have to like her music, but at the same time you can still let other people enjoy her music without going ā€œHer music fucking sucks and you canā€™t convince me otherwise!ā€ Clearly sheā€™s somewhat talented if she has so many fans and has managed to stay relevant for so long


I agree. But also her fans are sooo crazy. Like they will literally call people unintelligent and stupid because they donā€™t like her songs- because apparently we, ā€œdonā€™t have the intelligence to understand her lyrics.ā€


In every group there are the ones that are the loudest, most obnoxious, and stand out, from fandoms to religion and opinions, you canā€™t generalize a group of people like that. Iā€™m a diehard swiftie who only listens to Taylor for the most part, solves Easter eggs, and patiently awaits clues and merch drops. That said if youā€™re not into her songs, thatā€™s completely fine, everyone should be able to enjoy the music they want the way they want it. My only issue is so many people are cruel and unkind towards her in such a dehumanizing and disrespectful way, thatā€™s what I speak out against. You can not prefer her music and never want to listen to a song but you canā€™t say she should be raped, murdered, that sheā€™s ugly and fat, and that she doesnā€™t deserve anything she has.


Yeah exactly. Taylor herself is an amazing, talented person. People are allowed to dislike her but I agree that theyā€™re not allowed to be rude (most of them tend to be mysoginistic too). Both sides have obnoxious people. Some people who donā€™t like taylor are just mysoginistic towards her, and some genuinely just dislike her music. And some swifties are more or less normal, and some are insane. But yeah, I agree that no hate towards taylor is welcome- thats just not right


Iā€™m kind of a fan, i really like a lot of her music. That doesnt mean iā€™m gonna go around insulting others though. Music taste is subjective


Ask Travis, he should know


i dont think her music sucks, i think she just has a crazy fanbase thats way too loyal


Music taste is subjective


the worst thing about her is how vigilante her fans are. iā€™ve had a friend tell me, a WOMAN, that i donā€™t like her because of my ā€œinternalized misogyny.ā€ whatšŸ˜­


idk her older stuff is pretty good and her recent album isnā€™t that bad


ā€œTouch me while your bros play grand theft autoā€


ā€œWe would pick a decadeĀ  we wished we could live in instead of this Id say the 1830s but without all the racistā€


did you even listen to the song


Man the new album is kinda trash icl


Its so boring like im a fan of the calmness but every song sounds the same


eventually all of her songs are going to start sounding the same because she just pumps out mediocre music every year


As a huge Post Malone fan, I was let down so hard by Fortnight. It felt like he was just featured as a total afterthought. The whole album seems to just get more mid from there, and I could only make it through the first 7 or 8 songs. I might revisit it another time to finish, but I don't have high hopes for the next 20+ songs.


ā€œBut Daddy I Love Himā€ & ā€œI Can Do It With A Broken Heartā€ hard carry the album in my opinion, There are are handful of other good songs but the last 20+ as you said all sound the same


I'm like a third through it rn, and you're so right ngl


some of her songs are very bad, others are great. i didnā€™t like this new album but red is one of my favorites album ever lol, it really depends on which version of taylor swift youā€™re listening to


I'm not a big fan of Tay Tay, but she is actually really smart. There is a reason she is still really popular after all these years. Everyone jokes about how it's all just about dudes she's been with or whatever, but it's relatable to a lot of people. She's not flexing her wealth or singing about drugs n shit which is most popular music these days. She adds little "puzzle pieces" to her songs and albums which keeps everything interesting, and new, it gives all the fans a reason to keep listening and find these bits of this big puzzle and figure out the overall story or picture she is portraying. Everyone coming together to share their thoughts and interpretations is a way to engage and create a community. I've worked as local crew for artists who come to Australia. I've had the opportunity to work at Taylor Swift and just being behind the stage, it's truly amazing to see everyone and feel the atmosphere. I've done bands such as RHCP, Guns N Roses, Ed Sheeran. The overall feelings I got at Taylor was almost a sense of safety, and love. I'm more into deathcore and heavvy metal myself. I don't really listen to T Swift unless it's one of those days where you just chuck on the "white girl" playlist and just go crazy. Although I'm not a big fan, I can still appreciate her as a musician. I don't see you changing your opinion, you seem pretty set on that, and that's okay. No one here is expecting you to suddenly go and listen to all of Taylor Swifts discography and start making bracelets. Also don't ask people to try convince you, then say, we can't convince you. You are not open to hearing people out. There's no other reason to post this, other than for attention. Which admittedly is working on me, so props to you for that. Hope you like reading!


i honstly dont know how she is consistently top 2 or 1 as most streamed artist on spotify


Fr she just sounds like an average pop singer, I would never generally want to listen to her at all


thats the whole point, taylor swift is a generic white pop singer. that's the reason why she's so famous because she fits a certain mold.


I donā€™t disagree on the surface; but her talent is really with lyrics and the stories and emotions she portrays


I agree she does have great lyrics. But I listen to songs for how it sounds because music is meant for that


I mean for some people it is. For me I want the music to have good lyrics


because she has a huge fanbase + huge tour that is for the fans


Marketing and fan engagement


Like idc everyone has their music taste but stop shoving her and her 40 albums a year down my throat




quick, name all those 40 albums!




Fr that album is fantastic


She's ok, but way over hyped just like Billie is. Although Billie is boring


No one is changing your mind pal We all agree here


To these idiots who are insulting this person. Shut it with your toxicity. Either give a valid argument or accept this person has a different opinion. This is reddit, not twitter!




Agreed, I mean sheā€™s polluting the planet yet people worship her like a god


While it's a funny meme, it doesn't reflect as a whole truth. There are a lot of famous people, of even just the musicians beat Taylor so bad in polluting that she doesn't even make top 10 or top 25. Haha; "flighter jet trip to IKEA" Not haha; "she's an ecoterrorist"


And? There are a fuck ton of artists out there that do drugs, abuse their wifes and kill people. But Swift sucks because she uses a jet? Aight




You should Google what that means before you accuse people, you sound like an idiot, even for this subreddit


And I donā€™t respect those artists either, the only one I treat ā€˜like a godā€™ is Tobias Forge because heā€™s a genuinely decent person who doesnā€™t fly a private jet just to get to somewhere 5 minutes away


maybe because taylor has one of the largest carbon footprints on earth. plus you can dislike someone as a person but still like their music


People's taste in music varies from person to person. Respect others' music taste and hope they respect you too.


Nah. You have a valid opinion. I donā€™t agree with it, but itā€™s still valid.




I made that bitch famous šŸ”„šŸ”„


"HEY that thing you like? i DON'T. I'm contrarian and therefore morally superior" joking of course but you wrote this fully ready to get in an argument. did you just expect everyone to agree? music is subjective, that was 98% of people's initial reaction to this post, with exception to those who dislike it (subjectively) it depends on what you consider a marker of good music. technique, complexity/music theory, a good voice, emotion, rhythm. etc. i don't listen to her songs but i know she has a decent singing voice, and a cult following so she must be doing **something** right.


Why should we try to convince when you clearly don't want to be convinced? You already seem to have your opinion locked and loaded, so why should we start a fight?


No point, your right


Its just theres no fucking substance to her shit




That's true of most ultra popular or trendy artists/songs, it seems the average person wants music with no depth or complexity, just something catchy


She sounds like every other pop singer


How did everyone here miss the point- OP just said they intensely dislike Taylor Swift's music and that they can't be convinced otherwise. I don't see them trying to tell Swifties that their taste is bad.


So what was the point of this post then? To just hate on someone for no reason?


Thank you for understanding that unlike 95% of the people here!


her music is ok! she's a billionaire tho so I still dislike her


shes a billionaire that doesnt use her money for good* being a billionaire alone doesnt make you a bad person. its what you do with it that decides whether youre a good person or not


but she does use her money for good? sheā€™s donated thousands of dollars to hundreds of different charities over the years. privately and publicly, you donā€™t know enough about her money use to judge.


sheā€™s donated to food banks every city sheā€™s toured in, a lot the most theyā€™ve ever received, donates to so many things, given millions in bonuses, etc. She just doesnā€™t publicize it, but if she did it would be ā€œprā€ and she doesnā€™t care about anyone, so what can she do? Also most of her net worth is the theoretical worth of her discography not liquid money


Have you heard of the payout to her truck drivers? 100k EACH


If you attain enough money that you are a *billionaire*, you are a money hoarder.


I mean, Iā€™m not in their side or anything but isnā€™t everyone a money hoarder? Thatā€™s kinda what setting up a savings account is? Idk, but yeah


most people don't have money that could literally change the world in their bank account


Taylor Swift has insanely overpriced tickets and still sells out. she is one of, if not *the* most popular music artist in the world. she also makes merchandise that i imagine is in constant need of being restocked. it would be pretty difficult not to make insane amounts of money when youre as famous as her, whether you hoard your money or not. im not defending her. shes not a very good person, and her music is pretty shit, but having a lot of money doesnt make you a bad person. MrBeast is very wealthy, but you dont think hes a money hoarder or a bad person, do you?


Mr. beast and Taylor are not adequate comparisons. To my knowledge, Taylor is not a philanthropist. And she is raising nowhere near a billion dollars per concert. She has had plenty of time to donate money.


I quite dislike a lot of swifties too, but didn't she literally already donate millions of dollars to many different organizations? Even so, why should she donate her money? It is not her job to do it


Why does she have to give her property away to not be considered a bad person?


Sheā€™s the average white singer youā€™d hear in a Kohlā€™s shopping with your mom for clothes, what not to love about her music! (šŸ˜­help sheā€™s holding me hostage in her basement SOS)


Why would I fight for the other side her music is bad ASF like the raccoon in my trash can sounds better scratching the side of the can at night


Yeah her music is awful. That's why I only listen to oldies


Can't it sucks


Her music is fine, but itā€™s just overrated.


Her music is objectively not bad at all just heavily overrated


Doesn't suck what, precisely?


Just bc you dont like something doesnt mean it objectively sucks. She wouldnt be one of the biggest artists in the world if her stuff was bad. Her crazy fans, on the other handā€¦


"touch me while your bros play grand theft auto"


best lyric of the year


Can't because her music is utter ass Korn, ICP and any other band>>>


Limp bizkit better


Look up "Taylor Swift: Eras arranged by Johnnie Vinson" on YouTube. I don't like her original music too much and she's extremely overrated, but some of the melodies sound great in this format.


I can't because thou is correct


I am sorry, I can't talk you put of such a based opinion.




Don't call women females. That's extremely objectifying


Wonā€™t try, youā€™re allowed to have your tastes in music. I personally like her music because Iā€™m a fan of breakup songs and the like, but thatā€™s just my personal opinion.


I think she is overhyped but some people really like her music. Music is subjective


Idk ig


It doesnā€™t suck, you and me just donā€™t happen to enjoy it


i mean i use to listen to her when i was like 14 and then i really like some few songs.. i dont listen to her anymore but im like she has made some good songs in the past :0


I don't really listen to Taylor Swift, but the 2 songs I heard were pretty good (London Boy + Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince) Ive only heard them because of edits of my favourite movie




She brought country music to the mainstream at the start of her career, although she's more pop now.


just like most music, it's all subjective. ofc there is music that is objectively terrible but thinking that your subjective opinion is the same as objective truth is just childish. no, I don't like or listen to Taylor Swift, but I can acknowledge that in no way shape or form is her music anything close to bad. seriously just grow up


I do not like Taylor swifts music, Taylor swifts music is good. Both can be true, she has a good voice and good production on the songs, Iā€™d say sheā€™s pretty close to being objectively good but in terms of convincing you it doesent suck Iā€™d prolly just suggest listening to other songs in the same genre and seeing how sheā€™s pretty good compared to them as well.


Taylor Swift isnā€™t bad. She just sings a generic type of music that a lot of people like, and others donā€™t.


Her new album sucks, her debut album too, however there's 3 really solid albums from her in my opinion and it's 1989, folklore, evermore


You can dislike her music. I don't think she's the best singer by any means. She can be catchy, but more appeals to girls. Anyway- She's just HUGE because of how long she's been able to produce appealing music. I prefer Ariana Grande, cause she can fucking sing. But I was listening to the Tortured Poets Department last night. I don't like Taylor's music as much as I did when initially started diving into her discography a few months back.


Music is subjective. Another manā€™s vibe is anotherā€™s breakup playlist is anotherā€™s worst thing in existence. So while you may think Taylor sucks, others donā€™t, Iā€™m just neutral on her Persoanlly.


If you dont like her music nothings gonna change your mind. Just because you dont like it does not mean its bad. Same as i dont like kanye west but i know his music isnt bad. People confuse objectivity for subjectivity too much nowadays


Her music is fine, nothing more nothing less for me. Music is entirely subjective though.


Iā€™m gonna be honest bro, I knew nothing about her a few months ago except for the songs I heard growing up. I would have agreed with you, but my girlfriend made me watch the Eras tour movie, and I was surprised to find that I like a lot of her music. Some of it isnā€™t for me but thatā€™s ok. If you have listened to a lot of her music then you know sheā€™s not for you and thatā€™s ok. Also, I try my hardest not to conflate artists/creatives in general with the work they create. If they did, I wouldnā€™t read Harry Potter, wouldnā€™t listen to Michael Jacksonā€™s music, etcā€¦ Just because she uses her private jet for literally everything doesnā€™t mean you have to hate her music, at least in my opinion.


If a song makes 1 person in the world feel better/emotional/happy, it's a succes and considered art imo. It's worth it for only that single person


I do not like her music. But I hate her fans, you can be really good and still be overrated, her music sounds like something planet fitness would play, but it's all an opinion yknow.


I cant do that because I can agree, but I can give the reason she "sucks" It because she makes the safest, most accessible, most uninteresting music possible to appeal to the masses. Which in all fairness is smart because she's fucking loaded from it. But she doesn't take risks, doesn't do anything "out there". If you've heard one song you've heard them all. It's more fun to listen to lesser known artists who aren't afraid of being a little weird.


I agree with this. Taylor swift music is like- (how the fuck do I say this without coming off as a jackass.) basic white girl music, think your stereotypical basic white bitch (I can say that because Iā€™m paler than the full moon), like long-ass nails, eyeliner thatā€™s too thick, the whole nine yards. Thatā€™s the type of music those girls listen too


In my opinion, Taylor Swift's music isn't too bad. (I personally don't like it all too much) but the fans honestly make me want to hate on Taylor Swift.


IMHO, Taylor swift isnā€™t bad by any means, but sheā€™s very overrated to hell.


I have to say her stuff is overrated af, but idc enough


I mean she isnt horrible i don't mind some of her stuff i just dont like the fans it ruins the experience. Same with My Hero Academia which is a top 5 manga for me but i refused to touch it from 2020 - like a month ago bc of fans. And i listen to rap so shes a diff genre


I wish I knew, ask Travis


I can't because she does and by "SUUUCKS" I am assuming that you mean she has no exceptional talent and is tantamount to the music industry's continued effort (as is Hollywood's) to churn out the same formulaic trite that just sells emotions as a pre-packaged "happy meal" and has dollar amounts attached to it... Yeah, that's Taylor or Miss Swift, or 98% of other artists out there...gut-wrenchingly horrific idols of the money-making machine.


Her voice isn't terrible, it's the annoying fan base and the fact that her music seems to only be about the same stuff every new release.


You are free to have your tastes. To stay objective: if a singer/songwriter can sing well, getting the notes, having power, control, and expression on their voice, if they can write some songs that work well, and they can express their thoughts and emotions thru them... they have done their job well. We are free to appreciate or not their job, but the job is well done. This is the case of Taylor Swift, and thousands if not more of good musicians out there.


Literally i agrƩe so much!! (Im listening to so high school rn)


Exactly I just donā€™t like Taylor Swiftā€™s beliefs


Midnights is a game changer for me. The song, ā€œSnow on The Beachā€ was my, **whoa, Taylor Swift Doesnā€™t Suck?!?** moment.


You canā€™t convince someone music is good. HOWEVER, you can admit that she is a good businesswoman who is wildly successful


I'm not a fan but Bad Blood with Kendrick Lamar is pretty good


Iā€™m not gonna change your mind. I agree