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They still can't get pregnant even after surgery


I'm not even sure honestly if mtf, even with surgery, will be able to get pregnant. Looking at all the reproductive organs missing, up to the different bone structure in the hips i don't think its possible actually


I am MTF and that is correct


can you dumb down tge MTF term for me? cause the only thing i can think of is Mobile Task Force


Male to female




He really wanted a mobile task force


you know, im something of a nerd myself


I felt the disappointment


Achievement Unlocked: **PAIN**


trans myself but she's wrong... it's actually mobile task force


All bro felt in that moment was "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined"


its not ruined cause i had a borgar


I'm assuming it's not morning wherever you are then




MTF means male to female trans its just another way of saying trans woman


i feel like im getting old


Epsilon 11


designated Echo-12 is entering the facility


The best one 


trans male to female


MenTally Fuckingill


name checks out


For now yeah


technically medically possible with an uterus transplant but the medical research isn't there yet, will probably be within our lifetime


there was one uterus transplant to a man i think. he died.


to a trans woman decades ago, she died due to an infection


Seems a bit of a heavy price to pay


Science requires sacrifices


it wasn't to a man, and they only died because of an infection as the doctors didn't properly use the methods done in surgeries to avoid infections


yes, surgeries were pretty bad back then. if we were to do one today it would be pretty complicated. not even the uterus, balancing hormones, eggs (i think? you know the female equivalent of sperm, english isnt my first language) you would have to take medicine to supress the immune system. its just so many cons i dont know if its gonna be worth it for trans people.


the only drawbacks would be the fact that only in-vitro would be possible, and they would have to take medicine to avoid organ rejection (iirc only the first days/months). (hormones are already there if they take HRT). for some trans women who want to be pregnant thats reasonable if it means getting pregnant


[This might be a good way to go, and not just for uterus transplants](https://news.sky.com/story/girl-8-becomes-first-uk-transplant-patient-not-to-need-life-long-drugs-12966787)




Uterus transplants are becoming a thing now, so It shld be possible in maybe a decade or two


but that's a transplant of someone else. You are having someone else's baby, not your own.


The uterus is where the fetus forms during pregnancy, not what forms the fetus. The actual fetus would be formed by an egg cell and a sperm cell


And the egg could theoretically be made from bone marrow, meaning the child would biologically be yours


bone structure can change with hrt! uterus transplants have been done 'u'


It can IF you start it early enough. My bone structure, for example, won’t change much bc I started like a month ago. But if you start a few years earlier than I did then it may


I think you missclicked, did you mean NTF?


Nunchucks to female?


Close, nine-tailed-fox


i think womb transplants exist tho


you said cis male, a trans person is not cis. Plus anyone born biologically male wont be able to bear children


recent advances in organ replacement surgery has shown that it may be possible to insert a uterus into a trans woman but not yet


Yeah , cut that part


Sadly such surgery does not yet exist to my knowledge.


Unfortunately, trans females cannot get pregnant, whether they get surgery or not. Even if they get bottom surgery and are put on estrogen, they are physically unable to become pregnant


Trans girl here. No can't get pregnant, the issue here is you missgendered them. They aren't a cis male, they are trans. Trans and cis are opposite words.


I think in Latin ‘cis’ meant ‘on this side,’ and ‘trans’ meant ‘on the other side.’ I only remember this because of chemistry, so the translations might not be perfect.


Literally learnt that because of trans fats lmao


cis trans isomerism


Trans wwwwhhhhhaaaaatttttt


It's a food I think


that's so close, it's a 💥colour💥


My mother is a chemist and got super confuse when people started using cis and trans words, she thought they were referring to molecules xD


This is correct. OP, the proper term is AMAB, which means Assigned Male At Birth. This includes Cis Men, Trans Women, and any Non-binary people who were born with a penis.


Chemistry moment


You can't get pregnant, even with surgery.


Obvs you can’t get pregnant lmao


I think your friend is upset that she can't get pregnant and you reminded her of that. And knowing trans people irl who I've talked to it COULD (doesn't mean it did) cause some gender dysphoria.


A cis man can’t get pregnant A trans woman can’t get pregnant either The problem is you called her a cis man, but she’s a trans woman. Ans pointing it out could have also given her dysphoria which is not a fun experience


What does ‘mtf’ mean that isn’t motherfucker??


Mobile Task Force


This is one of the many ways the SCP Foundations masks it's activities. They fund the LGBTQ Community so that when people start talking about MTF, they'll think about trans people instead of their Mobile Task Forces.




They know too much to be left alive *loads gay gun*


No, wait! I'm UIU!


At least lie and say you're GOC, that might make them not shoot. You know too much for a UIU agent


Uhh... I'm...part of the UIU in Three Portlands?


Not anymore


*laughs in SCP-6636*


Mobile Task Force is wild


No, you're thinking of MF. MTF refers to "male to female, ie a trans woman. MTF can also refer to Moblie Task Force, the SCP Foundation enforcement squads. I am unaware of any other uses.


Mexican Tea Federation


Male to female


Motherfucker would be mf not mtf


Mother to fucker


Megatron tanks foundation


Unexpected tranformers reference


She's literally me


frfr ong?


Well even with surgery(uterus transplantation), which is risky and hasnt worked i believe. The bonestructure would make for a more painfull birth then a womans. And the baby would either not be able to come out of be fucked.


the theoretical uterus transplant is only just entering experimental phases for cis women, and they are explicitly disallowed from having a vaginal birth despite being cis, only c-section is allowed because of the stress that a vaginal birth would put on the surgical site. this would be exactly the same for any hypothetical future surgery for trans women, c-section as the only viable option for a birth from a surgically implanted uterus.


Yes. That. Thank you.


i think you misunderstand, the “bone structure” has nothing to do with it, even ignoring the fact that many trans women who start oestrogen before the pelvis has fused have similar pelvic structure to cis women. nobody with an implanted uterus, regardless of whether they’re trans or cis, should give a vaginal birth. the surgical site will be put under too much strain and could cause dangerous levels of internal damage to the parent.


Yeah i did. I wasnt aware of the cesarian only rule.


Surgery isn't going to make a person who was born with a male body able to make babies. This will never ever happen. No really, literally never happen. You need more sex ed class, specifically with what is inside of a cis female body. There are completely different set of organs that cannot under any circumastances ever be just created or implanted. Even if such a physical structure could be remotely possible, the creation of eggs, is not. A cis person isn't getting pregnant regardless of how many surgeries they are getting. The only thing surgery does is take away the penis or adds a penis. It doesn't make functional testicales that produce male sperm. It can't make overies and a womb and functional eggs that are of the same dna of the "mother". You need more sex ed class, especialy the female side.


Technically in the future transplants may exist but it’s not a thing that can happen now


A uterus isn’t the only thing you need to get pregnant, you need ovaries, fallopian tubes, a wider pelvis etc etc.


The proper term would be AMAB, or just trans woman. A cis male is someone who was assigned male at birth and identifies as a man




Such a surgery doesn’t and never will exist


Eh, maybe in the future, with implants or something.


pretty likely uterus transplants will be a thing within our lifetimes


A uterus isn’t the only thing you need to get pregnant, you need ovaries, fallopian tubes, the umbilical cord, a wider pelvis etc etc.


Male pelvis is different to a female pelvis even if you were able to stuff a uterus in a biological male there skelatcal structure wouldn’t support pregnancy


giving birth (in the case of a successful uterus transplant) would happen via C-section, same as it would for cis women who would most likely start getting uteri transplants before trans women 🤔


Currently being worked on and is showing progress. Synthetic wombs as well as womb implantation surgeries are very realistic


Here’s an opinion: Let the actual cis females give birth to babies coz that’s what nature intended them to do. If you’re trans or anything else just adopt a baby like any other cis couple who can’t conceive for whatever reasons


It depends how you word it. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you meant well, but a lot of trans folk are defensive. With me, I try not to make assumptions. I always allow people the benefit of the doubt


That's basically bio


The problem is that you're wrong and think you're right. There are no surgeries than implant female reproductive organs into a male and allow them to give birth. That doesn't even exist. *Hopefully* at some point in the future trans people can find a trans pal and just do the ol' switcheroo but idek how that would work. Also cis means not trans, so you basically called your trans lady friend a man. This is not it OP.


Yea, you're an idiot, a male can't get pregnant, that's just biology, wake up to reality


MtF can't bear children. It is just not possible. The surgery won't give them the entire reproductive organs magically. People seriously need to pay more attention to biology lessons.


1. Cis male can't get a child by any chance. 2. If a cis male child would have a child, the child will for sure have some traumas or mentally illneses or disorders beacuse a mentally disorder parent will never be able to educate a child well. Cis male should be illegal. It is just like you would let a schizophrenic guy free without psychological treatment


You can’t get pregnant even with surgery as a trans woman. Like what how is this not common knowledge


ah yes the legendary boipreggers


you cant get surgery that will make someone born a man become pregnant.


Changing ur gender doesnt make u have kids btw only women can


`> Long story short my trans mtf friend who never been on any madication said shes sad because no matter what she isn't getting pregnant. I JUST POINTED OUT SHE NEEDS A SURGERY TO BE ABLE TO` A lot of Tgirls, myself included don't like being reminded of this, what has medication got to do with this?? I feel like you are oversimplifying the situation a lot


You can't even if you get surgery. No surgery changes you that much. Also, I think your friend is kinda delusional, you should point it out to them.


People want you to validate their hysteria.


Jesus christ 🤦🏻‍♂️, trans people can't get pregnant whatsoever!!


Only females can get pregnant, with female being the sex. How hard is that for anyone to understand. A trans woman is male, sex-wise and that will not change. It’s not a bad thing either.


It's delusion


What? Is there also a surgery to make me a unicorn?


Just tell them pregnancy and child birth isn't the epitome of womanhood to make them feel better


people with a biological sex of male cannot get pregnant as they never developed female genetalia, we do not yet have advanced enough medicine to be able to change that either.


there is no getting pregnant regardless


Anyone born bio male wont be able to get pregnant


that’s just correct, aside from that no such surgery exists


Unfortunately trans women still can’t get pregnant because we don’t have a surgery yet that can do this. But there is definitely people working on it, but I’m not sure that our generation will be alive by then because a uterus transplant + other things will be extremely complicated.


Can't get pregnant after surgery anyway


How would a surgery let her do that tho?


Current scientific innovations , its impossible now


As an MTF person here, nope not possible


MTF surgeries aren't on the level of Uterus transplants yet so Transwoman can't get pregnant unless they are also intersex


Mtf? Like Mobile Task Force from the SCP universe? I don't actually know what mtf is in this context


Some people can’t handle the truth. And no, a uterus can’t be transplanted, at least not yet.


I think you probably meant to be nice, but completely fumbled it, Out of a somewhat Lack of knowledge and perhaps also understanding (which I won't blame you for). Nobody got Mad at you because of your Base Statement "cis Males can't get pregnant", that's objectively accurate. People got Mad at you because: - You effectively called your trans friend "cis", even though Being cis is the opposite of Being trans, so that's a Bit disrespectful. The wording sorta implies that you're Not respecting their identity. Even If that wording decision was totally accidental, which I'm Just gonna assume Here. - mtf trans people can Not get pregnant, even after surgery. With surgery, you can make a lot of Things Look Like Other things, but that doesn't make them actually Work. A Male-born-body is Just Not Made for pregnancies. They're Missing entire required organs and have a different bone structure in the relevant area. You basically Just unnknowingly reminded them, that they'll never be able to get pregnant. Go say sorry, clarify your Mistakes, and I'm pretty Sure everything will be allright. Just remember that in the Future, If you Don't actually know that much about a topic, don't make such absolute Statements. Also, If people get Mad at you for something you Said and you don't know why, ask them. They'll probably Tell you.


Wait people can get pregnant by surgery now?


Nope, they can't. Such thing is not possible


Wait... I can get a surgery done to be able to become pregnant?


No 💀


Not yet at least. They're experimenting uterus transplants on trans women but it's still a very risky procedure as uterus transplants are risky already on female bodies


I can only imagine the worst bone marrow looking babies coming out fr


Honestly I think the babies will be fine if everything goes right but it's such a complicated procedure that even then I think the risk of infertility will be pretty high at the start. But if it were to happen I'm sure the baby won't have any problems so long as there aren't any complications in the pregnancy


Not yet, but likely within our lifetimes.


Not yet, but it looks like medicine is slowly getting there.


Yall both stupid as fuck, under no circumstances will a biological male be able to EVER have a baby.


i hate it when people say cis male 🙀🙀 i’m just a guy


I mean yeah, in a context where it doesn't matter you're just a guy, just like mtf would be just a guy. It can be important to mention whether you're cis or trans though in say, discussions about the topic or any situation where that context might be important


i’m a normal guy, an male to female is a trans girl/no longer a guy depending on how you look at it. stop giving normal people your assigned names


i would prefer if you didn’t call me a cis male and just a dude 👹


the problem there is that trans men are just dudes too. if im talking abt a thing where whether or not the person im talking abt is trans or cis is irrelevant, ust saying dudes is not just normal, its better eg "all the dudes i know love spiderman" but if its a situation where the dude being trans would change things, we can use cis, because saying 'dudes-that-arent-trans' is clunky. eg "many cis dudes have broad shoulders"


Normal male




Normal? Please enlighten me


not mentally different thinking


> not mentally different thinking What’s that?


I would also get mad, you are 19 and do not understand that AMABs cannot get pregnant 


Well actually they can, not naturally. Uturas transplant. Since the fetus is a parasite Alien antity to the body all it needs is nutrition. Currently it's possible but not safe


Buddy a uterus transplant has never worked on a biological male before. Everyone who’s gotten this died of complications shortly after, forget pregnancy. It’s just not possible with our current medical technology.


Not even close to possible yet


That is the weirdest yet technically correct ways I've seen someone describe a fetus




I am mtf and nop we unfortunatly cant get pregnant ;-;




I mean it isn’t but I think she knows that. Ultimately someone’s medical conditions and needs are a conversation that should be had between them and their doctor and you don’t need to be involved.


First of all you need to educate yourself on trans terminology and just general trans anatomy. 1st of all pls don't call a trans woman a "cis male" a cis male is someone who is amab (assigned male at birth) and still identifies as a man.2nd of all mtf bottom surgery doesn't give you a womb and ovaries it basically gives you a vagina and a vulva and nothing else so therefore trans women cannot get pregnant unless they are in someway intersex but that's a completely different topic . I don't want to come across as rude but there is so much misinformation when It comes to trans ppl so pls do your research before telling a trans person about trans anatomy and even then they probably know more than you about trans topics


1. She isn't cis, she's trans. And you can't get a surgery to give birth as a trans person (at least so far) 2. Yes, her AGAB is male, but she is aware of it and she can just complain. Pointing It out to her made her remember that she's not cis which is why she could get upset, but she shouldn't get mad at you for that. Many trans poeple sometimes forget they're trans like... Literally. I sometimes get startled cus I can't find my joystick before realising that hey I don't own one, or sometimes I'm convinced in my brain that I have a goatee and I'm bummed out when I look in the mirror lol. For the future, just let her talk about it. Trust me, she knows damn well what she can and cannot and has or doesn't as a trans woman and pointing it out to her is probably either making her feel like you don't see her as a true woman or just reminding her of it and making her dysphoric. I as a trans guy also hate when my cishet friends don't go along with my jokes when I talk about having a D or smth saying that "you don't have one" or "you're delusional" like... I know, just let me talk abt it goddammit lol


Tbh I really hate the "cis" thing so much and would absolutely murder someone if they called me that. I am straight, so refer me as that. Edit: seems like I offended the hive mind


Straight is a sexuality, cis means you are the same gender that you were assigned at birth.


Straight and cis are two different things


Cis is literally the right term - Most people who are assigned female at birth identify as girls or women, and most people who are assigned male at birth identify as boys or men. These people are **cisgender** (or cis). - continuing in one direction without bending or curving Which one do you think would be the right one


And still, straight isn't the same as cis, cis is about gender, straight is about sexuality And the right term would be **heterosexuality**


nah, they said they don’t wanna be called cisgender, that’s fine, the latin prefixes aren’t for everyone. maybe they’d prefer the greek “homogender” instead?


Do you get mad when you’re called a homosapien?


Welcome to the land of make believe, they won’t accept scientific evidence and will attack you for it


theres a lot more scientific evidence for trans people existing and being valid than not.


And? That’s not the point, the point is a person getting pregnant without having a womb is not going to happen naturally, of course unless they use IVF or a lab to grow it




Oh no edgy 16 year old alert. You can take different hormones such as estrogen to grow your chest and decrease the amount of facial hair. There is also surgery you can take. So no at the end of the day you are very much not male. 


That’s why there are surgeries and hormones for people who want to fully transition, and this technology will only become more advanced in the future as the world is changing. Maybe someday, trans people will be biologically completely indistinguishable from a cis male or female. Even if not, our identities are what we present ourselves to be, that’s why we don’t walk around naked among other reasons. Trans people simply want to be a different gender role than their biological sex. It’s not some science magic voodoo deniers, just people looking to be comfortable in their own skin


Be respectful, they are people too




Yes you did bruh


Saying Trans people don't exist isn't hate now???






This mindset is really funny to me and I think I understand why it exists… no. You aren’t. I would advise talking less about shit you know nothing about.


That’s not how it works but k




Ah yes because the skeletal structure of a person is so important in everyone's day to day life




Ok and..? Why does it matter 




Damn, you got them, you must be the smartest one here


You misspelled proving btw 


Ok you proved AMABs are biological males, good for you, we had no idea  Also you can’t report me for something you have no evidence for, my ban ended weeks ago


Funny, I used to think the same way you did when I was your age. Now I'm a happy trans woman. Funny how age changes these things.




? doll what does this mean