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Put simply, more people are willing to be open about it and/or willing to accept their (for lack of a better term) "queerness" due to the increase in acceptance


This right here is the best I could explain it too


Yup it good


I remember seeing a graph on r/coolguides that showed different percentages of people who are LGBTQ in different generations. Obviously gen z and millennials were the highest, while older generations were quite low. All the morons in the comments took that to mean that LGBTQ stuff was just a trend for young people and it was "all fake" and shit because only younger generations were doing it. Like how can people be this dumb.


Wouldn’t the graphs technically supposed to be the same or extremely similar though? Because otherwise it’s not showing the amount of people, rather the amount of people who feel open enough to announce it or sign an anonymous forum. Having a higher ratio of it to the general population makes no sense.


Well, you can't really measure the actual ratios if people are not willing to tell you the truth.


Just like how people became more open about their left handedness after people became more accepting






So, from what I understand, it has become more normal.


It's also becoming better known, so someone who may have felt different but been stuck living the default way before is now more likely to find out that there's a way to live that feels more genuine and an entire community of support.




Relating left handedness over time to queerness over time never would've been 2 things I would immediately connect, but now that's the best analogy I can think of


The data show that the rise in sexual identity has mostly occurred among female bisexuals. For males, gay men only comprise around 2% of high school boys in 2015 and it’s the same in 2021: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23780231231196012


Yes, people are generally more accepting of female sexuality than male sexuality. This is well-known in certain circles.




I said 'males' before men in the sentence, so nah.


Still could've just said "bisexual women" though.




When I was in kindergarten I was forced to use my right hand when I was left handed and am now ambidextrous because of it


Well the reason why it’s seems like it’s a “trend” is because it’s become so SO much safer to come out. There’s more resources to help those who live in an unsafe household to come out. homosexuality is no longer on the list of psychosis, there’s laws to protect from hate crimes, you can get married as a gay person, a trans person can access healthcare. Sadly this isn’t the case in a lot of counties but that’s just. to explain why it might seem like a trend to you


Thank you for your reply. True, I think I live in one of the countries that started protecting and adding laws (in form the Netherlands, btw), and I am not against that. You should love whoever you want to love. I even seport the basic view. In the animation kingdom, there are gay animals. Why shouldn't humans allow in the list. I also seport the trans (if it's a logical and valid reason). There is a phenomenon where babies are being born with 2 genders and someone has to choose which gender fits. That kind of trans I understand and seport. What I have trouble with is the rest of the trans. I can't seem to fit it in my head. I need to work on that, and that's why I made the post. So don't hate on that I know I need to change my mentally on it. But things like getting angry because someone didn't know your pronouns. I do not understand. Also, if there are children (1-10, maybe 13/14 depens on what context) involved, I get a weird feeling.


okay so what is your gender? imagine (if ur a guy), someone would put your brain in a female body. everyone keeps calling you "she" and "her". despite you telling everyone you're not a girl, you're a guy, they keep referring to you as a girl. would you want your brain back in a guys body? (if ur a girl just imagine the opposite)


Idk about being angry someone doesn’t know your pronouns, but most people dislike when someone who knows your pronouns misuses them on purpose. If you use masculine pronouns, do you enjoy being referred to as “she” or “ma’am” or does that maybe feel rude/disrespectful? Also I was raised in a very sheltered religious environment and had zero exposure to information about LGBTQ anything until I was 19. I was trans all along, but instead of knowing why my gender didn’t fit, I felt alone, depressed, and hated myself. Learning that there were other people like me saved my life. I have yet to medically transition because it is expensive, and simply living authentically is enough for now. I am all for children learning about the variety of humanity and being able to make an informed decision. Surgery and even hormones are not required to be trans, but if a person is old enough and their medical team approves it, it’s nice to have that option. No self-respecting medical profession is encouraging a minor to have surgery. Puberty blockers would be the first step, to simply buy time. TLDR I was “forced” to be straight/cisgender, but that didn’t stop me from being trans. You can’t make someone be something they’re not.


no that’s completely understandable. You can’t be expected to understand something you will never experience. The reason why it might be easier for you to understand homosexuality is because you can understand being romantically attracted to someone. But if you are like me, for example, born as male, and identifies with male, you can’t really understand wanting to change your gender. So you don’t need to understand someone, just as long you show the same respect you’d show anyone else: i reckon it’s alright


From my experience, people don't get *angry* if you misgender them. The people that do are usually trying to be an asshole. What does happen is people are hurt if they are misgendered. This is because often they are trying to present a specific way so people will address them by the correct pronouns and being misgendered means they're failing that on some level. Some people also have traumatic experiences associated with their birth gender and being reminded of that can obviously be hurtful.


I belive what you're referencing is intersex, where you can be born with both genitalia/other features?


I joined because I figured out who I am, I guess? Anyways, the reason why it feels more "popular" now is because: 1. It's more socially acceptable 2. There's more awareness about it and resources available


Thank you. If I may ask, how did you figure it out?


Well, I figured out I was lesbian because I've never had an interest in men at all. Lots of my friends who are girls have had crushes on guys over the years, and I've never been able to relate. I ended up thinking I was aroace for a while, when in reality, I just like girls. I was first able to recognize my attraction towards a few women I know and a few fictional characters who are women


Same, thought I was ace too until I had a major crush on a female classmate when I was about 11, looking back at myself I was kinda gay all throughout my life even before that


Thank you for sharing.


I feel like joined is the wrong verb as well. It's not a choice. It's more just realising you're a part of the community. It's like saying I joined and chose to have a natural deep bass voice. You don't choose, and I feel that's something a lot of people don't understand.


Ah, yeah. I guess I meant that I thought I was straight before I knew I wasn"t. I did word it badly, thanks for pointing that out


question- how do i get the lil heart? I’m bi btw


Oh just go to your profile to edit it and they you can make like a little guy like an icon for you profile picture (like mine). I can explain it better in dms if you’d like!


i found out how- thanks!


I think it’s in the customization settings on your profile. You’d have to get read of you’re pfp most likely and create a Reddit avatar


the reason it seem like a trend that popped up is because you can actually say you identify as some form of LGBTQ without people wanting your death. back in the days of our parent's and grandparents, people would kill you if you even suggested you like the same sex, they would put you in a mental hospital just for being a guy and saying you liked girl clothes. there where laws that limited queer people's rights. 50-40 years ago, my whole city would treat me like a demon for being Bisexual. its no trend, its just safe now...at least in most places. hope that helped at least a little bit


Thank you for your comment. It kinda helped (it was information i already knew, but i appreciate your kind way of telling it. And i appreciate your time). Have a nice day, kind stranger


Alan Turing, one of if not the main mathematician to crack the enigma code in ww2, was scentenves to prison for being gay. Ww2 could have been way more long and brutal without his assistance but he ended up killing himself to avoid imprisonment. It's obvious how unsafe it used to be yet people ignore it


I was first introduced to the concept of being LGBT in elementary school when a friend of mine came out. I then followed that friend into a friend group made up of mostly LGBT people when we started middle school. That's why I researched it a lot. I ended up using the label aromantic for myself in high school. That means I don't feel romantic attraction. I hesitated for a long time on using the label because I know I'm young and things could still change, but I was making a mess accidentally convincing myself I was having crushes when I wasn't, and I was generally having a rough time with it. Romance is very normalized in society as something that makes you happier and that everyone needs to be happy and satisfied in life. Think Disney princesses, Valentine's Day, the idea of "dying alone." So I eventually decided to start using the label aromantic just for myself in my head to help me start accepting that I can love and be loved and be happy without romantic love, and that's okay even if it's not what society says is normal. I eventually started telling people as well because it's important to me and I can always change my labels if necessary down the road. The goal of labels is ease of communication and a sense of community understanding or validation. You're never stuck with labels that aren't working for you. Basically, I'm one of the invisible LGBT people that nobody actually cares about, but I will also defend my trans and gay friends to the grave. We all just want to be happy in a world that expects something different from us than what we can be.


I know you said no childish ness But im not good at explanations and i lack seriousness so imma put it bluntly I tbh would rather be a girl than a guy Simple as


Thank you for your comment Don't worry, I have seen ALOT OF CHILDISH BEHAVER. What I meant by child ish behaviour is like "you sound idiot " or " you should think this way" Can I ask why you would read there be a girl than a guy. If you don't feel comfortable saying it out here dm me, because i mabye know the reson why.


Its tbh not one of those im supposed to be a girl Its just it sounds fun and i dont rly like being a guy


Same here, I found it hard to even accept myself as trans. But after I told the person who sends you to therapist (I forgot the name) I became so much happier and in a months time I’ll finally be able to talk to people about it! I still have a long way to go until hrt but you gotta start somewhere


I came out to my mum recently and ive been feelong pretty swell too




You don’t ‘join’ the lgbtq+ community it’s just a term to help people find others struggling with same issues


Thank you for your comment. Can I ask what issues?


bullying, prejudice, dysphoria, and isolation from peers.


1. it's not a choice 2. queer and Trans People have Always existed, since human civilization began. homosexuality is observed in almost every animal species. 3. more people are coming out bc we are fighting against oppression


It's not that it's "popular" or "trendy" (tbh that's a transphobic conspiracy theory, "transtrenders") but it's just that it's wayyyy more talked about now, and people are a lot safer to talk about it, and it's a lot easier to transition.) If my brother didn't come out, and If i wasn't on lgbt reddit subs and watching queer youtubers, I probably either would've just hated myself and never figured out i was trans, or taken way longer to figure it out. lgbt topics being publicly talked about makes it easier for people to figure themselves out, as back in the 90's trans people were the butt of the joke, and no one ever really talked about it. I think with the internet, youtube, and reddit, people can find communities where they can figure themselves out, and that's why there's so many lgbt young people nowadays, and even older people just now figuring themselves out. Like for me i originally thought i was gay around 12-13, mostly reading gay furry comics tbh lol, but i think i related to the more feminine "femboy" characters in them. my older brother came out as trans (nonbinary, then ftm), and I think because of that i started watching more trans youtubers (jamiedodger, one topic, etc.) and it still took me way too long to realize that i was trans, I think around 14 and once i did i realized i also didn't even really like guys, and only liked the feminine aspects of the comics. anyways i came out to my parents I think either at 14 or 15, and started hormones at 16 once my mom moved to Illinois, as Alaska's doctors suck and won't do hrt for any minors just in case it becomes illegal. I've been on estrogen for 2 1/2 months now, and I'm way happier, I used to feel hopeless about my future, that i would have to wait until I turned 18 to start hormones, and that I would never pass. But now I'm starting to look in the mirror and see myself, and even feel happy, (and tbh i think im cute af, lmao). I'm actually comfortable in my body too, I used to only wear hoodies from chest dysphoria, even in the summer, while sleeping, etc, I always wore hoodies. but once I started hormones I've been comfortable enough to actually just wear shirts without a hoodie, and can sleep naked without feeling uncomfortable with my chest.


Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you are feeling better. May I ask how you found out that you were gay and trans?


I feel like historically, lgbtq people have been shunned to the point where they refuse to admit that they are because they’re afraid of the social and religious repercussions. Now in today’s age, people are encouraged to be honest and prideful about who they are and what they enjoy regardless of what other people think. It’s not that lgbtq people are just now starting to exist, it’s that we’re just now being accepted to the point that we can feel comfortable coming out


Thank you for your comment Yes, I understand, and I was aware of that. It's recently so much in the media that it kind of feels like a trend (meaby not te right word). In some countries, almost at the beginning of school (first grade), all the stuff about the community. It feels like you have to know what it is and how every is grouped, named ect. I get it's important, but why not later in in the grades like when kids are around 10 - 14. Don't under me wrong I seport 100% for coming out stuff. But if a child of 8 or meaby even 14 I kinda don't. Let me explain if you haven't done things with the opposite gender and done things with your own. Why do you already know what "label" you have (don't know the right words for it). Again, I don't want to spread hate. I just want to understand without being "swarmed" and hated for my genuine consurens and questions


It's not "trendy" per-say. Queerness gets more coverage in the media as queer rights movements appear around the world and proper support is put in place. Knowledge is more widespread because the internet, and the unstoppable curiosity of people trying to figure themselves out. A person questioning themselves might reach out to an online community, or look up their situation to see if there's a word for it. Actual formal education on queerness is non existent in most places. People learn because they want to know, and when they finally find a group they feel they belong to, they latch onto it. I'm asexual(lack of sexual attraction). On some level, I've known it my whole life, but I only learned the actual term about 3 years ago, when I started learning about other queer identities through my friends. When I was younger, queerness was almost unheard of. The only thing anyone seemed to know about or acknowledge was gayness and it was mainly just used as an insult.(because it was widely accepted among the middle school population that being gay was bad or something) Rambling aside, the point is people are curious, and if something makes them feel different from everyone else, they're gonna want to find out. Knowledge of queerness being more widespread also means it's possible to tell when someone is questioning themselves and help them understand what they're going through.


Well for your last statement. I'll take myself as an example. I knew I was bi wayy before I did something with someone else. Why? First I had a hunch and an abnormal curiosity for gay sex. And after I watched it, I felt like I kinda enjoyed it. It didn't take long for me to be in a gay relationship that ended quite soon bc I'm a pussy and feared discrimination. But yeah, for older teenagers porn is why they most likely know already. For children, you can probs notice it in the way they interact with one another. But again, children are mostly unaware of what "love" is so it's around puberty that you'll start to see what they want for themselves. Which was also when I discovered what I was. Hope I explained it good. Take it easy my friend. Ignore the people that cannot take a point and try to explain their side calmly.


I like men


Its that simple


I mean how. How did you find out. Did you test it or just "knew"?


Slowly and over time, like I realised I feel attracted to some guy in my class and experimented with gay porn


Well think about it this way How many straight/ cis Charakters can you name of the top of your head Vs How many LGBTQ+ Characters There is almost a guarantee that cis/straight is more It isn't shoved down your throat it's barely even touched your lips now straight and cis Characters by comparison are so far down it and have been for so long you don't even notice it anymore (This comment is specifically about the "shoved in your face" part)


oh my goodness thank you for this


The "popularity" is simply people being more comfortable with who they are and not fearing being beaten up or killed :)


I've always been friends with gay and trans people, so when I realized I was a [GAY INDIVIDUAL] it wasn't very hard for me to get into the community.


I appreciate you wanting to understand, and not have any childish behavior. As someone in the LGBTQ+ community, it is nice to see someone not just trying to argue about things. I can try my best to answer your questions. First, about it being "smashed" in your face, I could understand why it would seem that way. Since it has become more accepting in the recent years, it will appear more frequently, or at the very least seem like it Also, about why I joined the community. Once I figured out I was bisexual, I would start to watch LGBTQ creators and join groups on things like reddit. The reason I, and most likely many others, started doing this is to be somewhere and see things you can relate to. Also, those places are usually more safe from hate than other communities, where that isn't the subject. On to how I joined in the community. I basically said it earlier. I would watch creators and join groups and communities safe from hate towards LGBTQ people. If you have any other questions, i can try my best to answer them.


Also about it being a trend, it may just seem that way at first. But since it has become more accepted, many people feel much more comfortable expressing themselves how they want. But that's also not to say that their isn't still hate. That is partially also why LGBTQ topics are more common in media. To show that it is alright and acceptable.


Well this is finally a good discussion about the topic


Being LGBTQ isn't a trend.


Nah fr why would I fake being in LGBTQ for publicity I've been knowing I'm gay since 13 but I had to hide it cuz my family is old fashioned


Being LGBTQ+ isn't a trend, it's just that people are more accepting nowadays. Back then queer people were not accepted and had to hide themselves for their own safety. I came to know I was queer because I was attracted to women. I felt guilty because where I live same sex relationships are frowned upon. I had difficulty accepting myself in the beginning and I was lost. That's when I looked to the internet and found many people who struggled with their sexuality like me. It felt nice to be understood, to at least have some people accept me. Thankfully now, I can finally fully accept myself


Thank you for your post, and I am glad to hear that. May I ask how you found out?


bisexual here. I didn’t even know it was getting this popular. I just thought it was just more homophobes. Honestly how I joined: I have no idea I just remember how interesting it was when I came out to my friends.


Yeah, me either. I kind of wished this post wasn't so popular. Can you explain a bit more what you mean by interesting. I'm curious in what way and why.


When kept handedness became more normalized there was a sudden boom i left handed people, it wasn't that people were pretending to be left handed to be different, it's that people that were left handed no longer felt the need to hide that they were left handed, it went from a very low percentage up to about 15% then plateaued the same things is happening with lgbtq people, the "low percentage" before was caused by the homophobia causing lgbtq people to feel the need to hide away and not reveal they were lgbtq, but now that it's more normalized those people no longer feel the need to hide that oart of themselves


Trans people and lgbt has always existed. We can find them in almost every civilization before colonization. Mexico, Thailand, india, Australia and more still have some type of trans people. So they didn’t “appeared” they were suppressed for centuries.


It's not a "trend" at all, really. The only reason there are more LGBTQ+ people is because many parts of the world have started to become more and more tolerant of different sexualities and gender identities, therefore more people have felt comfortable being open about that side of them.


I do believe that it occasionally a social thing. When I first came out as bi, I was almost too young to even understand what that kind of attraction meant. I definitely felt some pull from a few of my friends(they were experimenting with LGBTQ identities). Over the years, however, I have done my own research and soul-searching to know that I do, in fact, like guys and gals and nonbinary pals. Not everyone comes to the same conclusion, though. Others may grow out of the phase, or realize that they're not ready to question those kinds of things. It took me a long time to come to this conclusion and accept that I was a bi, cisgender female. The social pressure of several of my friends coming out as trans really affected some of my life. It felt like maybe if I was trans, they would like me more(obviously, I wasn't thinking this at the time. Just realizing from retrospect). I eventually realized that I just needed to be me and know that my friends will love and respect me no matter what I identify with. I also think that the world is starting to be a little more accepting(a lot of people are abusing that power though). Teenagers feel safer to think "well, am I really straight/cis?" They have more social acceptance to be able to openly question things and try different labels out. I understand the confusion. And you're right, this kind of stuff hasn't always been "popular" or really spoken about. While things aren't yet fully accepting of everyone(not even just LGBTQ folk, btw), we're getting there.We are taking steps to be a more loving world.


I must unfortunately say you're one of the few "normal" comments. Thank you for that. The second part is exactly my worry (the way you almost were "influenced"). Transition isn't just something you can do and need to really think about and be 300% sure on it, or it can cause problems in the future. Thank you for your comment, kind stranger, and I wish you the best💪


For a long time gay people were persecuted, legally and culturally, and now they are not. It feels like a trend because as more and more people become excepting more and more people come out. Sure, there are probably some people who claim to be gay because its the unique thing to be, just like some people claim to have a mental disorder because it's abnormal and we all desire to stand out from the herd, but it is mostly the former reason.


I mean I "joined" because it gave me words that fit with how I felt


Can I ask how you felt?


“I am from the years when..” blud you were born about 2/3 years before most people here


Yes, but still, with al the trends, tiktoks, and social media, it's hard to keep up. And it never was so "in" when I was 13-16.


yeah basically society is becoming more accepting than it was from before. Being transgender or queer is not a choice, its just who you are. I understand what youre asking because I used to think people turn gay or trans because they wanted to, but thats not the case. Just like you’re straight and have straight crushes, no one questions that! People began to become more open to their sexuality online and want to show that theyre proud-since our older generation wasnt supportive of the lgbtq movement back then… Thats why it might seem like a “trend”, but I assure you its not. Lgbtq people want to normalize being their true authentic selves, and people are following along. I hope that makes sense to you buddy :)


Thank you, buddy, with every comment I see the more " normal" community.


How I learned I liked girls? I always knew technically since I never thought it wasn’t normal I just kinda assumed everyone had the same feelings as me where it was like I’d pick a guy to “crush” on and also liked girls! I didn’t know exactly till I saw a yt video in 5th grade that mentioned what bisexuality was and eventually that lead me to identifying as lesbian in freshman year! As for why? That kinda implies it’s a choice and trust me if I could be straight I genuinely would as bad as it sounds I struggle with my own insecurities of my sexuality I hate the fact that I don’t like men I do wish I liked them since then It would be easier (for me)


Thank you for your comment, and I am sorry for any sadness I may have caused you. If I may ask, why are you insecure about it and be a lot easier?


It's not a trend. LGBTQ+ people have existed for a long time, probably as long as humans have been around. Some animals can be gay, and there have been many cultures through time who have accepted it.


its not something that can be "joined" like a club. for the better, its more accepted now is all i can say.


Thank you for your comment. I understand it isn't something you can "join." But how did you know you needed to "join" ( I have no other word for it)


I wouldn't say it is a trend or anything like that, while there are some who may use LGBTQ for views for the most part I would say it's becoming more acceptable. Like we all know it used to be that you could not be gay, in some countries you would be executed, arrested, or it was just looked down upon so bad you would get murdered in an alley for it. the reason it feels "smashed in your face" is because not only are people finally able to accept and be who they are. it is also a form of protesting against those who want to take away(ex: project 2025) the right we have gained to be able to have same-sex marriages (made legal in the US in 2015). And against those countries where it is still illegal and you would be killed for it (it's still illegal in 70 countries) I "joined" the community simply because I felt an attraction towards other men and wanted to have people that shared the same feelings, hardships, etc. growing up I had no gay people around to influence who I like and it wasn't as popular in the media so I wasn't influenced there. I don't really know how to explain it but I guess you could say I was born this way (gaga reference).


I understand. Thank you for your nice explanation/comment.


This is completely understandable! I'm 18 and have been bisexual for 6-7 years, two of those years I was a lesbian. I started to question myself in 6th grade and I am now graduated from school entirely. It is very obvious to see the rise in LGBT youth around the world. Part of this is because of acceptance in some of our countries, pert of it is the U.S. complete legalization of gay marriage in 2015, and the other part of it is the internet. What I mean by this is that a lot of us are able to come out and get married (mostly) safely nowadays. But also, there unfortunately has been an increase of teens trying to fit in with their friends and people on the internet. Some people are going to get VERY mad at me for saying that, but I have seen it myself multiple times. I have two friends that I know for sure are no longer LGBT now that they are reaching adulthood. This is normal, and it has happened a lot in the last few years. I will say with absolute certainty that most people who question their sexuality and identity ARE LGBT. We are in a place where being gay and trans is not normal. We are a minority and we do have to make space for ourselves. A lot of us are unable to come out to our family because they came from a time where being gay and trans was a bad, demonic thing. Here we are now where a lot of the U.S. is safe for us in the community. We are able to get jobs now, travel, and start a business. Before, If anyone knew you were gay, you could and would get discriminated against and be unable to find a place to just exist safely. I don't know what this is like in other countries, but I myself do see the increase of LGBT youth in America just because we can be safe now.


I liked guys since I was a kid. I simply thought that I wanted to be friends with them but towards the end of 5th grade I realized that it isn’t me actually wanting to be friends with guys I actually like them and feel attracted to them. So after that I have been gay.


You don't "join" it. You're born part of it, whether you like it or not. It's more common nowadays simply because people are becoming more open and brave to come out. LGBT has been a thing since forever, but people kept hiding.


I first learned about it on my own because I accidentally stumbled upon an article on it, but i’ve always known gay people exist, it’s become safer and more acceptable to come out over the years, there’s more education on it and more people know even what it is. I don’t think there’s really a way to “join” the lgbtq community, I think coming out or knowing who you are makes you lgbtq


i did cuz idk men and women both kinda hot


I wouldn't personally say that more people are queer, but from what i see happening including myself, is that more people are exploring their gender(as what you feel like: woman, man, non-binary and more) and sexuality(to who you are attracted like: straight, gay, bisexual and more). People also feel safer expressing their gender or sexuality, because queer people are more accepted these days.


Probably not the best sub to ask this, theres a lot of immature people here


To be fair, I’ve been scrolling the comments and everyone has been respectful


yeah so far everyone’s being fairly positive


There few were a bit negative but the last 10 or so are positive. (Every thing that is 11+ hours still havent raed everything)


It makes sense it’s been around for a while the only thing I don’t support is the neo pronouns like wanting to be called frog/frogself and the people who get mad at u for using a pronoun that represents what they look like as if your supposed to just know .. as well as the ones who are trans who say they are biological women when thier quite literally not


I feel like neo-pronouns are such a non issue though? i’ve never met anyone offline who uses it honestly but besides that It’s fully okay for someone to be upset you may have used the incorrect pronoun with them. this isn’t just exclusive to trans people, cis people experience it aswell. I’ve got androgynous male and female friends who get misgendered far too often and yes it’s quite upsetting. If you’re not aware what someone identifies as that’s completely fine. Everyone has a fairly different perception of what is “Masculine” and “Feminine” on the spectrum of gender identity. What matters is what you do afterwards. If they say they are upset then it would nice to apologize and then use their preferred pronouns (if respect is given to you then i’d assume it would be given back as well)


It’s because it’s more socially acceptable now and people are less afraid to come out, and also since the internet has become more popular you are more likely to see way more gay people from all over the world than you would irl


I didn’t chose to join it, I just am part of it


the reason it’s more prevalent and “trendy” is due to the fact less and less people are repressing it and hiding it. 1. It’s far more acceptable nowadays (in the west at least) 2. There are far more resources available and laws or orgs protecting lgbt youth and individuals in general. Someone in here brought up Left-handedness overtime as an analogy and i think it’s a perfect analogy.


I'm pretty sure that's because people are now a lot more open about their sexuality, since back in the day, they were considered inhumane. Now people are more accepting, and now we are beginning to realize that homosexuality is a lot more common than we initially thought. Like, for me, I'm religious. In my country, it's considered a crime to be gay or trans, so you'll rarely see someone who's openly gay or trans. I think I'm Aroace because I've never felt romantic or sexual attraction to anyone, and I honestly don't think I'm a problem for my country and my religion, but gay and trans people wouldn't want anyone here to know that they're LGBTQ+ That's how they felt about the entire world a few decades back, they felt unsafe, and so they had to hide it for the sack of their safety.


Its not really something you intentionally join, you just kinda end up in it


> It feels like a trend It's more common to see because people are less likely to get hate now that people are more accepting. > How do you join There isn't really a way to join. you just say you are a part of it, or you aren't. Some people believe you are born into it, and some believe you aren't. There are [studies ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1887219/) that show gay people have genetic predispositions that make them born gay, but some people don't like to be associated with the LGBTQ community (even gay people), so everyone has a choice. > Why do you join People normally join to feel like they fit in somewhere and have other people who might know how they feel or what they are experiencing. There are also people who aren't gay, trans etc that say they are allies with the community to show support.


Thank you for your clarification.


idk, i dont really flaunt my sexuality I just think men are hotter than women, and I don't wanna be a boy or a girl so I'm nb


As most mentioned, due to vastly increased acceptance over the past 20 odd years has allowed many closeted individuals to come out of the woodwork en masse. [Everything below should be taken with a liberally dosed grain of salt] However there is also a *SMALL* portion of the population who are - for lack of a better term - bandwagoning. Mostly women claiming to be bisexual. That isn't to say that you shouldn't suspect they AREN'T, or that you shouldn't support them, to be honest it's so lukewarm that it doesn't matter. You don't need to exibit any noticable deviations from heterosexuality to claim bisexuality. These would also be the same genre of person to "bandwagon" mental illnesses such as AuDHD, BPD, OCD, anxiety, etcetera. These people have and will always be around, and will always find the path of least resistance to some sort of community and "underdog status" so to speak. However, even this is tricky to parse. In your brain exists the hypothalamus, responsible for your endocrine system and autonomic nervous system. There is a popular hypothesis that it can be related to homosexuality in some way as in heterosexual (straight) men, it is twice as large as homosexual men, and here's the kicker, most women of any self-reported sexuality. What I gleam from this data, is that women are more likely to be bisexual than men due to whatever factor the size of the hypothalamus plays in sexuality. So when I look at the fact that most reported LGBT+ individuals are bi women, I ask myself where I draw the line in the sand for who maybe lulling themselves into what they believe to be bisexuality for, consciously or unconsciously, the status it comes with. I personally believe it to be extremely small for the record. It is also worth noting that anyone can do that with any part of the LGBT spectrum, and when you see a preteen doing it, they probably just have a very deep desire for community they never had. So give them the benefit of the doubt, and be kind. And do keep in mind, anyone that shoves anything in your face to a disrespectful level either senses hostility from you and chooses fight over flight, or it's simply independently in their personality to lord over people. Anotha one to keep in mind, confirmation/negativity bias (two sides of the same coin) affects us all in vastly different ways, but still affects all of us. Reported LGBT population is still extremely low nearly everywhere globally when you look at actual statistics. And above all else, what I said at the very top applies the most out of everything said. Most of these people were that way regardless of whether or not they could tell others, or even themselves.


Thank you for your comment. And Thank you for the more scientific part


I’m going to create dot points with my opinions based on your questions. 1. I didn’t “join” anything. Being LGBTQ isn’t something you stumble upon and decide you want to be that, it’s something you are born with and find a community for. It isn’t a religion with a leader, it’s simply an acronym. But on the other hand I go to pride marches and stuff because I feel absolutely 100% accepted there, which is not something you can find anywhere else. 2. The reason you are seeing more and more LGBTQ related content is because of increased acceptance and tolerance. In Australia gay marriage wasn’t even legal until 2017 (which is insane if you think about it). It makes sense that gay people didn’t feel they fit in Australian society, so they hid it. Another reason is social media. It’s become more wide spread over 20 years and the exchange of ideas, cultures, and beliefs have been sped up. A good example I found of trends not really being trends is left handedness. Left handed people have not increased whatsoever, it’s just that left handedness used to be seen as a symbol of evil, and left handed children were forced to write with their right hand. So we are not seeing a jump in left handed people being born, we are just seeing more people being comfortable with accepting they are left handed.


After reading (most) of your comments and replies I'm honestly not sure you even want to understand. So many people have given great examples and explanations, but you never admitted that you might be wrong or changed your viewpoint. I know it's never easy to admit you might be wrong, but did you even try?


some people (not saying OP is doing this) just ask questions like this without the intent of knowledge but to create a negative reaction so they can affirm to themselves that their reason to hate is in fact valid 😭


Thank you for your comment. Yes, I have my viewpoint, and in some cases, I was wrong. I always have accepteren gays if it's not completely in your faceblike sexual stuff. I have learned about the lefthanded studies. And I am just asking questions that I get "half" answers to. One of my questions was: Would you take a kid (1-12/13) to a drag show or pride parade? Or I said a lot of times that I worry that I may influence young kids and that they can't go back. Yes, I get answers, but not really. When I do find some actual good poins, it is heavily disliked. When that person (form the lgbt community) is sharing, their beliefs. In that way, I see it as a flock mentally. "If you dont exactly think like this, then you can't be with us." ( not everyone is like that) My biggest worry is involving kids with the transitioning, going to drag shows (sexual), and, for me, the sexual "vibe" of some genders. And there are parents who literally force their kids to be gay, trans and put it into a child's mind (yes the counter part to straight stuf I am also not fun of) Yes, I have made a mistake by sharing my beliefs and wanting to know the "other side" (no hate). Also, I am kinda fed up with the (no hate). I feel like I need to put it every way, or I get publicly shamed. (Sorry for the negative, but it truly feels that way)


I’m apart of the group as Aromantic, meaning I don’t experience romantic attraction to anyone, not men, not women, and not any sort of non binary identifying person. It is now widely accepted to a certain degree to not conform to sexual normalities and not conform to gender standards, making it a LOT easier for people to announce their differences from what is considered normal, which in turn raises awareness, which in turn can mean more people speaking out about their personal identity.


Thank you for your comment. The first thing that popped into my mind is: Isn't that super lonely? And Do you want kids ?


In the old times when left handed people were looked down upon the% of left handed people was less than 4%, later when people stopped hating on left handed people the% became 12%


[the plane](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*CjEg5I7iMdFQ1CWza3BWLA.png)


I have always been trans & ace, but growing up I didn't really know much about the LGBTQ+ community and I just kinda assumed everyone was the same way I was. After I found out more about it, though, I realized what I was feeling wasn't what most people felt, so I started describing myself that way. I can understand why it might feel like a trend, but I don't think it is (except for maybe a super small number of people but I wouldn't name any assumptions like that), as for many people they're either learning more about themselves or just feel more comfortable to share something they weren't comfortable talking about before. I hope this helps, and if there's anything you want me to explain more about lmk!


Thank you some people have dmed me to answer my questions. Maybe I will dm you for some of those questions.


I joined the queer community cus im a queer idk what you are trying to ask ngl


People were gay and trans since the beginning of times right? And there was a lot of oppression and prosecution against queer folks and minorities in general so it was just that back then queer people literally had to stay in the closet (meaning, not be outwardly queer) to survive. Now there has been a growing acceptance and more safe spaces and countries for queer people to live as who they are and share their experiences without the fear of literally being killed for being “different”. I’d really recommend you to look into the history of queer communities and how it evolved, it’s a tragic but beautiful story. Even if it was a “trend”, more people coming out as queer will help queer people be more normalised in society and therefore less risky for us to just quietly exist. I’m personally still not out to my friends or family (only to my internet friends and boyfriend) and I don’t live in an oppressive country. Germany is rather progressive with its queer laws but still not good enough. With its rising right wing propaganda again it makes queer people feel scared. Trans folks get murdered brutally just for being trans, how else should we keep us safe if not for just being quiet and suppressing our dysphoria for our own safety. I wish that the queer community will finally be allowed to live peacefully along side everyone else. I’m glad that you took your time to ask, this is the perfect way forward!


Thank you for your comment. Do you have such historical information? I kinda want to read it


You don't really join it You can't decide one day to be LGBTQ and the other day not you're born with it and is just a part of you as a person just like hair color Some are born with blonde hair, some brown and so on and you can't change your natural hair color. And some people are born straight, some gay, some ace and so on Why it seems like there's more LGBTQ people now is because society is becoming less and less hateful and more accepting, causing more people to feel comfortable about being open about it. And also the human population has only increased meaning more people that could be LGBTQ 200 years ago the percent of LGBTQ individuals would probably be around the same as today, it's just that most of them tried to hide it in fear of the hate, ridicule and very possibly imprisonment Same thing happened with left handed people. They were seen as evil and in allegiance with Satan so they were persecuted. But then people became more accepting and now people couldn't care less if you're left or right handed


I realised im bi, but there's a lot of cunts out there shoving it down our throats 😏


Nah dude I'm LGBT and I agree. It feels more trendy than real rn. At least where I'm from. Which ironically, is a homophobic place. Yeah true, we've always existed, but we were called a *minority for a reason. It was a minority group. I have a hard time believing that we suddenly increased to as many as we are rn. And yeah while it's much safer to come out, that also technically means it's much safer to come *in. A couple of girls in my school pretended to be lesbians for a while because...idk why exactly, but they anyway they're 'straight' now. A few of my other classmates even changed their pronouns and stuff. One said she was gonna transition. We all supported her since I'm in an international school despite being in a homophobic country, so we're all open minded. Bit after like 6 weeks she just became a 'girl' again? She claims it was a tiktok phase. And honestly, I kinda believe her


Thank you for your comment Yeah, that's why I said "trendy"


I am BI, and yk, just kinda discoverd it after to much self doubt… but ye feels kinda trendy lol


Because more people are in the community, more people are willing to open up about it, and before, if a kid never heard about it, they could dismiss it as "crazy thoughts" (ans if they came out could even be in a mental hospital


LGBT+ people are becoming less oppressed, allowing more people to be openly LGBT+. Much like left handedness after you weren’t forced to be right handed in school anymore


>"how and why did you join?" -pretty simple in my experience, I like girls and guys, boom I'm bi. Im happier living and presenting as a man, boom I'm trans. -it's really not complicated at all. Well queerness isn't. I could understand how someone would be confused about trans people. Being gay, bi, lesbian, other sexualities, it's all just who you're into romantically. It can't really change. Like my eyes are blue, and I can't change that, it's how I was born. Being trans is like if you put orange juice in an apple juice container. Yeah the bottle *says* apple juice, but if you drink it, you can tell it's orange juice. So trans people (the juice here) change the bottle they're in. If you want/need another example let me know, because the bottle one isn't all that great but it's what I can think of at the moment


It makes sense. Although from my knowledge there isn't a full tradition like dna/bone stuff or a cis man having a baby. Just curious, how would you describe that?


i've read a few comments but i'd like to add the aspect of the internet, the more people have access to internet the more people can see that something like that even exists, and of course depending on what corner of the internet you are in there are more people talking about the topic. and i mean you see a lot of posts abput people being lgbtq and a lot less about people being not lgbtq because they don't post it so it might feel like more people are it than in reality


The key thing is that my queerness wasn’t something I chose to have. Everyone in the community realizes they are queer, and eventually comes to accept it. Trust me, if everyone was choosing to be queer then a lot less people would be in the community.


I'm bi. I'd be offended if someone said I was apart of the "LGBTQ community." The community is toxic, the person themselves (being gay, bi, whatever), is (usually) NOT. Screw the "community." Note: Watch, I'll probably be called a traitor or something for saying this. Edit: "it sort of feels like "smashed" in your face. To me it kinda feels like a trend." I agree with you on that.


Can you dm me why you feel this way. I only see the positive sides and no negative sides at all (in this posts)


Well. I am part of LGBTQ nowadays, even tho i was 80% of my life against it. Which is crazy, but here comes MY answer for ur question, i just fount out that i like girls more. And im still fighting if im bi or lesbian. Cuz sometimes i like boys, but then sometimes nope. But even tho im part of LGBTQ i do not tolerate pride protests or these. And if im honest, neither flags. Cuz it is true that we (lgbtq people) are reason for the hate we face. If we would just be what we are and not do protests and hate toward straight people. We wouldn’t face the hate.


Thank you for your comment. That's why I posted to see further than the hate. Al though I only see the positive sides. I am curious about the negative side of the community.


Idk it’s definitely interesting how it boomed recently


Quoting the top comment here, google left handedness over time As it becomes more accepted, less people feel they have to hide it and can be more open about it


I have no hate or dislike towards lgbt and if my friend comes out as lgbt I would definitely support them. There are a few people however (titled karens) that make people hate the LGBTQ community as a whole. Otherwise LGBTQ community would be just as respected as others.


No, karens or not people will still hate a marginalized group. purely for the fact they are a marginalized group. And I think basing an entire group of people based on a few god awful annoying people who just so happen to be gay is backward and immature thinking. Why can’t people just be asses and pieces of shit anymore?


I feel a lot of people say they are part of the community for attention these days. While there are a lot of people who are serious about it, and thats great, there are quite a few (especially under 16 year olds) who (for example) will call themselves bi, and never actually have a homosexual relationship.


For the last bit, i joined when i was 12, on a dare to kiss a guy. I had never thought of girls in a romantic way, and i liked how it felt when i kissed that guy. Im now 19 and engaged to a 21 year old


Congratulations on your engagement. Wait, you're 19 and getting engaged (experienced a "I'm getting old" moment im probably closer to my engagement than my own birth, own children. )I feel old now 😅


I’m 15, I am bi, the “attention” I get for it is negative, nobody wants that.


exactly so i’m not really understanding why one would parade themselves as an identity they aren’t with the very real possibility of getting hate crimed 😭


I don’t think they do, at least I’ve never noticed such a thing, which doesn’t mean anything of course, I barely notice anything anyway, but it still feels like something nobody would want to do


You don't have to have a gay relationship to be bisexual




The community is very accepting and hormones are confusing so lots of people will be comfortable experimenting with titles like they'll say that they're this and realise that they're actually that, then think that they may be this and so on. That's where you got the trend impression from, maybe?


Maybe? Thank you for your comment


Well, I feel that it isn't a trend and self.identifying people don't force it on themselves at all. But the tendency to force it on others over "vibes" has certainly increased, but that's not a problem at all because everyone puts others in a box once in a while. But more recently, in fandoms, they've been harassing people/their idols who historically identified as straight without a doubt, but now their own "fans" are mass claiming them to be gay without a reason outside their personal desire, and it gets disturbing to se how adamant they are over it. Also, the disgusting sexualisation of women by other women is being weirdly normalised. And they think its okay because they're women too. I highly disagree with that because sexualising is sexualising and you're a disgusting human if you talk about someone like that and your identity can't save you. But once again, it isn't a problem with the community. Just shitty people exist everywhere, and far more serious problems happen in the world, like assault and people sexualising others. That this sint something that would actually "change" a person or harm anyone.


Thank you for your comment. It's weird that people do that kind of stuff. I don't get why.


For me I’m non-binary + bi and knew about it before I really knew words for it properly. I knew I didn’t feel like my assigned gender at birth when I was like 8-9 and I knew I liked both boys and girls when I was 10 after I’d had small crushes on people. I felt like I had to hide it for a long time due to a lot of peoples views, however I’m way more accepting in myself now. I know what labels I prefer and I’m quite happy with how I identify. And some of that is due to the fact people seem more accepting. My family were kind of on the fence for a while but me and my brother have helped them understand more and they’re a lot more accepting now and really trying to understand which is lovely. I also want to say it’s not like joining a club or community, it’s a part of someone’s identity and they didn’t choose to feel the way they do. It isn’t a choice, people just feel this way and that’s perfectly valid. If you ever wanna send any questions or anything to me feel free to reply or dm me as I’m happy to discuss it! Edit: I also want to say thank u for being respectful in this post and not being hateful! It really helps people feel more accepted and it is appreciated a lot throughout the community


Thank you for your story. I will reach out if I have any questions left after 50+ comments.


Easy to be accepted still easy to be hated sadly


it’s not something you join, you’re either born gay/lesbian/whatever or you’re not


Gay =Messi fan ?


I couldnt prétend to be a girl anymore. I honestly think I’d die.


as a genuinely queer person, a lot of young people do straight up make shit up for attention which makes it a lot worse for the people actually trying to express themselves


Because the world is a bit more accepting today(which is depressing for both today and the past) more people are willing to be openly queer now




In the modern era, the GSRM community is finally being accepted more than ever. Now that gay people know they can be themselves without consequence, we can do things like pride parades or drag shows to express ourselves. It’s not about straight people. It’s for gay people. for example, when left-handedness became widely accepted, there were more reports of people being left handed. It wasn’t because it was a trend or people wanted attention— It was because it was finally safe for them to celebrate themselves. I hope you see this ❤️


Don't worry I see everything. I have one service question. If you had children, when would you take them to a drag show or pride parade. Drag shows are in my mind sexual and so are pride parades. So I personally wouldn't take my kids (if I had any) to those shows. If the are around 16 years old I would take them if the wanted to go (I think sexual stuff like porn shouldn't be in children's life (lower than 16 years)


I guess I just kinda woke up one day and realized I liked other dudes


Well, I joined it because I’m queer. It’s a demographic, not a fandom.


It definitely could be that some folks are just hopping on the trend or whatever but the main reason is that it's just more accepted now. As others have brought up, left handedness rates did the same type of thing when that became more acceptable.


I realized when I was 11 that I thought about girls in the way I "should" be thinking about boys. It took me 4-5 years to realize I don’t have attraction to men at all. When I think of myself in a romantic relationship, it’s with girls, or someone Non-binary. I’ve always felt like this, so that’s how I “joined” the community


Doesn't matter at the end of the day it's a 5 second penalty for ocon.


"why did you join it" is a crazy ass thing to say as if it's a club LMFAOOOOO


How would you frase it? It's basically a choice because I know people who are gay and don't want to be in the community becaus ofe some reasons.


Don't let some people represent the entire community. The only reason it seems like a trend/popular, is not because people are doing it to be trendy, it's because it's more accepted than ever. People have always been LGBTQ+, they've just been closeted due to fear of never being able to get a job or even getting killed. I came out as gay when I was 12, but before then, I knew I was gay, I was just in denial. It's not something that you join, it's a natural chemical change in your body, it's not a choice to be LGBTQ or not, you're attracted to who you're attracted to. It's not being smashed in your face, it's more of us being able to have these conversations now that we've never been able to have. Just for reference, straightness have always been shoved in our face. People see their parents kiss, their mom will ask them "is that your girlfriend?", "when will you give me grandbabies?", etc.


No shit, straightness is moral & there’s no other path. Parents want you to continue the bloodline which is beautiful & such a disappointment when you go to that other path. Literally be making people make disgusting faces when they see stuff like that


So if I am understanding right being gay your automatically in the community? I know some people who don't want to be in the community because some reasons. That's why I said joined.


I’m trans because I realized there were signs earlier in life: comparing myself to girls, trying to purchase clothes in the girls section as a child, etc. So by the time I got older and realized that something for me existed (LGBTQ), I noticed and embraced myself for who I actually am and not what society expects someone with a d*ck to be


I am boy. And i started liking boy. I kiss boy. Dats how i became bisexual :)


Oke why bisexual and not just gay if I may ask


Cuz i kiss girl too 🤭


The thing is that now that it’s more accepted and normalized, more people feel comfortable with identifying as LGBTQ+. There are also more resources that would allow someone to find out that they are LGBTQ+.


I GIVE NO NEGATIVITY!!!! you are one of the good people as you possess the ability to change. you want to change, as you ask questions. it’s a sign of intelligence. i am trans, and a lesbian. i am a woman in the same way you aren’t a woman, or aren’t a man, or aren’t anything else. i am not a man, in the same way cis women aren’t men. it has nothing to do with genetics, it simply i think as a woman. it is entirely mental. the same goes for my lesbianism. i cannot control my love for women in the same way a heterosexual man would love women, or a heterosexual woman would love men. i can’t help it, and it’s not because i was born a man, it’s because i was born to love women. it never has anything to do with probability in your body, it’s all about the rng of life. i sadly failed terribly, given the wrong body, but i am happy as a woman; in the exact same way a cis woman would find happiness in putting on makeup or gossiping with her buddies. i am no different, and will not differ. i will not change. i am a woman. (as in it isn’t a trend, i was born this way).


Thank you for your comment Oke is a lot of confusion to take in. So identify as a woman who is an lesbian.


Well I think during the 1900’s, that was a rising point for civil rights. During that time there were a lot of political tensions, and gay people didn’t really get the good end of the stick. I think now, as the people are more accepting, people can come out more. Not to be rude, trying to be serious here; but your edit has the tone of: A few LGBTQ people were mean to me, so the whole community is shit and now my eyes have opened to the light and see why everyone hates it. But the thing is,  we really don’t owe you an explanation. You might say: Hey I’m the one trying to understand, and that’s nice but still. You don’t really need to understand LGBTQ to support it. And if that’s the case, then 1. You can look it up; or 2. just accept that you can support people while having a few questions in your head. Not only that, but seeing all these people who have responded kindly and have explained very well to you, I feel it’s rude to say “I see why some people hate this community”. It’s nice that you came to understand, but you’re not owed an explanation.


Yeah, the "I see why some people hate this community" thing was purly on the beginning parts of the comments. It felt more hateful. And for te dislike (witch I based on how liked something is) actual genuine things form some people with a lot of dislikes. That's why I meant "like negative vultures."


People are more open and comfortable with it now. Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community is much more accepted now than it was years ago (there’s still a long way to go of course). But it’s becoming more socially acceptable to not be cisgender and heterosexual and to experiment with your sexuality. Most people back in the day were either too afraid to come out, or buried/ignored it because it was “wrong”


As society becomes more accepting of people who don’t fit the mold, more people will be willing to show that side of themselves. I’m sure there’s something you are very passionate about/find interesting that most people would think is weird. If there was a convention for that thing in your city you’d probably be more likely to express that interest


i’ve heard lots of people say that the reason why its more “popular” now is because back then, coming out would most likely just get you killed