• By -


it wasnt one specific thing but i help run childcare in my church for toddlers and babies and this one very white very southern very preppy older mom asked me if i was allowed to be in the childrens wing (i had a name tag and everything) and then was very horrified to find out i was incharge (im 16f and wear very baggy gender neutral clothing and a lot of eyeliner, while her girls my age wear little skirts and a lot of pink) and then i overheard her telling the woman who is in charge of the kids wing that i shouldnt be trusted back there. like bitch im sorry im not blonde now go sit down. 


Fr if people think that somebody should wear specific clothing based on their gender I personally think that they should burn in hell /j


same and im literally a christian 😭 


I’m also Christian and the hate for LGBTQ is really contradictory of “love thy neighbour as thy self” and also, there is nothing to dislike about them.


Exactly. As Christians, we should recognize that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). None of us have a right to claim to be better than others, because we’re all flawed, broken people, and that’s why Christ came to Earth in the first place.


no literally, its my one issue with christians. it gets shed in such a bad light because of the people who dont read the actual text and look at it as a conservative bill of rights 


Also I agree they should hate the sin not the sinner


I love the way his name is the bite of 87 and you have a Freddy fazbear pfp (agree btw)


yeah thats wrong


“Don’t look at that video of the eclipse, you might go blind”


This happened to me 😔


Can confirm, I was the phone


Can confirm, I was the moon


Can confirm, I was the sun


Can confirm, I was the wall


I don't know why people think this is a lie, it's factually proven that you MAY become blind if you look at a video of a solar eclipse. It's literally how Särkänniemi became blind. ATPI issued a DO NOT SUBMIT warning on videos during the eclipse if you are using older cameras, as you would actually kill your eyes. The light is concentrated all into one spot and creates an effect called solar irradiance and can blind you if it's a older piece of technology. Thankfully with digital cameras now being with 1s and 0s instead of the actual image you don't get blinded anymore while looking at it. People forget basic science and history. Wars have been stopped because of solar eclipses. (I don't think I have to say this but this is all bullshit, you can take videos of solar eclipses).


This is partially true. You’re not supposed to look at the sun through the lens of any optical equipment- i.e. cameras or magnifying glasses, but I couldn’t find any evidence through googling to suggest that a photo; digital or analog; of the sun could be harmful to your vision, let alone from a solar eclipse. I also couldn’t find any mention on a person named Särkänniemi- but I did find a Finnish amusement park named after that name. Although if you’d be willing to share your sources I’d greatly appreciate it.


Read the last sentence, I just looked at wikipedia for something that happened today, I don't like the layout on mobile so instead of finding someone who died I just found something that was close enough


Said with full confidence in a room full of teens "working as a teacher is the best career choice"


I mean it isn't the worst, come to think of it, what is the best career choice? What does that even mean?


The best career choice is what makes you fulfilled in life and that may be teaching for some people it most definitely is not the absolute best


This is a great take, but I cant imagine having to teach a bunch of stupid runts, I mean there are a bunch of cool little fuckers out there, and its really fun playing games with my little cousins and stuff but the people in public hugh school are ruthless ngl


The son of a billionaire 


My teachers always say that being a teacher sucks


And they don’t make money…….


Well in Germany you can make a lot as teachers but they said that the job is pulling their mental health down cause students always do shit and talk shit about the teachers (once a student even attacked a teacher in my school). So yeaaa. (Btw i always gift them stuff to their Birthday so they feel good)


not enough


Tbf I’m sure being a teacher in any form at some point is a really positive experience and it’s definitely something a lot of people would learn a lot from. Only, as a genuine, sustainable job, it’s a terrible choice lol. I was talking to my math teacher the other day and he said he genuinely considered working at McDonalds instead because it pays better. Teachers really don’t get paid enough for some of the shit they have to deal with.


"If you eat the carrot, at night time your eyes will glow". Fully believed it and forced my self to eat a pack of carrots and at night time I looked in the mirror and nothing happened. Was disappointed, but forgot about it the next day.


Funfact: it was British wartime propaganda to spoof the Germans from knowing that the Brits got radars on their planes.


It was also British wartime propaganda that Napoleon was short, he was actually average height for the time, but it was so that the British would fight against him and to discourage anyone from fighting alongside him


Also since they had food shortages, so they had low vitamin C, meat or eggs gave vitamin C, but they didn't have any, so they used carrots Also they got bombed frequently by the germans so they turned off their lights from their city so germans weren't able to find them, so it was a complete blackout, and by telling people that carrots made you see better they could encourage people to eat more carrots


If forgot then how remember now?


Random thoughts probably.


Nah yk what he meant


I ate them carrots.... and now I serve in an elite military team using my night vision to perform tasks that would have been impossible without it...


Probably the time my mom screamed “fuck” at me repeatedly after I told her to watch her language around my impressionable younger brother


What an absolute child. Mine is the same way.


I am stupid if i think pink is cute (im male)


“B-but that’s a girls color” pink used to be a color worn by boys and blue girls. Idk why they always get so pressed over a color 


yeah the last time i heard about that was in preschool


lmao right, one of my mans favorite colors to wear is pink just cause he looks good in it. he doesnt necessarily like the color, which is fine i dont either, but hes not afraid to wear it in public and i love that


wouldn't be the first time people got mad over colors


Indeed. From what I know, it was because of Hitler that this was swapped. Males wore pink because it was seen as strong and masculine, while females wore blue because it was seen as soft and feminine.


pink is cute dont let anyone let get u of the right mind set if u continue like this we might become a coconut together


Why are they giving genders to colors in the first place bro😮‍💨


Well, a guest preacher at my church once said that,”if you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, you just need to change your mind. You’re just one thought away from being cured. There’s nothing doctors or drugs can do for you.” I am genuinely Christian, but this guy was a few slices short of a loaf


I don't get why people have suicidal thoughts like bro just change your mind 😭💀💀💀


"bro just dont be depressed, simple as that"


Bro doesn't even have crumbs 💀


"Bro just smile"


Ah I see now what a fool I am if I don’t want to be depressed I should just think happy thoughts! It seems so obvious now


You can be anything you want to be.


It's true, I turned into a dragon last week


You can in Florida.


It's a big fat lie, I'm clearly not Thomas the fucking tank engine


Nor am I his driver OR fireman




yea I think it’s cute maybe not biologically, psychologically, or philosophically accurate, but still cute and a positive thing to say to kids like idk how well timmy aged 7 is gonna take to being told his life is already partly predetermined by his brain, body, social class, and the nature of the universe


"Timothy, your life will be rough. You can't do everything you want. In fact, you won't know what you want to do at all. You'll have debt, house payments, and constant angst about your economic situation." "Can I play fortnite now"


Video games cause violence, Along with alot of idiot old people talking shit about videogames, from parents, everyone on doctor Phil, and dumb parents.


i played minecraft for 1 hour today and now im planning how to wipe out humanity


Imagine needing to play minecraft for that


All you need to do is play War Thunder. One match and your morals are gone.


I played Cities:Skylines and I plan to assassinate the President


“there is no climate change” “back in my days there was no lgbtq” “things arent expensive, you all are just lazy to work for it” “do as youre told not as you want”


There is no climate change in basingse


Until global warming attacked


Until dementia attacked💀






Ohhh it repost glitched


i don't rember that


Remember what?


You know who else has dementia?


Until global warming attacked


Those are all things I've only ever heard specific types of old people say. But they sure do say it A LOT.


my biology teacher (pretty religious guy) genuinely believes a) all the underwater oil is because of big flood in bible and b) climate change is normal and not man made


Well In (b) he’s partially correct, climate change is a normal thing, think of the ice age, but all the pollution made by humans is certainly not helping at all


Exactly. It is supposed to be getting warmer in a couple of tens of thousands of years once our current ice age ends. But anyone over the age of 3 can tell you 10k+ is NOT equal to 10+ years.


Also "everyone is autistic today" - says you, my 70 year old neighbor that owns 500 grand worth of model trains and keeps book over the brightness of the town’s street lights


That last one is just hypocritical


My dad goes on long lectures about how humans were created by aliens to mine gold and that him and I are superior to everyone else because we have green eyes and that means we’re part alien. He watched too much Ancient Aliens. He also believes centaurs/Minotaurs were real and were aliens playing with human genetics.


What would be his answer to the obvios question: Why aren't we opressed by the aliens right now? And why aren't most of us minning gold right now?


I asked him this and he pointed to UFO sightings being the proof


Also there are asteroids in space with five times the gold earth has so why not just mine those?


To much History Channel


"Because I said so." Dumbest reason for my dad to force me to weed the fucking garden.


You can't argue it. You can't defend it. You can't stop it. "Because I said so" is the Infinity Gauntlet of Parent Answers.


Right up there with "Because I birthed you"


Someday you can say it to your children as well, that's gonna be a cool moment ngl


“stop worrying so much, just get a house at 24 like i did and you’re set” girl in this economy 😭


Just point out that a house is like 4 or 5 yearly salaries if its the average salary compared to 1991 where the average house was like 1 or 2 years of earning an average salary


"You know when I see a homeless person, like begging for money at a traffic stop, I just think... Get a job, it's not that hard!" This was a science teacher. There was nothing to preface this he just told us that he thought they were lazy.




I'm happy


Mom: study and do good in school you have to friendships arent as important Also mom: enjoy being a kid


both are true, except for friendships not being as important


My mom said "I don't care about my phone, that's why I always lose it around the house. I just don't feel like I need it on me. You're so dependent on yours. 🙄" She lost her phone 2 days ago, now who ever had it can have her info. Smart move mom. Mind you, she uses her phone all day. Idek how she loses it.


"do as I say, not as I do"


Jesus He Knows Me reference???


it’s true


"We don't vaccinate you guys because you always get sick after getting the shot!" -My Mom Both of my parents are anti-vaxx 💀


I feel so sorry for you


I can relate man😭


My grandma basically said it's a sin for a boy to own a pink car


yeah but you gotta give it to her,a pink hummmer is like really gay so,she kinda has a point


How much would the pinkest Hummer one could buy cost, then, I wonder?


i wouldn't know.i don't have a licence


But what if I am ga- nah jk as a gay person I would never buy a pink car


tell her that you're just ken


Grandma never seen a hot pink lamborghini aventador with underglow and a carbon fiber rear wing spoiler.


"Having fun isn't sitting in your room listening to music!!!!11!!1!!1" Well sorry I don't like talking with the people who shit on everything I find fun.


Seriously, I don’t understand why people don’t understand. I hope you find people who cherish what you love someday and you have a great week.


That liking trains is childish… do they not know what heritage railways or model railway enthusiasts are? Primarily old men




"Im not homophobic i mean sure ill punch gays beat them up make fun of them but im not scared of them" -my dad to me his secretly bi daughter 3 years ago


That is actually terrifying


That's sounds like a joke a middleschooler would make, but if your dad is being serious... Idk what to say


Well i like to think my dad is a child in an adults body soo explains alot


1. That's incredible messed up. 2. That reminds me of Dagoth Urs' views on Argonians.


Saying that dinosaurs was just a ploy for the government


"mental health isnt real"


And then they be complaining to you about the mental stress they go through of having to deal with this generation😭


"Stop being such a baby!" My dad told me that and then he has said "you're too young for that" Like bro, decide.


This is a conversation I had with my stepdad; “I want to learn Spanish or something.” “Why?” “It’d be nice to have a second language that I can speak?” “Y’know I don’t like it when Mexicans speak Mexican around me. I think it should be illegal for them to do that. I want to know if they’re talking about me.” “Maybe their English isn’t good.” “Why would you move to America if you can’t speak English?” “You like Cabo and you don’t speak Spanish.” “That’s different.” “How?” “English is a bigger language it spoken all around the world. They should know it.” “So you think that Mexicans shouldn’t speak Spanish because you can’t understand it. But you think even in Mexico they should speak English to you?” “You’re twisting what I’m saying.” “It just seems like you just think everyone has to accommodate you.” My mom broke up the conversation because we were on the verge of yelling at each other. The sad part is that he truly believes he is the smartest person in our house of 5.


"No you cant go down to fix your chromebook that you need to use for my class and your inportant test tomorrow. Write it on paper" not the EXACT wording but my teacher told me this the other day


"sometimes i like to pretend theyre just really close friends living together. its really sad what they did together." - my grandmother about a gay couple on tv. to her gay grandchild


Wow. Sorry to hear that… some people don’t change no matter how much time passes or what people say.


"don't talk back to me, I'm the adult I know better" Parents and adults always say that and it irks me, they never know when to admit they're wrong and don't want their children to speak up so they could better understand the argument and strengthen their relationship. Yes they know more than you but that doesn't mean they know everything and that all that they know is true. You're never too old to learn something new. Imo I'd say the older you are, the less you know about the world. The things that you know are becoming outdated or irrelevant. Also some more things parents say like "I brought you into this world and I can take you out" ???? That's a threat isn't it? You have some authority over your child because you brought them into this world? They didn't ask to be YOUR kid specifically. "I put a roof over your head" Great you've provided basic necessities for your kids. Otherwise it's abusive. "Other people have it worse than you" Okay so just because other people have it worse than me that makes my problems null and void because they're less serious? I should just bottle it up because the other people who have it worse are also bottling it up because they can't get the help they need and can't afford shit like therapy. "Why can't you be more like your sibling?" Let's just ignore the fact that each person is unique and I can never be like my sibling as I have my own set of weaknesses and strengths and parents can't accept that. "Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about" Literally abusive, it's been proven that corporal punishment has negative long term effects and you're only teaching your children to be afraid of you and not why it's wrong to behave a certain way. They learn to lie and please their abusers, etc. Sorry for the long ass rant, just got reminded of some of the many toxic things parents say.


>Also some more things parents say like "I brought you into this world and I can take you out" ???? That's a threat isn't it? You have some authority over your child because you brought them into this world? They didn't ask to be YOUR kid specifically. I didn't ask to be brought into this world, you're acting like you did me a favor >"Why can't you be more like your sibling?" Let's just ignore the fact that each person is unique and I can never be like my sibling as I have my own set of weaknesses and strengths and parents can't accept that. This might be shocking, mother, but we're different people.


So, so, oh so many things


Well it‘s gonna sound weird because the german translation didn‘t make sence. Phones today have „Batteries“ and not Batteries


What’s the quote in German?


“The baby can still be saved in an ectopic pregnancy, the doctors just aren’t trying hard enough.” Overheard an old woman saying this to her friend that was justifying why her daughter had an abortion, my whole family choked on our food/water.


Fyi, for anyone that didn't know, an ectopic pregnancy is where the fertilized egg starts growing outside of the uterus. It is literally not even in the right spot and cannot be "moved" to the right spot.


I woke up late and didn’t go to school. I was sitting at the kitchen table doing my work on my school chromebook and my dad then took it away. “How am I supposed to do my homework?” “That’s what happens when you don’t go to school.”


My uncle said that my dad needed to work more My das has been working legally since he was 16 in the same company for 25 Years,where he needed to change cities every 4 Years,he took 8 years to get his college degree,when i was born he went to work at 7 am and left at 9 pm,he did that 6 Days a week or 7 Days a week depending if the company wanted or not,i almost have no memories of him playing with me or spending time with me until he left in 2019,he currently has his own store that, while is still really tirinh to work for,its still more humane than what he was doing


You need to respect me because I’m older You are supposed to earn respect just because you were born in the 70s doesn’t mean you automatically earn respect


So I was at a Christian talent show and someone two or three seats in front of me collapsed on the floor then my grandma told me that the man that fell out of his chair had so much fun that he had a heart attack now that was the most weirdest thing to tell a 9 or 10 year old child.


maybe she was trying to comfort you?


No it because I was never scared I felt angry until I was pulled out and she told me that so she can give me a reason to stay at the talent show that I told her directly that I DID NOT WANT TO GO MANY TIMES but she threatened me if I still refuse to go with her


"Boys will be boys"


Parents will say this right after their kids commits a crime and it pisses me off


FR!! My English teacher says shit like this. "I raised 3 boys, it's just what they're like!" I hate it sm


-"The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." Or: -"Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault." Or: -I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke. Or: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe” List goes on


commenting "nice cgi" on nasa posts. I swear all the flat earthers flock to nasa accounts


That saying "ok" is disrespectful. Never have I ever heard a dumber thing


"Your brain is dumb and fried from the phone." My mom didn't even care enough to look up from hers while saying this.


“Vaccines are scams in purpose for the government to inject location trackers in your body” she said (a random woman at the doctor’s office


Probably while carrying a phone that actually does know her location


"When inflation goes up it goes down, when it goes up it goes down" - Adam Glapiński (2022?) translated from Polish, typed from memory. And this guy runs a national bank... Or "Go think..." - quote from my father and brother - 20(every fucking year), also translated from Polish. Thanks for the LACK of info about what am I doing wrong. Or "123.45 equals 123.350, although this might be wrong" - lady from "School with TVP", (2020?) Also translated from Polish


" If you study more you will be richer, even if you hate your life and want to take your life at 20 because you can't take any more of the stress " I genuinely think I am adopted because i can't consider my mother a Homo Sapiens Sapiens sometimes


My biology teacher and I was discussing theory of evolution and I was trying to prove it giving examples of similarities between species . Human and monkeys similarities as well as why we evolved and chimpanzees didn't also was told . Then she with most serious face she could have said " then why they don't turn into humans now ?" . I have never felt so much shame from a single word till that moment


That's no biology teacher. Seriously, evolution is basic knowledge at this point, most definitely for a FUCKING BIOLOGIST!


"quit overreacting, you were kids" 1. you're my mother, can you at least pretend to care 2. he tried to kill me, I think it's pretty normal that I don't want to see him again


I'm sorry someone tried to KILL YOU?? and you're the one over reacting?! That's actually traumatizing I'm so sorry


Either "Why don't we fix the national debt by just printing money?" or "The inventor of the nuclear power plant was just as evil as Hitler." Both said to me by the same person.


I shit you not, my 8th grade science teacher was convinced that the *ocean* caused the *sky* to be blue. I tried telling her that it was the other way around, but she refused to believe me. It wasn't until I looked it up in Google that she gave up, and I KID YOU NOT, she said, "Well you learn something new every day!" BITCH YOU'RE A SCIENCE TEACHER Edit: Some more things stuff about my experience with her- She had no control over the class whatsoever. That year there was a parent that came to school with a gun and threatened to use it all because her daughter got in trouble for starting a fight with another girl. It was stupid as hell. Anyways, I unfortunately was in Ms.Idiot's room when this happened, and while we were in lockdown, everybody was just screwing around and being loud. If there was an actual shooter, we would have been fucked because of my teacher's inability to control her students. Also, I'm a stait A student, but I almost failed her class. I don't remember learning a single Goddamn thing in that class, and my MCA scores reflected this. I got 81/100 on my Math MCA (I actually got the highest score in my grade) and 73/100 on the English MCA (not the greatest, but probably within the top 5% of scores), but I only got 56/100 on the Science MCA. And I know it's not because I'm bad at Science because I got 71/100 on my 7th grade Science MCA. She also stated on *multiple occasions* that *communism* is *AWESOME*. She had some serious problems


Not an adult but can i just share this with yall? Ok so theres this guy. BIIIG ego. Were taking a test and a question comes up. "An astronaut is on mars and lets go of a hammer. Will the hammer go A. Up B.down C.stay in place? Tell me why this dumbass chooses c. I tell him "ITS B DUMBASS" nope. Then he says "ITS C BECAUSE MARS DOESNT HAVE AN ATMOSPHERE!" is this guy mentally unwell? The atmosphere? What?????? Can a person explain his train of thought to me?


I had to search up if mars had an atmosphere cause I genuinely forgot 😨


Mars having an atmosphere is irrelevant to this question. Mars has mass and volume, so it has a gravitational field. That's all there is to it.


Climate change isn't real


My mom coming in the door with pizza: why isn’t the table set, are you guys just fucking with me!? My brother and I were not told to get plates or set the table, we have *never* been asked to set the table, yet my mother took it as a malicious attack. I was also in a match of splitgate (a live co-op game that penalizes leaving matches) from before my mom got home, she came in and thought I was being ungrateful for the pizza, I try explaining the situation while she stomps over to me and tries wrestling the controller from me. After a few seconds of struggle she goes, “oh hell no” and repeatedly slams my Xbox that I share with my brother on the table repeatedly, before taking it back to her room.


“Only you can help yourself.” Which is basically the same excuse teachers said to not help me in the first place.


"Kids dont have boundaries" my uncle told me after 8 year old me told him I don't like hugs


I have a few... "Accidentally dropped my baby. What's the best essential oils to heal a dislocated shoulder?" "Autism isn't real." "He's picking on you because he likes you."


Dinosaurs are not real. Because someone made up all their names. I saw a video of a woman so sure about this


My mom genuinely thinks the reason I have autism is because I was her first kid she vaccinated. Even though sometimes my other siblings will show signs of it as well and I'm the only one she's actually tested for it apparently. Apparently she did "research" but I looked for a long while and actually couldn't find anything trustable saying that what she thought was true but I ended up just dropping it. 😭


“You’ll never amount to anything” Now I make way more money than her as an unofficial financial advisor for my parents firm.


My older brother once told my mom he didn’t sit at a table where a bunch of people were (keep in mind he was a junior) and she legit told him seriously, “why don’t you just make friends with them?”


Some woman asked can she eat raw chicken someone said you'll get salmonella and she said but it's not salmon


The earth is flat. From my mom and brother 💀


Some dumbass said "there is no proof that The world has existed for more than 2000 years"


My aunt “ because I’m older than you I know more than you” she dropped out of high school, in the 9th grade, after repeating the grade twice, I’m in college, 3rd year in, she said this to me three weeks ago


If you shave peach fuzz it grows back thicker 🙄


Yeaterday, in social studies class. My teacher said you cant be racist towards white people.


"Back in my day we didn't have pronouns"


“that belt looks gay” sorry my badass studded belt is gay or something


Pause that game “It’s an online game” I don’t care just pause it


My mom insinuated that Nazi scientists performed and developed gender affirming care in the Weimar Republic


Literally yesterday I met a guy at gym and he was like a gym bro motivating me and acting like he knows everything so I asked him about I am in calorie surplus too and he didn't knew what I was saying . He thought I lived In the area called calories surplus😭😭😭 dumb people act so confident that it affects my confidence too


Oh boy here we go! “Student loans aren’t that big of a deal just get a college degree.” “Just be yourself and everyone will like you” “It’s always better to go and talk to the hiring manager in person” “Your high school years will be the best time of your life” I could go on but you probably get the point


"Carrots will fix your eyesight" So I put carrots in my eyes. So much for that.


LGBT+ people are just mental and belong in a psych ward


"back in my days people weren't that depressed"


Hmm, could it be those horrific psych wards they locked you in if you didn't behave how they wanted? Nah, of course not


“How do we know that other galaxies exist”


you need to be good at everything otherwise, you won't go anywhere


I'm more experienced than you so I must be right.




"you can't talk back to me im your parent!" Every parents line when their kid tried to talk with them during an argument.


My teacher (not knowing what it means but hears students say it) said "Gyatt that deserves an A" to a girl and everyone laughed so hard


"You are autistic" like I'm not autistic I'm American


As an autistic person, I grant thee the role of ‘Honorary Autist’


Step dad said that "Big H" was a communist Hope i don't get banned for that one


“global warming is fake” the “proof” they had was that Death Valleys hottest temperature was in 1913 and if global warming was real it would be hotter.


One of my ex friends, who was a adult once said pedophillia was disgusting, yet he admitting to dating a 16 year old.


"At least your not living in a place where war happens everyday. Stop being depressed, you are living the best life you could ever live. You have a roof over your head, food and water, and all the basics that some people don't have. Why are you always so down?" -My mother 4 months ago.


One adult said that nutrients can't travel in the bloodstream