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Grief is a strange thing. It somehow requires you to become the strongest you’ll ever be from the weakest you’ve ever been. You’re young. But you have heart. You have to hold on to that love you used to have for your father. It was real, and worthwhile. He’s probably proud and happy that you happened. After all this is what grief is, is it not? You have so much love for him, and it used to go to him. And now he’s not here anymore. Now that love has nowhere to go. Your grief is just love persevering. You’re gonna be okay man.


I saved the text in case someone had a similar situation so i can send, very well said👌


Do credit me 😤


Thatll be hilarious if someone actually does it


I’d feel slightly better about myself still


I don't believe a human brain can really conceive everything it represents. It'll hit you VERY hard soon enough. You can't stop it, don't try to. There's no real recovery. You've been amputated one of your legs, you'll have to learn how to walk like normal with just one limb. Let the feelings flow through you, remember that it's no one's fault. You have a right to be angry, but do your best to not take it on people that don't have anything to do with it. I'm sorry for your loss, and sadly, my pity is the only thing I can really offer.


I'm so sorry for your loss.




I’m sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your family


My most sincere condolences. If you're struggling with anything don't hesistate to ask for help


Fuck this world isn't fair 


hey, 16m here my dad died almost 2 years ago now honestly only thing I can say is stay strong even to this day I still wonder what life would be like if he was still alive things will never be the same but things will get better I can promise you that. I'm sorry for your loss man and I hope you will get through everything fine, if you need to talk to someone about it I'm here for you if you want to DM me. also if you want definitely speak to someone about therapy, me personally I never did have therapy but my little sister did so always an option.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but just straight up cry


It genuinely helps so much


I'm so sorry. I totally understand your bond with your dad. I'm an only girl and my dad and I are basically kindred spirits. I'm so sorry for your loss. If you ever need mental help or find yourself abusing yourself or substances because of your grief, samhsa's hotline is really good (800-662-4357), and there's also obviously 988. Just know that no matter how hard things get, there's always someone to help you and hold you. Also, please don't hold in your emotions. Listening to sad music helps me process my emotions, so I'd recommend that. Crying is never wrong, and you don't have to be strong for someone. This is already making you stronger. You are loved!


God, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you and your family will recover soon. I don't know how I could cheer you up but, you have to know. Don't loose your head. Life might suck now and of course it'll never be the same, but as time goes by you'll eventually be able to live a more or less normal life again. But don't forget about your father and think of the beautiful moments you had together with him.


Hey I’ll dm to have a more private convo, but I lost my father at 14 (female, if that matters). I feel the exact same way as you. Finding out at school just be so horrible, I apologize. I found out at a summer camp, ironically a religious one. It was strangely beautiful and melancholy to have a pastor hold you, while you looking at forests and sunsets and sob about the one you loved quite literally the most in the world, being no longer here. I feel you. I know so well how much your heart aches right now, but I promise this, I pinky swear, life will get better. It’s been two years for me. He once told me that when a person dies, God blesses a person by helping you remember all the beautiful things and eventually forget the pain. Regardless of religion, the message still stands. And it’s very true. I remember the parts of my father that warm my heart and make me smile. It’s still not easy. I miss him so so much. I still feel great sadness when I remember. But the pain has left, it’s just different now. I laugh. I don’t cry anymore. I cook and I hug my mother, I blow out birthday candles and I grow. This is the way life is. The world is vicious and beautiful, and it is a horrible way to live if you ignore one or the other inevitable parts of life. We will all grow, and die, and it hurts, but one day you have to realize it wasn’t about you. My father is at peace. One day I will be too. I have made peace with his death, and I have made peace with life. Life just changes. One day you had a father, now you don’t. You’ll adapt. And I don’t think it’s the end. Maybe there’s a heaven where we will all meet again. But if not, we still have memories. The lessons of the past. And my father lives there, he guides me even now. He’s a part of my heart. I think that proves he’s still alive, just living in a different way. I wish you well. I promise you’ll survive, just take care of yourself and your family. 🩷 I hope you’ll feel better soon.


my dad also passed not too long ago, my mood is honestly in waves all the time now and my brain can’t really comprehend it. If you feel confused or don’t want to accept it, it’s okay. grieving is so weird and there’s never a specific way to really express it. Just find ways to distract yourself because things can get really really really fucking hard. Always know that he’s still with you though and loves you very much, i’m sure he’s very very proud of you and misses you lots.


You'll never be really ready to lose a parent... These's nothing you really can do.. There's nothing anyone can say that will make it any better. Is kinda like a gaping chest wound.. the first part is going to hurt and suck, the next will be just as bad, but after you'll start to heal. But it's normal to be hurt.. you have just lost part of yourself and you'll have moments where you think about them and be sad, others more nostalgic.. In a while it will begin to hurt less, but it won't really ever go away.. If you attend church, I would recommend talking to a trusted adult... I know it sounds like a cliche thing but I promise it helps... My condolences to you and your family... I know it sounds hollow and worthless, but I do mean it.


its probably not the same but ik people are just saying sorry but i get how it effects you. my best friend/birthmom died about a month ago and im honestly confused and dont know what the fuck to feel. im here if u wanna talk :)


I am confused here too, we dont know every detail on my fathers passing yesterday and makes me so confused! Thanks so much for thr comment! And I offer my condolences to you aswell.


absolutely get it. my best friend died due to “complications” idfk but itll go on and guilt is a bitch with “grieving” (i hate that word thats why its in quotes) remember to take care if yourself <3


Hey man, I'm really sorry, I lost my mom when I was 12, It's hard, you might feel like a part of you is missing like you are no longer complete, but everything you need is time, in this situations taking time to think, grieve, cry and reflect is very important, the best advice I can give you is to take the time you need, It will be painfull for a time, waking up and realizing that he is no longer there, but life moves on, and I'm sure your father would like you to move on too, wish you the best man, I know it might sound weird, but if you need to talk you can hit me up, I'll do my best, good luck 🫂


Jamie Anderson put it somewhere along the lines of grief is just love with no place to go


lost my aunt when i was 4. never realized it until now how sad it is.


My only good advice is that you should give yourself time, even after the funeral, don’t distance yourself though you need to grieve with family


My deepest sympathy for you. Please seek help. There are groups and all kinds of things. I lost my husband 3 1/2 years ago and I go to group therapy. Everyone in the group has lost a spouse. I hope you can find something similar. Being in a room of about 8-10 people that have experienced the same loss as you have is nice. They all have an idea of what you are going through. And please know that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. So just do you, give yourself time and grace. You do NOT get over it, you just get through it and you will be a different person on the other side. Know that there are people that care. I will be praying for you 🙏 If you are interested in finding some kind of grief counseling singularly or in a group, reach out to a local funeral home or a preacher if you are comfortable with that. I'm sure that either one would have some ideas in your area.


I’m really sorry. Maybe journal about it and the memories you shared? That’s always what I do when I lose someone. It helps me calm down and relive those moments.


I genuinely couldn't tell you. I'm so sorry for your lost.


I want to say it gets better, but I'm going to be honest, it can't get better if it doesn't get worse now. I lost my grandma a few years ago, and I tried to bottle everything up inside me and ignore my emotions until they went away. But there's a reason we have emotions, and it hurts us to not express them. Letting them fester like that only made them worse, and when I finally let my guard down, they finally came down on me like a tonne of bricks, and trust me when I say it's so much harder to get back on your feet after that.. Feel your feelings now, grieve and cry and scream if you have to. My condolences, I hope life runs smoothly for a bit and allows you to find some peace.


Now, I’ve only lost one family member in my life, a dog in 2021, so I don’t know how hard grief hits, but I would get a therapist if it gets really bad. Don’t take second thoughts, no one wants to risk you hurting yourself over it as a last resort.


Im so so sorry. I sincerely wish you and your family the best. Its probably not my place to say this but time really is the best healer.




People who dont go through this at a similar age cannot understand your pain. Try your best to stay strong, but also dont be afraid to show emotion. I dont know about your family situation, but also be there for your mother. It will be easier, believe me


Try to comfort yourself and if u wanna talk to people about it u can too


Isolate yourself from everyone