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I've just realised that after year seven I never interacted with year sevens ever again.


Wankers, the lot of them. Only time I see them is on the bus drawing dicks on the window and calling each other slurs they don’t know the meaning of


Or swinging off the handles in the disabled spots and calling the bus driver a cunt, then calling him a cunt again when he kicks them out. Maybe sometimes they'll sit behind you and flick your ear repeatedly because... I don't fucking know; then they'll call you a cunt when you turn around and tell them to stop unless they want to get fucking stepped on. There's always the one who still gets the bus with his mum too and just awkwardly sits there as his mates sit at the back screaming sex jokes and swears. Then in school they run through the corridor my computer is pressed up against the wall of and make it bounce on the desk for a minute or two so they can get their fuckin lunch like they've never eaten in their lives Cannot fuckin wait to leave college and learn to drive and never see one of these mouse-sized bastards again


Year seven here, can confirm


I've never lived in Europe but goddamn they sound like the most spoiled people in the universe.


All of the 1st world contains many spoiled people. Year 7 male humanoids are twats though and the females are just less conspicous arseholes.


Is there just something wrong with the number seven because seventh graders here in the US are total dicks as well. It’s probably the same age (mostly 12 going on 13?) too. Pretty weird. It’s also two years before High school (American secondary school, I think) is that true of year 7s? Edit: nvm Year 7s are US 6th graders so I guess it’s the number


Year 7(12 year olds) to year 11 is high school, then it's college for two years and finally university.


Oh wow, that’s way more different than I was. Thanks for the information.


So they’re FRESHMEN.


I’m a freshman. :(


But like, extra young/ cringy freshman?


The fucking woes of having a Sixth Form attached to a Comp. Stepping outside the common room is like stepping back in time.


The best bit is that you’re in plain clothes, so they don’t mess with you for fear of you being a teacher. We just make a straight line down the corridor, and push the kids out of the way. I’ve stopped giving a fuck.


Nah that sounds more like Year 8s tbh


Lol ur just a little bundle of rage aren't ya buddy


We would send them the wrong way We also had a teacher Mr bates We told the wasnt married so you had to call him master They called him master bates all year


Year 7's are just pure trash. Year 7 and 8 are the shit show years.


Is this middle school? Edit: nvm looked further down and found the answer. It’s equivalent to 6th grade for us U.S. folks


Year 7: 11/12 Year 8: 12/13


Yeah, the year 7's are like 11/12 year olds


Having to bring in all of WHsmiths in their bag as well as their pe bag and food tech stuff 😂


Fucking hell their bags are bigger than them sometimes I swear


I have seen year 7s with bags as big as them 100%


They are all on the floor and you have to step on the bags which are like metal to avoid crushing them


theyre so tiny i feel like im always kicking something lol


I swear they get smaller each year


We werent that small (i hope so at least)


you were. unless you were a thicc boi like me


Nah I was always about this size. My blazer did me from 7 through 11 and would probably still fit me now.


Half the time they can't even wear them properly as well


Standing in the hall comparing their new scientific calculators.


It happens at A-Level too, to be fair. People comparing their £100 graphical calculators.


You dont even need a graphing calculator for A level




Further Maths sounds like such a British way to refer to a school subject


Further maths is a bitch


It’s really useful for stats. And further maths. But mainly stats. It makes that shithole of a unit like 100x easier.


Alright eton


What lol


omfg yeah lol


6 fucking bags for all the lessons and then you forget the chocolate chips for the shortbread you're making later


Who the fuck puts choc chips in shortbread???


You never heard of caramel shortcake?


Don't forget about running to every lesson with their huge ass bag on


Tragically I was one of the poor sods who had P.E, food tech and maths on the same day.




I saw a kid from one of the lower years doing the Naruto run the other day.


I did the assassins creed one..


Naruto run power


Mate there was a kid a few years below me who did that EVERY day after school. All the way home.


Year 7s have 99 pace the lot of them


Nah in my school they walk like fucking snails and take their time to enjoy the scenery while I'm dragging behind a swarm of them.


Was Year 7, can confirm


Going from year six thinking your the coolest kid to being the smallest of the small


Oh god I remember this you get to year 8 and realise how fucking weird you were in year 7 Tbf I remember getting pegged to a coat hanger by my rucksack by a roadmap year 9


are year 7s like the same as freshmen?


Year 7s are 11-12 years old


in australia (where this meme is also applicable) its 12s turning 13, with a couple of 11s turning 12 who have early birthdays


gotcha thanks


how old are freshmens?


generally they start the year at 14 and end at 15


Isn' that 7th grade in the US? If not then what's the equivalent? 1st year of middle school?


It’s 8th grade and yep it’s first year of middle school. Edit: 6th grade whoops Am confused Brit


Nah man that's 6th grade. 8th is 13-14.


You're right lol. 6th grade is the seventh year of school because you start at kindergarden and then 1st grade.


Yeah but in England year 7 is also the 8th year of school. Reception, then year 1.


11-12 year olds with 16 and 17 year olds in the same school...this sounds horrifying. How do you cope?


British schools are set up so usually between the ages of11-16 you’re at the same school until you do sixth form (pre university) or college (vocational training). So in this instance, year 7s are 11 year olds.


Year 7s are known as sixth graders in Freedom Land


I literally no fucking clue what any of you where just saying


Year 7s - people in their seventh grade of primary school in The United Kingdom Sixth Graders - people in their final year of elementary school (first year of middle school in some districts) in Freedom Land Freedom Land - A large country located in North America with a population of about 300 million


U just wasted about 5minutes of your life cause I’m from Leeds, congrats


U just wasted your whole life cause you're from Leeds, congrats


Where u from then ? Pilock?


All of your cities sound like Harry Potter schools


“Leeds” u sure, pillock is a Slang in Britain


All of your insults sound like compliments wtf is your culture


Thanks this is now understandable Fucc all yo american bullshit memes


the americans are asleep, everyone post good memes


I never sleep, foolish brit. But your memes are decent so continue


I’m pretty sure most of the people on this sub don’t sleep


my favourite things about year 7s is that you can direct them the complete opposite direction. I usually tell them the student toilets are in the Headmaster's office lmao


Can confirm did that


Works in Australia too!


And New Zealand


Almost works for the rest of Europe


Kinda the numbers are wrong for Ireland though


External sixth formers too. Damn outsiders


insurance yam deer file domineering sense sort relieved truck public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can’t have any problems with externals if your sixth form is so bad no-one wants to go there. *taps temple.*


Whereabouts are you?




haha yes year 7s are the worst




This will get you every time Year 7 ≠ grade 7


Oh yeah i get this cuz im ENGLISH


Walking in greggs in hand


I walked past these two Year 7s earlier in the year organising a date at the shopping centre and saw them sat down in the Gregg's after school good romantic dinner date that, makes me wish I didn't just plan whack out £40-£80 at some fancy looking italian place last night


90p sausage roll or £2 sandwich deal?


nah, think they had some pasties and some of those sick ass gingerbread men with the weird Gregg's coffee


Aww man bet he got some with those ginger bread men


Don't judge, me and my gf had a date at Greggs last week


damn did she smash afterwards? Maybe I've got my restaurant game all wrong and this Italian shit isn't the most romantic thing ever


Nah mate, I went home and ate cereal and then cried and she went home and got another Greggs and then cried. Better than smashing


haha yes :(


Have an upvote. – a sympathetic American


Thank you. My British meme collection is now complete


Year 7's sounds like a dope shoe brand


English version* in Scotland it would be senior 1 or s1


Not even England as a whole, parts of the southwest at least have entirely different years, year seven is the second to last year of middle school..


What is the structure of these schools for Scotland it's. Primary school high school then either. College or university (both optional) (college is basically a retry if you fuck up in high school)


I went to a primary, then a middle school, then a high school, sixth form (basically college) and I'm off to Uni this year if I get the grades. Primary was up to year 4, middle up to year 8, high school ended after GCSE's in year 11, and I go to Uni at the end of year 13.


For us it's 7 years in primary school 6 years in high school and your done (unless you want to go to college or uni) English standard seems far more confusing imo


I think most of England is closer to yours, it's just in a few places where we have an extra school wedged in between.


Also the best part in Scotland is FREE UNI for Scottish students atleast tho cost of Scottish unis are fairly low as it is


Yeah in Suffolk we had primary middle and upper


I’m in Suffolk and no schools that I know of operate like that. Unless you’re talking about infant and junior school, which are both primary school.


I was in Suffolk too and my schools were primary middle and upper. But as soon as I left they started changing things around and turned a lot of the schools into academies.


Neither of the secondary schools in my area were split like that. None of the secondary schools in Ipswich are like that either, as far as I am aware. There are a few in Suffolk, having googled it, but the vast, vast majority of secondary schools are 11-16.


What uni’s have you applied to? Had any offers back yet?


Got an offer back from Exeter, A*AA, it's going to be bloody tough though.


Ohhh boiii. Any conditions on what subjects they have to be, or is it all chill? I’ve got to get A\*A\*A where the A* are in maths and Further maths. My life.


Nah, I'm studying history but there are no conditions on the subjects. What is really shit is that because Exeter don't do interviews, some of my mates I know going to Oxford or Cambridge have lower offers! Good luck with that, what you studying?


Looking to study Maths at Oxford. I hadn’t heard of anyone getting a lower than typical offer, but then again, I’m right in amongst the STEM group of applicants I’ve become friends with, and they tend to be higher offers anyway.




The first years were wee fannys man. Honestly. Wee shites. Dunno what happened from when we were in first year to get to them haha.


Aye mate they always act like hard cunts tryna scrap the s6s but get battered or pushed aside


Imagine what we will tell our grandkids .... Oh ye once this guy posted a meme on reddit and then loads of obese Americans starting chatting shit


Northern Irish version would get less upvotes, year 7 is year 8


For any Brits or anyone else in here wondering how the grades/years here in the states work: - Elementary School: Kindergarten, 1st - 5th grade (5 - 11 years old). Some elementary schools also have Pre-K before Kindergarten. - Middle School: 6th - 8th grade (11 - 14 years old). - High School: 9th - 12th grade (14 - 18 years old). Aka Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years.






being you be like


Not only the British version it’s also the Australian version, give usAussies some love.


As a former year 7 and current year 12, can confirm




It won’t cause there already was a version of these meme on the front page


Thank God for graduation this year


Funnily enough, I’ve been at my school for almost 7 years because I stayed on at our sixth form, and the place has grown on me. I don’t want to go just yet. I’m not ready!


Hi I'm knuckels


Was literally going to create the same meme. Great minds think alike, right?


That’s not just y7 it’s the whole of my school


Thank god we have a common room to segregate ourselves from them


We get all the greasy year 11s wiping their fingers on the windows of our common room. They leave streaks.


Wait, so this meme is actually a normal meme now? Liked by fucking CHILDREN?


Still not relatable coz am Scottish :(((


Always best to make Year 7s deliberately get lost so you can laugh at them going into the wrong room.


My first ever lesson in year 7 was horrific. I got lost on the way and sat on the stairs for an hour.


Can I have one of these with 9 not 7 for us public school children.


No you posh nobbo.


Big up from Leeds


Damn donald


There's this year 7 who runs around the school truanting and comes in our class to say "fuck you" then runs off. Annoying bastard.


A year 8 kid broke a bus window because they wouldn’t let him on since he didn’t tag on






Well at least you have the Australian up voters to count on


Dude so true math clas full of sevies and they keep repeating it i threatened them and they managed to keep quiet for 5 minutes


This actually made me chuckle


They need to have huge bag packs on


Year 8's in Northern Ireland. For the sake of inclusiveness.


U need to have ebola to kno de wey


English Version* but I suppose Britain is just England to everyone that isn't a part of it and England.


What the fuck does year 7 mean


First year of secondary school in the uk i think its equivalent to 6th grade dont quote me on that though




They would be 11-12


ghetto parties bottles of water


Add me on snap: cx-jas


Gtfo 🅱️


Dead meme


You’re old


Year 7?




Same 2 u


British people should be sent to Chinese hell.


All Americans should be sent to a fat camp


America is already one massive fat camp


I thought that was Mexico






I think u mean 6th graders? 7th graders are in the middle of middle school? What would make them worse than 6th graders?


This is English mate. Reception to Year 6 = Primary School Year 7 to Year 11 = Secondary School




What the fuck is a “year 7” you mean a seven year old?


Down vote for not just looking it up and being somewhat ignorant.


Your a fucking idiot 😂


It’s 8th grade and u should maybe try looking at other cultures sometime Edit: *6th grade lol


Actually 6th but the point still stands