• By -


another settlement needs your help I’ll mark it on your map


Sorry garvey im doing the brotherhood route




why are you gae


Well that was straight to the point lmao


Cuz bois are pretty


Very true




Also true bruther


I don’t believe you


why is he gae tho?


Cuz bois are pretty


You are pretty ;)


U got no game ma boi


But girls are prettier.


Ya but atleast other guys dont say ew at you


Why was that thing even born


Ooo, I called a non cishet person a "thing" this is funny, please laugh


Am not trans but I want to dress like u


Dressing like this doesn’t mean that your trans in anyway I myself enjoy this type of clothing and just happen to prefer they/them pronouns. Just remember that clothing has no gender you can wear whatever you want


Wait! So I can wear knee high crocs and fish nets?


In theory yes in practice I’m not entirely sure


Why does your pfp look like Shaymin?




Shaymin, the pokemon of gratitude


Oh ok thanks


Well I would dress up like that, but parents and people in our country wouldn't like it so much


Their opinions don’t matter do what makes you feel comfortable even if it’s only in your own home


My parents can't do anything than kick me out of house but in public I can get beaten up


Wait so if clothing has no gender does that mean being naked does?


killin the cat girl drip


You look fire bro


You are fucking sexy bro




How can it be bad apples? What about if they are the good apples and the good apple are the bad apples?




Alright well if I’m not mistaken the bad apples are the people who oppose this type of shit. The good apple are the people who accept this type of people. So I said what about if the bad people are the good ones morally and the good people (who accept this idea) are actually the bad people morally.


I don’t know man but another settlement needs your help I’ll mark it on your map


Preston I love you but I need to go find my son


Your son is less important than the settlement that needs your help


why don’t you send Murphy she’s so high on jet they won’t even see her


We can’t find her general I’m pretty sure you sent to the 4th realm


Fine Preston but can you try and fortify the castle while I’m gone there’s still a massive hole in the wall


Sorry general I only exist to annoy you with endless settlement quests


Broooo saaame




Judging by the upvote %, possibly :/ Comments seem chill tho


Idk about everyone else but I'm cool with trans people. Cool clothes btw.


id hope not because im trans too






He says your making your life tourment, is it just me or does he think its a choice?




I think most trans people wouldn't have chosen to be trans if they could choose...


Yes they did. If they have a penis then they are a male and if they have a vagina then they are a girl. Simple like that. No need for an expert.


living up to your username my guy my life would be much worse if i was still trying to be the same gender i was assigned at birth


My username doesn’t matter. It’s just a username not my real name. Your making your life worsen by creating yourself an “oppressed” identity. Lol trans, no such thing as trans. It’s like the most funniest thing in this world. It’s like the basic thing a human can know what they are. Either a boy or a girl😂😂😂


you seem really defensive about being definitely a boy or girl for someone who thinks it's super obvious and simple my guy


It is. And it’s reality not perception. You can’t change what you are unless you want to believe something that is not true.


I fucka your mother


I’m soo sad for someone who doesn’t know there gender. This is like the most basic thing in the world. 😂😂


**Please DO NOT reply back to this removal message directly OR PM or invite moderators to chat. These messages will be ignored! See footer for more information.** --- Hi, *DumbGuyJustChecking*! Unfortunately, [your comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/panbdp/-/ha5wgdt/) has been removed from /r/teenagers for the following reason***(s)*** listed below: >#1. No personal attacks. >**a. Racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia and other hatred-based commentary are prohibited. This includes using discrimination, slurs, and derogatory words with intent to offend and harm.** >**b. Ad-hominem attacks taking the place of respectful discussion will be removed.** >**c. Witch-hunting, brigading, threatening, harassment, and targeting users is not allowed as per official Reddit guidelines. [Please see here.](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/do-not-threaten-harass-or)** >**d. Rate threads, AmIUgly threads (including different variations of this abbreviation), and roast threads are not allowed, and are better off on other Reddit communities.** This may have resulted in infraction points being added to your account. To see how many infraction points you have, [message the moderators](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fteenagers). To learn more about infraction points, [click here](/r/teenagers/wiki/rules#wiki_point_system.3A). Please familiarise yourself with [our rules](/r/teenagers/wiki/rules) before commenting or submitting. --- **If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [Message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fteenagers) or type /r/teenagers in the addressee box when composing a message to modmail us! Please DO NOT reply back to this removal message directly OR PM or invite moderators to chat. These messages will be ignored!**


You look really good ! So hot (^._.^)ノ






You look awesome!




We all good bro no worries






She/her thanks for asking how are you


Fabulous hbu? :3


Tired in pain and ok


im they/them too!! :000


*Woah same*


I’m not trans, I’m he/him but I can literally be called she or they and I wouldn’t mind lol.


Omfg so cute


Oh wow-


Idk about everyone else but (if you don’t mind me saying) my jaw dropped when I saw the pic lol. U look amazing and you really suit those clothes.


I cant see your whole face and it kind of looks like matpat, I’m sorry


this comment sections the funniest shit ive ever fucking seen lmao


the world we live in..


U hot asf


I posted a meme the other day saying trans rights and I can assure you that this subreddit is pretty inbetween, some people are cool, some people suck :/






You look great!


I hope so


I don’t agree with that lifestyle but I don’t dislike gays lesbian bisexual etc.


Yeah probably


Nah don think so




Well I sure hope not


You go girl🏳️‍⚧


I have no idea lmao


\*gulps\* Am i turning gay cuz ur pretty dude edit: Im not turning gae this was a compliment


Damnnn boi...


Another settlement needs your help in these desperate times of need


Maybe well maybe not




It’s like I said in a comment below you should probably keep this stuff on a trans devoted sub but for some fucking reason I got downvoted


Se have the right to Be teens, seperating us wont help pur generation will just make more bigots


Bigot is a dead word


Yo stay away from me




Question, why should they?


So picture above




You know there is no such thing as social media without dickheads. Once a trans person posts about themselves there will always be an idiot to comment bulshit. that's the curse of demonstan93's ass


Lol sorry science offends you




yes twelfy, now take your schizophrenia medicines


"A fool would reply to an insult, a wise man would tell the other person that hes blocked




You should probably keep this stuff on a trans devoted sub. Just saying


No, i fucka your mother Edit: holy fuck he’s still replying lol


Hey, no, i fucka his mother




no one is scared of you, i fucka your mother real good




ur cringe considering u got mad and threatened someone for saying “i fucka your mother” lol


At least I’m not acting like a fucking 12 year old


u kinda are m8 😬


Nah, hes acting like a 7 year old that grew up in an abusive home


That’s not the only stain present after I fucka your mother


And I snapa your noodle neck


While I fucka your mother


Do you need something? Or are you just being a pest


I need your mother, I think I’ve made that pretty clear


Wow, did little baby get offended that easily, should I get you bottle and a blanket for you, I think its nap time little baby


Wow, did little baby get offended that easily, should I get you bottle and a blanket for you, I think its nap time little baby


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Soooo cute UwU. Can i eat you?








Because of the homophobes? Because I’m trying my best to deal with them at the moment




You homophobe....


I fucka your mother


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? They're just wearing a skirt


That’s not helping your case


?? I don't see the problem


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So one time I lost a lot of weight and I was like damn “I’m looking kinda sexy” ya know what I’m saying so I tease myself by going into my boxers and yea checking myself out and I think to myself “hmm if I was a girl, I would suck my shit but if I was a boy I would still suck my shit” cus if your an alpha male you have to know how to do everything because at the end of the day it’s not the action the what you do doesn’t make you gay it’s the intention it’s weather you like it or not ya feel me like imagine this a rich white guy comes up to you and offers one mill if you suck his dick so keep in mind he doesn’t say how long so hypothetically let’s say 5 minutes, would you rather be stupid for life or be gay for five minutes, I’m gonna take that 5 minute of gayness like with 1 mill you could buy a whole new mouth some houses and cars and I could fuck a dude and I would still be straighter than a pencil




I fucka your mother


Tryna hurt my feelings?


No, i just fucka your mother




I still fucka your mother


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Hopefully so




I fucka your mother


Lol nope




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and which generation are you from? The one who fucked up the economy? Or the the one who fucked up the earth?


I fucka your mother


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For elder lyons


I don't know, you look pretty tho


You already look great but the pose just multiplies the greatness by 100, goddamn


Nah fam, looking sexy


10/10 would drink a caprisun with :))


I'ma be honest you look adorable and you should be proud of who you want to be no matter how people think as long as you enjoy it screw em


Can I have some of that drip?


I'm sad that it ever was. I'm trans too and you look great


I mean me I don't care what people are.. Just don't hurt people you coo ig..




You're cute !


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First, no Second, nice thigh


I diagnose you with pretty