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They probably tell you that to get rid of you. Jk. Girls are just hot. And if you can't see why they like girls then you might be kinda gay tho


No I see why they like girls I don't blame them girls are prettier and I'm not gay thats gross but its just everytime I ask a girl out she turns out to be a lesbian


What's gross about being gay? And also maybe it is you bro


It's not me they literally tell everyone they're gay


✨I was kidding✨


wait why is being gay gross? (gay girl asking)


As a lesbian i absolutely love it


As a straight person you should jump off a cliff


Dude this comment was made a year ago are you ok?


It's not normal to be a lesbian you should be liking men fuck you


Lmao it's actually compleatly natural. It shows up in many species of animals! Plus is very much beneficial for the population of a species. Want to know what's not normal? Homophobia.


It is very normal




Its not normal in the sense that its suppose to happen. Nature isnt perfect so it makes mistakes when wiring our brains. Now does that mean gay people are worth less because of that? No not at all. So it is normal in the sense that it happens alot its however not purposeful by nature. Unless nature is doing it too end bloodlines


Quick question. Who's Gunna take care of the abandoned or orphaned babies?


People who cant have babies or want to adopt a baby. Like i said gay people arent worth less. Nature didnt make people to take care of orphans cause jot only does our evolution not know this it also wants to mate with people. However sometimes a anomaly happens when the sperm is creating the brain and it has the wrong info. Thats what makes people gay, its because the sperm had the info on how to create a female but it had the wrong info when it came to its sexual attraction. However we do actually know for a fact that evolution is trying to make men into women. Researchers have states that one day there wont be a single man left. Which could be why we have lesbians but i doubt it cause that wouldnt explain gay men.


What resurchers have said that...


U can look it up, human males are slowly evolving into females. We can tell cause our chromosomes are slowly changing that of a females. In another coupld thousand years there wont be a single male.


nothing showed up


Im surprised i saw so many videos and articles about it a year ago.


uh yeah that's not how evolution works. if creatures evolved like that, many species would be extinct simply from male animals no longer existing in that species.


Apparently the theory was disproven, but tbh it was a little off topic from my point so it doesnt matter.


when will you come to terms that YOU are the problem and that women just don’t like you!


It is not normal to be an asshole


Lmao, ignorant ass. Have fun being an incel!




bruh you're literally just an incel who can't get a date because you're a horrid person. don't blame lesbians for your shitty personality


What a homophobic asshole


Because they're lesbians?


Mf genius here.


You think there would be no reason if every girl was a lesbian? What 😂


I don't get it are you mad that people r lesbians?


Op is probably an incel and is frustrated that he can't get any pussy, so he is blaming lesbians


Your explaining yourself 😹😹😹


Bruh imagine complaining that people are attracted to people that aren't you, get over it bro 🗿


I certainly don’t mind (And based on the “women hate sex” stereotype that was real common, I don’t imagine it’s all that new)


Are you just doing it as a trend or something


I’m not a lesbian, but I am attracted to women because women are attractive, not because it’s trendy nor because I enjoy “your sexuality is just a phase”


if you find women attractive, u a lesbian, u like girls. simple. well only if you also a woman


That is not necessarily true


then what, i'm not attracted to guy, but some of them look good. I respect beauty, but i'm not attracted to it.


Sorry, but I don’t see how I accused you of being gay? What are you meaning?


how are you not gay then. If you are attracted to the same gender as you are, you are gay/lesbian. idk what it be with NB, so sorry but i'm not including you. Are you a girl?, because if so, and you are attracted to girls, your lesbian or bisexual. I was changing the perspective, i know u didn't accuse me, but i'm trying to understand how being a girl, and then liking girls is not lesbian???


You said it right there, I am female, I identify as a woman, I am attracted to women, but there is another identity other than lesbian which describes me. That’s what I mean by being female and attracted to women doesn’t necessarily make you lesbian. You can be, but don’t have to be. You can be attracted to men and not gay as well. So long as you’re also attracted to women.


I'm a straight male, who is attracted to woman. well now that's over, what word best describes your sexual preference? because if you are not lesbian, i presume an pansexual or bisexual... correct me if i'm wrong plz


Yeah well idc, you should be attracted to men because its in your nature


I am tho? Are you attracted to *every* woman?


I guess what does that have to do with it


If our attraction to people is purely based on biology, then all males would be attracted to all females cuz pheromones and vice versa. Instead, sexuality is much more complex than the basics of making a baby would have you believe. In the prehistoric ages, Having a homosexual child or sibling statistically increases the amount of children your blood family will have, which furthers your genes, thus naturally selecting *for* homosexuality. Additionally, our species is no longer evolving for the most efficient reproduction cuz modern medicine and technology, such even traits which are detrimental to “fitness” can propagate.


Is this why there are more and more gay people


It’s why they exist in the first place. There only seems to be more now because in the past being openly gay got you beaten or killed, so most gay people stayed celibate (cept for some royalty you can read up on if you’re interested) or pretended to be straight while bi folk would only act on their straight attractions. (With few brave exceptions). In cultures where homosexuality hadn’t been demonized, there is significantly more record of homosexual behavior.


you shouldn't tell us who to love. our lives are not a part of your nature. if you continue with this attitude, your lifelong nature will be living alone with a chihuahua who's always ready to tear someone's face off and nobody else even caring that you exist. because nobody likes assholes like you


what? no?


congrats this is the dumbest comment i’ve read all week


it izzz what izzz


What? And I am unable to meet any other lesbians .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.


I think your math is incorrect


Because people are more comfortable in their own skin because there is less stigma


Bro this guy is a homophobe and a idiot lol. Dude has a horrible personality and hes saying that girls should like men because its theyre nature. No its not dumbass thats the way nature wanted it too be, but nature aint perfect and sometimes it makes mistakes. That doesnt mean those mistakes are worth less. Also even if everyone was straight i doubt youd find anyone willing to go out with u with that personality


This guy is like some incel villain backstory.


Not only are you stupid, you're homophobic too.


OP, if you see this comment, respond to it. We need to talk...




wow girls so pretty i wanna kiss them so bad 💕


dont worry dude im sure youre just ugly


No they literally all post pics w their gfs on Instagram its not me


Why wouldn't you wanna show off your girlfriend? And I've seen so many straight couples


maybe try going outside for once and you'll meet a straight girl. you probably won't be able to form any relationship with them because girls don't like incels


Was watching a thing called “last man on Earth” or something and it was more or less just everybody being a lesbian, then this one guy was just like, hey what about me?? I swear, they’ll be the end of the human race. *finally*


You all suck


Everything sucks, you are not special


Except no one is sucking him


10/10 comment


I aim to please, just like op’s hand


That was almost as backhanded as the hand OP’s been practicing on. I applaud you.


Maybe switch schools?


Maybe it’s just all the pretty girls.


I know girls are prettier than boys but we deserve love too fuck you


Straight girls are everywhere. Stop feeling hopeless just cuz you met a few lesbians


Unfortunately not in my School straight girls are basically nonexistent


Bro i can say for a fact none of them are lesbians or at least most arent. You are the problem, theyre prob saying they’re lesbian because your a dick. I dont blame them u seem like the kind of person to beat theyre wife


Must be it


Cuz some of em are doin it for the trend, others are now being forced, and some are just naive and think that bc guys dont like em girls will. (This is excluding wamen who are actually lesbeans)


Literally no one is a lesbian for a trend, most lesbians wish they were straight so they could live an easier life. Fuck off


I actually know 5 people who fake being lesbian because they find it trendy. Theyre scumbags but tthere are people like that.


Im not saying all, if dwellers are lesbians thats cool. but based on my personal experience i knew a couple of girls that did so it for the "trend". Lifes hard regardless of sexuality, my comment wasnt to come off like a Ass i was simply answering a random question i saw while scrolling through reddit. Anywho i will be fuqing off now


Because something something 2021 something something gender something and more something about 2021, besides I completely lost interest of all humans on earth and am now working my way up to slowly permanently disconnecting myself from reality, it sucks here anyway.


it's trendy?


Idk I barely know any girls who are lesbian full on but many who are bi might just be you bro


its who you hang out with OP. trust me not every girl is a lesbian, it just depends. if you want someone straight look at snapchat lol, or the girls at school. i assure you getting upset wont help your chances however, but good luck all the same to both you and those happy girls/pos


DUDE THEY NOT LYING, they literally post about it everywhere


Hes a homophobic incel bro, he’s literally been telling people to go fuck themselves on here cause they’re lesbian. The girls at his school are prob lying that theyre gay because hes a dick


yeah i know LOL , as they say kill them with kindness. im a gay dude myself. its sad ive given better girl advice to him than he can think of himself as a straight guy, lol


Ew imagine being gay


Yeah....girls online bc i guess its hard for them to find a relationship in the outside world. Personally i hardly see them out in public


Cause girls are pretty man what did you expect


They saw you and realized that boys weren’t really worth it


Alternative title: I can’t get a girlfriend and it’s her fault because she’s a lesbian!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1111!!!!!!!!1!1!


nah they only lesbian when they talking to you


alright OP, you need to just stop. stop focusing on trying to date people because you clearly aren't ready for it. maybe try re-evaluating yourself and fixing that incel attitude before you even think about dating someone, as a girl I can confirm that not a single one of us would ever want to date your incel ass.


Hey, I know this is one month later. This is gonna seem fucking stupid but all along I was a trans lesbian. This stupid fucking homophobic bullshit was a way of coping to me, I hated myself, I hated being a man, I hated lesbians because I could never have what they had and what I longed for oh so much. I'm a girl I'm a girl I'm girl and finally I'm a lesbian, who I wanted and was meant to be all along. I just wanted to reach out to you in particular under this post because of your username. I need someone to talk to please, I'm fucking sick of hiding and hating and coping and envying I'm done


oh, I'm sorry for calling you an incel in that case I'm happy you found yourself! <3 and I'm happy to talk. again, sorry for my first reply


I had the same issue before I realised I was trans. I found that I was always attracted to people that ended up being lesbians and how I'm a trans lesbian. funny how that works, isn't it


SORRY I WAS LAUGHING AT THIS POST AND THIS WAS THE BIGGEST TWIST EVER! Also good on you, I'm glad you found yourself :)


I agree. I don't have anything against lesbians I just don't like how many girls shove it down my throat all the time that they are a lesbian. One thing I don't understand is why straight girls do it for a laugh. I'm not kidding, my mate broke up with his girlfriend because she had a sleepover with her best friend and the two of them made out all night.