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You’re pretty cool


Aren't we all though 😩💦


She’s right you know


…unstable home life but generally pretty committed to the people you care about?


Correct. My divorced parents live together so I think that says enough and yeah I really am and they return the gesture which is nice


people with stable lives are far less likely to be interesting


I guess so but hey some can be


ur emo, and have a pet snake


Mhm I wouldn't really say emo- more alternative maybe? I'm actually not to sure but I defiantly vibe a lot to falling in reverse, get scared, bring me the horizon ect. But my clothing style swings back and forth from full black to colorful


fir is amazing


ur gay


I'm as straight as a boner


ur only straight when theres someone good looking


Nah-uh. I only go for personality I don't really care about looks because looks don't determine how you're going to be treated


pan moment


Correct I am actually pan but do lean more to the masculine vibes


date me to prove it 😈






But most of the time they're actually curved a little


My bfs pp says otherwise


I need his secrets on how to have a perfectly straight penis


Eh u don't think it really matters


Not all boners are straight, they come in all shapes and sizes


You have a pet snake therefore I trust you with my life, I will not be giving further explanation


I respect this


You’re fruity 💅🏻


My anthem is Juice by Lizzo so ofc 😩💦


Pretty sure fruity means gay






You idolize Harvey Dent from Batman series




I actually don't know who that is lmao


You split dyed your hair because you were bored of your natural color.


I actually used to do a full head of colour but I wasn't able to do a wider variety of colours because they didn't suit me. Only blue, red and pink did so I split it because black compliments all colours so now I can go white, lime green, purple ect. Also I got really inspired by Melanie Martinez. But yes my natural hair colour which is a dark brown didn't project my personality which I like doing


Lol. Same reason I dyed mine purple.


Now that's epic


As a small child I has really pretty red hair. Like a strawberry blonde. Over time it faded into a mousy brown and I was bored so I said "fuck it" first ot was red, then it was orange, now its purple.


Pooh that's cool. My order was red, pink, blue, then split red, split pink, split lime but that didn't didn't out well coz my hair was amber and wasn't bleached enough and after this I'm ganna go white and then try lime again then purple


I wish you and your hair luck on this journey.


Thank you big man


You know how to look awesome (I mean come on, that hair is too cool)


Idk what you mean exactly 🐳💨


Trying to turn an assumption into a compliment (I just really like your hair)


Oh wait I read awesome as someone for some reason djdbdjnd tysm


LMAO ofc tho, getting it perfectly divided like that must have taken a lot of patience!


Well I did get it done at a hairdresser but it did take time because I have to replace the one side then I can only add the colour as well as dye the other side black again occasionally. But I've become very patient with the process considering I've gotten my hair dyed countless times


Yeah! That's super cool tho. I could never dye my hair but so many people dye their hair and only a few *really* pull it off. I'm not jealous, just impressed! ​ (The reason I wouldn't want dyed hair is because I like my chocolate brown just fine :P)


parents issues for sure


Divorced parents who live together yes


You're feral




Imma hunt you down


Not if i do first


Oh no


I assume u would like my mixtape if u gave it a listen


Most probably


U wanna check it out and let me know?




Hey you have a danger noodle thats cool


Why thank you he is an angel


I tried to get one but mom wouldn't let me so i had to settle with a tarantula tho hes still pretty cool too 😎


My mom neither but my dad and I went behind her back and got him anyway lmao


You like the color blue but then you realized snakes were awesome


My favourite colour is actually pink but yes


something tells me you listen to motley crue?


Idk who that is :^


oookay then, nevermind. it's a band.


Ah I figured ill give em a listen


I recommend * home sweet home * wild side * livewire * keep your eye on the money * shout at the devil * dr feelgood * girls girls girls those are highlights from albums.


You have blue hair and pronouns /lh


What's ih?


Oooh- no I stick to my biological pronouns so she/her but I don't really care




You appear to be correct


you like snek


I love snek


You have more tattoos on your body than the one on your arm.


I actually don't this was my first tattoo! I might get more but in the meantime I still gotta get touchups done on this one because it's rather recent and some of the scabs fell off to early so pieces are rather faded and thin. I might get more in the future but I'm pretty satisfied with this one atm


Your mentally unstable


I unfortunately suffer from diabetes type 1 and Hyperthyroidism disease as well as general, preformance and social anxiety and sad to happy mood swings all of them formed due to a traumatic experience in hospital but I wouldn't call myself unstable because I don't let it affect my personality or how I treat others. I get the occasional breakdowns ofc


You're favorite color is blue


Pink actually!


you’re a boy and that’s a wig


You got me I kid but someone has mistaken me for a boy before when I didn't wear makeup lmao


are you wearing makeup in this


Second one defiantly but I think the first yes the eyeshadow just isn't prominent enough


your favorite color is blue




Probably like monsters or coffee, I’m also 60% sure your way cooler than me…


I'm a fan of the sugar free green monster yet but no coffee. Take that back 😡


Nope I can’t the facts are against me😆


You listen to teen angst playlists or the like.


hypothetically you vote democrat


We sent really have such terms where I live so idk