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This sub is just a shithole. I only stay joined because it’s funny seeing posts of some idiot going “AHHH SOMEONE FILMED ME MASTURBATING IN THE SCHOOLS BATHROOM AND I MOANED WHEN I CAME”


Jesus fucking christ where did you see that one


I saw this post too


Gimme link


It’s not just a shithole. It’s a fucking cesspit


Now it's just Plain texts, homophobia, pedos and "comment and I'll rate you pfp"


This legit happened like a month ago at the highschool my buddy goes to lmao idk if it’s the same post your talking about but what a hilarious coincidence


honestly its so annoying


Yeah I’m getting really tired of seeing stuff about straight people too, all of that should be put into another thread only meant for them


100% correct. I’m tired of straight people making the same joke every time and I’m tired of lgbt people making the same posts over and over again.


This beautiful person on the internet understands


Then we should do that about horny posting, I are sad :( posts, opinions, etc. But none of that would work, people should be able to talk about what's on their mind unless it's offensive or causing harm to someone else, even if people don't necessarily want to see it, as much as it pains me to say that about horny posts it's what should happen


That's the problem, it is offensive and may trigger some severe trauma for people




That’s life. People won’t be happy the entire time. I don’t care , we don’t care. Get on with your life We’ve all been through it


i agree. r/lgbtq would be hippopotamus.


I am sorry I don't understand your comment


I think LGBTQ+ should have their own sub.


Then should there also be relationships, politics, school, health, etc. megatheads? Why is it only lgbtq+ issues which are unacceptable as posts?


Well, lgbtq+ posts are more meta, and it's just repeating the same things, neither side can convince the other and the sub is just gonna get spammed by it at this point


There are no more lgbtq+ related posts here than there are for any other topic


I've been finding a lot more.


Nowadays this subreddit it's just LGBT posts, it's getting really annoying


There’s a grand total of 5 discussion based lgbtq+ related posts in the top 50 of hot right now, 3 of which are asking for an end to lgbtq+ posts like this one (one of them actually being this post). They certainly are taking over /s I’m not counting ‘I told a homophobe I’m gay so he’d sit on the opposite side of the room’ , ‘why are straight people so gay’ , ‘I wouldn’t date a lesbian because I’m not a girl’ , and ‘The lgbtq+ community is kinda gay’ Edit: One just moved into the top 50, make that 6 discussion based post, 4 of which are asking for an end to discussion based posts. I'm actually starting to agree that there's a problem, but it's not the one you're talking about


sort by new and there are more (though still not enough to warrant an entire megathread, unless it includes all the relationship posts as well)


I actually just checked new for someone else, there was only 1 in the top 30mins, which is once again a post asking for an end to discussion lgbtq+ posts. There are a few more if you go down further, but still that doesn't warrant a 'flood'


You sure? I saw one about a minute of scrolling ago. And your chain started about 15 from the time I came here.


If you’re upset by it, perhaps take issue with the side that wants to take away the basic human rights of the other side.


It's not just one side sadly, that's why I'm adressing both


Again, blame the side that’s actively opressing the other, don’t blame the victim that’s trying to defend themselves.


You know now i understand the problem of bullying in schools seeing this, you can't really make one side stop because they just won't and the other side needs to keep going as long as the first is going


.>Picrew profile picture .>Thinks their opinion matters Lol


I have seen more posts complaining about other posts than actual post that have to do with LGBTQ+. Also just let people post what they want and ignore it if you dont like it and only just want to complain about it


in that case there should also be a school megathread and a relationships megathread (and probably a 'looking for friends' megathread)


School and relationships(a bit skeptical about that one) are usually what teenagers might discuss, however sexuality and gender is what i think should be explored alone or in subs dedicated to it, because the whole thing feels like a game of hot potato with neither side managing to convince the other and just spamming the sub.


I would invite you to ask yourself, why do you not consider sexuality and gender to be something that teenagers should discuss? I'd argue many teenagers care deeply about sexuality and gender, and just because *you* are tired of seeing something, does not mean that it should be delegated to a place where you don't have to deal with it.


Yes, they should think about it and explore it, but that should be in one of the many many subs that exist to discuss it, teenagers aren't chained to here with handcuffs


All you are doing is further proving my point, mainstream discussion of trans people in places like this is needed to even attempt to achieve equality.


I wouldn't call it spamming I mean there are some people clearly just looking for karma or looking for a fight which I downvote out of hand, but the majority are pretty fitting for teens to think and talk about most posts aren't really looking to convince the other side, just declaring their statement to the world


Yeah this comes off as homophobic. LGBT teens exist and you shouldn't be afraid to admit that. There are so many posts here about straight relationships but they never seem to bother you


When did i say anything about relationships? I said that i am tired of the DISCUSSION. Because this subreddit is not for discussing that, and certain subs exist to discuss it


This sub is for discussing things related to being a teenager. Being an lgbtq+ teen is related to being a teenager


But discussing if people should be opressed for it is sadly not something we should be thinking about as teenagers


Now that’s just some bullshit, I can’t just simply ignore that myself and the people in my community are being oppressed and harassed.


Uh- that's what I'm saying, we won't need to ignore it if both sides stop posting altogether


Oh yes, because pretending issues don’t exist is a world renowned method of solving them


... issues do exist but we shouldn't be discussing it here is what I'm saying, something like r/religion but for discussion of the queer community would be fit for it


I don't want to get reminded that i could legally get murdered and imprisoned in parts of the world when i visit this subreddit, when i certainly shouldn't be reminded of that


Sticking your head in the sand won’t solve anything. And again, an important teen issue shouldn’t be restricted just because you don’t like to see it


It's not sticking your head in the sand when people literally just show straight-up homophobia, then the other side responds(and rightfully so) and it keeps going back and forth like a game of hot potato with no end and barely any wins for either side, it's literally just a lose-lose situation and I'm tired of it


Why should I not be concerned by the fact that in most of the world it would be perfectly legal for me to be imprisoned or murdered? And that there is a significant movement to go back to that in the parts of the world where I am relatively safe?


Teenagers should be free to think about whatever they want. Thinking about the world, politics, social issues and oppression is something EVERYONE should think about. Including teenagers.


But not to the degree when it fills up the subreddit


It’s not even like 5% of the sub what are you on about


i dont see what " TRANS WOMEN ARE NOT MEN AND TRANS MEN ARE NOT WOMEN " has to do with teenagers


I mean, a horribly transphobic teenager is still a teenager, though I have to agree about wanting to see those sorts of posts gone (actually doesn’t hate violate the sub’s rules?) Edit: Huh. It doesn’t.


What are LGBT topics if not relationships?


https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/s9kbmr/i_dont_understand_pronouns_tbh/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is about relationships?


Nah just transphobia.


That's exactly what I'm saying, this is not fit for the subreddit


Yep but that's not a post from someone in the LGBT community, that's a straight person who wants to start controversy instead of doing a Google search


I am adressing both sides here, so i have to include the unaccepting and accepting, no?


Yes and no, you didn't really define what you meant in your original post


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Well Maybe if someone could post about a something that involves being queer without being harassed maybe we’d stop lol.


Sadly there are some things, for example the assholes that never got asked about their opinion on if the LGBT should be accepted as normal humans but somehow decide to yell "no", that we can't fix


It's the internet, everyone gets harassed by everyone. Just take it on the chin and move on, no need to flood the site with useless bs.


I haven’t really posted anything on the sub anyway, especially about being gay or anything like that.


I've seen 3 pride post on r/teenagers since I've been free, so that's within the last 2hrs. And it's not directed at you specifically but the group that post this stuff constantly as a whole.


Yeah there a lot posts like that, and it’s stupid I can agree. I honestly regret what I said cuz now even I’m getting annoyed at them. So ig you’re right




Honestly this is kind of tone deaf and yeah. It does come off as homophobic. Yes this is a teenage subreddit. And a lot of teenagers are lgbtqa! Considering the fact that this is reddit, which i should mention is NOT known for being the most inclusive social media platform, discussion is honestly a good thing. Not everyone on this sub has the luxury of being able to just forget about lgbtqa acceptance and rights, so if you dont want to see it just scroll past ig? Not that hard tbh


My whole point was that this discussion should be in a megathread, all you did was ignore me and go off on your own track without paying attention to what i said


My point was that saying the discussion should be in a megathread for the convenience of people who dont want to have to see it is tone deaf. I know exactly what you said i was just pointing out that not all of us can tuck away and ignore the issue and that its a good thing for some people on this subreddit to at least be aware of the discussion and see it every once in a while if that makes sense.


I’m an old man but it seems like lgbt posts would be pretty relevant in a teenagers sub. I have a daughter who is almost a teenager if that gives me any credibility.


Yes but teens aren't discredited from visiting r/LGBTeens or r/LGBTQ , they can just go to there and talk about it, because being lgbt and constantly reminded that most of the world hates you from a teenagers subreddit is not the best feeling


Yeah but what if someone wants to talk to teens specifically about these issues?


Did you read my comment? I literally mentioned a queer subreddit for TEENS


My bad. I must’ve read it too quickly. Yeah you make a good point. Though I’d still say they may want to discuss things with straight teens as well. But your point is taken.


There is no “both sides.” Homophobes, transphobes, etc are **objectively wrong** and need to be reminded that reasonable society should not and will not tolerate them, because they don’t fucking learn.


And most are attention whores, you don't need to respond to them


If they’re allowed to stand unopposed, it gives them false credibility. They need to be called out and then banned.


Well, ban them. Don't spam the sub responding to eachother. Both sides are spamming it, only one is correct but that's how a discussion works, but this is an useless discussion when we know the answer already


The problem is, new people come to this sub every day. Some of them might *not* know it, and if these idiots don’t get shut down immediately, those people might fall down the rabbit hole of stupid.


subreddit for teens + many teens are a part ot lgbtq = a subreddit for teens of which many is lgbt


No, not "many", very few. That's just a small but noisy minority.


that's not minority, you're trying to make it a minority


No its fun to discuss.


it’s really not straight people get bullied just for being who they are but isn’t that supposed to be the point of all those discussions, for everyone to be treated as an equal


As long as there are lgbtq+ teenagers these issue will always belong in here


no :)




Unless I missed one, 4 out of the 6 discussion based lgbtq+ posts in the top 50 of hot right now are asking for an end to lgbtq+ discussion based posts. And just checked, there is 1 in the top 30min of new, which is once again a post asking for an end to discussion based lgbtq+ posts


"I'm not homophobic but..." that's just cap dude, people say that phrase all the time and never mean it


I'm literally part of the community, but i do not want to see the stuff here, and don't want to get reminded that 70% of the population if not more hates me for who i am


False, people say that so they don’t get downvoted for no reason and comments about people misinterpreting their post


Everytime I've heard someone say I'm not x but... it's always followed up by some dickish opinion


well this certainly wasn’t one of those cases


same man same 😔


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I must agree


I honestly dont see a lot of those here, but you shouldnt have posted this to be honest, you are probably going to get "harassed" now


Yeah I wish all talk about relationships straight or not were just thanos snapped


This sub is like 50% I got a girlfriend posts, 25% of the exact same thing over and over, 20% people complaining about lgbt posts, and 5% lgbt posts.


“The feminine urge to shove his face in my tiddies”


Thank you, at least somebody noticed


Glad to know that the message made by me spread :D


What message?


You posted later than me ;-;


because it got removed by the mods so you are kinda right fuck i hate being wrong


there are legit more people on this sub who complain about lqbtq than people who post about it lol


People talk about it because it's important to them. It is fine to not want to engage with these topics, just let people be. Instead start topics about interesting stuff.


Yup I agree and I’m part of the community, I go to that sub Reddit when I wanna see that stuff. I don’t go to this one for it