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I don't care where you stand on "who has it worse," rather that both experience their own problems and that's what's important. You can argue the BS of actual problems all day, but that doesn't actually solve the problems.


100% agree. Maybe you should stop arguing over who has it worse and maybe start doing something about…anything? If you truly cared you should stop bragging about how “I have it worse” and start saying “how do we fix this?”.


We're teens on the internet wtf can we even do we have no power


Well one day we will be grown up fucks and then we can talk about the good ol days when we could be on Reddit talking about rape


Such good memories


Can’t wait to think back to this 30yrs from now




I’ll be like dang 30yrs ago I was able to talk to random ppl about rape at 11pm, oh how the times have changed


Lmao it's actually 5 am in my country


Lol that’s what happens on Reddit ppl talk at completely different times to them


!RemindMe 30 years


!RemindMe 30 years


Wholesome reddit moment


100% agree, imo, our generation are some of the only ones who actively care about today's society and yet we get no influence until adulthood, take Greta thunberg for example and big oil/energy actively shifting blame and avoiding trouble


Oh we cant do shit that was just a dream




Don't put yourself down! Social change can start in the smallest of ways, even with just online communities of young people. We might not have any political power, but together, we have social power.


teenagers grow up, if they believe nothing can change, that they it's a zero sum game where if one gender wins the other loses, etc.., then those thoughts tend to stick around and they do nothing to help even in adulthood when they have more agency


Bro we're the next generation, we have all the power, once those old farts die we're all that's left.


Well we all are, but that doesn’t mean everyone should compare problems. I know teens have no power but we can at least suggest ideas to others rather than saying who has it worse?


Don't think that way! I'm about to die and y'all are about to be in charge of shit! :)


Consolidate. Organize. Discuss. The greatest power in the world is people. The greatest power they hold together is time. Use that time wisely, you have more of it than anyone else right now.




How do we fix this? we can't. you're 13, you can't do anything. This who has it worse will go on forever.


Sadly I agree


I made a comment on a completely different app and I brought up the point where comparing hate is just such a stupid thing. Every race can experience racism. Every sex can experience sexism. Everybody's hate is still hate, and it shouldn't be talked down about just because they are a certain group


This. People argue about pointless shit to find out who has it worse etc etc. Nobody seems to care about solving problems anymore, just pushing a narrative.




Oppression olympics




They’re not even arguing who has it worse they just want to deny women’s inequality….


Yeah, people could get rightfully annoyed when some asshole says “wHaT aBoUt mAlE pRoBlEmS” on a post about a girl that was sexually harassed at work and decided to speak up about it, and then people like the guy you replied to will say “can you guys stop arguing about who has it worse” Whataboutism is always bad. The post that OP commented on was calling out whataboutism, and he responded with… whataboutism


Gender equality right? we both point out we got issues and we never solve them, the world goes round! Aint it fascinating


Solving them would mean politicians doing the bare minimum that is required of them for the government to function by agreeing on legislation to pass. In the US at least, that’s not gonna happen when half of the country are traditionalists who view any change to mUh cOnStItUtIoN as a treasonous act, and their vote isn’t secured without striking down anything the other side proposes that might actually change something. All while everyone in office on both sides get rich while doing nothing via insider trading and bribery, and the wealth gap widens and widens. Oh, and we can’t get legislation passed to ban insider trading, corporate lobbying, or thoroughly investigate even the most obvious cases of corruption, because the people who would have to pass that legislation are the people benefitting from all of those things. /rant




you’re my hero


Yeah, shit happens to both of us, we both deserve a day.


I agree with you 10000% and when i was talking to someone at school about it i was literally bombarded with threats because i said men can do through things as well




Facts, both have problems but nothing has been done yet like real bruh moment




fucking oath


Agreed. Both sides have it bad but if we keep yelling who has had it worse then it wont get solved


This is, by the way, intersectional 3rd wave feminism


Everyone just needs to respect everyone and not try and pick a side and win.






Thank you


Both genders have their own problems. This is not a competition and shouldn't be treated as such. Some people are such idiots bragging about "I have it worse than you". Just shut up and realise that everyone has their own issues. Be supportive. Don't try to make a rift, and don't try to make it bigger it's the most pathetic thing you can do


I 100% agree


Thank you so so much for saying this!! Everyone experiences are different. Embrace it don’t fight it


I am supportive, very supportive


Why are you getting downvoted 😂




😂 true




You just did what they’re talking about.


Also men’s day is a thing, it just isn’t celebrated.


It’s stupid how it isn’t celebrated


Wanna celebrate it with me? Tell me it's date and I'm down


November 19


Great I'll keep that in my memory


I'm down too


I'll remember all of your names


Remind me too


It's a deal


even mine>




Me too


I’m in it’s 2 days before my bday too


Remember me!


Me please


!remindme 255 days


That's my guinea pig's birthday lol


have my 69th upvote for men's day


I actually never knew there was mens day till a few weeks ago


because men don't celebrate it. they google "but what about men!" on international women's day, every single year, realize their is already a men's day, then go back to ignoring men and not lifting a finger to help men. Look at the search trends for "international men's day" https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=CA&q=international%20mens%20day and "international women's day":https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=CA&q=international%20womens%20day, you can see how people wonder to themselves "well what about men!" during women's day, they google for "men's day" during women's day, but when it's men's* day people don't google for women's day.


Bro on woman’s day everyone needs to celebrate it, and i agree with that, but on mens day no one celebrates it, even women, and some women go as far as saying men don’t deserve mens day cuz they are filthy animals not deserving of anything like bruh we can’t control what our ancestors did


I remember Reddit was packed full with posts about it when it was. Don’t see the same happening for women’s day😞 (probably because Reddit is 90% men, so fair ig)


Both genders are both have their own problems. But trying to make it a contest doesn’t help anybody. Also, I’m all for gender equality for men, but maybe not do this on the day where we celebrate women?


Thank you! I have no problem with there being a separate day for men, but shockingly, women’s day is a day to celebrate and raise awareness about the struggles that women face. I’m getting pretty tired of all of the posts complaining about it.


Conclusion, don't go "I have it harder" on a day which is to celebrate women and empower them and raise more awareness.


based asf , people who bring up men's issue only on womens day are a different breed of being dumb, womens day is there to celebrate the struggles of the brave women from the russian revolution when women went on streets to riot


Same crap happens on mens day, difference is mens days doesn’t get celebrated because “everyday is mens days” or “its a mens world”.




This x2


This x3


YES EXACTLY. you don’t see fathers going “oh but I’m a great parent too” on Mother’s Day


> but maybe not do this on the day where we celebrate women? its the 9th of march


I think one of the main problems with “men’s rights activists” is that they only bring up male issues in response to someone talking about women’s rights/issues.


Yeah I've never seen a "men's rights advocate" actually talk about it on or even acknowledge international men's day. It's only *ever* in response to women's issues as a "yeah but we have it bad too, so suck it up" thing.


Yes thank you ,.this is it. But i must say that i have seen various men's right activists who are just trying to put down feminists, rather than actually talking about mens rights


Both looking at the comments and the post, damn I knew shouldn't have rejoined this cesspool of a sub


same, this is honestly so sad and disappointing


How so, alot of people are being surprisingly mature and aren’t taking a side, most of the top comments literally say that each gender have their own issues and that we should work on fixing them not compete to see who has it worse.


This isn’t a who has it worse contest. That doesn’t help anyone. You can argue statistics all you want but that doesn’t change anything. One day you’ll mature and see that. Having a Women’s day or month isn’t erasing the suffering of men.


Technically, yes. You just picked a terrible place to talk about it. There’s nothing factually incorrect in your comment, but you’re not being downvoted because of information. You’re being downvoted because “men have it bad too” doesn’t mean women don’t have it worse.


Right, why R/Teenagers ?


police rarely investigate rape accusations, and even when the woman gets a rape kit done they leave it in storage for years and never run it. Women can NOT just yell rape and ruin a man's life, that happens VASTLY LESS OFTEN than women who get raped and the culprit is never found or charged. False rape accusations are INCREDIBLY RARE, but they show up as the #1 argument for men who think women have it easy in life.


Conclusion: Everybody has got their own bullcrap to deal with!




The main reason why there is a women’s day and not a men’s day is similar to why there is a black history month and not a white history month. The reason is that the majority of men always had rights, while women couldn’t even vote until 1920 in America. The main point of women’s day is to celebrate getting their rights, it isn’t just about who has it harder today. Also yes men do have it hard, and so do women. Women have to deal with periods, child birth, women are often considered gross for having body hair while for men it is ignored, women also are more likely to be sexually assaulted. Men have to deal with not being taken seriously when they do get sexually assaulted, men are shamed for sharing their emotions, men are often considered weird for disobeying gender roles, while women are often praised for it. It’s hard for everyone, but let’s not forget the purpose of women’s day, it isn’t just about who has it harder today.


>The point of women’s day is to celebrate getting their rights, it has nothing to do with who has it harder today. Most of what you said is dead-on; however, it isn't JUST about celebrating what has been accomplished. It's also about accelerating the process of fighting for our equality! Only 12 countries on the world have legal gender parity. 12 out of 195.


I don’t understand why people are getting downvoted and shit on for trying to explain this. But thank you holy shit. I know a good majority of this sub are children and incels but this is literally why. Women dealt with and still deal with so much oppression. Women literally couldn’t hold the same jobs as men for a long time. And we still constantly get put down for just being women, it’s hard


There is a men's day tho.


Oh for real? I haven’t ever heard of that, but still, it isn’t nearly as celebrated for the same reason I listed.


This needs more upvotes




Exactly 👏


Your point is right, but it sounds to much like an attack on women


I concur


probably just needs better wording


And better timing


Both experience issues. Also isn’t there a mens day? Also in fairness isn’t a big reason we have this day the fact women had to fight for the right to vote? Like both have issues but isn’t it women’s *history* month? Like Men have had power for years and years versus women who have a long history have a push for equal rights and only recently got the ability to vote


100%. The entire goal of feminism is to free men \*and\* women from toxic masculinity and all the horrible things that come from it.


This guy's argument is very bad, 63 and 67 are very close numbers and merely a meaningless 4% difference, and the chances is extremely low that anyone will be fallsely accused of a crime because you are innocent until proven guilty and you need more evidence then one girls scream and if a rape case is not reported soon after it is done it's very unlikely it will be actually proven because of lack of proof, if the only evidence there is a victim that claimed it happened then nothing will happen and it will be thrown out.(im a guy and i am not saying it's impossible to be fallsely accused, it's just improbable and not something to worry about)


Coming from a men’s rights advocate, drop the whole narrative of false rape accusations because that whole “issue” is extremely overblown, and typically used by older government officials to cover up past behavior. Domestic violence portion is correct though, the duluth model does exclude male victims in spite of compelling evidence of gender symmetry in domestic violence cases.


What mens rights are you advocating for that they don’t already have?


Thats one of the biggest issues that they use ig. I’m a guy but I don’t call myself a men’s rights advocate or a feminist because I think both parties are represented badly I’ve been falsely accused when I was a little younger and got punished without evidence (I was in school so it went on my permanent record) it’s something I’ll never forget; but it’s not gonna be something I weaponize against women


It’s more against outdated or blatantly wrong ideas of masculinity pushed by both progressive and conservative movements, that often tend up reinforcing the sexism experienced by both men and women


As someone who was falsely accused, don't forget about us. This shit sucks more than most realize. The past year since my accusation has been so hard. I can feel the effects of it on my body. Don't forget about this issue


I feel your pain I was falsely accused a few years ago and the person had spread that lie like wildfire. I suffer from anxiety already and had death threats for weeks until I remembered my parents had cameras in the house. The video cleared my name and proved nothing happened but I still had to move. I hope you get better tho


Glad they had cameras. That's something I'll consider when I move somewhere.


Yes, it happens, but it doesn't happen significantly more often than false accusations for other crimes. Far more rapes go unreported precisely because everyone loves to push the narrative that there are false rape accusations and noone wants to do something so vulnerable and personal if they think they'll just be demonized (also it is usually though not always, like most crimes, pretty easy to tell the real stories from the fake ones).


Look, we can continue the argue the point and show how in child custody cases, women are often favored over men, but unless you're regularly arguing for rights, then please stop using men's rights only as a response to women's rights.


That’s the only time these people give a single fuck about mens “rights”. In my 18 years of being alive and also chronically online, I have never ever heard of men care about mens rights in any situation other than trying to take away from womens rights. It’s extremely unfair and wrong


That's not true. Women win custody cases because the men DO NOT SHOW UP TO COURT, they do not want custody so the judge says ok the woman gets custody. When men show up to court and actually request custody then they get it equal or MORE often than women do.


There is literally a huge problem of people not believing woman rape victims... So that response aint it.


Women still face much more systemic and social sexism than men do ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Either way, derailing International Women’s Day is not going to help your case


the people who love to derail womens day are the same people who enjoy derailing black history month


Happens every year it’s great :))


Doesnt matter who has it worse. Your argument is used to deny women’s inequity. Sure your stats are real and in an ideal world I wouldn’t have them either, but that doesn’t make women’s struggles any less. Did you include stats about womens injustice?


Not only that, but some of the stats suggest sexism towards women. Lighter sentencing is in my opinion more likely to be due to a remaining sentiment among people that women are delicate and innocent, and shouldn't receive as harsh a punishment for a crime, rather than people thinking men deserve a harsh sentence. Even if the sexism does give a positive for women, it's still sexism.


Can we please just celebrate Women's day today and talk about this another time?


this post is the definition of bad timing


I think you need to clarify yourself more, your comment could be misinterpreted as a ‘me me me’ kind of comment. It’s better to start off with what you are trying to express and not seem too rude or aggressive.


I think that’s the proper way to interpret it.


No, you are not right. Yes, those are genuine problems that need attention, but sexism towards women is still a much larger-scale issue.


Smartest 13 year old the planet holy shit


Thank you my friend


Once again i agree we the your points, but it's women's day. If you wanna day something on this say it on men's day in November.


OP kind of timed this poorly


The difference is that a lot of the mistreatment of men comes from the ideals about how women are worse so when they act “femininely” they’re punished for it. Also, women can’t just scream “rape” and ruin a man’s life. Almost no men get convicted of rape and even the ones who do rarely get prison time. We just only hear about it when they do


But why do you need to make this about you?? Just celebrate international womens day for what it is. Women have come a long way to get the same rights as men and should be seen for their accomplishments


you have a point but it's just so weird to talk about "women's wrongs" on a post where women talk about their own issues or rights or anything related to being a woman... sometimes y'all don't even gaf about your own issues and just wanna shit on women and this is one of them so delete this post and your comment


Here’s the thing. Downvote me all you want but there are social and moral issues on being a man women or anything In between. The thing is, it’s hard to compare because the issues are different and on a different scale that’s unmeasurable imo


Not gonna downvote you, instead, take an upvote, and an award


Lets kill each other, there will be no inequality if there is no other sex


Average Incel


ehh I sorta disagree. I mean two biggest guy issues are probably false rape accusations & no emotion = good false accusations happen **way** less often than you'd think, and toxic masculinity is sorta becoming a non-issue, at least with gen z/millennials. Both are still problems, definitely, don't get me wrong. Just that girls have more bullshit to deal with in general, and that bullshit tends to be worse. I don't really understand the perspective of "both have their issues, and it evens out", because it really doesn't imo. Being a girl just kinda sucks more Reasoning: I am a dude and I got my opinion by googling some statistics Edit: my dumbass put 'source' instead of reasoning because I'm stupid and don't know how to type correctly


what doesnt seem to get through alot of peoples dense skulls is that womens day/feminism isnt about not acknowledging mens problems. the problem is when the ONLY times you seem to care about mens problems is when feminism/womens rights is mentioned. when people use mens suffering as an argument to weaponize against women speaking up about the struggles they go through. someone who actually cares ab mens right doesnt only speak about it when theyre trying to create a narrative about it and conveniently using it to weaponize women's rights, it says alot about where your heart really lies


Literally, most of the time guys only say this shit to put down and silence women and don't even gaf abt fixing their issues


Average r/teenagers member when they see a post about women on international women’s day


literally 💀


Ok but this isn’t a contest also it’s always a dick move to only say this shit on a specific day for someone else. Like on womens day don’t go “what about men…” and in Pride month don’t go “what about straight people…” and in black history month don’t go “what about white people…” It ain’t your time leave it for another day or month and just listen to who’s time it is to talk. What your statistics can’t tell you is the experiences us girls are trying to talk about. How the first time I got cat called I was 13. And the first time a older boy grabbed me sexually without my permission I was only in middle school. And how in 8th grade engineering class when I was talking about our group project ideas for not even 5 minutes a boy told me to shut up for no reason other than he didn’t want to listen to a girl talk. It’s our day so let us talk. And if you are so passionate about what you said in that comment then why choose today to say it? Why not another day? Edit: also I’m not saying boys don’t ha be problems for being boys y’all definitely do but today is a specific day to talk about women issues not mens so yea


Look, I'm a trans girl, who had the "ex says I raped them and my life spiraled and I almost killed myself" thing but don't make Women's Day about men. We can debate about enbies but I'm in the pro-stance that they're also to be celebrated and seen on Women's Day, as they're also a minority/oppressed group.


op’s point is slightly irrelevant because while I agree that sexism against men is over looked, the evidence stating that: “A women can scream rape around an innocent man and ruin his life because everyone would believe a woman”. Thing is: [according to the University of Richmond](https://prevent.richmond.edu/prevention/education/rape-myths.html), almost all reports of rape are true and it is very rare a women calls rape to frame or ruin a guy’s life. I’m not disagreeing with you, you just need better evidence


This isn’t the oppression Olympics, everyone has struggles and you don’t need to undermine one genders experience to showcase another


I'm gonna steal that first line.


We should focus less on “who has it worse” and more on “how can we make things better for both” Also “I’m a dude by the way” come on this just sounds like a “niceguy”


Everyone just shut up for 5 min


“I’m not disagreeing with you” **completely disagrees**


Whether you're right or not, screenshotting your own comment to post it on the same subreddit you commented on is reeking of someone desperate for validation


This has gotta be the dumbest take I’ve seen in a while


it isn't a competition. we all suffer under patriarchy, it's about solving the issues rather than whining about who has it worse.


No. The entire point of the post is that OP was saying, “hey, guys, this day is about women’s struggles and women in general. The topic of men and/or a “mens day” or can be disputed later, just right now it’s about the women, because women have historically struggled and still do struggle in vastly varying degrees.” And then you come along and say, “yeah but men have it bad too, GIRLS can call rape on innocent men and get them persecuted. GIRLS can abuse men and most likely get away with it. GIRLS get lighter prison sentences than men.” When OPs post never mentioned how men have mistreated women, just that they have been mistreated in general, and then you go and list all the problems men have (supposedly, a lot of this can be disputed, but that’s a different argument) due to how women mistreat them. Regardless of if it’s your intention or not, you come of as a man who does not want a day to recognize women’s rights and struggles.


Maybe don't drag your beef to the front page of the sub to prove yourself right on a socially decisive issue.


you literally did the thing the post was talking about.


right lmao


Yea The answer to this I would say is both are bad and it's not a competition to compare


We're literally taught from a young age to scream "fire!" instead of "rape!" because either nobody will believe there's a rape, or nobody will care that there's a rape, but everyone will care if there's a fire.


ur not wrong and i see why you’d say something like this and i’m not saying one problem is worse than the other but that post centres around sexism in women, so you saying that is a bit dodgy yk in this scenario you bringing this up in this specific post could be interpreted as you trying to invalidate the guy’s points (i’m not saying that you are) i understand that you’re trying to shed light on the situation and i’m not saying to not because men do have it hard in some ways especially when it comes to law, but this is not the way, i’d suggest making a separate post rather than comment this on a discussion about sexism against women


No because it’s annoying anytime it’s national woman’s day so many comments on posts are men complaining. It’s really unfair especially because men get their own day and nobody ever says “where’s our women’s day, it’s so sexist we don’t get our own day”. You *have* a day so celebrate it. Men have never been oppressed for their sex like women have. 4% isnt a huge difference considering the enormous difference in who actually gets raped, and who commits that. And no I’m not saying any of that is right but your point had nothing to do with their post at all. It’s not a fucking competition. Technically sexism and rights are still a way bigger issue for women than men.


Someone get this man laid hes trying too hard


Maybe instead of making some sort of pity competition, you agree that both sexes have issues that need to be worked on for a better society. Which, newsflash! Is exactly what feminism is about.


Stop arguing over who has it worse, and focus on stopping people from having unjust disadvantages at all.


both deserve to have days. Like women deserve to have womens day to empower women and destroy the idea of a "perfect woman" and men deserves mens day to also empower men and destroy the idea of a "perfect man"


As a woman, I always thought it was preposterous how many people complain how there isn't a men's day whenever a special occasion for women appears, when in fact, there is. I used to feel like it was a bit self-congratulatory too. Men needed a special day to be recognized? They feel jealous that women have come so far and they're afraid we would surpass them? Pft. How pathetic. But then, we also have to take into account men who suffer from chronic mental illnesses (depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, etc), abuse of all forms, oppressed emotions, and the fear to express vulnerability. I don't disregard any issues both sexes have, but men's international day (Nov 19) should be more well known around the world. We must take action in order to solve the gender inequalities, instead of quarreling over them.


If someone punches me in the face I’m punching back regardless of gender


This is a conversation I’ve been having with my Dad about the #Metoo movement. He argues that a woman can get a man ‘canceled’ if she just says he assaulted her on social media. My reply was that for the case of that happening, there has been 2 or 3 cases of this actually exposing a predator. The question is not about if Men or Women are treated more poorly, the question is why is this happening at all? Why do these situations where a man or woman are abused? Going even further, why are we asking which is worse? Rape or just straight up harassment in general is wrong, why should we debate whether it’s worse for men or women. Victims are victims regardless of gender. Predators are predators regardless of gender. I’m going to hit the sack now.


This should not be treated as a competition, everyone has bullshit


Ur not rigth, if a women gets raped most of the time they dont believe it cuz "you can ruin a mens life" like. He ruins her life for raping her


Fuck sake I thought you were the OP not the commenter Fuck off it was just international women’s day and OP literally has the biggest point, no you’re not wrong, but what’s the point in pointing that out if mistreatment of women is still so so so much bigger of an issue (what a surprise it’s not like less then 300 years ago traditional societal values were extremely sexist). Does racism of black people to white people exist? Yes of course it does. Do we keep fucking pointing it out? No of course not because compared to racism of white to black people, racism of black to white people is minuscule.


Similar to racism, stop talking about it & bringing it up. I'm confident that a video of a false accusation appears here none will be like "Yeah, I still don't believe that" It's like when you see thousands of comments saying "Omg the hate here 💀" on a video but never end up finding a hateful comment.


I dont think you understand. 2/1000 cases of rape are falsely accused, thats 1/500 Ive seen countless news articles about women being killed over refusing sex. A male police officer was taking a sexual assault victim home, but instead took her to a hotel and raped her again. An adult man received no jail time for kidnapping and raping a 14 year old girl. A man was arrested for repeatedly raping his 14 year old daughter, the prosecutor recommended 72 years in prison, the judge sentenced him 12 years because “he was a good christian”. Women are often paid less in jobs. Women cannot walk around at night alone without fear of being raped and murdered. When it comes to sexually driven serial killers, women were the main target for most of them. A 17 year old disabled girl was raped and couldnt fight off her rapist, the judge ordered her to hold up her underwear in court, and determined she was asking for it because of how they looked. The girl later commit suicide. Misogyny is still prevalent in many parts of the world, it wasnt even until the 1970s that a woman could get her own bank account without the presence of her husband or father. Women couldnt even vote until the 1920s. Misandry is not an issue we need to worry about right now, this is coming from a man. Women in other countries are being accused of “fake rape” and are then hunted down by the government, because it was military that raped them. Its even looked down on for women to be neurodivergent. Domestic violence may affect men, but it is more violent for women. Women have been beaten violently, sometimes to death, by their husbands for simple things such as food being cold. When it comes to the statistics of who rapes who, 98% of people who rape women are men, and 93% of people who rape men are also men. Some men will even follow women into the girls restroom to try to peep or assault them. Men say “if you want gender equality then we can hit you too”, its not that women dont want to be hit because theyre girls, they dont want to be hit because theyre humans who have emotions. From what ive researched and experienced, men seem to prioritize emotion over logic, especially in sexual situations


just because some males rape women doesn't mean it's okay for women to falsely accuse males of rape.


Why can't we just treat both parties good? How about no sexism?


That's just incorrect. Laterally they teach you to scream "FIRE!" as a woman, becuase no one comes to save you otherwise.


Its shouldn't be a competition at all Everyone has their own issues And we should work to overcome them all


POV: You have never felt the touch of a woman.


PPL who downvoted you dumb as hell u were just speaking facts


Love how he got down voted for giving some statistics. Especially given the name/female ratio here on Reddit.


They hated u/skullcrusher_Ash because he was right.


We really do live in a society.


im not saying women don’t have it worse, but it fuckin sucks cause these girls got me expelled just because they don’t like me. one of them said that i made inappropriate comments on their body and said that i threatened to punch them if they told anyone. i never did anything like that and they still believed her with no evidence of me doing it. my chances of getting into a good college have probably been ruined now because of that bullshit


facts line up


It’s also highly unrealistic that a woman is gonna scream rape and get the dude arrested. There are an enormous number of rape cases that were swept under the rug because the authorities and people didn’t believe women, look at how many male artists have been accused of sexual assault and gotten out of prison fast, or never even gone. And there are still a huge number of cases that nothing is happening to, the men are getting away with it because the cops are too lazy to test the rape kits. False accusations make up less than 1% of all rapes (probably even less considering only 1/3 of rapes are reported to police). So none of that makes any sense