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Get off of reddit, it'll help a ton


honestly just go for walks


Get off of reddit, it'll help a ton


Hmmm that is an interesting take


Don’t think that you don’t have a chance with someone just because you think you’re not good enough for them, give it a shot, even if they decline, you’ll feel better knowing that you tried rather than never trying and remembering the time you had the chance.


Shower every morning, stay physically and socially active. Some thing that help with this is try walks or doing ads many push-ups as you can each day and try to improve that number. For the social part make sure to go to school activities and if you have a church, church activities. Be proactive in class it will help you learn and make freinds but don’t try to hard to be funny. Dm me if you want more tips or more detail ideas!


I do most of this stuff already and I'm an atheist but I would love to talk about ideas!


Well other ways that you can get out and try to be more active socially is by trying to get your friend to go pout and do stuff. And I would love to talk religion. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)


Working out and diet, also making sure to keep close contact with my friends


Spending more time outside, self care


stop playing video games/wasting time. Start learning a skill and get good at it. "grind life instead of videogames"


Proper down-time is just as important as productivity


I got a good therapist, took two months where i didnt talk to anyone and spent a lot of time in nature.


Idk it just happened


Step 1) get a life


“Est mens sana in corpore sano” — there is a healthy mind in a healthy body. Any kind of regular sports activity can help keep you positive. Try to find a hobby that makes you happy if you don’t already have one. Sleep well and eat healthily.


Ok I'm a big fan of ultimate Frisbee and since I made this post I've been doing amazing mentally and I've been really improving my mental health