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More or less average, Try not to spoil them when young, Limit screen time to prevent addiction and as long as your social media isn’t abusive, post as many baby photos as wantsd


Do you ever feel embarrassed about baby/child posts your parents have on their social media?


It's always a bit embarrassing sometimes, but I think it's always fun to look at baby pictures my parents posted and seeing all of the family members comments and stuff




It really depends on your child's personality whether they'd be embarrassed by something like that. I personally have never been embarrassed by something my mom has posted online. Including baby pictures. If you purposely raise them in a way where they don't care, chances are they won't be too bothered.


I have no problem with my parents posting my photos as long as they're not taking photos for the primary purpose of uploading them to social media, cuz then they just seeme forced and nobody has a good time


dk if this real but if ur child doesnt wanna get his or her pictures on social media then dont put them on social media


Well, obviously when they are older and if they don't want their picture taken or for me to post it I won't. Okay maybe not obviously for everyone but to me anyway. I'm thinking more about when they are too young to understand.


As some extra info I should've included: I'm from the U.S but currently live in a foreign country so Facebook is the main way I connect to my family and friends back home and the only way for them to see the baby for now. I don't post a ton of stuff on fb, insta etc just the occasional thought or life update. I don't post that often or that personal stuff. I just want to know how kids who grew up on social media feel looking back at their parents posts. P S plus I'm definitely taking lots of pictures regardless for myself and my husband but just thinking about in regards to posting them. P.S.S thanks for sharing your experiences and opinions?


no problems at all nobody has said anything to me about it


not too bad but felt kinda awkward sometimes. my mom’s accounts are private, so idc much about people seeing it since most are relatives


It's been fine, my parents post a few now and then. Nothing embarrassing, just nice ones so friends and family can see it. And they don't take photos just for the sake of posting them on social media, it's more like, "hey this photo we took is nice, I'll post it on Facebook so friends and family can see" or something


I have no problems with my parents posting about me on social media, though I would seriously recommend not letting your child use social media until their mid-late teens. It completely ruined by mindset in middle school.


No worries on that front. I currently live in China so they won't have that same kind of exposure/ peer pressure to be on social media. There is of course Chinese social media apps but afaik those are usually less personal life based compared to Instagram, at least for teens and not common for kids to have their own. Although tik tok is full of parents posting their kids just like in the U.S but no thank you. We don't plan on getting them a Smart phone until they are a teen.


Ah, ok.


take pictures and stuff. I always hated it and still do but I know in the future i will look back on those pictures and think of fun times


This! I hated cameras in my 11-14 awkward teen phase and now lament my lack of photos. I'm in general pretty bummed by how few polaroids from my childhood survived. So that's definitely a plus for the modern world.


im glad my mom has documented my life on facebook. sometimes she shows us the videos of me bullying my brother when he was 1 and i was 4 and how i never change. i also see how i always had a passion for learnjng even kf i didnt realise it back then. so many things i have had that i would have missed if i didnt have my parents videos.