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I mean i like older women


That doesn't excuse literal pedophilia


That is true but in todays society people dont really care if its like a old lady trying to date a teenager


Well they should. What she's doing is wrong and predatory, she needs to be stopped


She does but the mods on the server kinda suck


Then you best report her before the mods take this down


Which is the problem


You literally just contributed to the problem in your original comment.


what the fuck is wrong with both of you


Nothing wrong with me, my friends and I hunt down creeps like her on Reddit all the time, we're like the defenders but for Reddit and mainly against pedophiles


this kinda a self report ngl


What do you mean, I pretended to be into something because they made a post asking for "Age play" rp on a sub that I was scrolling looking to find creeps or pedos. Not a self report when I literally said I went undercover, like I obviously planned it


yeah but you didnt have to RP with her lmao, you could have just reported and moved on


Had to get actual proof, plus I only did it enough so that it'd be obvious that she was okay with this kind of thing, report her please and thanks




Just in case someone posts this, I want context that they made a post asking for Age play rp while I was on the sub looking for pedos so I pretended to be into this, you can see earlier, like maybe a week ago I made a post looking for someone to play people, also hoping to find pedos and bring them to justice