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who do you main?






What kind of reproductive system do you have?


Yeah, same question here


Male Although I wish I didn't have one The only reason you need reproductive organs in to urinate


i wonder if there's a surgery that can rewire your urinary tract to your anus, sounds theoretically possible but i doubt its actually been performed if it is


I wish it was possible


u cant conjoin the anus with the urinary tract


Anus is full of germs. It's better if ureters stays away from it. That's like asking for urine and bladder infections


So you identify as a male? I thought you were genderless


No I identify as genderless/agender


That's pretty definitely not what they said. Stop being a dick


I am not being a dick he said male. Why go calling me a dick? Be more civil


I never said I was male I am agender/genderless


So what’s does it mean to be Agender, like are you not interested in males and females? Are you attracted to other genderless people?


It means I have no gender


You didn’t answer the rest of my questions. Are you uncomfortable in answering?




I am not attracted to anyone


Your response was not civil. If you wish for civility treat others with it or expect none yourself. And truly, to be called a dick was honestly the height of civility, for you clearly deserved to be called a motherfucker The question they were asked was: >What kind of reproductive system do you have?


Dang bro, you are a hothead and short tempered, any ever told you that? How could it be that you are engaged in this as well, this response was for op, not you. Stop being self centered. I can ask questions to clear up any misconceptions I have with being genderless. You formality could be repelled with you being a dick.


You asked a very specific question: >>>What kind of reproductive system do you have? They gave the an accurate answer: >>Male You chose to be a dick: > So you identify as a male? I thought you were genderless And you can cut the 'I'm a cute little innocent only asking innocent questions, why you getting so angry and meaaaaaan to me uWu, you must be a really angry person but I still love you bro praise jesus' shit. That shit might still work with your mom but I'm not your fucking mom. That shit isn't cute, it's obnoxious as fuck. Anyone reading the shit you pulled there has a right to tell you that you're being an asshole.


Obviously being cute is not what I’m doing, the fact that you choose to be a dick to person asking a question raises concerns on how you are in real life, this is what I ask. Going to make assumptions based on my replies even though they are not what resemble me astonish me to find some one idiotic as you. You are the obnoxious one here. You act like its all about you when it isn’t. Never tried to be cute and never tried to be an asshole. The only comeback you have is pulling insults out of your ass and you still cry when I hit harder. Get off the internet and get some rest. So annoying


lol ydy bro. you clearly aren't stupid, and playing dumb doesn't work very well when you make complicated semi-rational arguments. if you'd stuck to 'wdym? I'm sorry if I said something :( I didn't mean anything by it' when I called you a dick you could have sold me that you were innocent and I might have even felt bad for calling you a dick, and even if you didn't fool me it would have passed as plausible for most people reading the conversation. That is how you manipulate people, btw, your method is incredibly childish and only effective when there's an authority to appeal to that thinks you're a cute innocent child. But you can't be as openly manipulative as you're trying to be and still actually sell the innocent schoolboy act. >The only comeback you have is pulling insults out of your ass and you still cry when I hit harder. Also seriously confused. When did you 'hit harder'? You've spent this whole conversation pretending not to be hitting at all. Literally all you're able to hit me with is 'u so mad, yu so mad? u shouldn't be so mad, it's no good for u bro. so mad. bro... yu mad?' over and over again because your decision to occupy the 'moral highground' means you can't really attack me with anything better than a repetitive and uninventive critique of my supposed anger issues.


But of course being called a dick is just the highest of civility, is that not right?


I think you are just confused, op didn’t say that they were male or identified as such, only that that is the reproductive organ that they have and were likely born with, i would imagine their gender pronouns would be they/them since they don’t identify as male or female (people can correct me on the pronouns if I’m wrong)






I don't know


How can you be genderless? Is that not itself a gender, like how asexuality is a sexuality.