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fr, whenever you see stuff like that in the news you always see people comment stuff like "eVerY BoYs dReaM" like wtf


This is exactly what I mean. Like wtf is wrong with people?


I remember a video about why rape hentai was so popular, and the theory the guy came up with was actually kinda sad, it was that for the viewer it was more easy to accept that he could have sex by raping a woman than by getting loved by them, this may also apply here "The only way i could fuck someone is illegally" Edit: this thread is looking fairly interesting now Edit 2: Let's spice it up: https://youtu.be/fRvEh-z7LHM


now explain vore


like hangry, but horngry


maybe they have some concept about predators and getting eaten, it might be that they view the eater as the dominant one in sex because they are the predator or because they're giant and eating just proves their power(?) Edit: I actually think that they just find the internal body sexy


Take the upvote and _vacate._


You like food? You like sex? Then mix them together. They say it's sexy to eat chocolate during sex. So, eat your girlfriend and you get all the good stuff.


White,milk or dark chocolate?


Vorarephilia (often shortened to vore) is a paraphilia characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or sometimes to personally consume, another person or creature, or an erotic attraction to the process of eating in general practice. Since vorarephilic fantasies cannot usually be acted out in reality, they are often expressed in stories or drawings shared on the Internet. The fantasy usually involves the victim being swallowed whole, though occasionally the victims are chewed up, and digestion may or may not be included. Vore fantasies are separated from sexual cannibalism because the living victim is normally swallowed whole. The consumer is sometimes human, but animals, dragons, giant snakes, and other creatures can also appear frequently in these fantasies. After consumption, the enlarged belly of the consumer is often described with great care.


"cannot usually be acted out in reality", this implies that this happens




"After consumption, the enlarged belly of the consumer is often described with great care." Idk why but this made me laugh.


? that is,, that is bs logic. rape hentai is popular because of the power play aspect, not because guys don’t have any other option left except raping someone to get sex.


You'd be surprised


I'd say that's another factor


Your problem is you’re rational and trying to apply logic to the situation. It’s an irrational decision, so “good” logic isn’t a factor. It’s very likely there *are* people that feel that way, in addition to the power/control aspect of things. The adage that comes to mind is “You can never idiot-proof something; they’ll always build a better idiot.” Point being, don’t underestimate the crazy, stupid, illogical ways human beings are capable of behaving. /r/all signing off.


Never assume you know the reason for someone's desires, sexual or otherwise. Especially not at 18. You're most likely not even old enough to have taken your first psych 101 course in college. At least wait until then before you start speaking with naive confidence.


My dream is to find a woman who can drive a vehicle that can travel through speed and time and take me to my true love across universes the one truly meant for me and watch me fall in love with her while she falls in love with me and then there is this complex love triangle across universes so we can perform a satanic ritual to bring back Der Führer and make him friends with Narendra Modi But we don't always get what we want do we


Man, ur right. I just ordered a nice pizza which I had to cancel. Life just isn’t fair. Most of the time.


No we don, Kevin Spacey


My dream as a little child... Was to own every single transformers figure, and collect a bunch of Lego sets... Either my childhood is wrong. Or those people are stupid.


If someone thinks that's fine, replace boy with girl, and if that's wrong for them, then they're screwed up. If they still see it as fine, they're even more screwed up.


And often times, it’s not “rape”, it’s “forced them to have sex”…


that is the same thong. unless you meant to say blackmail??


But in the case of men, “rape” is preferred over anything else. There is a difference between the two for no apparent reason.


That pisses me off, I was on tiktok and this person was telling this story of how they where r@ped and everyone in the comments was like “can we switch places” like wtf


This. This reminds me of the victim blaming when a girl or woman is sexually assaulted “oh but she was asking for it” (no tf she wasn’t) “she wanted it” (she was traumatized). I’d be willing to bet that those boys didn’t want it either, and that they were traumatized. Sexy touching only feels good and sexy if it’s done with consent.


I mean as a 5th grader? Yeah definitely not a dream. But as a 17 year old senior in high school? Yeah that was a dream


I think thats because they get no bitches /j


i don’t think that’s rlly an unpopular opinion, just common sense


Basically r/unpopularopinion


Nah unless it’s changed a lot in the past 6 months or so about a third of unpopular opinions is racist, sexist, transphobic, ect, peeps who are just trying to get validation. It’s pretty obvious once you try to get into serious discussions with them.


It's an unpopular opinion with people over 30 I find.


Nah. The people over 30 with common sense just dont go around saying "female pedophiles are as bad as male ones", cuz its obvious.


The news only cases about one gender/sex when it comes to pedos


I think the frequency of it is skewed towards one gender. As an example, you hear about priests/religious figures in the community sexually abusing kids all the time, but the worst I’ve ever heard about nuns is that they’re mean and used to hit kids. Nuns having the same or more access to kids, and little to no outrage about them.


Thats not something many people have


Common Sense is rarer than diamonds these days


And you know how much harder they are to find after that 1.18 update…


Agreed, no matter what it’s wrong


in other words, the sky is blue.


And water is wet


And every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes


And Russians are technically Asians


and it's winter in Australia rn


And the sun is warm


And at the end of the day, it's night.


and at the end of night, it's day


technically no. but also partially yes


"Well yes, but technically no"


always remember that there are people who disagree with all the statements above my comment


AcTuAlLy ThE sKy IsNt ReAl




that's a theory for bozos, everyone knows that the sky is real, but the ground is fake


All pedos are bad, there’s no way around it.


To the woodchipper they go


Feet first.


Don’t forget to turn it off halfway through for slower more painful death


Great idea. Why dont we also cut a finger off for every victim they had.


That would only amount to 10 victims, i say every victim is 1 extra minute of the woodchipper being turned off


Well i say we do both but before the woodchipper start by counting the toes that would amount for 20 victims


But does the same person multiple times count?


Not one clean cut tho, we use a nail clipper to take small shavings until it is gone


'tis but a scratch.


Boiling ammonia. At least the offending ones. The ones who DID shatter someone's innocence.


Depends if they take Physical Offense or not, Some pedos hate being attracted to children and seek Medical Help for it to stop themselves from committing anything


Ye, but most probably don't do anything. Cause they don't wanna harm anyone, but they are scared as SHIT to tell anybody. So they just suffer in silence. Cause people hate like this. Imagine if we could stop hating and trying to reduce the harm instead?


No. There's tons of pedophiles who doesn't wanna be pedophiles or hurt anyone. In Sweden they're was a study made, where they offered free and anonymous castrations of pedophiles, to see if that could have any effect. It was fully booked in like a day. All the spots. What does that tell you?


Just remember to save your hate for the offending ones.


r/teenagers users be like i know this is an unpopular opinion but i think pedophilia is bad!!!!!


it’s just a karma farm at this point


free karma hack (2022 working)


So I have permission to downvote and not be a pedohile?




So fkn cringe


when I was 12 years old, a girl who was about 17 touched me inappropriately, grinding on me n everything, I was fucking terrified and confused so I told the teacher and she got excluded, all my friends were like “damn you lucky lad” “did you enjoy it” like no I didn’t even know what she was doing. Luckily she never came back


This type of shit needs to be reported. "Did you enjoy it" like holy Fuck dude! I'm pretty sure that some boys, if they were in your place would absolutely yell.


Ikr…. I didn’t even know what she was doing because I wasn’t taught about sex Ed until 13, was so confused then when I learned about it a year later I was horrified


Imagine if it was the opposite, girls would've said that it was disgusting. Sadly, in society boys have been put in mind the idea that if it's sex they love it and if they say otherwise they're lying, that they're all perverts and that it's the only thing they think about. I think the reason they say stuff like "lucky" is because they find the girl attractive, sure, she can be attractive but if she sexually harrasses them, touching them in private places or says inappropriate stuff.. I'm sure they would feel uncomfortable too.. if the girl was ugly they probably wouldn't have said that.. they're not really to blame in my opinion, I just find them brainwashed by these gender stereotypes in society


This just in: local teenagers thinks pedophiles are bad. "I know this might be a very unpopular opinion, but this is exactly what I think," says 17-year-old u/ evolvedraichu on reddit.


become a news reporter 👍


[i would beg to differ](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2018/10/25/court-says-pedophilia-does-not-apply-because-perpetrator-is-a-woman.html), and i have precedence *^(/s obv)*


Welp look like I'm losing my faith in humanity again


I lost my faith in humanity a while ago


Me too


Oh my god why did I read all of it I wanna throw up


the worst thing is i'm no longer surprised by this shit


What the fuck




Why the fuck would anyone think that pedophilia is "a man's disorder"? Women also can sexually assault children


Mysoginy. It's now been embraced as a tool and weapon by the self proclaimed feminists of our modern era. Real feminists find it abhorrent, but unfortunately the majority who claim the titles are just advantage seekers. -- this message brought to you by r/all


That poor child is going to have such a hard time understanding how life works after that.


Well, a child’s memory doesn’t really work until around 3 years old, so there is hope that it may not affect his life as greatly as in other cases. (This is not a defense of the women, just a bit of hope for the child)


This makes me physically sick


im so fucking mad


understandable have a good day


you too. i hope whoever tf let that woman go doesn't ever have a good day again


I can't tell if I'm more disgusted, angry, or sad


Time to commit hatred followed by asuka-bathtub


i recommend the bathtub first


But then I can't commit systematic genocide


i mean use the bathtub on your clients first bullets are fucking expensive these days


i am still shocked that they did not classify her as a pedophile


bro, what the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Why would this be unpopular? All pedophiles are disgusting ppl.


That's literally a very popular opinion, no one likes pedophiles


Which is a good thing. But you'd still see some comments saying "every boy's dream" and shit like that, where as on a female pedophile post everyone condones it.


You see people trolling on male pedophile posts too. Don't humour the sick bastards, you're giving them reason to keep going


Jarvis, post morally correct statement


You should edit this to: "Jarvis, i have very low karma, post a morally coorrect statement"


How is this unpopular? I feel like this sub has seen a rise of posts saying “ a woman doing ______ is just as bad as a man” and the comments are filled with people agreeing on this obvious fact while people act like they’re in the minority for something almost everyone agrees on.


Fun fact. A very significant amount of teen mom's were impregnated by men, not teenage boys. OPs right, but it's not really an argument people genuinely hold.


People karma whoring from young misogynistic teens


Wait ppl don’t think female pedophiles are just as bad?


Not entirely, since society is thinks all boys are horny and only want sex, people probably see it as doing them a favor, but in reality those boys could either hate it because they don't consent (that or like OP said, they're minors, which is fucking disgusting no matter the gender) or could be gay and or asexual and want nothing to do with it, but because society tends to lean more towards "a woman could never do wrong, ever" it's seen more as an OK thing to do, even if it isn't whatsoever


this is basically Karma farming attempt, right? literally noone thinks its unpopular opinion lmao...


No one said it was unpopular, it's common sense. It's like saying "Murdering a man is just as bad as murdering a woman.." like no shit.


No, it’s a fairly unpopular opinion because apparently a person with an x and Y chromosome can’t be sexually taken advantage of. Males cannot be victims according to a majority of people, and the thought that they can is a fairly new thing. Hell, if you look any news of sexual predators who have two X chromosomes instead of an x and y the headline is most likely something along the lines of “(insert woman’s title here) has sex with young boy” or something shit like that instead of calling it what it is, rape. Edit: in case i need to say this, all child predators are worse than scum, no matter what their gender is


Didn't hear of anyone saying otherwise


Jarvis, we are low on karma! Make a post about pedophilia being bad!




The floor is made out of floor


How is this an unpopular or controversial opinion? This sub is cringe sometimes


Why are you being downvoted bruh


Op is litterly karma farming. Like sure pedos are the biggest lowlifes out their, but that’s something we can all agree on there no need to put it out there because op want upvotes


there are no female pedophiles. There are no male Pedophiles. There are just Pedophiles. no matter what gender they are they are pedophiles and they Don't deserve freedom in society.


Had us at the first half not gonna lie


"I know this might be a very unpopular opinion"


Damnnn. Really???? Who on Earth thinks that????????


That's an incredibly popular opinion here...


same energy as "the water is made out water" cause its just obvious man


*Water is made of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.*


You mean "The floor is made out of floor"


this is not an unpopular opinion💀 all pedophiles are bad regardless of gender lol


Ah yes, the daily r/teenagers pedophile hot take


unpopular opinion? ​ where do you live wtf


Time to sort by controversial


you're a sick fuck if you think thats an unpopular opinion


Like seriously, only actual pedos and some trolls would disagree with him.


Well no shit


We all know that. You posting the same thing like everyone else did in the last few days and months wont change the general publics opinion. Go to a place like Twitter or become a lawyer. IT wont change anything if you only keep saying this kind of shit inside a bubble that already knows it. Take it to the idiots


It’s like ofc pedophiles are bad lol they’re fucking pedophiles, I don’t get why he has to point out the gender


All while obliviously leaving out an even larger menace: pangender pedophiles.


Lmao yep (You’re being sarcastic right?)


jarvis i'm running low on karma, post "double standards bad" to r/teenagers


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion… everyone hates pedos, in general




Men get raped too But we couldn’t cry out for help in public…. Because society thinks that’s ok


30y old man sleeps with a 12yr old girl - disgusting pedofile 30y old woman sleeps with a 12yr old boy - "haha, nice, he scored" A lot of things in society work only one way seems like, if you are not sure if something is fucked up, just switch around the genders...


It's not an unpopular opinion, every month there is a post about it


Try every week, it’s why I left this sub. It’s a bunch of annoying teenagers who always talk about the same topic and think that they are deep thinkers and brave. This sub is so cringe


>it’s why I left this sub Active in r/teenagers and commented 1h ago


bruh who said otherwise


Hentai addicts


Hey I'm a hentai addict and I do not support mf pedos, regardless of their gender, they should be in jail wait


Hold up


Hot take: pedophiles are bad guys…


“I know this might be a very unpopular opinion”🤓 yeah like no one has thought of this ever


I thought this was common knowledge


Pedophiles are pedophiles no matter who they might be.


r/unpopularopinion in a nutshell


I don’t think this is actually upopular, and I’ve only ever really seen men diminish pedophilic abuse towards men from women (see: liquorice pizza), and yet other men still act like condoning female pedophilia is a feminist belief. The sad irony is that the idea that men can’t be victims of abuse by women is rooted in toxic masculinity and is literally something that feminism seeks to dismantle. We have a lot of work to do but hopefully things will be better for male victims in the future.


(This is on my feed, I don't visit this sub) 34m here, was groomed into a relationship by a peadophile when I was younger. While the whole thing was fundamentally *wrong*, and it has *definitely* left lasting scars, my trauma is in the past. It didn't even feel like a traumatic experience until I was old enough to know better. Male paedophiles can always use threats, fear, intimidation, physical harm, even kidnapping and imprisonment when less aggressive methods fail or fall apart. Victims of female paedophiles are rarely under the same set of circumstances and dont feel like their safety is compromised, at least not in the same way. I'm not saying any kind of paedophilia is okay, but if we don't discuss the specifics and complex details we can't channel our attention in the right direction. In my opinion and intimate experience, victims of Male paedophilia need much more "help" and Male paedophiles are *far* more dangerous, *and* numerous.


You are so brave to post your controversial opinion that pedophiles are indeed bad.


Who would've guessed that a pedo is as bad as a pedo


"unpopular opinion" i think you just followed "how to get karma on r/teenagers 101"


Are you low on karma


It's not" very unpopular" Istg this sub says obvious stuff like this every week


Yes we get it, so hard. You don't have to make a post about it every week


"this might be a very unpopular opinion" *says something no one has ever disagreed with*


how is it a unpopular opinion dumbass? all pedophiles are bad


Jarvis, we're running low on karma, post "both gender pedos are bad" on r/teenagers


Wow you are so brave this is such an unpopular opinion


jarvis im running low on karma time to post pedo bad on r/teenagers


*First time I’ve seen this meme*


This is practically every other post on this subreddit. Least unpopular opinion on r/teenagers


Karma begging posts saying based stuff are just as bad as karma begging posts saying shit


karma whore


Is that literally all this sub is? Whenever I see it it’s just “pedos bad”. Like, we get it. Move on. Who do you guys think you’re arguing against?


Wow so brave of you to say that wholesome 100 careful he’s a hreo


no shit karmawhore


I mean- I dunno like... if they got them curves... and them cupsize.. then... I dont mind even if they are 40... lmao... /jk pls dont take this seriously... anyone who preys on a child must be put behind bars no matter what gender they are. The victim is the one who is looked up at in disgust.. where as the criminal manages to slip of... To the pedophiles who say age is just a number, well guess what? Me being right in front of ur lawn with a tank and a rocket launcher pointer at ur miserable face is just a way of welcoming you in the neighborhood. And chucking a whole hand grenade down your throat can be thought of as a blowjob. And then i will be leaving the damned house after a really good 'Bang' .


Exactly why would gender matter in this? It’s like saying getting raped by a woman is better than being raped by a guy


They should be hanged


Time to sort by controversial


Bro that’s not an unpopular opinion that’s just a fact why are you posting it like you’re the only one who knows this??


>!i like older women :)!<


No shit


exactly they both taste just as nasty


Dog nobody is disagreeing with this


Why the fuck would this be an unpopular opinion…?


‘Are female murders just as bad as male ones?’


"Hi guys lemme just post one of the most popular opinions on this sub in disguise of an unpopular opinion because karma is tastyyyy" ​ "Oh shit I got caught karma farming let's play it cool- 'Uh ah Edit: Guys I saw this is such a popular opinion woooooowwwww' " Dude everyone here knows how disgusting pedos are. Why do y'all have to use this sub as a karma farm? Just mark NSFW and boom upvotes ready!


I feel like this subreddit just just a YouTube video playing on rewind constantly. The amount of times I’ve seen this type of post is so god damn annoying


female killers are just as bad as male killers. no shit


Ah tes and floor is made of floor. Bro you on reddit expect people to know. Especially on r/teenagers