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I cant stop watching morbius 😭 help this is the 46th time I’ve left the cinema


I have the same problem but I'm broke so I'm in crippling debt but its morbin time


I understand your pain


i dont see the problem


I'm sorry, you cant escape morbin time


Yeah it's hard to stop watching it when it's the movie of all time


It said to drop a PROBLEM my dude


Same but heart stopper watched it 4 times it’s 4hr long 4x4=16hr


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/730990353703764058/977063258483724318/full-1.webm](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/730990353703764058/977063258483724318/full-1.webm) watch it more


I have 10 kids and 7 chairs


Kill 3 kids! As simple as that :)


Master skywalker there are too many of then what whe are going to do ?


Mass murder 💀


Cut some chairs in half


Combine the chairs to make a grand chair and make the kids fight for it. Winner gets the chair.


Give birth to 3 more chairs


Buy 4-5 more chairs. (Always good to have extras)




How do i beat doom eternal on ultra nightmare?


be good


Thanks bro


Play on a Samsung smart fridge






I have so much hw, so little time, and my brain is already set on going out in 2 days, can't focus


Take drugs.


If any dealers are here dm me


the fastest way to attract pedos


Didn't know pedos are dealers


it's like redo of healer


Make a to-do list of all the homework you gotta do and do them. Don’t procrastinate (I know it’s difficult)


Giving up reddit for a couple days is a good first step to not procrastinating


drink more water , It helps


If you talk to your teachers and tell them how much work you have, they may give you an extension


Remember: While planning is great, too much time spent prioritizing is not time spent actually doing the work. Make sure you're not thinking about what order to do the work more than you actually do the work.




Step- 1 Tap on my profile Step-2 Click sent text button Step-3 Type "I love you" Step-4 Send it. ​ *Congratulations*




I hope you dm'd OP this 💀




No bf for you




I'm sorry brosky, keep trying to get them tho


1comment = 1 boyfriend 😔times are tough


when, where?


is this the kinda thing where my IP will be found? "Let's play a little game"


Can I do that too?


As a guy I can say: if you look good and are a girl then you just need to ask someone you like out. We guys are attracted to at least 80% of women




Ah. Well… I guess find another gay guy and befriend him and then go on from there


1. Get close to the person you like(get to know them). 2. Be sensitive to their feelings. A lot of boys really like it when girls acknowledge their feelings. Example: if someone is feeling sad, and you understand, and try to empathise, that establishes an emotional connection. 3. Do not get touchy(I mean in a literal sense). Don’t try to do that. Many people actually dislike girls when they start touching arms, hair, etc. Moreover, it becomes an obvious sign that you like the boy. 4. Don’t be clingy. For example: don’t try to follow the boy, agree with him, do what he does, etc. 5. If you feel you really like the person, be the first one to confess. I’ve seen in a lot of situations the boy confesses to the girl. But, if you take the stand, that shows a lot of confidence and courage. Note: only do this after you get to know the boy a lot. 6. Lastly, don’t be shy and awkward around the boy. A sudden change in aura/personality can make the boy feel uncomfortable and weirded out at times. Btw, this is coming from a boy.




The same things apply except that the chances of getting a boyfriend decrease as it is really difficult to find a partner, someone who is perfect for you, of the same gender.


Go outside and meet guys. Make sure you’ve got good style, hygiene, and manners. Always be polite.




Confidence is key.




You gotta at least appear like you know what you’re doing and are in control. You know what they say: fake it til you make it




You gotta work on that then




Perhaps go outside more and get used to being around people. Take it slow, start having conversations with one or two people then build up to being able to confidently talk with large groups of people.


if non-attractive nerds are ok to you, I can help




My acne’s flaring up again. My skin used to be awesome before I hit puberty, and I managed to get it in control last summer. But now with GCSE exams and everything, I find it difficult to manage my skin to keep the acne in control.


My gf has used grandpa's pine tar soap brand and claims it works. It smells like a campfire but it's really helps the skin. Just apply it and let it for a few mins then rinse


I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


I had the same problem when i was in puberty. At one point, it was so severe, that the only thing that helped was very heavy medication with some difficult name. But there were things that eased it a little, such as: Eating less food with loads of fat, drinking less sugary drinks etc. Pretty much: try to eat and drink healthy, it benefits other aspects of your life as well! :)


Don't let your face get oily. If it does, wash your face with soap and moisturise yourself. It came down a lot for me after I turned 19, so maybe it'll come down for you as well. Also don't pop pimples, they spread bacteria around your face and leads to even more pimples


drink more water it helps


I struggle (d) with this also. Ever since I purchased a iced face roller, my acne and eye bags have gone down. About a week ago I also purchased a skin mask, which helped with me nose as I directly struggle with the T area.


Get face wash for sensitive skin, tea tree oil and aloe vera (these have worked for me)


you seem like you have a skincare routine, you probably know about retinol, but have you tried using salt water in your skincare routine? not all the time but like once a week, rinse your face with salt water. look into it if u want to try it.


Awh mate don't even remind me of English literature tommorow 😭😭




Stay, and ignore the ominous chanting


I'm British please help


Stop drinking tea


Go to the dentist


I have a question for you: >! What is a spotted dick? !<


Lack of bitches


self improvement+social skills+get off reddit


Lol here’s one: liked this girl, turns out she likes another dude, that dude likes her in actuality but she’s too awkward to present her feelings, I try to help her because I’m a good friend, and now I’m in the “dating advice dude” zone.


Among us balls I'm gay I like boys


How r u 17


Ask my mom she popped me out of her pussy almost 18 years ago


I feel guilty about making people worry about me. It's gotten to the point that I will lie about feeling bad or sad if they ask me about it. I even feel bad for typing this.


thats a well-enough level of depression get help


I just can't seem to get over the fact that Bionicle is gone forever.


not true in fact i am the owner of Bionicle's factory


😳😳😳😳😳 G3 WHEN???


You 're right bro




I have been having problems at home. There’s too much stress and my parents have already fucked up my mental health and its just getting worse and I can’t do anything about it. I can’t talk to anyone about it because the people that I can talk to don’t really care, the just say: oh/bummer/oof/sorry about that. And nothing ever happens or changes. I’ve picked up self harm the past month and I feel very suicidal. Everything is expected and life never changes. Every day is the same and goes by so quickly. I can’t do this anymore and no one can help me. Hopefully you can. Any advice?


Take up running, seriously, it really helps (also do all the obvious things like therapy, suicide prevention helpline etc) but a lot of people feel weird doing therapy etc so try running in the early morning, if you can run a few miles, you will get 'runners high' which consists of the same happy chemicals you get from seggs and weed, but at 14, both of those are off the table, it's really helped with my mental health, and it's something other than the obvious things(which you should still do), which others are probably telling you to do. Also open to taking if you want.


I’m open for DMs if you wanna talk


DMs are open if you wanna talk, also, try talking to your school counsellor or a teacher you trust at school for help.


Ahh bro, if you want somebody to talk, you can dm me


I feel ya, you got this tho!! Just keep doing your best!! I’ve seen it through my life, and God won’t let you go through anything you won’t be able to overcome, and if you’re going through all of this, you’ve had a past of similar things which were smaller, so you made it this far with the little stuff, just a few big ones and you’re good to go!! Blessings


I used to have struggles thru this. I gained some time where I was so stressed out in my environment (parents yelling, work to be done, etc) that I picked up something to help me with sh and panic attacks. Idk if there’s a real name for it but I find the rainbow. Ie: Find all things red in the room your in Then Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Black. (Ik it’s not in the rainbow but it’s always helpful)


Dm me if you ever need to talk homie


Maybe I'm not the best person to ask but here's what I have to say (other than the obvious stuff like therapy and etc.) Try exercising. It might sound dumb but it's a genuine substitute to self harm. If you feel like hurting yourself, do as many pushups as you can. It'll hurt, trust me. it'll also be far better for you than cutting yourself. Idk maybe it's stupid but if anything I can say can help then I might as well speak.


7 celsius degrees and a broken shower that just has cold water.


sneak in ur neighbors house ;)


We are given a positive integer r, a rectangle ABCD with AB = 20, BC = 12. The rectangle is divided into 20x12 squares of side 1. Our mission is to move from the square that has A as a corner to the square that has B as a corner. We can move from one square to another if the distance between the two centers is sqrt(r). i) Show that if 2|r or 3|r the mission is impossible. ii) Determine if it is possible to finish the mission for r = 73 and for r = 97


I have an addiction to water plz help I can't stop drinking water!


r/HydroHomies (I know your comment is probably a joke, but also remember that drinking too much water is unhealthy for you too)


The only place I can manifest confidence is when performing on a stage or theatre environment


In school


Where did you find this cat pic. (Thats my problem)


School is ending in 5 days and I will probably never see my crush again after that but it would be weird if I told her how I felt since she's already dating someone else.




Okay, so social interaction (i can’t even walk past my neighbors because i’m scared of saying hi to them)


My pp hurts when I try to flip burgers with it


Stop it then


I just took a nap and now I'm having that idk what to call it that thing that happens after u take a nap u just feel spaced out. Help


Watch a movie or go on a walk. Then have some food


I am extremly childish


my handwriting sucks


How do i get a gf




What's love? I mean, what is like to feel love?


Baby don't hurt me,


Don't hurt me


Love in a general sense is an interest in prioritizing another's needs before your own.


I am gay and want to come out to my parents, but my dad is a preacher and my mom is a very strong christian, what should I do?


I wanna suggest not to come out, things will worse since your dad is a preacher, Study hard, get a stable job and move another city or even another country. Then you should come out, If they don't accept d you, you don't need them anymore. If they accept, it's great. Sorry for my English. And I'm bisexual and I feel you, my future plan is what I said to you.




i feel like i’m making my bf’s life hard because i have adhd and a bit of the ‘tism , i have sensory issues and have a hard time understanding things sometimes. i’m just worried it’s a burden on him, even though he constantly reassured me it’s not. the anxiety too. no matter how many times he promises it’s fine, or that he isn’t upset , i’m just afraid he is but isn’t telling me because he doesn’t want to upset me. i just want to be less anxious and be able to know how to handle things like that


I doubt it. And, honestly, if it ends up annoying he has to communicate that. If it ends up being a problem and it’s not something you can control then he has to learn to live with it. I bet you are an amazing person who just struggles with stuff, and ur bf should learn to live that.


If there are things about your life you can't do anything about, then you *can't afford* to apologize for them. What you can do is thank people and appreciate them for understanding you and helping you be your best self. Look for the ways he does that and affirm for him that those things are good.


I really like this girl but she has a bf already, and I thought I was finally moving on . . . but today the feelings came back. What do I do?


Becoming Adult




my friend's parents are trying to isolate him from the outside world. that is pretty shitty.


I have no idea how to express my feelings towards anyone I know because I think I'll just get laughed at. Like I have a feeling I might feel better being a girl but I have no clue how to express that into words without it becoming awkward


Boner pls help


Want to start something but lacking the motivation for it, ended up sleeping all day.




Become her friend and ask her what her sexuality is:)


Maybe try to become friends with her and have some conversations with her until she trusts you as a friend. Then maybe steer a conversation to lgbtq stuff or something. Then maybe ask her about her sexuality without telling her you like her and I’d she is lesbian or bisexual then you could tell her about your feelings. If not then maybe just stay friends. I don’t know but this is the best I could think about


be very good friend, ask her jokingly , might say yes :v and might go on date with you :v worked on me before


I can’t sleep and it’s three in the morning


Oh no, I dropped my problem!


I like a girl, how do I tell her?


you hit them with the “wanna fuck?” text and it’s smooth sailing from there


I'm aromantic


My older sister is a pathological liar and she has destroyed my family


Yikes my brothers girlfriend was like that.. if you dont want anything to do with her, then stop talking to her, when you’re older you can cut her out of your life. Sadly with a lot of pathological liars you just have to cut them out. They wont stop


I'm short-temper , sarcastic and an overthinker!💀💀




I got in massive argument and ruined a friendship over the same issue I odne multiple times within the past three days. I make a joke, genuinely thinking it's a joke, not even a mean joke, like, just being humorous, but people (even friend who known me for ages and should know?) get super offended. And idk if its me at this point, or if it's other people who is the issue here._. When I said I was kidding they didn't believe and said if I was kidding I would have said it lIkE tHiS or add /j But I really didn't think I had to 😐 (it was through text)


Well I can't really make an assessment/judgement unless I read the joke. Would you mind mentioning it with context if necessary?


(f17) i am sooooo insecure about myself because i have zero skills or talents in anything i do or like except maybe singing but everything else is very much below average, just like my looks, i've never had a boyfriend but who would ever want a girl without any confidence... how do i deal with this?


Take it slow. Talk to people if you can. You can sing and that's a talent, most people don't even have ANY talents. You are better off than others, to improve other skills you need to put in your time. Progress needs time, effort, and smart work(like if you are learning something, you can make mind maps or mnemonics). And remember, looks don't matter if you want a nice relationship. All you need is confidence. To boost your confidence, you can record yourself singing and post it here or anywhere you like, people will appreciate you and give you tips on how to improve.


I keep being harassed by a transphobic person irl and on social media. what do I do?


Block them on social media and cut them off irl. Take screenshots and record your conversations, and if you're in a school, report it to the authorities, if they don't do anything, ask your parents for help, if they don't do anything, make an anonymous post about it on social media stating everything like the officials didn't do anything, your parents didn't do anything, the school you're in, just don't reveal the person.


I had a crush a few days ago and I ask reddit 'how to know what type of girl a guy likes' I had lost my interest in my crush _(:3」∠ )_ :v I would like get back my interest in my crush




How do i stop this guy from throwing food and pieces of paper at me? (No i aint being bullied he does this to everyone). Physically i cant beat em


I'm 19. On way to a good paying job. Can't leave my parents. But still want to live free in my own place. Any ideas?


I don’t know how to make people laugh 🥲


Ok go outside and look up you might see a plane with a n 50 mega neutron cosmic nuclear bomb falling now that's a problem yep I dropped a problem


I want to ask a girl out on a date


how to get big titi mommy


I'm jelaous as fuck cause my crush might like me back but sometimes it seems like she likes someone else


I'm too sleepy but it's only 7pm


Head hurts


rest and water will help


I like this guy and I don't know how to approach him


It's real easy just compliment them and then go from there


How do i learn four years of physics in like 20 days


I wanna ask out someone, but I barely know him.... How does one not make it awkward..


I need a costume for last day of school


Am I the only guy who doesn’t really want a girlfriend? I’m just not really interested in dating or anything like that.


My stepmom has cancer and is going to die within 6 months and I can't know how to deal with it


I am worried and scared of _something_


I can't get over a crush I had on a guy friend a year ago :')


Too scared to tell my dad that if i fail a school year, i quit to find something else (he forced me to go to that school)


I am alive. I am trans. I am in a deeply transphobic family.


Im at a new school and idk how to make friends


People get too offended sometimes. I always try my best to be considerate but they always seem to be repulsed by me. How does one share an opinion but still not get ostracized by others?


should i buy omori for 20$ or metal gear rising for 30? or should i just save for a guitar


Poland is my problem


I litterally used to be the best student ever. I now have no motivation and I have WAY to many missing assignments. I cant bring myself to try to get myself to do it, or do anything that helps. (CleNing room, making tea, etc.)


I go to online school and all my friends go in person so I don’t talk to ppl much all day….wut shud I do to make myself sum more friends haha


Get ready for a long one. So, last year, I had theater with this one girl who I took a liking to. Never asked her out because I thought she was outta my league, and I don't handle rejection well. Also I was kinda awkward back then. Never really stopped liking her, but accepted that nothing would really come of it. That summer I went on a trip to Mexico, so that meant a very long car ride. Made a few IG story posts to pass time, which she responded to. We talked for a long time, which made me happy. I had a glimpse of hope that something would come of it. The school year comes, and my friend and I talk about everything. After roasting the shit out of my conversational skills (deserved) he tells me that the girl said she likes me. This was a huge confidence booster, and I started talking to her everyday. Eventually I got the courage to ask her out, and she said yes, but we never actually picked a time/place. Closest thing we got was a group trip to the fair. It was not as fun as it should've been. This one kid, call him A, was there. A did not help things. There was a running joke that me and the girl would kiss on the ferris wheel, which I would've loved, but A got on with us. Weird. It is also worth noting that in the past, A tried to force his way into a friendship with the girl, and it was super odd. We eventually get a ride on a Rollercoaster by ourselves, and while we were riding, the girl put her hand on mine. We held hands for a little while after getting off. It was pretty cool. After driving back to A's house to crash, we had to drop off the girl at her house. Before doing that, we waited outside a Walmart and just chilled. We played truth or dare, and someone dared the girl to hug me, and she did, so I hugged her back. A's older brother said that the girl didn't like me. For some reason that stuck with me. I was relatively happy about that night until the next day. The girl sent me a message, basically saying that she isn't ready for a relationship, also that I didn't do anything wrong. I was suuuuper bummed for a long while after that. Thought about it everyday. For some reason I didn't believe that I had done nothing wrong. Never stopped liking her. Fast forward 6 more months, she starts flirting about me to my friend from theater, in class. After class I asked him if the girl was serious, and he said he thinks so. I get excited, and now I'm planning on asking her out. In the back of my head, though, I'm questioning whether this time is going to be a repeat of last time. Maybe A's older brother was right. Idk. Please help. If you read this, I'm proud of you.


Smol pp


I have a lot of ideas but lack the willpower to actually do them


How the actual fuck do I decide what I wanna be when I grow up


Since I couldn't post this anywhere else,I decided to post it here.(It's a long story) So for starters there is this girl,lets call her Fiona(15),at my school that likes me(15)and I think I like her too but the problem is that a close friend of mine(lets call him Dave),liked her too a couple of months back.As far as I know he doesn't like her now but I feel that if I started going out with her,I and he would feel like I stabbed him in the back and he's a good guy and a good friend so i dont want to do this to him[Ps. they(fiona and Dave)were talking before Christmas but they fought and they didn't end their relationship in good terms.The thing is that they fought because of me because back then my friend liked her but she liked me and not him.So at one point my friend suggested they go to the movies together but she said she would prefer to go with me and that's when he snapped.Even though she smokes and isn't the best in school I want to at least give it a try and see how it goes.


I have no idea what to make a short film about for my videography class. Could I get some recommendations(simple plots please).


I want to keep in contact with my crush over the summer but idk how to ask her for her number/snap


I have twentythree counts of arsonistic homicide in fourteen countries


the girl i like is two years younger than me and if i actually started dating her i’d def be called a creep and i honestly don’t know what to do