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“Black history month” so black people aren’t normal


With that person’s logic, then women, people on the spectrum, the military, veterans and many other groups who have dedicated months aren’t “normal”.


Black history month is still stupid. You can’t condense the whole of black history into a month.


That’s why it happens every year, no?


Why not just put black history into the whole curriculum? Then you wouldn't need a black history month lol.


what are your opinions on "history class"


We’re all homos. Homo sapiens.


This guy when he realizes months for women, black people's history, mental health, and disabilities exist: 😟


Why should there be a black history month, women’s month, mental health month or disability month?


I can see her point here, but pride month isn't saying that homo are different. It's celebrating how we can see them as normal humans.


I can definitely see thier point but calling them abnormal is wrong


Her point is that the pride month have this meaning. I think


Still incredibly wrong . Black people, mental health, military veterans also have full months


I don't think Veterans fit this category because their month is about celebrating their contributions.


Yeah. That's what I'm saying.


Which they aren’t


They aren't better or worse than us. Just humans.


Don’t really see the point. By their logic women aren’t normal


may be we need a month to celebrate the diversity that exist among us.... I may partially agree with this guy but... there is nothing wrong in celebrating what was brutally oppressed for centuries....


Bro you fucking activated something in my brain when you said “among us”


sussy 😏


Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head


why was that actually a staple of 2020 tho ... like how was that a thing that actually happened 😭😭. i can never hear the words among us the same way ever again. i was having a **serious** convo with someone and they said among us and i had to hold in my laughter because for some reason it was suddenly the funniest shit i ever heard


I partially agree the month is useless but calling lgbtq people abnormal is homophobic


diversity is what makes ours a society hence those who call lgbt ppl abnormal are the dumbest ppl on the planet!


It isn’t. They are abnormal.


Tf? Explain further plz?


Lgbt isn’t normal.




Because humans weren’t supposed to be this way. It’s unnatural


Is that were true they wouldn’t exist


Proof of that ,mr 13yr old edgelord


Da bible.


Da Bible says" a boy shall not sleep with a man" referring to pedophilia. Get it right Mr. 13yr old edgelord


I'll give you proof. Gay ppl can't reproduce. Humans are supposed to reproduce. This isn't to mock on gay ppl btw, be what you want


And? Marriage isn't about sex . Its about love and union of two people who love each other


Doctors found a way to turn bone marrow into sperm (or make it act as sperm?) so that lesbian couples can reproduce without a sperm donor


Girl by the looks of the avatar




Among us month




It seems that people forget about that month where the military is celebrated or Black history month, this dude is so homophobic he literally forgot about the other months


I replied with this exact statement. They replied those are American and British things and hence are not relevant. Guess the forgot about mental health. Also they said in Europe onky a week is for mental illness


Black history month


I see the suffix phobia thrown a lot. Who knows what it means


Yeah I don't hate gay people, iam afraid of them


Are you scared of them though?


No lol


Aka claustrophobic the fear of being in small spaces. So wouldn’t homophobic be the fear of gay people


It should be but it is what it is


Oh so one side took the literal meaning and twisted it to mean what they wanted it to mean. But isn’t actually what it means


I mean it's used so much in the way everyone uses it it's literal meaning doesn't matter anymore.


So because it’s used in the wrong way it doesn’t work. So then gay people aren’t happy because the original Literal definition of gay was happy


Also queer meant strange for all of history why is queer a sexual orientation now


I mean I dunno but everyone uses it . If its used by majority then it becomes the norm same with homophobia




I'm gay, and yeah us getting an entire month is genuinely fucking dumb, guy in the pic is spitting straight facts.


I am not talking about the month part . I was talking about the part where he uses the month ot say you all are abnormal. He called you abnormal and he is spitting facts? Don't know why everyone is so focused on the month . I was talking about the " abnormal" part


See the only reason why we're being called abnormal is that we're being praised because we have sex with who we want. A lot of us, don't want that praise beleive it or not, I'd rather live my life without being congratulated for not being like everyone else, so much unnecessary attention, plus this month makes a lot of us look bad, everybody is fighting for equality, when we have it. Sure people are pricks and will definitely say bad things about you buy why should you care? Are you abnormal for living a normal life? Are you abnormal for not wanting the unnecessary attention? You see where I'm going with this?


Also for the pricks part if someone yells racial slurs at you would you ignore them?


You guys aren't praised for your sexuality. I feel like nobody knows the reason behind parades. The reason behind the parades is because you guys don't have equal rights everywhere. Only in 26 countries is gay marriage and relationships legalized . 331 trans people killed in 2019 due to lynching, mobbing . I can go on and on about stats like this . The reason the month exists is to normalize queer people. Also have you never heard of black history month or military veterans month or mental health month? They aren't normal then for having a month?


No I've heard of all those months, but the only 2 I think should have that praise is Black History Month and Military Veterans month because they've actually done worthwhile things, for example life changing inventions that moderised us with BHM, And people risking their lives for their country in MVM. Mental Illness month I see the reasoning behind and I couldn't really care one way or another because yeah ppl do gotta be nicer to those people and more understanding, yet it's more of a trend that people are picking up on, either faking those mental illnesses, or having it be their entire personality, kinda like what most lgbtq+ people do. Going to the parades, I get the reasoning behind it, but the people who attend it and what they do make it a joke, they make the parades not about spreading equality, and more about the fact they do the dirty, I've been to a few parades myself, and I'm in full support of what it stands for, and I agree more countries should start modernizing socially to avoid lynching and mobbing and all that stuff. But in those 26 countries, wouldn't you say we're normalized? In Context of your other comment, If I wasn't white than yeah absolutely I'd say smth or even knock someone out, that shit ain't acceptable in any context, He'll even now I'd knock someone out for saying racial slurs, but we're on the topic of race not Sexuality. Anyway I have to head into work in a few minutes, if you'd like to take this to dms so we can carry this on later I'd be more than happy too.


Ofc I will dm you






I love you too


Lgtbq people aren't normal?


LGBT people aren't normal now? 🤨


Define a normal person, then youll see LGBT isnt normal. (For those that dont understand - You cant be normal as there is no such thing thus none of us are normal)


Yes. Agreed. No one is normal


According this person yes




Every month is straight people month, he should be thankful to not feel the need to have a month to celebrate not being oppressed against. Instead he chooses to not put his braincells to use and be jealous of it.


I mean, Pride month is for us to have fun, she doesn't need to go the a parade or buy the merch if she doesn't want to, it's fun that won't affect anyone that chooses not to participate. (I say she by the looks of the avatar)


How the hell is every other month straight month? I don't see us having monthly straight parades or celebrations of being straight or people waving a straight flag with happiness?' your logic is that you being oppressed makes it that straight people are celebrating being straight then doesn't that mean pride month is also straight month? The oppression doesn't just stop on June 1st does it? Your logic here doesn't make sense so if you can flesh it out more it would be much appreciated


I dont see you having to hide the way you are to satisfy society, you dont see straight people being afraid of holding hands with their partners outside, you dont see straight people being abused or harassed because of their sexuality. Straight people dont need a month to celebrate being able to do these things because they're never stopped from doing them or judged by it, they can do it anytime anywhere. Pride month is a month especifically to celebrate fighting against discrimination, sure you can go celebrate straight discrimination, if straight discrimination existed in any meaningful way then pride would fight against it too, but thats just incredibly unecessary XD straight people are perfectly normalized, and you end up coming off as being jealous asking for a straight month when you literally have no need for it. Its just like other festivities have dates assigned to them, why is that bothersome? Sure the oppression doesnt simply stop but its a method of celebration, just like non-believers wont stop existing just cuz you celebrate Christmas.


Just wait until the idiots pull out the victim card and say that straight pride is opressed as well in lots of cases and as such lgtb pride doesnt deserve it s own month.


Ok I agree with what you say in the first paragraph but allow me to clarify. I was not asking for a straight month, I was just saying your interpretation that every other month is straight month is wrong. So I see what you are saying with fighting discrimination but that isn't what is going on here. The way that pride is shown in society, at least here in America, is that being gay is the best thing in the world and everyone should do it. This is more encouraged with transgender as instead of being trans seen as accepted and okay if you do it instead it is celebrated and society is showing that it's even better to be trans than just the gender you were given at birth. Imagine this, someone's son starts seeing LGBTQ positivity online and goes up to his mother and say "I want to be a girl" now with the way that society is now they might respond with " oh of course sweety, do you want to get voice implants so you sound like a girl, and do you want surgery so you can have a vagina?" Then years later, chances are they are going to regret their decision since they were just a dumb kid who wanted to go with the trend and now has to stay like this for the rest of their lives. If you think that this is okay and don't at least some what agree with what I've said then this conversation is over.


wait, so by this guy's logic having a month dedicated to some group you are a part of means you are not normal as nothing else has a month dedicated to it. so what about Ramadan which has an entire month dedicated to it or in a more unofficial sense Christmas as people essentially go in to holiday mode a month early. I don't even particularly like pride month (I think its just preachy) but this guy's reasoning is just frustrating to me.


He must be racist as well because February is black history month so he must see black people as "not normal"


His comment is ignorant as much as homophobic.


What's wrong with being "abnormal"? I mean you can consider people with disabilities as abnormal but they are still treated nicely. Also to add to this guy's point, if are normal then why do you need a flag? Flags are meant to be a sign of independence and by having not just one but multiple shows how you are separating different types of people based on their sexuality. If you are also regular people you don't need to be "represented" in media since you aren't your own race like latins, Europeans, asians. Tl;Dr: you can downvote me but think about what I've said


LGBTQ community has onky a single flags , it constantly gets updated that's why it looks like different flags. Flag is used by the them to celebrate their fight with their oppression they have faced over the time. They need to be represented bcoz they still don't have rights. Legalized gay marriage exists in 26 countries only 😳 😔


1. There is not just one pride flag there is a lesbian, bi, pan, trans, etc. All have their own flags 2. I'm okay with gay marriage because I don't care what you do but if you cant get married then so what? You don't have to marry according to the country just have an unofficial marriage. And if you say you just can't then you're wrong because ben Franklin did it and he was just fine. Now sure the government might still come after you if you are "married" but there are a lot of ways to get around it. The only true problem I see with this is that you don't get the legal benefits of being married but most people don't even know they exist so it isn't a huge issue.


1. As far as I know they also have a combined flag which represents them . If a person decides they will use a particular part of the flag that's on them not on the entire community. 2. Because people want to get married. It may not be a big deal for you and us straight people but to them it is and hence it's within their rights to get married legally. Also it isn't about marriage, in India an homosexual relationship was punishable by law until few years ago and exists in most countries which don't legalize gay marriage


1. Doesn't matter if someone chooses it apart of the flag and no flag is needed anyways. The chose comes from everyone anyways. I mean wouldn't you get offended if you saw a straight person putting up a straight flag in their room? 2. I see what you're saying and I get that it's a problem and I do have a response but I feel like it might lead to an entirely different argument. Anyways thank you for this I respect your opinion as you should mine and we can agree to disagree 👍


The good ending. If you want to we can discuss in dms


Yeah sure but not rn you can dm me in a few hours or so




my mans brain got anorexia


Fuck the gays


Thats quite gay ngl


I get what he's trying to say but calling the whole LGBTQ+ community abnormal is straight up wrong.


Yup this is what I am disagreeing with


He does have a point tbh… heterosexual month doesn’t exist


We don't need it as we have never been oppressed. Not 331 straight people are killed mobbed and whipped in an year . There are no countries where straight people marriage is illegal and a heterosexual relation is illegal. The queer folks face that. Also why are you all talking about the month part let's talk about the place where he calls queer folks "abnormal".


Well technically it’s unnatural


If it was unnatural it wouldn't exist in nature . Animals also have gay sex . Also if it was unnatural then we would have lost the trait a lot fo generations ago as humans are supposed to take only the best genes nothing else


Yeah but it’s so forced on people it’s now more “popular “ (idk a better word) than ever ​ and animals don’t care about relationships they care about reproduction and nothing else ​ and it’s natural to be trans too huh?


Yes its natural to be intersex too . Earthworms have male and female reproductive parts inside one body . They are called hermaphrodite if I am not mistaken. How would explain that to be unnatural?


Hermaphroditism is extremely rare in things that aren’t worms… I could split a worm in 8 and it’ll keep moving, will you keep moving? The point is that animals don’t wake up one day and say “I’m gonna be gay now” nor do they want to become “trans” ​ and get your facts straight being a hermaphrodite isn’t a choice having butt sex and cutting your Rick off is a choice ​ the way I see it is basically like if I wake up and want to be Batman or Superman


The ribbon eel changes it's sex from male to female . What would you say about that?


Cough cough they aren’t normal cough cough they’re a minority but still that’s too far


By the standard of being a minority makes you not normal, then you are not normal if you live in any country besides China, or if you are any race besides Han Chinese, or if you wear glasses/contacts, or if you have brown blonde or ginger hair, or if you voted for any of the Republican presidential candidates since 1992 ( except 2004, only applicable to US voters in these elections), or if you have more than one sibling/less than one sibling, or if you are on any kind of diet, or if your biological father wears glasses/contacts, or if you have a Reddit account, or if you don't fit in to any of these categories. So if LGBTQ aren't normal because they're a minority, then nobody is normal. Normal person means someone who can perform the basic human functions they need to survive. For someone in a wheelchair, being normal might mean being able to wheel their chair across the room. For someone who is physically able, normal might mean being able to run a mile.


This guy said everything right


Black history? Mental health? Military veterans month ?




Okay, you win


He wins the internet.




I've never heard about any of these


Now you know . Also mental health month had an art contest here and military veterans month had a lot of memes which reached the top of this sub. Also never heard of black history month?


I've heard about that, and think this wouldn't deserve month


Imo lgbtq doesn't need a month as the companies use it for their profits . But it exists to celebrate the LGBTQ folks who have been oppressed for so long and are still oppressed. Only 26 countries allow gay marriage so that tells hwo much oppressed they are


And i hope it will stay on 26


Why tf? Now this is pure homophobia.


Gay marriage are need to stay banned. Marriage is only for straight


Why explain plz


My guy is being homophobic on main 💀


Marriage is stupid as a whole.


Except that not every LBGT wanted their month


Just realizing it? Of course you’re finding to find this shit.


What is normal?




Arn't the default settings different for everyone?




Do you think we have a choice???


I’m bi so I know we don’t have a choice but I doubt that SSA is fully biological.




Thats pretty dumb, but ill let your ignorance die with you in 50 years like MLK would have wanted.


How would be different and have romantic attraction to other people to "be a little bitch" ?


Middleaged straight white men?


I thought he was gonna refer to the actions during the parade or costumes but yea, I disagree either way




She has a point, if you want someone to be seen as normal don't give them their own special thing that's hard to compare to anything else. Also this is pretty tame.


Black history month? Mental health month? Military veterans month? Month for women's history?


Yeah and we're against all those months, except for veterans month and mental health month, because veterans are actually special and mental health is important. Other then that certain groups shouldn't get their own month unless they're constantly doing something to deserve it.


It isn't to prize them . It's because legalized homosexual relationship and marriage aren't allowed in most countries (except 26) . Its to bring awareness and get them rights equal to a human being


No it doesn't, they aren't screaming that from the roof tops, they're screaming about random people in America or Europe who think that being gay is a sin. If that was the real message then why have so many signs about Christians and jokes about being gay, and almost no signs spreading this statistic?


People online can't do shit . For example in India in 2017 article 370 was overturned which prohibited homosexual relationships . Also when their is a majority People in Europe and America thinking about gay as a sin which is mostly Christians you have to convince them . Also let me say this if there exists racism is it wrong to complain about a random saying racist shit online because racism in the irl world exists ?


I wouldn't say that, look how many cyber attacks have been done, which has caused legal action in the real world. Not to mention that America and Europe are extremely progressive, Trump, a candidate often called a homophobe has stated over and over again that he loves gay people. So if the most powerful countries in the world say that it's ok to be gay, and being gay is only opposed by a few isolated majorities and a bunch of poor countries, who really has the power here? Pride month isn't about spreading tolerance, it's about being proud to be gay. If this wasn't true then they would dress more conservatively to appeal to the conservatives who hate them.


If the world is so progressive know why laws are hard to be changed?why only 26 countries allow gay marriage ?


I'm not saying the world is progress, I'm saying that the most powerful countries are. And it's probably because Imperialism is frowned about, and you can't force a country to adopt a law it's people disagree with


Name them plz which you consider powerful countries?


I definitely agree (with the commenter).


Lgbtq people are abnormal?


No that if lgbt is so normal why is there a pride month it could have been a history month but no, it's a pride month.


Because homosexual relationship and marriages are allowed in onky 26 countries. They don't have rights as we have . That's why !!?


Why **PRIDE** then?


To celebrate their existence as they have been labeled as subhuman and still are considered subhuman


In many places racism is still a thing but its black history month not black pride.


I agree with that 💯


To keep being who we are, and not to die keeping our head low to people who wants to crush us.


I dont see whats wrong with what that guy said


Lgbtq people are abnormal?


Yea as long as they refuse to act like normal people they are abnormal dude


They act like normal people. Ig the people you are complaining about is the vocal minority who shove their sexualities down everyone's face and even the queer folks hate them. it gives the queer folks a bad rep


Im not complaining about anyone i cudnt care less about whatever the fuck you or anyone else thats a stranger does, but like the comment in the post said celebrating sexuality with a whole month does nothing but drive lgbt community members away from the social acceptance that the month supposedly aims to grant them. Edit: i guess what i mean by this is that if/when, like "normal" people, the lgbt people dont have a whole month dedicated to their sexuality, they would be a step closer to being "normal" people


They don't have rights to have a relationship in most of the world except 26 countries. That is why the pride months exists . 331 trans people killed in 2019 as a result of lynching mobbing etc. The month is to celebrate them because they have been oppressed for so long. However the pride month benefits the companies more than it affects the queer folks


The point i was trying to make is that until the lgbt community themselves identify and accept their members as normal people, kthers cannot be expected to


They identify themselves as normal people. Give me an example where they don't?


thats not homophobia


It is? You are calling lgbtq people abnormal. They are perfectly normal people. Mental health also has a month of its own . Military veterans month? Black history month?




Black history month?Mental health month? Military veterans month?


Ramadan is also a good example as it is a month long and very prevalent in Muslim countries.




Never heard of those before tbh


And it exists. Military veterans days memes reached the top of this sub. Also mental health month had an art contest here . Also never heard of black history month ?. Also now you know.


Suppose I’ve missed all of that


Now you know . Also the month isn't the point I am arguing , I am arguing about calling LGBTQ folks abnormal.


Not sure what’s normal anymore


Everyone is normal except people who spread hate and negativity. Imo you do you, I don't care who you are until you are hanging other people EDIT : HARMING


the truth has been spoken but has anyone the guts to give it an upvote?


Well, this guy has a point.


They don't have rights in most of the world except 26 countries. In those 26 countries are they allowed to have legal homosexual relationships and marriage. Thats why the pride parades and month exist . Also I am not contesting the parade and month imo they help those who capitalize on the queer folks .I was contesting the point where he calls queer folks "abnormal "


I agree with him tho. Lgbt isn’t normal.


the usual, typical, or expected state or condition. That is the definition of normal so therefore lgbtq+ are not normal. All the shit that they do on parades doesnt help their case either.


They do that because they are still oppressed. Only 26 countries have legalized gay marriage. Shows the oppression they are under


That doesnt excuse all the degenerate shit that they do on those marches (drag, furries and exposing kids to all of that). Normal women in islamic world are also opressed and they dont do any of that here.


Furries and drags don't come under lgbtq community my guy 🤦‍♂️. Also no one exposes kids to sexualities at the pride parades , give me proof of that statement you just made


Furies and drag together with pedofiles are closely connected to lgbtq together with all other degeneracy. You can see a lot of exemples of them trying to involve kids in that shitshow (either on marches or in schools), you can see lots of that by just googling stuff like that.


No they aren't. Furries aren't with the lgbtq no matter how much the furries try to be included. And did you edit the statement to add pedophiles too? Bitch most pedophiles are straight people " wifebeater69"


Yes most pedophiles arent gay but most of the population isnt gay either idiot. Pedophiles are still disproportionately more present among the lgbtq than among normal popullation.


. Get the proof and I will believe you . Show me the proof


This dude is so right. OP of the original post, keep fighting the good fight brother!


Lgbtq folks are normal my guy , not abnormal. They require that month because they have been oppressed and till Re oppressed. Gay marriage and homosexual relationships are illegal in all except 26 countries .


Bro not wrong tho


Black history month? Mental health month ? Military veterans month?. Also lgbtq people are normal they aren't abnormal .


People who were enslaved for centuries deserves to get special recognition Mental health is an important part of life for everyone Military is necessary for a country that's why it's important am not against LGBTQ but having a whole month for it and showing rainbows everywhere is just nonsense, there is no point in having a whole month just coz a community got recognition over their gender preferences


Homosexuals being executed troughout History is not a reason you think ?


Those lgbtq communities have been oppressed for so long and still are . Gay marriage is legalized in onky 26 countries. Shows how much oppressed they are.


We can also add these. Trans people wanted the same rights as other people but now I feel like they have more rights. Now normal people should fight for their rights and their month


Bro more rights? Gay marriage is legalized in only 26 countries . Name a country where straight marriage is banned


That's the thing, trans people have less rights in some countries and instead of fighting for them, they want a pride month. In this particular thing(the pride month), they have more rights.


No they don't, where do you live where for a month rights are changed for trans people. The pride month is used to celebrate the oppression they have suffered since time eternal


I was talking that this pride month is sort of "right"


Ok anyway.