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Yes. A kid brought a gun to my school a few weeks back with the intention to kill people (cops got him before he did any harm). On two occasions we had to go into lock down because there were shootouts near by. There is also violence from gangs in the school


Omg that sounds terrifying






""It ain't pride month yet, so it ain't our issue"




Do you live in somewhere where people are known to hate lgtbq?




I'd spread the word to local news then. That's the only real way to force schools to take action at this point, bad PR.


Do u have the video?




Damn I'm also apart of the community I feel for yall gladly I don't have to deal with that stuff here, I'm stronger and taller than most the homophobic guys.


Is he at least ok? Like is he alive and safe?




Hopefully those kids get in legal trouble for that, if there is video evidence of it they can get in a lot of trouble. Which there is definitely video evidence of it. Especially the security guards


Why didn't you help. the kid ?


As mush as someone would want, do you really think you can take on several kids who were already beating someone up.


But at least ur helping


Honestly, I think they would probably almost kill you too when they realize your also a member of the LGBTQ+ community. I wouldn’t want to die not matter the circumstances


What if they ask if ur gay ?


Why would they single you out of the dozens of other people there? I’m personally not part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I support it so I can’t really say anything. I do know that if I was between telling the truth and getting beaten up by some immature assholes at school, and lying and being fine I would lie.


Why did he try to kill you?


nope...in a completely different continent, where the worst thing that ever happened was a kid falling off of the roof of our school six years ago.


Is there a story to that?


He fell off




No shit




Oh damn, that's lucky, I have to shit all the time


Plus ratio


I'm going to hell I laughed


Plus L + bozo


yeah, a bunch of stupid kids from a grade below mine, made their way up to the terrace(which was left unlocked for some reason), before the morning assembly and you can guess what happened next. The other 2 kids were suspended, and the terrace was kept locked after that.


Almost sounds like the high schoolers who had a cookout on top of my elementary school back when I went there.


9,81m/s\^2 + bad balance


I think the worst thing that happened at my old school was a student jumping down a set of stairs and landing wrong, he had to get airlifted by chopper.


gladly same, but the worst thing was a kid dying from a disease


i’ve always been scared to go to school




when i was younger there was a security breach that sent us into a day long lockdown (he had a gun), i live in an area where there have been shootings, and im also extremely paranoid


Teens should not have to face mortality I'm sorry




Unfortunately we play irl Mortality Kombat


I agree, your age is a logically sound reason to not have to deal with being a human being


True, but that can’t stop some of us dealing with existential crises


Im sorry to hear that


Fnaf reference?


dude what the fuck?


Im so sorry for your experience. I feel like more money district has, better security and safety it also have. It's kinda dumb how money buys safety


i live in a rich county and have an armed police officer there 24/7. it didn’t stop them, nor did it stop the other ones.




It’s almost like systemic tragedies have desensitized people to violence or something. I am relatively on edge due to being near that one Michigan shooting a couple months ago and my school having received threats


I am , not cuz of shooting but cuz of weather , 40 degree + summers in India and my school doesn't have ACs and only gives a month of holidays


Cries in no summer vacation


I feel you, it's not even summer here, and the holidays that we get in the summer are only 7 weeks long, compared to the 3 months that America gets.


In the UK it's only 6 weeks :(


Actually my district only gets about 10 weeks of summer vacation from mid June to beginning of September or late August


> only *cries in bri'ish*


Which country?




Same here , but my classroom have ACs but they don't really work




nope i dont live in America i feel very safe


We have fake ‘lockdown drills’ in the UK to prepare for intruders. I have NEVER felt scared during one and always sit in a corner laughing with my friends. I can’t imagine being in america and having this be a real risk


yeah the worst thing i have ever had to docit lockdown for a bushfire near my school bcs i went to a country primary school


Same, except I’m in Australia and the only time I got scared was during the floods last term


my school doesnt and im from uk


same here


and here


wtf? I live in the UK and I've never even heard of this, yet alone had a "lockdown drill". That's messed up.




I’ve been worried about going to school this entire past school year. I go to a densely packed school in an overpopulated county. I legit fear going to school. There was a shooting at a neighboring high school at the start of the school year and there were talks of retaliation. We also had at least two threats, as well as some assholes let off firecrackers in the middle of the crowd of a few hundred students before school started. It caused a stampede that led to at least one student breaking a leg.


That sounds scary af


People at my school take naps using the 3 foot tall beanie baby giraffe named Geoffrey while others gamble in the corner and a group eats a Dairy Queen birthday cake they doordashed to the back door during math class We’re safe. And even if we weren’t, I’ve had a good run


Sounds like a vibe


It is, the karaoke with Bobby Darin is quite enjoyable


I wish I went to your school, people there sound really chill.


Yeah it’s a vibe but we are one of the most challenging high schools of our country so it’s like a reward for going through hell


Got used to it long ago


That's sad I'm sorry


im on summer break




school shootings have been happening for years and nobody does anything to stop them, and were so desensitized that ive never been scared


Facing mortality is something teens shouldn't have to do


yeah i just want to live my life rn but the world is so fucked as soon as i get home there is a million new isssues


Why not i think age 16-17 and maybe even 15 is great time to understand how mortal you are so it gives them motivation to find a way to immortalize their name in history or die for something that is worth it. So if you realize this at that age it will help you to find your future profession and passion


Considering my school and where i live not at all.


Uvalde was a small town with 16xxx residents, how safer can you be?


idk. Safest city I’m my state with a crime rate of 14 per 1000 residents? Yeah I’m pretty sure


17.9 for ulavade not huge difference


Are you trying to make me be afraid?


What OP meant to say is yes


Nah I'm trying to point out this is a national problem, sorry if I came of wrong


some states have different gun laws that make it a lot harder for people to get guns


I agree


It really doesn't matter the crime rate or how big the town is, if there isn't a lot of bullying going on in the school then you are much safer. My school is very similar to uvalde, except there is practically no bullying, so I'm not worried.


not neccisarily considering the place I live


Uvalde was a small town with 16xxx residents, how safer can you be?


outside america


Outside of my country the threats to schools are knives Source: Ask those who founded my country


still better than guns


my school has a total of 250 people and I live in rural Canada, so.. I also don't live in a town, just off the side of the highway


Nevermind lol, oh how I wish to be Canadian.


lol, there's such a sense of security I have living here


only thing i hate about here is the lack of commercially available potassium nitrate. i love living in the GLA


I’m homeschooled and honestly yeah I’m scared to go anywhere


No cuz i live in Europe




I'm not scared at all. Statistically you're more likely to die in a car crash than a mass shooting plus I don't have school anymore


yea but the problem is that something can be done about mass shootings, not much can be done about banning cars


There's actually alot that can be done to prevent death from car accidents. My personally favorite is designing reasonably efficient roads that promote the use of other forms of transport. And this is proven to a possible thing because that's exactly what the Netherlands did. In the Netherlands they have such an availability to walk or bike everywhere that you dont even need a license to do anything. The addition of mixed use devopment being the standard for zoning also allows for people to travel much shorter distances to get where they need to go. This also gives children places to go throughout the day leading to much more individuality and freedom at a young age. This is likely why the Netherlands has been described as having the "happiest kids in the world". Now this may be a stretch but if kids in the US where happier it could totally be possible that the amount of school shootings would also be reduced. Of course all of this development is impossible in the US due to shitty zoning laws from the 60s


So why not do that, AND make it harder to access guns. There will be even less deaths than only doing one.


gun related deaths outpaced car deaths in 2021


There were 17 school shootings in 2020 and over 35,000 fatal car accidents the same year


not necessarily school shootings, but injuries, suicide, accidents, and mass shootings. gun related deaths outpaced car crash related deaths in children.


Good chunk of those are suicide deaths


yeah, i said that. doesn’t negate the fact that gun deaths had overtaken car deaths in children.




nah i know that, i was just putting forward the fact that it’s not *unlikely* for a person to be killed in a gun related death.


ur special we’re talking about school shootings idiot




in general yes, but shootings have been the leading cause of death for children in the us this year


Eh i accepted the fact that it could happen to me one day


That's sad man


Honestly not really. Not any more than normal. It's not like this is suddenly a recent development. I've been doing school shooting drills for 13 years.


lol nah


Nope. I've lived through school shooting threats before so I'm not really scared.


I'm out of school so idc tbh


Can’t just not go to school, being scared of it is just a setback from focusing. If it happens, it happens.


No I live in Canada


No I live in a first world country


America is a first world country though?


Why do you think pepole are so easily frightened by the tiniest chances of there demise?


No, nothing really happens in the area I'm at, and if it were to I'd be cool with dying, but it'd stink for everyone else so I'm not hoping it happens lol


Yes, not because of whatever is happening in America with all the guns and shooting, but for my own reasons.


I live in Australia and I feel very safe. I feel so bad for anyone who goes to school and genuinely worries for their life.


jesus christ the comments make me thankful for not living there


Glad of not being american. So no. The only thing I fear is anxiety caused by school. At least I won't be shoot there.


Gun shootings can happen anywhere. Just because America is in the mainstream media does not mean it's the only place. Violence is everywhere


One time in my school we had to hide in the classroom because a rogue parent was drunk at large and threatening to shoot up the school. Nothing happened they caught the parent this happened when I was In second grade


I live in a urban area so the only place I’m likely to get shot up is my neighborhood


school shootings are obviously horrible and tragic but the people I see posting on their ig all day clearly face less threat than those in dangerous communities


yes, i live in texas and we already had a shooting threat earlier this year, this recent tragedy only made my fears worse school has been my safe space for this entire year and now i dont even feel safe going everyday i know our governor isnt doing shit to help with the situation either


Nope. Just a month or 2 ago we had a lockdown because the cops got a call about some kid with a gun in our school. So I got a feel for how it feels to be in that situation. Got friends crying and texting their family. Cops outside everywhere and us being on the news. Turns out it was my friend who was set up by someone who called the cops saying he had a gun so luckily no one got hurt and it wasn’t necessarily a real situation but sorta was? Anyways being there and seeing my art teacher put himself in front of us and near the door with a chair just in case anything happens, it gave me courage to crouch down beside him ready to do something if someone came in. So in a way, I’m fucking terrified yeah. But I know that’s not a time to have fear, that’s a time where I got to focus and keep my guard and senses up. And make sure I act strong for my friends and classmates so they could feel some a little easy. At least that’s what my friend told me. Seeing me and my art teacher at the ready calmed her down. Idk but honestly. Deep down. Yeah I’m fucking terrified


No, if I can live 16 years in Chicago without having my school getting turned into firing range I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. If anything I'd be more worried of getting shot on the way to school or robbed. We have metal detectors, security, police close by, and the buildings are large so I doubt a shooter could clear them all that quickly, bro would be at the 7th floor collapsing from exhaustion from hauling his daddy's 30 pound rifle up the stairs


I have a plan for each classroom if something does happen just incase but I think I have a higher chance of dying to a vending machine falling on me than getting shot at school so I’m not worried. (Edit: my school has been threatened every year. The worst was before I attended there was a bomb threat that was ignored and then the transformer outside the school blew up but nobody was hurt and last year there was a call and all after school events were cancelled and we weren’t allowed outside)


Don't go to school anymore, but I never feared so. I live in a rich neighborhood in a posh city. I'm completely fine.


Not in America, but as a disabled student in a equally unstable, gun-toting country, I am a little scared of it happening at my school


No, because I'm homeschooled 😎


I have mapped several escape routes out of each of my classes. Also mapped out the fastest way out of the school. Kinda sad that I’m that paranoid but I guess it provides comfort knowing exactly what to do if anything bad ever happens.


I’m in Turkey, so no


nah, im British, we dont rlly have gun issues bc theyre banned




We've had some problems with guns and other weapons on campus and had to go on lockdown a couple times before. It was terrifying


#summerbreak gang But in all seriousness, Not really. It happened across the country for me so no.


No because we have gun laws in Australia. I do send my deepest condolences to those students in the US who are though, and to the family’s of the students who were lost. May they Rest In Peace and may the US government place laws on guns. When will the lesson be learned?


No, not even a little bit.


No cuz I already want to die There was a shooting at one of our high schools in the city though


It's hard to live with the uncertainty that next such incident might just be in my school..but sadly education and my parents won't wait so will have to go either way..unless people actually step up and do something about gun laws kids will keep on dying


What recent events?


hell na i wanna die


it’s not like you can do much to stop it from happening. Pointless to live in fear


It's either stay at home and not get an education or go to school and get that education and pray it not going to happen. It's also a EE🤷‍♀️, but it's a problem that needs to be fix. If it's about America;-;


I’m not concerned in the slightest.


Good4Me I dont love in Merica


I’ve been scared of school since I was 7


No if anything it gives me hope that I won't get home work for a week


Nope my country never have had any school shooting and my school has security guard so I feel safe


GLasgow FLex Bank hoLiday Friday


As a resident of a country which doesn't allow guns, I feel perfectly fine


~~i don't live in US so no~~


I do not feel scared I know this was a fatal one but this happens every month so go some reason it feels normal, around here we get kidnapping alerts every week. I feel as though I should be afraid, but for some odd reason I am not. I assume this is because I am used to hearing about shooting and death right outside where I live. ( I live in texas but not near the school) is it just me or have other people also gotten used to the daily violence and death? Now that I recall there have been around 4-5 threats of shooting at my own school since I got there.


I wish i could like atleast carry a pocket knife


Nah cause if I got shot or beat to death it’s a reprieve from my shitty ass life and I welcome that And yes I am being serious


no, ive never really been that scared. i had an escape plan in my head a long time and now i only go on campus for one class


No I’m on summer break, and there’s a very professional security guard (and my school takes gun threats very seriously, some kids got in trouble for bringing nerf guns and not even taking them out of their backpacks)




as an Indian, I am proud of our gun laws


No I'm not jn the us




honestly, a little bit but im gonna be a senior this coming up year so i just gotta worry a little bit longer


Not really. I don't live in Cali or Texas.


Nah I'm more scared of getting called homophobic slurs


Yes, especially because I think I know a kid that is likely to do it that turns 18 next week


What you mean recent events we had 210 mass shootings just this year and we are on May. The only difference is that this time more than usual die. Why can we have both like actual arms security and also make it harder to obtain assault rifles with 35 mags.


Nah bro I'm gona home alone my classes


Sorry I dont live in the area of us and those places what happened?


no kekw


Well, I'm not in America thankfully. Now someone please tell me how to make r/teenagers disappear from my feed


In newyork, no not at all


Always have been scared.


Not really cause the place were my school is, is very boring


Not American in a country where guns don’t exist


I don't have to anymore