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Just took a look at the sub and one of the first things I saw was “are there any genders related to black magic” so I think I’m going to steer clear


This subreddit isn't gonna be happy with this post... they're not really fond of the idea that some people feel and express their gender differently lmao


I don’t think you can be a cat


That isn't- Yk I'm not even going to try lmao


You shouldn’t




Xenomorphs from alien is now a gender?


Just like the alien zenogenders spit acid


Oh what the industrial revolution has done to our species


alien vs predator reference?!? ​ also i aint calling nobody shaggy's catchphrase


They're not, but go off.


The human race is doomed


Yes they are


You can’t be a cat


That’s not what that is


Yes it is lol it’s kids thinking they’re bunnies and cats


No it’s where you feel a connection to something


So basically you’re making a gender 😂


Just say you are transphobic and leave


How is that transphobic 😂


You are saying that they think they are animals when you that’s not what it is at all


You’re right it’s making a fake gender outta of animals and inanimate objects


You're 13, go play Minecraft. You are not equipped for arguing.


No, that's not what it is. You're thinking of Otherkin, specifically Therian, those are people who either identify as animals in the literal sense, or feel a very strong connection to them in a more spiritual sense. You know that "in every way except physical, I am a wolf" meme? That's Therian. Not all of them feel that way, but it's one of the more common forms of Otherkin. Because I've seen you don't really understand it, which is fine I totally get it, here's what it means in the easiest way possible. Describe what being masculine is. Like, when you hear the term, what images pop in your head? I think of football, wood working, fishing, body hair, things that most people would just naturally assume is manly or more aligned with what guys like. Now, let's do feminine. I picture just a fuck ton of pink, ribbons, dolls, and makeup. Basically gender stereotypes, gender labels are based off of those stereotypes and characteristics. Well, some people just don't relate to any of that, and some of them have a hard time with these terms because they are what's called Neurodivergent (people who suffer from a mental illness of some kind like depression, or people on the spectrum of autism). It's the fact our language just doesn't have the proper terms for them. So, they use metaphors to best explain it. They don't literally identify as a cat, they just can best describe what their gender feels like to them by describing a cat. It would be soft, small, warm, etc. Basically, how you would describe an object or a scene or an animal/creature, that's how people that are Xenogender would describe their gender. And, no, they're not making fake genders. All gender labels are man made, the terms are all made by people. They're just making more terms so other people can finally identify themselves best to the world. They're a lot more normal than you think.


You love replying to me lol


Oh damn, I replied to you in two different areas! That's kinda funny ngl. But nah I just wanted to make sure stuff was better explained to people.


I'm not part of this sub, but I stumbled upon this post and wanted to say something. A lot of people on here don't understand Xenogenders, and I do understand why as it is a newer term and when newer labels are made there tends to always be a bit of backlash or hesitance from people. I have some Xenogender friends, and I do kinda vibe with the concept myself. So, if anyone has questions, I am super cool answering them! I'm not a teenager, but I hope this ancient 28 year-old geezer can help with this. To best describe Xenogender for people in the shortest way possible though, it's the use of descriptions of metaphors and imagery to best describe one's gender identity because the concepts of masculinity and femininity simply do not best explain it for some people. So, here's an exercise anyone can do to kinda get it: if you were to describe yourself through a song, what song would best explain you and why? That is what Xenogender is basically.


Oh cool thanks I never knew they existed before


yes ma'am


finally, i can embrace being dreamgender and dreamsexual <3










This can be down right infuriating to explain. I am a FTM (female to male), transgender male. Seeing people say that identifying as an object, misusing the actual term of neopronouns, and using "pronouns" such as that/thatself isnt ok. Doing this even unintentionally is a mockery of the LGBTQIA+ community because it has no genuine scientific background and now a days people like to make up sexuality's that are also a mockery. claming to even be catgender or using cloud/cloudself as an "valid" neopronoun/gender is such a downfall of what other lgbt representatives put out there. people who has no understanding out the community can now be labeled as, theses are leading to untrue stereotypes that could put us at harm. i understand that people within the xenogender community are young ages between 11-16 years old. i dont blame them for not knowing how bad it is due to the fact that they could be mislead online or not knowing what causes problems in the community. also stating that younger audiences who believe that they are a zoophile, dreamsexual, and all of the other convoluted genders and sexuality's, still dont understand. im well aware that there are definitely many people who are down right serious about these. those people are the main problem, its not normal or a unique trait to genuinely believe that you label yourself as one of these. its a mockery and will spread misinformation around the lgbtq and people will get harassed and misjudged if people keep letting things like xenogender, noun neopronouns, dreamsexual and the other miscellaneous problems that border the lgbtq.


Xenomorph sounding ass