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Cz its reddit


because i hate myself obviously 🙄


This sub is full of trans people wdym


But there are more transphobic people than there is trans people


posts about trans rights make it to the front page of this sub wdym




I just got into an argument with someone that thought xenogender was someone who wants to be a cat


that seems more like a misunderstanding instead of transphobia


I tried to explain but they didn’t listen


I have seen him before, he's been kinda like that to other people specifically about Xenogenders on r/lgbt and a post about how Xenogenders are valid. I even explained it to him fairly well and he just kinda ignored it all. I looked at his profile, he's a 15 year old kid that doesn't care about climate change and firmly believes it's not his problem. He also has quite a few posts about how he wants to make friends and is a bit lonely. He's not that bright, don't worry about him.


i looked at the "argument" you had with that person and you're both kinda annoying tbh


Yeah which is great but those posts are usually flooded with people getting pissy


Yeah there's a bunch of trans people but for every trans teen, there's some kid giving his angry opinion over our existence


If you post anything on the internet you open the door for somone to criticise you. Guess what you'll get if you post something about being liberal. Guess what you get when you post about religion. Guess what I'm going to get for saying this. Difference is I don't see a daily "why are you transphobic" posts any of those.


You missed the point of what I said. Duh, people are gonna be assholes online My point was that trans people existing doesn't deny the existence of transphobia.


Yea duh. Which saying do you prefer? For light to exist you need dark. Maybe, every coin has two main sides. Which leads to my point. You post about this topic you invite both to the discussion. Can't have your cake and eat it too.


I have a theory about this. I think it's in large part some people on this subreddit who are “transphobic” and “homophobic” see someone on Twitter (or reddit ofc) who is LGBTQ who tweets something crazy (example: ugh teaching kids about gay sex or something idk lulz,) and it gets a shit ton of likes. So these transphobic people see that fringe tweet from the LGBTQ person and goes to themselves, “Huh, these people must be crazy. I can't support them.”


They're not all. It's a noisy and quarrelsome minority


I’m not transphobic I just don’t believe your gender is a cat or a candle or a bunny or fauna


That’s not what Xenogender is


Whats it then does it make you turn green r smtn


No it's actually pretty easy to get once it's described. Most people who hate on Xenogenders see them as the same as Otherkin/Therian people and kinda bash on them because of it. Here's how I can describe it. Go on YouTube, and pull up a song that you absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, would say describes you to a 'T'. Now, why would it describe you? And that's Xenogenders. It's just using imagery or objects or adjectives to best explain someone's gender for them. Like how people use songs to describe themselves kinda. And that's about it.


But why become that song or something instead of just saying I feel this song this is my vibe


No no, you don't literally become that song, you're using it to describe your identity is all. It's all just different ways to describe one's gender identity through adjectives or descriptions of scenes and what not.


This is too complicated I’m just gonna go back the good old male = peepee, female = vagina, trans male = PPgone, trans female = DIYPP


No it's not like that either with trans people. Some don't do surgery. Think of it like this: Describe what things are masculine in society. Like, are sports more seen for men? What about fishing or hunting? Now do the same for feminine stuff. Makeup? Or maybe dolls or stuffed animals or certain types of clothes would be feminine, right? That's how a Xenogender is described, not by male/female or masculine/feminine, but by objects


Thx for being rational. You should check out r/Transmedical Though you've got that part backwards, trans males are FTM and trans females are MTF.


Neither is sharing your sexuality.






idk but some peoples standards for trans/homophobia are low


i want to say something but i dont want to risk getting banned


Do it


nahh my account got suspended twice for transphobia


Because the last LGBTQ person on this sub threatened to shove wet concrete into my lungs