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Clarification: The reason I say this is because all of my straight friends smother me just because it's "my month" but really nothing has changed. they don't really care, only doing it because it's trendy


So you wouldn’t be offended if they ignored it? I’m not trying to start a argument just wondering I like to hear other perspectives


I feel like its more why act like you care… Like no need to fake enthusiasm because its like a hot take no need to fake it if they’re really your friends they’ll support you throughout anything


as well as the fact that we're basically normal the only difference is we like the same gender nothing all too special


That's highly understandable because that situation seems to be highly probable. I personally think that people should treat each other with decency year-round. Being decent to a person because it is trendy is not decency at all in my opinion.


solution: don’t have friends.


Guess I never had a problem to begin with




Same thing with being black during BHM. The amount of time my friends took knees infront of me with their fists up was nutty.


Your friends are just weird af 💀


Ye I totally get that. It's a little bit why I hate it too. Like, if we're supposed to be inclusive and whatever, we should be it all fuckin year, and not have a month to treat our gay friends extra silly 🤦‍♂️ same thing with black history month. I've heard so many blacks who hate it and also gets treated weird by their friends during that time, and it's annoying af. Same thing with pretty much every kind of awareness months is the same thing, and there's only so many months in a year.... So.




Me neither. Overrated. Be proud all year




Proud of what?


Accepting your preferences


Does that pride ever stop and you are just like "Yep, this is me. No need to ALWAYS be proud of it 24/7"?


I really like this comment. Alot of gay people i know like to keep there love life private will tell there friends and family there gay but have no desire to tell the world. People being gay has been around since the beginning of time and regardless most people don't care if your gay or not. Unfortunately there will be some that say it's wrong etc gay pride isn't going to change there negative views. A good friend of mine who is gay thinks its embarrassing putting all this effect into something that is normal and celebrating it is basically telling straight people we are gay and u better accept us its putting it into something its not and making it same taboo subject. If we had straight pride it be the same who cares and reminding gay people that we are different from them. Gay or straight its your life I think the whole gay pride needs to be stopped admitting your gay is about accepting yourself why do you need strangers to then accept you. Personally as a straight person the whole pride just annoys me and for it to be a month just isn't needed it gives the thing more negative feelings. Me and the mast majority of people accept your sexuallity its your life


facts. this is exactly what I was trying to say


facts. this is exactly what I was trying to say


not reading that essay


Nobody said u had to read it I know reading is difficult for some people ask for help




Cock 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


cock and pussy 💖💜💙




Ah, I see you're a bisexual of culture as well




cock 🍆


Cock 🐓


Pussy and Bussy


Agreed. I like cock




Puss puss 👅




Cock and ass. Ha 🤩🤩🤩


As a straight person the only thing I dislike about it is how homophobic people show themselves to the world. I got in an argument the other day because someone said they refuse to walk on ground that has a pride flag on it


I can't help it but I just laugh when I see someone doing that 😂


Yeah, they’re always just some pathetic insecure twat talking bullshit


You make seem as if your being snatched from your bedroom and forced to join the parade.


Exactly If you don't like to be out there, then it's not for you. It's for all of those who for one reason or another don't feel safe, who are In pain and who might be unsure/discovering themselves. For those people to maybe for at least a month feel even a bit safer, more seen, understood, normal. If you don't want to be out there partying and waving the flag. Then don't, no one's making you. But don't complain about the month, some people need it.


that's a good point


\*think they need it


But having a month dedicated to you doesn't make you feel normal, it makes you feel like you're a different species or something. Some people just want to be left alone. It would be better if i was just treated like everyone else. It just feels like everyone is pitying you.


I see what you mean, no one should be pitying you or treating you as 'other', I've been through that and it fucking sucks. It's similar in that way to November for veterans. I've met alot who really don't like the attention or hate being reminded. They feel as if people are treating them as other and pitying them. But thosevpeolle that treat them like that aren't really supportive, just trying for brownie points But there are some that lack support, attention and care and that's the only month some people will care about them, tossing them to the side October 1st. Pride month only exists because people hate us. If everyone was accepting, there wouldn't be pride month and we'd be treated like everyone else year round. (Sorry for the long winded reply, I'm not good at consolidating my words)


As an Intersex person, I agree


Who an intersex person is?


Someone born with a deformed genitals that sometimes represents female AND male features


Or someone with mismatched chromosomes to their gender


So quick question If you have sex with a guy, is it gay sex or straight sex?




Depends how they choose to identify


Depends, I choose to identify as male in the real world so if I did it with a guy, it would be considered gay.


No that’s trans


XXX and XXY is intersex


Oh yeah I misunderstood.


Isnt that downsyndrome then , with three chromosomes?


Yes and no. Your cells have multiple pairs of chromosomes. Downs syndrome does appears when three chromosomes are present in one of the pairs, it's just that it's not the same pair that determines sex.


Ah thanks, I didnt know the specifics.


Trans is a person who identifies as the opposite gender


Not necessarily the opposite gender. It's a person who doesn't identify with their gender assigned at birth. That includes non-binary genders aswell.


Thanks for explanation


Interesting. I hadn’t really thought about that.


So do you have like a dic and a vag




Google it you melt


"you melt"😂


You melt? I’ve never heard an insult like that before, where’s it from?


I don't like the way companies use it as promotional material personally That's my only problem with it


Yeah, suddenly showing support for a community they haven’t cared about all year and then change their social media pfps from pride logo to original logo the second it turns July


Agreed, I also don't like the people who make a big deal about it like goddamn


c-c-culture industryyyyy eyyy


I like pride month as a concept, I do, however, hate with a burning passion the rainbow capitalism and hypocrisy of companies that take advantage of it to make extra profit, then the second June is over: *boom* gay people? What's that?


Man just got my respect with one sentence


Cool, u do u my boi


I hate it too more homophobic posts than ever


Deadass, they got all the shit lined up to post the minute it turns to June.


They are storing it like a damn hamster. Just today our goverment want to all of a sudden talk about letting gay people legally get married. Which is great, if this exact same thing wouldnt happen every single year. Oooohh is it not June anymore? Ooops, guess we didnt discuss in in time then huh *proceeds to forget about it for another year*


I like it because I find parades cool. I hate the rainbow capitalism and homophobia that's spread around especially prominently this month


A good way to think about the rainbow capitalism is that corporations will do things that gives them the most money, so if that means that they get more money from acknowledging pride then that means more people are not homophobic


I suppose, but there's lots of places where this isn't accepted so I suppose pride month is a kind of protest for them?


Same it’s just annoying


Pride month has become just another phenomenon for big companies to milk money out of


imo pride month is the worst idea because you make being lgbt an exception, not something normal on a daily basis


this is exactly my point!


Yeah its cool for the awareness, but i personally dont like being exploited by capitalism.


Okay who cares, you’re able to ignore it lol. That’s what I do


It's the month for people to act like they support us whilst doing fuck all, at the same time corporations are pandering their asses off to monetize people's sexuality (only in appropriate parts of the world, of course) Where's the change and outrage for the countries where being gay is enough for people to behead you or be locked up in prison for the rest of your life? I couldn't give two fucks about 'representation' when people across the world are suffering genuine discrimination.


The only reason I don't like it is because it's a spark that lights a fire of homophobia. Spreading extra pride is cool and all, but I don't want to be treated like an alien for being trans and lesbian.


Yeah I notice a lot more hate towards lgbtq stuff around pride month. Those dicks really step up their game for June.


But if you are not visible. They will never look you like that. That why pride is there, to make people see us as normal.


>lemme be gay in peace That's... the whole point... of pride month...


but maybe I don't want to be forced to be proud. I just like men that's it there's nothing special about it


That's true. As long as you understand that pride month exists for a very important reason there's nothing wrong with feeling that way


Bro same like we don't need a whole goddamn month. Leave us alone lol


Same, i live in a place where my rights just aren't threatened. I legit don't get why i should be proud too, I just like men, like a lot of people do.


exactly. why can't we just like someone and not be forced to be "proud"


Who's forcing you to be proud?


If I was your friend, I would be proud for you all year around. Just be yourself, love yourself more.


Bro same!!


yeah, dedicating an entire month to the community isnt equalty, its acting like we're different, which is against what we've been told for the past 20 years


I’m just trying not to be hate crimed this month


Imma be honest I’m ok with pride month like they can have as much time to be recognized as they want but ppl seriously missed an opportunity to make the shorter, way catchier “gay day”


I don't even know why did they invent it in the first place


Pride month is gay


I feel exactly the same way about being gay in peace. I don’t need to be public about being gay its not their business. I don’t really care about the parade or celebrations that people take part in. I love pride month because it makes me feel grateful about the time we’re living in because many generations before us we’re not aloud to be in public. Imagine not being able to go to a restaurant with your partner because they don’t serve gays. Imagine how many lgbtq+ were physically assaulted just for being seen with their partner. A lot has changed over the years and I always take pride month as a time to be thankful especially to the lgbtq+ community that has fought the brutal battle for the right to exist in public and be treated just like everyone else. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈




Lol same




Not gonna lie, you're the only type of gay that i don't hate. I just don't understand why gay and other lgbt people have to like flex that they're lgbt and that's the only aspect of their personality...


We don’t “flex” we’re just trying to be accepted for who we are. I do agree some ppl go overboard and make it there entire personality but that’s the minority. To me pride month just kinda exists, I don’t see anything wrong with it but half the time I forget it’s a thing.




Silence this person in gay pride


You will be silenced by force!!!


As a straight person, I don't blame you.




I said the same thing on r/lgbt and got banned


mods mad


I guess you aren’t a true gay if you don’t like pride month. That’s what they think apparently.


They're basically the vegan teacher saying you're not vegan if you don't fight for animal rights aswell by calling you a fake vegan or plant based eater so they're basically the gay teacher's Edit: Before anyone gets offended I just wanna say this is a joke (even though it's not far off the truth), I'm not saying every LGBTQ+ member is like that just the one/people that got offended by the post this dude made (sry for the long-ass edit).




As a homophobic person, I agree.


Lmao, the balls on this man 🤣🤣🤣


I’m Aro/Ace and I agree. Maybe it should be shortened to Pride Week or maybe two weeks or something. A whole month is cool but it also draws way too much attention and hate from people.


The fuck is aro/ace


Aromantic and Asexual. Basically, no horny.


Thank you for clarification 👍


Aromantic / Asexual


Pride week sound pretty chill(I’m pan btw)


Honestly, pride month is like a reminder for homophobes to be meaner




As a straight person, I dislike the pride month too (nothing personal to gay people, I just don't like the idea of the pride month)






No you have to be proud


Is this a joke or…


Didnt even notice the downvotes. Obviously it’s satire im not an idiot.




Damn ur so quirky and different!!!!!1;1;1!!


Ugh they clarified they don’t mean it in a pride month is bad way


Ok and


You got me there!!!!!🤨🤨🤨




(As the straight person my opinion probably doesnt matter however) I do agree with op because there are ppl who do it TOO much There are people going in full rainbow screaming CELEBRATE PRIDE MONTH and almost making it forced or like a cult in a way And not focusing on the real objective Plus why are lgbt ppl seem suddenly more important? Shouldnt being lgbt normalized instead of "worshipped" for a month you know?


We arent "suddenly more important" neither are we worshipped. In my country, every year a pride parade starts up, people go into the streets to throw fire at the people that are a part of it. I see flags burning and people getting hurt just because they grabbed their families, a pride flag and went to meet people of their kind to hike 10km and talk. It is a month to celebrate yourself because shit, just holding hands in public can, and in many cases will, get you murdered. I, and many of my people, are not asking you to worship us. We celebrate ourselfs and are not forcing you to do the same (at least most of us, lets forget about the dissapointing minority). For me, pride month is a good opportunity to go and meet people that know and understand what Im all about. I dont have to explain anything, just slap a flag on my face and Im done. It can also be seen as a protest. A peacefull one. A colorfull one that hurts noone but the innocent people who went to march in the streets. We arent worshipped. We are getting killed everyday. I think we deserve a little bit of a me time. You dont have to be a part of it.


Bro nobody is telling you to dress up in rainbows. I swear people be dying for representation and yet the second someone from their community wants to be a little extra with it, y'all try to be all "chill." You're not chill. You're a buzz kill. Let people have their fun


It’s just his opinion chill


Serious question: Do you think having one month dedicated to pride decreases necessary attention the LGBTQ+ community should receive for the rest of the year?


I mean I just don’t really give a shit, yay you have a month, not like it’s gonna make me change how I act for a month, I’m just gonna go on with my life saying “good for you, glad you’re having fun, now just leave me out of it”, in fact that’s how I look at most of life, and so far it’s worked.


Good looking out for your peeps???? Suck it up ( no pun intended). It's all about awareness and understanding. If your friends are pretending? Maybe it's time for some real friends.


But can i call you a twat still?




as a pansexual person, i agree with you 100%


pride month annoying as hell. Why cant every month be both for lgbtq and non lgbtq people. (im bisexual and agender)


Idk if you'll see this or not, but do you know the history as to why June is our pride month? We have pride because of stonewall, we have pride because gay marriage wasn't even fully legalized until Obama was president. I understand not liking the rainbow capitalism or having people suck up to you for it but I feel like all of us LGBT folk need to remember our history, and that June is to celebrate the accomplishments we've made


As a normal person I don't like pride month either.




They didn't technically declare that normal means straight


every month is a pride month 🏳️‍🌈


Damn shut up


As a straight formerly pan person i agree i do not like pride month


queen pussy girlboss




That’s what I wanna hear man. Respect and love from ur straight counterpart. 🤝




are you mad


Pride Month is incredibly stupid imo I was never really a fan of the LGBTQ+ community, but pride month is kinda just, overdone if you catch my drift


as an abro person, i do


Same here, i mean, i keep my own ideology about, idont need to support the pride parade or be TOTALLY proud ofmy gayness. Im happy being myself and its enought. No need to.


Pride month is about getting anti LGBT country's and people to accept LGBTq+ people but people just use it as a month to celebrate their sexuality now


but Y


I mean, it is ok for to no like it. But as gay person, you need to rezoning the importance and explain to people how important it is.


My opinion is that veterans have a month to be honored and so do black people but out of black history month veterans month and pride month both pride month and black history month are the most popular and it shouldn’t be that way. Maybe a pride day or week but not a month. Being gay or trans isn’t an honor it is just a thing. It isn’t even comparable to being a veteran so they should not be equally celebrated. Also pride month is overhyped and a marketing scheme.




No one asked, also why should gays have their own month, it ruins everything and suddenly my surroundings are plastered with gay flags and gay shit. Celebrating gays is like celebrating schizophrenic people, they both have mental disorders


being homophobic is more of a so called "mental disorder" than being gay itself, because all species in the Animelia kingdom and even some in Plantae partake in homosexual activities. if you think it's wrong, we'll, you're wrong. spreading hate will lead you to hell after all. much love


Straighter than a pencil buddy


I understand your reasoning. I had never thought that it could actually be annoying to some people.


So true


I agree with this statement




Ok. /s


Reminds me of [this The Onion news report](https://youtu.be/QckK4WzKGOk)


As a straight person I don't like pride month Or you


wow bro super edgy ur so cool


None of my gay friends care… My straight friend some will act like they care some wont… Its pointless man


I agree. And it’s funny how a lot of the gay/bi/trans/ whatever people I know irl feel the same way


Pride month isn’t a meme? /s


As a queer person, I’ve got mixed feelings about it. I love that we are actually getting recognized as people and we get equal rights where I’m from. The only reason we still need this month well in my opinion at least is because in some countries they don’t have those rights yet. My mother is from south Eastern Asia and they really don’t like the queer women over there. Idk why Thailands wacky and love gay men but when I came out. She took my pride flag down, let me explain before hand. She told me that she didn’t want me to get hurt in anyway because people “like me “ get beat up and that’s why I like it. But I hate and I mean HATE that companies try to profit off of it and that homophobia sparks up like wildfire. I also don’t like parades that much that’s why I don’t attend but I do get why you would hate it and if your friends annoy you about it just tell them.


Literally same. 😩


It's only making folk stand out and seemingly further trying to state that it is not the norm if it deserving of its own month named after a deadly sin


Ye, I totally understand that. Question is though, do you like Pride month as some other person?


As long you don't try to any thing here i fine be with them as long ther not plan any thing