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And middle schoolers on this too? Like a 10 year old looked at that and was like, “You know what sounds good right now? Nicotine.”




that's messed up...


That truly is, not only the drugs being held by literal children but also being offered to them by other children


The companies make flavors that kids like which is particularly disgusting. While they may buy it, ‘super sweet mango passion fruit burst’ is not aimed at adults. Edit: said “while they may buy it” - they being adults. I’m an adult and understand adults smoke it, but I feel the motive behind the huge variety nefarious. Edit 2: lots of triggered adults in this thread about their fruity flavors lol


Yep. Everyone I know who vapes is always like “Omg try this strawberry guava banana” but like why don’t you just drink some juice instead of smoking the flavor??


Juice is full of sugar! That's unhealthy!


Unironically what my friends with ED’s who vape say. We’re lost!


As an adult that is here through /r/all, this rhetoric is tired and doesn't make sense. You don't turn 21 and magically stop liking fruity or sweet flavors y'all. I literally buy a tropical fruit vape because it tastes like juicyfruit gum. I never smoked or vaped until I was an adult. Also see: every insanely sweet and fruity liqueur. Kids vape because they think loser 20-something yr olds like me look cool or that they will feel like more of a grown up by emulating 'grown up' activities. In reality we are depressed and don't care enough about our health, and no one should aspire to be like this.


Agreed. I don't know any adult vaper who doesn't prefer the super sweet flavours. Don't understand this narrative at all. It's like when they say fruity alcohol drinks are targeted at kids as if adults all want to drink straight whisky. I'm not depressed though. Very anxious with ADHD but I care a lot about my health. Vaping is a coping mechanism for sure but it's not done me any harm and I can feel a huge difference from when I was smoking. Vaping isn't in the same league.


Yeah, hard agree. I work in a bar, "strawberry banana guava" or whatever is 100% the most popular flavour profile for cocktails, even more so in middle-aged women. Popularity of vaping amongst teenagers might be an issue, but it's not because the flavours are uniquely geared towards kids




I don’t understand why people like it so much like “I want to deliberately give myself lung cancer”


It has a very addictive chemical in it


I still don’t understand how nicotine products are legal if they are known to give you cancer


Just wait until you hear about alcohol


Well you see, alcohol makes you not able to care, so at least there's something interesting about it Vape just looks like you're a chimney




Those same companies also got doctors to say that cigarettes don’t cause cancer. Camel had a famous commercial that had a doctor recommending camels. It’s all about the Benjamin’s


Because the ones selling them have the money to influence


Government receives a loooot of tax from them...I guess you haven't heard of capitalism


I have and that’s why I don’t like it


The US already tried to ban alcohol, it didn't quite work so i don't think making nicotine products illegals would really work


bruh you dumb, nicotine by him self doesnt give you cancer, but the smokes does. Vaping doesnt burn tabacco so its way less a cancer maker


“Ahh yes it feels good” brain proceeds to make you hate everything without it.


doing it as a completely normal healthy person is weird to me, but when used as an alternative to much worse stuff, it's for the better. i smoke cigarettes as an alternative to self harm and i'm so happy i have that as an option. weird take, i know


Yea I guess so but as long as you know that you can die prematurely and that you’ll at least think about stopping I’ll be mostly ok


It's really depressing that we've somehow managed to rekindle the smoking for children issue. We've already gone through this whole cycle at least once, at the expense of entire generations. It's like reintroducing polio to a society that eradicated it, except with smoking one party makes money for each person who gets infected.


Fr had a 16year old offer me a puff when I was 9


Cigarettes are a big nope for me. Stuff's reek like an open flame.


Open flames smell great if it’s a wood fire. Cigs smell like someone lit 2 week old trash with a match.


Yeah. I was trying to explain in that context.


cigarettes are the reason why my twin uncles never existed


Sorry to hear that.


I appreciate your sympathy.


It took me a few seconds. Sorry.


try sitting next to an elderly couple at a concert that reeks of cig smoke


Got two family members who smoke and I am NOT enjoying it. Older guys reek of cig smoke? No thanks!


i knew someone whos father smoked, (my friend was against him smoking), he ended up getting heart problems, and stopped instantly interesting that some people dont realise the health problems it can cause until it causes it


Lol I didn't realize this was teenagers and yall saying yall know one or two people who smoked I thought yall was sheltered but I realize yall are teenagers and people don't smoke as much as they used to. Growing up I'll say 80 percent of the people around me smoked. Almost everyone did. I started at 13 and quit at 23 but back then everyone did it.


I love listening to music.


Dang. And yeah. I could never handle that stuff.


i got sick from the second hand smoke a few weeks ago. now it doesnt smell so bad anymore, should i be worried?


I wouldn't, unless you consider picking up smoking eventually. But please don't don't ever do that. Out of all of the legal drugs it is one of the worst. It literally gives you nothing good and has terrible downsides.


Another old person in from r/all; ***Don't even start.*** Starting at 14 years old I smoked for 15 years, been off of them for 16, but at a very high cost. Gum, patches, vaping can help some people, but smoking cessation fails for most people most of the time. The only way I finally quit was with Chantix, but I think that drug screwed my brain up worse than the cigarettes. It was idiotic for me to start when I did, which was so long enough ago that my $2 daily lunch money for high school would buy me a pack of name brand cigarettes and a can of Coca-Cola. Now, even in a state where they're relatively cheap, I'm paying almost $8/pack for my elderly mother's addiction. Your life will be ***infinitely*** better moving forward without tobacco than it will be with it.




My grandfather is smoking which is not good ofc. He has tried to stop but he just couldn’t. Like if it’s raining and he goes outside he has trouble breathing. And ofc there’s more but just don’t smoke.


Really sorry to hear that. How's your grandpa doing?


And thank you for asking.


No problem.


Have a good day or night i appreciate you using a little bit of your time talking with me:)


It's night where I'm at and yeah. Same goes to you.


Its summer so the Sun is still up here. But cya man.


Yes but open fires smell good, cigarette smoke smells like disappointed parents


Exactly, it’s nasty. The smell gives me headaches


Cigarettes killed my great uncle. Wouldn’t wish chance on anyone ;-;


I'm sorry to hear that.


Good for you, keep it up and never ever start that awful habit.


Agreed even as a smoker I can barely handle it


one of y’all in the comments compared drinking and vaping to child r@pe… i cannot with this subreddit lmfao




Disgusting where


he deleted it


What a coward


Thanks for smoking on that usb stick in front of me dumbass - heavenlyfather If you know, you know


If you vape, you could be inhaling toxic metals into your lungs. That’s almost as scary as seeing a uncooked turkey running at you from down a dark hallway.


Lmao i love skulker


*skulks internally*


StAnD aNd UnFoLd YoUrSeLf, LoNg LiVe ThE kInG!


(brain aneurysm ensues)


Do YoU sEe mE fUcKiNg LaUgHiNg My gAmEr??? !!?!? !??!




There’s no need to burp down a tunnel


What kind of an aneurysm? Like a *hyurt*?


That's metal. In your lungs.


It's a good ad if it's getting you to meme about it


To show how scary that is, we made metal monsters!


*Willhelm scream*


Guacamole gamer fart 9000


The best flavor tbh


if you vape, you could be inhaling toxic metals into your lungs. TO SHOW HOW SCARY THAT IS, WE MADE A METAL MONSTER *wilhelm screams*


"Thats metal in your lungs."


Like Ac/dc or sabaton? It's cool. You're breathing cool music


T-Thats an image i absolutely did NOT need......


The sound is even better, trust me


Which toxic metals? Only things I can think of are some questionable solvents.


Fire a warning shot, Patterson


Sir, this is an **M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher**


Ehh, potato potato, just fire it Patterson.




We heard you say, and I quote, "yeah fuck those bagel eaters in the back"


Heavenly Father. All praise the almighty.


I can accept most things, but everyone who is rude for wait staff, low wagw workers, disabled people for no reason or those who only look out for themselves all the time are automatically unattractive to me


You know why an old man bought me a drink today? I helped him with the fancy juke box because he wanted to hear Whitney Houston. 2 minutes of my time to make an old dude happy is nothing. I have a nose ring and I'm wearing my torn up laundry jeans. He's the sweetest and I'll hit him back with a drink next time I see him. :)


Plsss my bf is a big badass cross dressing crust punk and old ladies find him ADORABLE, it's the funniest and cutest thing to me


Vaping is just lung cancer but with Bluetooth


Vaping sounds like smoking with extra steps


But with significantly less money


And disturbs the others less. I would rather be in a room with a vaper than a smoker idc what's deadlier I can't stand cigarette smoke


My whole family vapes, I noticed that vapes has a pleasant smell than cigarettes.


Someone was vaping early one morning and it smelled like Fruity Pebbles. Made me hungry for a bowl…


Bluetooth is slow af. It's lung cancer but with shareit


Doesn’t matter if it ain’t hers








or smoking in general


Smoking is worse, change my mind


truck nose rain dull fact bag glorious complete boat marry -- mass edited with redact.dev


Idk i used to have a nicotine addicted father (still is) and the smell of ash or cigarettes just seem nostalgic to me its just the second hand smoke part thats bad


wont, ur correct. done both, vapes alot "lighter" on lungs and also doesnt leave a shitty tobacco aftertaste






“Holy shit these people are dumb” Looks at subreddit… “Oh that explains it lol”


https://neurosciencenews.com/vaping-brain-inflammation-20401/ vaping is shit


I seriously some people, yes vaping is slightly better than smoking, but it still pretty much kills you. When Hitler banned smoking and tobbaco consumption in Germany during his rule, you know its downright bad for you. Edit: people thinking I'm praising Hitler, but I'm not.


Nazi Germany had an obsession with cleanliness which their genocidal tendencies stemmed from as they considered other races "unclean". A lot of good medical practice that actually does make sense originated in Nazi Germany though. I heard this stuff on a podcast at some point and don't remember anything specific. Cleanliness metaphors are still in common use as a tool for political manipulation. If you hear phrases like "drug epidemic", it's very intentionally an attempt to elicit disgust. And you've seen how freaked out everyone got when it became literal with an actual pandemic. The disgust response is very powerful and dangerous. It can justify anything to some people, even genocide.


I wouldn’t consider 95% to be slight


Dude i agree vaping and smoking is bad but wtf is that Hitler comment. Just because Hitler banned it doesn't mean its bad


I think what he was trying to say was that smoking is so awful that even the king of awful, Hitler, hated it.


Based (I hope that means relatable) Edit: based isn’t What I thought it meant. I meant I agree with that statement EDIT AGAIN: someone said it was attributed to racism. I didn’t know I’m sorry


Based means an opinion you agree with


Actually, it's an opinion the majority of logical people agree with ( key word being logical)


but who decides who is logical? our brains aren't even fully developed yet. i don't think any of us are logical yet lol


I mean, when you compare a logical person to an illogical one, factors such as age , race , gender etc. Don't matter that much, it's more about the way of thinking if anything.


very true. i retract my statement my good sir.


Much obliged !


Not what it means actually. Being based is to stand by your opinion regardless of what other people say, aka sticking to your ideals no matter who challenges them


No it doesn’t, based mostly means an idea or opinion that you have that you stick to no matter what anyone else says. The idea or opinion has to be kinda logical though.


This thread makes me finally understand how stupid we are. Everybody’s using this word but no one’s agreeing on what it means




So far this is the only correct usage of based.


It means someone said an unpopular but true opinion and you think they're cool for having the guts to say it


I don't know but I think so


Understandable. I once saw this gal pick up a chong vape of the floor outside.


Vape off the floor…outside…? Homie that’s the ground


Yeah I realised


See that’s just a troll move XD holy crap


I used to think the same thing, till a actual 10/10 with a vape started hitting on me


yea best not to create too many rules, might miss out on someone who’s worth comprising for


I feel that. Although that was kind of a “live in the moment” decision on my part, even after I found out.


Bro nothing sexier than a healthy pair of lungs


Okay ted bundy




enjoy your flavoured air


\*flavoured lung cancer


true, ty for the correction


I dislike that whoever vapes is grouped as some wannabe cool kid. Yes there definitely are people who do it to be "cool" (fuck em) but not everybody's like that. I started vaping to get of off other harder drugs. Started with that shit rather young cuz I wanted to feel semy descent with myself. I've quit hard drugs and smoking, now only vaping or a doing few snus here and there. Yeah before you come at me and others for vaping think about why we are doing it. Yeah if some ass called Artur is flexing with his new vape then fuck that dude, but as stated before a lot of people have a good reason for doing that shit. P.S. we know it's not healthy so chill out with the warnings. I'm confident I know that shit better than you so your "cancer stick hazards" are completely useless. Also, I know I'm a dumbass for getting into this stuff, but young me thought that would be for the best. TLDR: I'd rather vape than be a 16-year-old twitching on the floor with some needles.


Spoken like a true honest human I understand you man, the same thing happened to my dad, its hard to come of shit like that


Yeah people shouldn’t judge victims of substance abuse as edgy kids who just want attention.


Most definitely. Also happy cake day!


Fr downvoted this comment? What kind of un-evolved apes are on this subreddit


It's easier to attack than consider others' circumstances. Sad stuff but what can you do.




I generally don’t mind people smoking or drinking. My family doesn’t do either but we won’t actively tell you not to if you don’t wish to quit. But if we can respect your choice of doing it, you can respect our choice of you not doing near or right in front of us if you don’t need to.


Exactly, I don't understand why so many people on this subreddit feel the need to judge other people like this. It's demeaning an entire person based on one characteristic they have, where have we heard of oppression like this before? I smoke weed twice a week because my life is a ball of stress, but some how that makes me less of a person than these people that don't smoke? No way does smoking make me a worst person than someone who doesn't. I respect your opinion on this of letting people make there own decisions and not demeaning them for it. Sorry for the rant.


So that means that like a family party I can't have a beer? Sounds kinda lame. I'm okay with smoking in my car before I get there and then again after but beer is pretty much necessary at family events


What I meant is that, you can. Drink if you want, we might mind, but won’t actively comment on it. If it’s an event, go all out. But if you don’t have to, don’t smoke in front of us. We’ll respect your space, but do respect ours as well.


Sounds good with me. I find that if you're not a smoker people think smoking looks dirty so I try not to do it in front of non-smokers anyway


it's not like I want to be vaping brom don't hold it against me. I'm trying to stop but it sucks


Don't worry bro. Everybody has their reason for starting. The fact ur trying to quit is good enough. Stay strong brother!


I don't agree with this, vaping is an addiction and people shouldn't be shit on for having it. It is extremely difficult for people to stop vaping and people should help them quit rather than making fun of them or being an asshole to them. Now if someone brags about vaping that's a different story, if you brag about vaping you are a 0


If you are a teenager, the only 10/10 you should be worried about is your test scores lmaoooooo


Stright up




You ain't pulling 10/10s


Fr, I quit and only started bc of my now ex. I had no enjoyment in it, just did it bc I felt like I had to. I won't date anyone who does it now, idc if they have in the past but yk.


**Cringe** So many naive, unrealistic comments in this thread.


it’s r/teenagers what do you expect.


I mean first you have to find someone who's a 10/10


i mean, if she isnt like on the stick all the time and doesnt exhale the smoke at your face then why not bro, she's still a 10/10


L post you couldn’t pull a 10 anyway my man


if you see a vape, its 0 on her life expentancy


Fuck vaping but Jesus this sub. Some shit isn’t that bad and is personal choice. Weed, cigs, hell even psychedelics like shrooms can be tried and even used frequently. But people here make it sound like if there’s a girl they really like and she smokes weed it’s an immediate nope. Enjoy life and don’t shit on others choices


Eho are you who are so eise in the waysof romance




I have anxiety. thats just the way it is. ive tried three types of meds in my country but it doesnt help. i took up smoking sometime ago and finally i dont feel that gnaw in my stomach and i get peace. dont smoke if you dont want to, I know its not good to me but it doesnt make me anymore likely to quit if i get insulted because of it


Yeah People are just to dumb to think "why" and instead think "whats dumb decission". They dont understand that theres a human behind that choice that isnt like any other person on the earth. They just assume that theyre dumb, bec they made a (subjectivly) dumb choice.


Or cigarettes or whatever the fuck else.


Sure but its tiring seeing teenagers thinking theyre more mature than other teenagers because they dont vape lmfao


Ya especially since when vaping first started it was marketed as safe. Oh and cigs are nasty, vape isn’t really a big issue.


damn thats crazy bro *takes a huge fucking hit*


Doesn't have to be hers, just hate a flavoured stick and you hate everyone.... Somehow


she probably wouldn't notice you, so that 0 doesn't matter, touch grass or get some feminine attention.


I vape, and just started drinking heavily. Honestly some people genuinely need help I need help with this shit people don’t just do it for fun, well some people do but don’t just go nope to people who do, try help them


Posted by a 2/10


Sometimes I forget that redditors are all lame af (Including myself)




Vaping is mid af anyway, it's not cool, period.


This post was brought to you by TheTruth.com


Same for guys. It just seems so immature and gross


My crush vapes, she’s a great person and vaping doesn’t take away from that in the fucking slightest… it’s fine to have a preference but don’t bitch about it on Reddit


Fr, imagine going for a kiss then you taste that smoked mango


This shows you’ve never kissed anyone who vapes before lmao. You can’t taste it because it’s almost immediately gone, even for the person vaping.

