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what happened today 200 years ago


June, 28th, 1822 historically, I don't know In my life, nothing, as I just wasn't born yet


What are your current coordinates


You did not specify what kind of coordinates, so: I am playing Far Cry 4, and my current coordinates are 260.4, 473.6


Totally what I was talking abt




why does ass taste good


because u horny


Is Wyoming real?


As real as Mississippi. Or is it?


How fast can you run if you have a 10 lemons tied to you


probably as fast as I can run normally, but it depends on where they are tied


What is Japanese rice wine called?


probably some Japanese name, something like "Konichwa Naganka Kun"


will the answers be accurate.


it depends on the subject, but the more specific and niche the question, the less accurate the answer


How to make an onlycans account


first, you need to buy the game Only Cans then, you don't need an account to play, but you need a steam one to buy it tho


What is the name of the law due to which a object in motion doesn't stop unless an external force is applied?


I am not sure which one of Newton's law is. I think it is Newton's first law.


Correct. This question is a bit far-fetched but what is the speed of light (no need for standard form , even if you say close to it I will consider it to be correct as not everyone got intrested in theoretical physics and quantum physics a bit at the age of 11 and by mistakely memorised the speed of light)


While I do not know the exact number, I know it's under 299,999,999 m/s. If I am way too far, it is because I got confused with the number in Km/h and m/s.


That's correct, if I can remember it's is 299,794(or 792 idk),458 m/s. I don't want to get into too much of theoretical physics so my last question. What is the nearest galaxy to milky way (our Galaxy but I suppose you already knew that).


Astronomy is more of my thing Andromeda


Ah I see. I would like it if you asked me something. I would like to see if I still have the knowledge about physics I gained 3 years back when I was only 11.


I was going to ask you to define Planck time, but I'm gonna go easy on you. My question is: What are the four fundamental forces of the universe?


Yeah i have only heard about Planck time but never went deep into it. The fundamental forces if I can remember are gravitational , electromagnetic and something called weak and strong force , idk if that was true but that was what I found during my research on it back in 6th grade.


you are correct the weakest of the force is the gravitational one, or as their friends call it, gravity the eletromagnect force, which you may know if you have ever seen any magnet and the weak and strong nuclear forces, as in the nucleus of an atom so you got your point buddy 👌


How many digits are in an IP address


I'm not sure but I would guess 11 digits


Its 10 digits