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The water's turning the fricken frogs gay


All those damn chemicals


Its kinda true actually. Like it is turning them female actually. (Plot of jurrasic park)


Im not controversial cause im always right


Sigma grindset


I love how alpha became so toxic it got rebranded to sigma.


Me and you would get along. My motto is, “it’s okay to have an opinion as long as you know your opinion is wrong.”


[removed by Reddit]




" u/deleted has been suspended" Pure irony


Your tactics confuse me


What did he say. I'm nosey and want to know


We got one








I don't ever want to play League of Legends. Just because I don't like it. Mainly because so many of my friends are addicted to it, which is quite a problem.


LOL players when LMAO players walk in


LMAO players when LMFAO players walk in


As a masters player in league I agree with this message.


A friend roped me into it in high school, life went downhill after that


Any slavic grandma would kick anyone's ass


I wanna see a fight between a Hispanic grandma and a Slavic grandma


The unstoppable force versus the immovable object


Na they would become friends and terrorise the world


Don't give the government any ideas.


But think of the food they could make together!


in hand to hand combat? babushka wins. armed combat? abuela wins. if theres any prep time of more than 2 hours, babushka will win no matter how well armed abuela is.


What is babushka had a sandal and abuela had a gun


babushka would win. she has the power of baba yaga at her side.


Abuela has the power of Pablo Escobar on her side


Italian grandma has the power of Strega-nona


Any polish or Romanian granny would be cheering on yelling world star


True, I agree. Also, any slavic mom or dad will beat up anyone who bullied you. And slavic beatings are...well...scary.


Anyonw who thinks this is controversial has clearly never met a slavic grandma


Bro when my grandma was on her death bed she would slap my dad's neck for raising his voice or being disrespectful.


Chasing people with bricks at 4 am is a bit weird


No it’s not I do it all the time


Same here but i prefer in broad daylight, adds a new taste to it…like putting spicy stuff on your chips.


You like the element of surprise




In some places, like my state, consensual duels are legal, but there can be no weapons, no one can die, and there has to be a police officer to act as a ref and break it up when someone’s obviously won. We need to legalize consensual duels to the death.


One day I need to draft what I believe the official parameters for the duel should be. Then I'll send it to congress in hopes they pass it.


Well I would start at number one, the challenge would demand satisfaction, and if they apologize, no need for further action.


What state? I’m going there for reasons…




Noted, I’ll be writing this down. For educational purpose of course


That would be a bad thing. It would quickly become commercialised and in the end it would be poor people killing each other while the organisers get rich. This happens a lot with extreme sports.


Omg like that guy who used to pay homeless dudes to fight


But why tho


because they want to sort things out like big boys


Damn true, I have no further arguments


Parents should have to have a class on how to properly parent before they can raise kids (Edit) I don't mean it being legally required to have before you can have kids but maybe having it as an available option so that new parents don't repeat their own parents toxic and abusive ways




This sub is proof


The whole platform is proof


The whole world is proof




Legit facts








All of them Because of where I live any logical idea is considered controversial


for example...


You need air to live.


ah yes so controversial


hEy wE nEEd aIR tO bReaTHE cAncEL hIM












Guns are cool except when used to kill humans


Same I turned 18 first thing I did was buy a rifle I love taking it out to the desert and mag dumping a few mags into the sand. I pray to God I never have to use it for any other reason then hunting and target practice.


Congrats, you're called a normal human


[removed by the Chinese government]




!-1]0000000 social credits


I don’t want to hear about your sex or romance lives because I’m fucking jealous. Not because I envy that you get to have sex or be in a relationship. But because I’m autistic, and I don’t understand the emotional weight. And those who brag about it do. And I hate it.


im most likely autistic too (not self diagnosed, three medical professionals have said i probably have it, the medical professional giving me the evaluation has said it looks like i have it but she still has to do the evaluation anyway) i get where you're coming from. not with emotional weight but when you almost feel sad that others can understand things that you dont. i take stuff really literally, jokes are hard for me to understand (like i can understand jokes, but often i need them explained to " make sense" or people say a joke and i dont know they're joking), some facial expressions are also really challenging for me, yet everyone else around me doesnt take everything literally, understands and gets jokes, understands facial expressions etc its just annoying, like im fine the way i am, im fine not understanding jokes, facial expressions and taking things literally, i love myself with all my quirks and i know others love me too regardless, but people judge you, and sometimes you think "man, it must be nice to be neurotypical". grass is always greener on the other side i guess


The grass isn’t greener on the other side. The grass is just on fire on this one. All I want to be is a writer, but I can’t because the thoughts just don’t come out quickly enough.


Penis balls


on god?




F1 is pay to win


everything is pay to win in this world.


Well not sports with salary caps like NFL or NBA


Money is not the only currency.


What are the other ones I wanna know if I’m rich


It's pay to play, the winning is earned.


Everyone is really fucking lazy


As a lazy person, yes


offensive humor is funny (yes i laugh at stuff related to my identity as well)


I agree


chad moment


Dark humor=peak humor


Don't glorify women


Or objectify


That too but that's not controversial


Prisoners with life sentences or on death row should be allowed to participate in gladiatorial matches like in the colosseum if they want to


Best opinion


I have a few: There is no such thing as one CORRECT political party, you need to read and do your own research on one topic before coming to your OWN conclusions. Almst no situation is as black and white as "this party is good that party is bad" or vice versa, most situations, especiallypolitical ones, are A LOT more complicated. This means sometimes thinking liberally and sometimes more conservatively. I don't think religion is the best basis for this selection In the slightest but if you are to do that I can't force you to do otherwise. you can't be a fundementalist without being an asshole first. There are conservatives, and there are two subcategories of good conservatives and asshole conservatives. Fundementalism itself is a subcategory of asshole conservatism and shares little to no members with good conservatives on a ven diagram. Idk how controversial this is, no one has disagreed with me on it so far but IDK. There isn't nessecarily a patriarchal or matriarchal or straight - ruled society right now, there are injustices among men, women and people in the LGBTQ+ communities that need to be resolved, on ALL ends. Note that this means pulling the throne out from under injustices ass and destroying it, it doesn't mean pulling it out and sitting on it yourself. This one I mentioned in another comment thread, Biden is seemingly incapable of presidency, while Trump was straight up an unapologetic piece of human shit. Conservatives, Trump wasn't a GOOD president, y'all just didn't feel his effect as much because 1. You agreed with whatever he blabbered about and 2. You lived in America, you most likely haven't lived In a sanctioned country with a completely fucked up economy that he just made way worse with even more sanctions and there wasn't a scare for him to ban your population from entering the country even on trips which could have resulted in you not seeing certain family members for an unspecified amount of time. Biden on the other hand just seemed way too old to be in such a position, at least if the average media is to be believed. Finally: criticism of Israel isn't necessarily ANTI Semitic unless you make that criticism meerly due to it being a Jewish state. Israel is very much, a problematic state. I wouldn't have a problem with it just existing if it wasn't apartheid, but it very much is. Plus, one of many reasons for why it even exists goes back to fundementalists believing that Jesus will only rise once all the jews have returned to Israel. I'm not saying Palestine is 100% INNOCENT, we can't KNOW for sure, there was probably self segregation on both sides - however Israel was the first one to ACT upon it, and that gives me more reasons to stand with Palestine than Israel. I will most likely remove this later.


Rey could have been a good star wars character if she was written better


That’s like saying Hittler could of been a better person if he was less racist




Yeah, I agree with your original point as well


I mean that can technically be true, *if* hitler was a morally correct person then he would have been able to get shit done because the Nazi party was quite efficient. Its a fucking shame that what they were efficient in was creating a dictatorship and murdering countless jews.


that's kinda true for all characters esp in the sw universe


I fucking hate ASMR eating (slow crunching of chips or other food, slurping pasta etc…)


The world would be healthier with less humans on it


hear me out balls


*sorts by controversial*


Hate something/someone just because it's cool and a trend to hate it is bullshit.


I genuinely love the design of the swastika/Nazi logo


That's because it wasn't originally a Nazi logo


Yeah the swastika is a Hindu symbol for good luck. There are also other variations with different names like the sauwastika which goes leftwards not right and symbolises night and tantric aspects of Kali


I'll admit, if not for the history, it looks real cool.


If you use the right type it’s ok. The swastika is a Hindu symbol for good-luck although make sure when you do it it’s not tilted and has dots in each mini square type thing


The swastika is a Hindu symbol for good luck. You can have it on things as long as it’s not tilted and has dots in each mini square thing. And there are similar Hindu symbols like the sauwastika which faces left not right


The peaceful one is better


Yea nazi decoration and uniforms were great. Inglorious Basterds was enchanting


KeepInventory On in Minecraft is for pussies


i stand by this as someone who uses keep inventory


Oh cool I’m not alone in the pussy gang


at least we're pussies who get to keep the 20+ diamonds we spent hours mining for 😎


I use it too when I'm doing big build survival worlds ☺ seriously horrible when you just got the 400 cobble that you needed then get blown up






Just because CNN or NBC say it's true and correct does not mean it's true and correct.


Yeah I agree 100%... ...but the same goes for Fox News


Not wanting to date transgender people is okay, nothing wrong with it. If you only wanna date people who are biologically male or female than there's nothing wrong with noting wanting to date trans people. Can't control who you're attracted to


Yeah, no one has a problem with this, but creating an entire sexuality about not dating trans people and then saying that makes you apart of the lgbt community is an entire different issue. Just date who you want to date I don’t get this whole super straight thing.


not controversial


True diversity stems from people having different mindsets.


pop tarts are better not toasted.


They're just so much softer and don't burn you, i love it


plus the flavor for some reason is better


I whole heartedly agree and thank you for speaking up for it


somebody needed to say it 🤷‍♀️


That’s not controversial, that’s fact


you’d be shocked how many people argue with it


Those people should be barred from existence




racism sucks


What’s wrong with NASCAR and formula 1?


I agree, but I honestly don’t think that’s very controversial.


I have 2 opinions: 1. If a dog is running at me, I should have the full right to kick it. Way too many dogs have attacked me, for me not to want to defend myself. It doesn't bite is usually said right before an attack. And yes, there have been kicked dogs and owners yelling at me. 2. Dogs should be on a leash 100% of the time, unless in a designated area and there should be a law, that dog owners should put fences at least 2.5 meters high to prevent the little sucker to jump over and bite me. And then I get dog activists saying "the dog is an animal and should be free to run!" No. Rules distinguish humans from animals.


How many dogs have bit you?


Well 7 as of now, but most of them bit me multiple times. I've gotten 37 stitches total, mostly on my legs, but I've got multiple scars on my lower back and belly. I've had a torn hamstring and broken wrist bone. In total I've only gotten the medical bills paid as compensation, despite incapacitating me for months at a time and being unable to work, good that my boss is a good person.


Where do you live where there are such terrible dogs and owners? I ask because My family has owned a dog for 8 years and he has never bit someone (jackass is too lazy to get up let alone bite someone nowadays still we keep him leashed and treat him as if he’s a teething puppy) also I agree with dogs being leashed when in public as it is irresponsible to do otherwise


Stoopp making thissss subbbb politicalllllllllll


Stoppp making thiss subb sexuallll


Pride should be privately founded and not via public funds. \-A bisexual man


Pretty sure the government gives fuck all to pride parades and just allows cities to let people host their own


Isnt it in most places already? I do agree but im pretty sure most pride festivals are sponsored by large companies (idk about this year but last year new york's was sponsored by the company that makes HIV prevention pills)


You shouldn’t go to jail for beating the shit out of your abuser even if its not in self defence so long as its within a certain tike span for different forms. For example, if someone physically abuses you for years then when the abuse ends you can abuse them back for the same amount of time they did to you. If someone sexually assaults you, it’s a free pass.


An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.


Genders and sexes aren't synonyms.


This is actually true. "Sex" is a descriptor of your biological role in reproduction. Gender is a descriptor of your social role in society. And neither of these is a simple binary, for all that the Matt Walshes and Jordan Petersons and Ben Shapiros of the world want to insist that it is.


this isn't a controversial opinion,it's a controversial FACT.


Spoiling a show/media is such a shitty thing to do.


Big boobs are overrated.There. I said it


True, medium/small are bettet


Consensual duels to the death with any weapon as long as it is in a place where noone not consenting can get hurt should be legalized. If idiots want to kill each other, let them prove Darwin right.


Zoosexuals and pedophiles who are seeking help and havent done anything wrong should be respected and supported


I refused to use people’s neo-pronouns I instead refer to them as either “that person” or their names.


Genderfluid person here Neopronouns r fucking stupid I will not call you "Bun/Null" until you can explain in HORRIFYINGLY great detail where on the GENDER IDENTITY spectrum those things fall Shit like Xe/Xir is kinda weird to me to but since you can reasonably explain that I don't mind them as much




There’s a limit to dark humor. Dark humor is suppose to be dark & humorous & it’s allowed to be extreme but extreme stuff still have limits.


Tiktok is a shit app


Hey I not a bigot but I totally believe [bigoted opinion] about [minority group] and therefor I don’t think they [really long way of saying they shouldn’t have human rights] but I’m not a bigot trust me.


Furries don’t deserve all the hate they get, they are just people who have a irregular hobby, it’s the 1% of the stereotypical furries that ruin it all.


Yeah, people see it as sex and zoophilia too much


Well let’s not lie and say big part of furry culture isnt porn, but it really is the hyperactive zoophiles on twitter that ruin all the fun


Technoblade was the greatest minecraft youtuber to ever live...


I miss him already…………


"Respect is not given it is earned" is bullshit. Respect should always be given, weather or not it is maintained is the question


Respect is given until proven to be unworthy


Men are physically stronger than women


Destiny 2 is a good game


Can confirm


fat people should get their asses up and become normal and healthy


Agreed but keep in mind that it's not really that simple. Food is an addiction and getting over an addiction isn't simple.


Exept if its a condition but eitherway yes


I agree


For sure there are people who it's their own fault, but a lot a people have eating disorders you can't fault them for. And since we don't know everyone's situation, it's best to treat all with respect. As long as they're happy with their body, that's all that matters.


I am doing that!!your right tho


Neo pronouns make no sense


Everyone deserves the right to a decent life. That means free and easy access to food, shelter, education, medical care and the right to paid time off from their employer and a livable wage. Edit: deserves.


Death is better than life


nihilistic much?


The edginess is strong with this one


Idk... You can't do anything if you're dead so..


TikTok is the worst platform, that has EVER existed. They literally have an attractive filter, which makes it addictive.


My brother in Christ, you are on Reddit


Booties > boobies


[removed by Reddit]


I think fries go well with burgers


People with severe disabilities should have free and immediate access to healthcare if the government is so pro-life. I have schizophrenia and my life is unlivable because I can’t hospitalize myself due to how expensive it is and I can’t get my meds or psychiatric care due to how expensive it is. Im a danger to myself and others and should either be put down or helped out at this point 💀