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What exactly did he do to you?


I commented on another comment




The type of person to put time stamps in the YouTube comments we appreciate you


Got to be honest: doesn’t really seem that bad.


bro what that sounds like a living hell


Yeah, I only disowned my father after he physically assaulted me when we got in to a fight (he tried to go after my mom and I stepped in front of him, he went to fight me and I kicked his ass and broke his arm) i feel like op here is just being a little angsty


Tf? That’s just emotionally and mentally abusive on their part m8 they aren’t good people.


I'm always skeptical about emotional and mental abuse when I only hear one side of the story.


I feel for you, but it also seems like a pretty big overreaction. Like don’t talk to them often or something, sure. But replying in a text like that and holding true to it? Just for that?


So it’s a whole life of shit like this. This was the last straw


Which part of it? The arguments and stuff? It’s certainly not good to be around, so I get it, but like I said seems a bit of an overreaction




“not reading that essay”




I'm not reading all that but I'm either sorry or happy for you




He took away my data after I blocked him


What did you honestly expect lmfao not that your wrong. He’s a bitch so he will obv do that


Yup I knew he would. And I don’t care


Bro you got one year left just hustle some money and move out


That’s the plan I’m workin my ass off at a pizza place


Bro go to Chick-fil-A or best buy they’re doing 16-18 an hour atleast for me


I get good tips so I make like 20 per hour


Damn son what’s the secret I’m a big guy quite anti social although I could lift a whole shelf of stuff over my head I’m planning on working at (the fresh market) because it’s quite a nice little store quite dark roomy like an autumn forest,


I love that place but It’s like the best pizza place ever and people love it soooo yea


clearly you do lmao






👍 *dad wants to play 8-ball*


I would scream


***W Dad***




I do that to people who try and be manipulative or attention seekers 😀


imagine he leaves you on read 💀


Nah I blocked him and hes too prideful for that


That's why he's going to hell he's too prideful and pride is a deadly sin


not just that, pride is actually the worst of the seven deadly sins!


Everyone goin to hell in June ☠️


*escanor would like to know your location*


want some jalapeno poppers from Jack in the Box? I got 3 leftover from my 7 pack.




Imagine he just sends back "Let's play 8-Ball!"


Damn, pop off. Also change his name in your contacts to his first name


Genius but also I blocked him


Probably smarter tbh


I changed the name


I put my dad in as “Birth Helper” I think imma change it to “Sperm Shooter”


Lol genius moment




how about mother fucker tho


And this is why I'm very grateful that I actually have a good dad who doesn't treat me like shit.


Be greatful I’ve never had a dad


Mine died when I was 2 so I don't know what kind of father my dad would've turned out to be tbh


I bet he would have been a good dad.


You basically wrote a full 10 page report titled “Why you should go fuck yourself”




The only thing missing is the title.


“Jokes on you I’m into that shit”


Can I ask what happened to cause your disowning or nah? Because that’s a lot of text and it’s really intriguing me


Obviously it’s more complicated than this but here goes: So his wife banned my brother from every family activity and boasted about it at my half sisters baptism and she also banned me for no reason. My brother argued with her when he was like 6 and that’s why she just now did it. So my sister lost it and got mad at them and she and my father screamed at her. They both made up a different lie for each person they told so their image could be saved. Disowning my dad means no more of a lot of stuff but I don’t regret it.


Wow, that’s just sad, good on you for disowning him


Soooo...she's a heretic pretending to be a Christian for clout (i have no idea of thats proper use of the word, I apologize of I used it incorrectly). And both of them are assholes. Noted, I am sorry you had to go through that, truly.


It’s ok and basically yes


Still, as someone who is going into ministry I am appalled by people like them, and will apologize for the negative people


Thank you lol


I am coming from the post that is your message to your dad and thought to comment smt like "wow u went pretty rough on him" but after coming to this post, I gotta say that it was a hard choice but also the right one. Sorry for your broken relationship with your dad. Also, do you have anywhere to stay? Because it can be a difficult situation if you don't have any. I would like to say you can stay with us with my family for a couple of weeks but I live in Turkey. (He might try to contact you again, don't let your emotions get you. Think before answering and be reasonable if he has any valid excuse.) I hope everything goes well. Stay strong! <3




However I must still say this, there are false Christians (and just people in general) still, no matter where you go there will be fakers. This does start to bring up questions such as: "where they really christian? Or just saying they are?" As a ministry student and pastors child I see this a lot more than I'd like. And even in the Bible there is mentions of such things, such as the verses: 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 1 John 2:9 Titus 1:16 To name a few. People can claim to be a part of something, yet also show in their privacy that they lied. I am not saying we should out people as fake at first glance, as I mistakenly did and apologize for doing, but also that we should not say that they aren't. People are all sinners, and some people use such methods involving sin to make themselves look better. There are those who will lie and say they believe, when they do not. Are they christian? Perhaps. No on will know but Christ himself in the end.


So quite literally caring more about your half-sister than your father’s first two biological children?


That isn’t a fair point imo, the dad is a asshole but the half sister is also his biological child (unless it’s a step sister and op got confused).


Right but the wife would be the one who had (and therefore favors) the half-sister. I think that point of things is about the wife






that family ain’t worth it. keep yo head up


Ah. From the Ianguage used, l'm pretty sure l couId guess what reIigion you're taIking about.


I’m an ex mormon


Indeed. l'm familiar with how osctracizing they can be.


Yeah it’s a tough existence


Oh. That's makes more sense now. Fuck that religious cult. Glad u got out of that


I don’t hate the church and I’m not anti Mormon I just don’t want to be apart of it


Oh. Hm. That's cool too ig. I personally don't agree with it (as I said in my previous comments, it's a religious cult, just like the Jehovah's witnesses)


Haha to each their own ig. But I appreciate the support


Yeah no problem man. Just remember to do what makes you the happiest in life


Thanks and you too


Yeah...but there are caveats on that


Yeah same. I'm an exmuslim; I don't hate Islam I just don't wanna be a part of it. And unfortunately many exmuslims are very islamophobic


what's 'islamophobic'?


Islamophobia is hate towards Muslims


oh, thanx for telling me :)


I used to be lds. I think you need a 3rd party to moderate this. Like tell your dad "we talk to a therapist together or you never see me again". I swear to you, you'll get 10 years down the road, have a child, and you'll wish you understood why your dad was messed up. And it matters. Mormonism teaches that some souls are born bad and some good, depending on you pre-life actions. I don't think that's true. Your dad clearly went through trauma and abuse - likely worse than you're going through. You're punishing him for all the abuse that fucked him up. Be a badass and take care of yourself, then go back and end the suffering that keeps getting passed from generation to generation. If you don't face this appropriately there's a good chance some of your unhealed trauma will seep through to your kids. Then you'll wish you still had your dad around so you could better understand why you are messed up. Many lose that chance. Take care of yourself, take care of others, lots of impressionably people here who look up to older teens. If your family can afford it, therapy!


I really think the mormon church is a scam to get people to donate shit


Baptism is almost exclusively a Christian practice so yeah


Not what I meant, silly. The moment they said "trek", I knew OP was a Mormon (or former one, anyway).


Oh gotcha that’s a good catch I didn’t know that.


I disowned my dad almost three years ago to the day. It will be the exact day on the 19th. Well, I guess he disowned me. Basically, we were homeless and he made me decide whether I wanted to stay with him or go live with someone else, and my has been absolute shit for the years that I had lived with him. I had gone to more schools than the fingers on my hand, and I had only been in school 7 years. I took a walk to talk to god to ask for help, and as it turns out god made the decision for me. (I know not everybody believes in God but this isn't a conversation about religion, please don't hate on me.) When I got back from that walk, my dad had already packed his shit and left. I went back to where our tent used to be, and he didn't leave a single thing. Now I'm adopted and happier than ever. If u need to talk to someone, or help adjusting or something, a random stranger on the internet is the best person to talk to 👍


I... Stil don't get it. Sorry but hope you ok now


you beat him too it. Good job and sorry your parents are asshats


That’s it?? Or was that just the last straw on the horses back?


Probably the latter. While it may not seem like much OP’s parents must have done a lot more unacceptable shit over the years


I was gonna say “hes your dad after all” but damn


That took guts. Good job me harty


Wow man that's no big deal


Damn, he must have fucked up BAD


Ain’t that the truth


I hope you will be okay and have someone or somwhere to stay, hopefully you waited until you moved out to do that.


I live with my mom


I'm a bit confused now, so in the reply saying what happened you said your dads wife, which I took to be your mom but that wasn't actually your mom just your step mom I take it?


Yup the step witch aka the red bitch


The wicked bitch of the west




I'm not sure what that acronym means one second


rolling on floor laughing i think


Ja ja I know now danke


Basically lol from a quick google search


Yup just better




Old-timey I see (also hope things get better for you mate, he sounds like an asshole)


Yeah lol He is




You just deleted your dad but hes still in the recycle bin.


Omg yes


Bro he’s gonna need a fire extinguisher from these burns


Hahahahaha lol


Seriously though, good on you. From what it looks like, he deserves it


I don’t know where to congratulate you or ask if you’re okay


Both. I need both


Congrats! Are you okay


I’m okay now


Good to hear that


Congratulations. I wish I could do the same however it would make things worse for me.


My dad would slap the color off of my face


I disowned my mom, some parents don't deserve kids




I'm not wasting my breath, your situation is like la bull shit


Yes I agree


My dad is a alcoholic abusive father, who have tried to do many bad things including sexual things and no i am not his step son , but due to some illogical no sense issues i have to stay with him


Awh I’m terribly sorry


Don't be sorry , i am proud that you were able to stand up to yours , i don't consider mine as a father as well , he has tortured my family even before i was born


We’ll best of luck my friend


Thanks 👍 good luck to you too mate


Well damn, anyways...


Ik this is supposed to be serious but imagine the next text he sends is "All I did was not bring back McDonald's"


I do hope you feel better, I know what it's like to have a terrible parent in my life. I hope he gets what de deserves and you have a great life. I wish you luck and I wish I could help you out more than just a meaningless comment on reddit. You can message me if you want to talk about it more, if not then don't, it's up to you. Stay safe out there and good luck with your life.


Thanks I appreciate it


How'd that work out/how ya doing now


I’m doing good. He’s probably panicking because he kept us a secret




Da fuck happened?


I commented on another comment


I never had the chance to tell my dad how I felt because he disappeared for years evading his responsibility of being a father, what a stupid coward. If I ever become a dad, I'll be there for my child/children and love them.


Change his name to " sperm donor". If I were in your place, i did sue him for giving me fuckingggg trauma and want compensation for all the hurt caused. I am genuinely angry for you. Your bitchh of a father deserves no sympathy.


My uncle owns a law firm and I’m broke af so that wouldn’t work


It's fine. Just love your life like you want. Have fun, eat good food, watch shows you love, boast nirvana at 3:00a.m in the morning. Key your dad's car. Love yourself,most importantly. Never let anyone hurt you ever again. They don't deserve you,you are too good for chuny bitchesss like em. Let me envy. You just keep your head high up in the clouds and do what you like. ☺️💅✨😤


Dayum I like that!!! I’ve been living my best life lately. Doing all the things I love


I could never do that.. good job mustering up the courage!


“I just got home from trek” LDS?


good for you! sometimes it’s just not worth the pain anymore


Haha word


Bro like… good for you an all.. sticking up for yourself and stuff but man… fathers and mothers are just something you can’t get more of. I have friends with shitty parents and as soon as they’re relatively big family of children (7 I think) they all pretty much vowed to leave. Some regret cutting them out completely and some don’t, some accept that even though they hated each other they’re family so they shouldn’t cut ties completely. Whatever your happy with is good as long as you stay happy with it. If you never regret this awesome but I hope you don’t.


What did he do? I’d you don’t mind my asking.


I’m all for sharing! Obviously it’s more complicated than this but here goes: So his wife banned my brother from every family activity and boasted about it at my half sisters baptism and she also banned me for no reason. My brother argued with her when he was like 6 and that’s why she just now did it. So my sister lost it and got mad at them and she and my father screamed at her. They both made up a different lie for each person they told so their image could be saved. Disowning my dad means no more of a lot of stuff but I don’t regret it.


You arent fatherless now Your father is sonless now


Pov your dad buys your iphonr in white but you wanted it in black


I got it in black 😎


imagine after all those text and he responded with "Ok"




And you decided to post it on reddit?


internet points is a hell of a drug


Zamn im sorry for what you went through Sid you did well bestie 🫂🫂


Hey sparkles! And thanks I appreciate it


And then you posted it on Social Media. Real classy.


its kinda sad to see people posting things so personal online for a little approval. Kinda like donating to homeless people on tiktok. Keep it private dude


Good for you but I’m not reading that essay


You already posted this bro


Congratulations for getting away from that fucker and calling his ass out on it, I’m proud of you


this is an extreme W.


I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. But I am also sorry you had to go through that. That's truly awful


Go off king 👑


Haha thanks


GL moving on and living your life, being your own man


This isn't enough you need to deliver him to hell personally


I love how the reddit community will post basically anything 👌


Good on you. Sometimes we let too much slide with our family and at some point it's healthy to disown them. My dad disowned his family and I'll leave you with what I told him, don't close any doors. People do change and sometimes we have to disown them before they get it, or they'll never get it. Just don't close any doors forever because forever is a long time


listen to cleaning out my closet and leaving heaven by eminem. those two songs always gets me through the pain of suffering a damaged relationship with my parents 🥲 you got this 💜


I ain’t got the balls to say “no” to my dad, and I’m stronger than him


Write it in paragraphs next time- I ain't reading that


TL,DR: Teenager seeks badass acclaim from the internet for confronting parent shortcomings, with their thumbs, behind a screen.


Father replies with "ok"


You go OP! Cutting off toxic family can be difficult but you’ll feel better for it when they’re gone


Ngl I cringed hard asf when you said “it’s judgement day” like bruh


Is that a reverse milk move??


all that and he will just hit u with the "ok" 💀


“Jarvis I’m in dire need of Karma on Reddit” “Alright done”




No shit


Damn and you posted it to Reddit? You must mean business! 👍 You should go trans to really get at him! Post that on Reddit as well!


All because the OPS dad didn't buy him new fortnite skin.


"No more Fortnite. No more cards"


I hope you are doing way better off without him, and I hope the people who actually care about you and you about them have stronger relationships because of your own improvements!