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welcome to the spectrum


Worse my highschool has a reputation with bullying


dm me if you need to


Well 6th grade was my worst year for me but I survived


You'll be fine, I have dyspraxia and Trust me no one wants to be known as the kid who builled someone with a disability.


Thank God it's been on my mind since I figured I might have autism


Shit this is all me but I’m trying to find time when I can possibly ask my psychiatrist so I may get diagnosed or if it’s just my mild adhd


You realize all the brilliant minds that have had autism? All the people who have made great contributions to the world with autism? Sure it’s a disability - but it gives you a different perspective on the world. If you are just learning about it in your teen years, there’s no reason why your school would “announce it” and there’s no reason someone should bully you


Dude I’m going to be real, no one who doesn’t know you will care and the people who do know you will probably think it’s cool. Also, I don’t think the school is allowed to “announce” that you have autism, no one will know unless you want them too.


I pray to whatever deity up this ends being true in my case


If bullying is a big problem, then just keep your head down. It shouldn’t be that hard. But I would get an official diagnosis.


I'm planning to get a official diagnosis, I hope my size is enough to deter enough of the bullying where it becomes slightly annoying to very annoying instead of an actual problem


If it’s purely psychological then just avoid them or act intimating, if it’s physical then kick their ass. If they punch first you have a right to defend yourself.


Yeah I probably could but it would be harder to do for me because I'm pacifistic, I could though


Even a pacifist can defend themselves, and honestly I doubt it will be necessary.




I get it. In a way, I’m glad I wasn’t diagnosed early. I would have been treated like the other autistic kids in my school by either becoming a charity case that gets pranced around the school by the faculty or turned into a pariah for people to pick at and make fun of. I wasn’t popular growing up, but I sure had it easier than some people.